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Walton to export refrigerators, ACs to India

It's just low base effect. I mean with the huge deficit over time BD has run with india (even just sticking to goods alone, forget service trade)...there has to be some pent up reverse force from the weakening effect this has on BD liquidity pressure.

I mean just look at comtrade:

View attachment 577013

Thats like average of 9% growth for India-->BD on a base 10+ times higher. This basically resulted in last 4 year period seeing an absolute increase of 2.5 billion USD for India ----> BD compared to increase of 370 million in other direction....i.e the absolute difference increased 2.2 billion in India's favour (of already huge disparity in trade).

So you can quote whatever low base effect you want to (and you can see wild negative swings in opposite direction in certain years for BD due to same low base effect), doesn't really matter given the longer term trend and magnitude of disparity.

Heck you can go to earlier years and see as far back as 2006...India was exporting roughly same disparity it imported ratio wise (8 - 10 times) w.r.t BD:

View attachment 577014

But the actual surplus was just 1.4 billion back then given the levels.....now its nearly 8 billion USD. Add services (huge one way direction of tourism, medical services etc)...even more billions get added to India's favour.

This all illustrates what a low base effect is and why its dumb to quote a country suffering from that (and also terrible export diversity) in just one year.

You are just an non-competitive country, period. To do anything structurally to change that, you not only need to attract far more FDI than you do, you also need to invest outside your country at far greater rate than you do.

The fact Vietnam in most recent year invested 600 million outside its borders, whereas Bangladesh TOTAL investment stock (i.e over all years) is just 300 million (and lately decreased from previous year) and in the most recent year just scrounges up 23 million to invest outside....shows you guys are really behind where it matters in structurally changing anything.



So forget about comparing with countries like India and Indonesia that have magnitudes more in these actual structural levers and volumes that matter.

Thus you have reality like 1000 USD exports of refrigerators to indonesia (and 150k to world at large) to celebrate and it simply not going to change much at all. But I guess you can make some repetitive farticle each month on cue as you want to....to add to growing list from years past of naming some "pick from a hat" countries/destinations but never the realised amounts you actually achieved in the end.

@Marine Rouge

Where do you find the time for this kinda unnecessarily long posts? I mean don't you have anything better to do? Makes you look obsessed. Just saying.
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Where do you find the time for this kinda unnecessarily long posts? I mean don't you have anything better to do? Makes you look obsessed. Just saying.

you should read other members posts first.... trying to look big which you are not.... then talk about him...we are just getting some entertainment in this thread.... members tend to compare themselves with Germany, UK... trying to say that they have super hi tech industry...
And BTW, we have internal checks where manufacturers can't just lie and get away with it. Don't know how it works in Bangladesh.

Being in India and having Indians involved, I really have a hard time believing this about 'honesty' and 'quality control' of products made in India. Everything is more or less dhokeybaaji, second or third-rate cheatery etc. etc. I am too tired to repeat. Electrical items are mainly made of 'pot-metal' which are as sturdy as your fine china-ware.

For the uninitiated, the reason for third-rate Indian products is unfettered kanjoosi of the avg. Indian consumer and their avg. crazy expectations of gettin' somethin' for nutthin'....the Indian 'manufacturers' gladly comply with third rate products. Price-wise in India, it is always a race to the bottom and avg. Indian consumer does not understand quality. The well-heeled opt for better quality 'phoren' items, to which we can now add Made in Bangladesh products.

We in Bangladesh are sufferers of consuming these third-rate Indian products for the better part of three plus decades. So lying about it to us won't work.

One hilarious example is cheap 'Parle-G' cookies which is barely fit for human consumption, i.e. even for rickshaw-pullers. If you serve Parle-G to your guests, rest assured they will never visit your house again. Same rings true for a lot of other Indian garbage...

Now come tell me Indian product quality is better than China. I'd say products made in Pakistan have more honesty in their quality than anything made in India. Don't even bring up Bangladesh....:disagree:
you should read other members posts first.... trying to look big which you are not.... then talk about him...we are just getting some entertainment in this thread.... members tend to compare themselves with Germany, UK... trying to say that they have super hi tech industry...

Certainly Bangladesh isn't a big compared to India. We are no Germany or UK.But compared to the other countries of the region, we are doing decent enough Alhamdulillah.No member here claimed that we have super hi tech industry.In fact, we're far behind compared to many other countries.But we're getting there.Slowly but certainly Insha'Allah.Walton gaining confidence of international brands like Hyundai, Amazon attests to that.
you posted LED bulbs video ??? as well... lolz... trolling us, that is just looney toon thing.... EER rating comes after multiple quality checks.... they don't just stamp... you guys just have one brand walton... but we have multiple options.... don't be silly to compare such small company to tech giants...

