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Watching the special broadcast of beating retreat at Wagah.

Can't help asking. Am I the only one who finds it cringeworthily embarrassing?

The whole thing. Eyes flashing, nostrils flaring etc.
This is the most idiotic ceremony anywhere in the world. Man, this is beyond funny! Both sides resemble morons on an ego trip. This farce must be stopped immediately. It has nothing to do with drill and the sanctity of Beating the Retreat. In fact it's an insult to the national flag.
I dont know y this cereimonial march has started.
In my personal opinion this is a good replacment for circus..(which in india are becoming rare as dodo's)

Entertainment purpose :bunny:
Logic.. dont mind.
got any butter left, for breakfast ?... :)

Why? You've been watching Last Tango in Paris?

Just answering a question.

And you are the drama expert :D so I will defer to you sniffing something in the air early here.

Errrm, not something in the air.

May I recommend King Solomon's Ring as required reading to understand some of our members' behaviour?

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