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Walton to export refrigerators, ACs to India

2018 figure as confirmed by every country in the world is outdated? LOL.

157,000 USD must buy lot of burnol for you swamp failures lol.

No one gives a flying crap about "media" farticles from a country that can stage a 95% election win and has a 3 million rona drona going on since its creation by its superiors.

The same "media" that back in 2015 said walton export to Thailand and repeats all kind of claims again in 2017:


Heck back in 2010, this was the promise:


Again simply check for yourself: https://www.trademap.org/Index.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1


2018 is "outdated" :rofl:

This is what you can expect from cheap "worse than haitians" who can scrounge up just 2 dollars per capita for investment outside their borders. UNCTAD doesnt even record for your superiors that far back to find a similar level (probably have to go back to 60s when same level of energy per capita was consumed).

So please, you and biman babu can post as many articles from BAL "media" you want to. Nothing actually registers in reality where it matters as usual. 3 million lying complex is ingrained in you lot.
Whatever your data say, India will have to depend upon BD for supplying Hilsha fish and hundreds of items of electrical/electronics goods from now on causing acute unemployment in India.
Whatever your data say, India will have to depend upon BD for supplying Hilsha fish and hundreds of items of electrical/electronics goods from now on causing acute unemployment in India.

Yes whatever the facts say (every country in the world physically reporting what they import from BD), the submerged swamp emotions must prevail lol...even if Bangladesh itself reports import 11 million worth of refrigerators from India in 2018 (and zero in reverse).

All because media farts some words like BAL farts a 95% seat win....everyone can decide how credible such a banana republic basket case is. Or maybe it should be hilsa republic chaddi case?

It is not "my" data....it is the world's data. Just like US and UK census data showing how BD ppl do there in the end. But you can always deny and substitute with your own CGI taka tea feelings like the noakhali bangla-ABC friend of yours. In the end it provides a good humour, like that needle factory episode you had for some months.
Whatever your data say, India will have to depend upon BD for supplying Hilsha fish and hundreds of items of electrical/electronics goods from now on causing acute unemployment in India.

Unemployment in India due to BD... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:... :rofl::rofl::rofl:omg:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:... Trade between BD and India ... oddly favours India. Just both countries working to Control trade gap... lolz... good smokes you have there...
The year 2010 is a very old link. Please know that Indian consumers are very happy to see our internationally recognized products in their low-quality hinterland.

walton what???? lolz first look at that company profile before you even compare... it is very tiny company ....:rofl::cheers::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheers:... i like such kind of jokes made my day... walton is good joke of the day.... stands no chance in India... we don't prefer low energy efficient products..
walton what???? lolz first look at that company profile before you even compare... it is very tiny company ....:rofl::cheers::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheers:... i like such kind of jokes made my day... walton is good joke of the day.... stands no chance in India... we don't prefer low energy efficient products..
:argh::argh::argh::argh::mod::mod::mod::mod::pop::pop::pop::pop::big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:. Walton is a great company. Its products have been tested by Hyundai and Reliance for marketing in India. Its products have already reached Europe, Indonesia, and African countries Buy some Walton stock that will make you doubly rich you in three years.
:argh::argh::argh::argh::mod::mod::mod::mod::pop::pop::pop::pop::big_boss::big_boss::big_boss:. Walton is a great company. Its products have been tested by Hyundai and Reliance for marketing in India. Its products have already reached Europe, Indonesia, and African countries Buy some Walton stock that will make you doubly rich you in three years.


does BD have stock market??? lolz....don't compare small company to others.. good joke... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


enjoy with your tiny company..we have more number of options...

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mean and nasty injuns, first they split them from Pakistan, strip them of everything of material value and and cart it off to bharat. then enslave them and cage them in a big open-air razor wire prison. now won't even permit them a little bit of relief, by fantasizing here on PDF people can escape from the miseries of their real lives for short periods.

cruelty thy name is bharat!
The year 2010 is a very old link. Please know that Indian consumers are very happy to see our internationally recognized products in their low-quality hinterland.

I posted the 2010 article simply to show what was promised back then, and what is delivered in 2018 (a full 8 years later)....or is a (total to world, forget to just US) 150,000 USD export level stronk success?

Similarly your crappy "media" keeps doing the same now lol. You have this much trust in them like chotolok tea prices!
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