To encourage local assembly, the government has slashed customs duty for mobile parts by 24 percentage points to 1 percent in the current budget. Walton has also received permission from the regulator to assemble 51,000 3G-enabled smartphones in three models and has imported equipment for the sets, said a senior executive of the company.

Uday Hakim, a director of Walton, said the group has a full-fledged industrial park in Gazipur so it will not need to make a huge investment. However, the company has set aside Tk 100 crore for handset assembling.


from scratch ??? atleast check that company profile before you talk... yes it is very tiny company comparing other Companies.... it's turnover and market size is very small.... just stop acting weird... .

Go ahead and post where in India they make cellphone motherboards from scratch using SMD component pick-and-place machines (each one of which costs several crores of takas/rupees). To my knowledge such things are absent in India. Your cellphone brands mostly import Chinese motherboards, lcd displays and slap Indian brand covers on them (which is also done in Bangladesh).

If you don't know what the heck you are discussing, it is better to shut up.
Certainly Bangladesh isn't a big compared to India. We are no Germany or UK.But compared to the other countries of the region, we are doing decent enough Alhamdulillah.No member here claimed that we have super hi tech industry.In fact, we're far behind compared to many other countries.But we're getting there.Slowly but certainly Insha'Allah.Walton gaining confidence of international brands like Hyundai, Amazon attests to that.


So it will be Hyundai brand..

But Indians have hard time buying Parle-G these days... Could they afford Walton?

just an example??? look rich coming from Topcat :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

South Korean electronics and consumer durables company Hyundai Electronics is eyeing almost Rs 600 crore in revenues in FY20.

A division of South Korea-based Hyundai Corporation, the company has forayed into the fast growing Indian consumer electronics segment, which is pegged at more than Rs 60,000 crore and growing in double digits.

“We are targetting a turnover of Rs 575-600 crore during the 12 months period of the coming fiscal,” Hyundai Electronics COO Abhishek Malpani told Business Standard here today.


hyundai may have hard time competing such competitive market like India.... are you aware what is an OEM???

What amazon attests?? :o::o::o::o::o:

Go ahead and post where in India they make cellphone motherboards from scratch using SMD component pick-and-place machines (each one of which costs several crores of takas/rupees). To my knowledge such things are absent in India. Your cellphone brands mostly import Chinese motherboards, lcd displays and slap Indian brand covers on them (which is also done in Bangladesh).

If you don't know what the heck you are discussing, it is better to shut up.

why you are changing goal posts... building something from scratch is different from assembling... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: manufacturing motherboards??? come again... well i know what am talking but may be you don't know...:rofl:
Being in India and having Indians involved, I really have a hard time believing this about 'honesty' and 'quality control' of products made in India. Everything is more or less dhokeybaaji, second or third-rate cheatery etc. etc. I am too tired to repeat. Electrical items are mainly made of 'pot-metal' which are as sturdy as your fine china-ware.

For the uninitiated, the reason for third-rate Indian products is unfettered kanjoosi of the avg. Indian consumer and their avg. crazy expectations of gettin' somethin' for nutthin'....the Indian 'manufacturers' gladly comply with third rate products. Price-wise in India, it is always a race to the bottom and avg. Indian consumer does not understand quality. The well-heeled opt for better quality 'phoren' items, to which we can now add Made in Bangladesh products.

We in Bangladesh are sufferers of consuming these third-rate Indian products for the better part of three plus decades. So lying about it to us won't work.

One hilarious example is cheap 'Parle-G' cookies which is barely fit for human consumption, i.e. even for rickshaw-pullers. If you serve Parle-G to your guests, rest assured they will never visit your house again. Same rings true for a lot of other Indian garbage...

Now come tell me Indian product quality is better than China. I'd say products made in Pakistan have more honesty in their quality than anything made in India. Don't even bring up Bangladesh....:disagree:
Visit here, post no 40.
I already busted ur fantasy about BD airports being better than Indian ones.
Now you come up with this, why don't you just read before posting here man?
How many such fantasies do you have?
Or you are just attention seeker?
What amazon attests?? :o::o::o::o::o:


Do you think Amazon would have inked a deal if Walton offered substandard products?

By no means Bangladesh is a tech powehouse.But we have started the uphill climb.Maybe these deals don't seem like much to many here. But they're a start.And by the grace of the Almighty, they can be the stepping stone to achieve something much greater.The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

Do you think Amazon would have inked a deal if Walton offered substandard products?

By no means Bangladesh is a tech powehouse.But we have started the uphill climb.Maybe these deals don't seem like much to many here. But they're a start.And by the grace of the Almighty, they can be the stepping stone to achieve something much greater.The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

That's fine, anyone can sell their products in Amazon.. I have intention to start comparison... but silly members started by comparing... loony toons don't bother to do little research on whatsoever they are claiming... Assuming Walton hitech super rich Industry is just lunatic... Indian consumer market is huge.... We welcome any business with neighbors.... small industries is unlikely to survive In India due tough competition and better EER rating with competitive price... Walton merely assembling 3g mobiles may be some 4g .... We don't have 3g Mobiles anymore... we are running towards 5g tech... reliance rolling out high speed fibre network.... offering from 100mbps to 1gbps...
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Where do you find the time for this kinda unnecessarily long posts? I mean don't you have anything better to do? Makes you look obsessed. Just saying.

It literally takes cpl minutes given its just repeating facts (long posted and established multiple times) to same group of illiterate BD ppl who keep tagging and obviously subconciously want a reminder of brazen reality.

No accounting for the time it would take for a "does worse than haitian" kind of person though. Maybe it would seem like it takes hours for such people.
It literally takes cpl minutes given its just repeating facts (long posted and established multiple times) to same group of illiterate BD ppl who keep tagging and obviously subconciously want a reminder of brazen reality.

No accounting for the time it would take for a "does worse than haitian" kind of person though. Maybe it would seem like it takes hours for such people.

Don't take the bait.
Visit here, post no 40.
I already busted ur fantasy about BD airports being better than Indian ones.
Now you come up with this, why don't you just read before posting here man?
How many such fantasies do you have?
Or you are just attention seeker?

Stop derailing the thread - you will be reported. Stay on topic.

just an example??? look rich coming from Topcat :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

South Korean electronics and consumer durables company Hyundai Electronics is eyeing almost Rs 600 crore in revenues in FY20.

A division of South Korea-based Hyundai Corporation, the company has forayed into the fast growing Indian consumer electronics segment, which is pegged at more than Rs 60,000 crore and growing in double digits.

“We are targetting a turnover of Rs 575-600 crore during the 12 months period of the coming fiscal,” Hyundai Electronics COO Abhishek Malpani told Business Standard here today.


hyundai may have hard time competing such competitive market like India.... are you aware what is an OEM???

What amazon attests?? :o::o::o::o::o:

why you are changing goal posts... building something from scratch is different from assembling... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: manufacturing motherboards??? come again... well i know what am talking but may be you don't know...:rofl:

I don't want to argue with some ignorant moron. You are dumber than a second coat of paint and also proud of it. You need two more generations of evolution to argue with everyone else here. You have been ignored - waste of my time. :lol:
Studying in a Shakha swarming with class-four semi-educated lower-class folks - one cannot have ANY brain-cells to take ANY bait. Laughable.

Walking around with third rate polyester pants and tattered flip-flops and consuming Parle-G every day. And now, connecting to PDF using a cheap-@$$ Indian cellphone and arguing with folks having ten times their earning level. Cheap Sanghi f*cks...

You gotta know some details on what-the-f*ck everyone in this thread is talking about. Tell your Sanghis not to waste time here if they cannot argue with reason or stay on topic. Smelling up every thread like the low class cockroaches they are...

Last year, Walton Group's annual turnover came to about Tk 3,500 crore.


One of the oldest biscuit-makers Parle Biscuits Private Ltd has reported a 7 per cent revenue growth at ₹8,487 crore during the financial year 2017-18 against ₹7,922 crore the previous fiscal, as per the company’s latest financial filings with the Registrar of Companies.


i don't understand your obsession with Parle... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: they have more than 2.5 times revenue than your tiny walton.... getting personal insults ???

Stop derailing the thread - you will be reported. Stay on topic.

I don't want to argue with some ignorant moron. You are dumber than a second coat of paint and also proud of it. You need two more generations of evolution to argue with everyone else here. You have been ignored - waste of my time. :lol:

when you don't have valid point backing up your claims... you will lose your patience and get into personal insults...
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