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Voting starts: Good luck Turkish brothers in choosing your future leader

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You all are debating in different direction but any idea who will win?
And Muharrem İnce IS a strong politician

He is a physics teacher

He is polling at about 30% of votes

Whats his platform?

The anti erdogans are swarming like flies around shit, but whats your policies and plans?

You can be blinded by anti erdogan hate but you have to admit the alternative politicians in Turkey outside vague promises and declarations of secular love have very weak policies and platforms

No vision for a future

No outright voting lead above 30% meaning a turkey heading towards disparate alliances

All the while Europe is having nut ball ring winger after nut ball right winger pop up

In a time of plots and machinations whays a secular physics teacher going to do?
you must have worked with some RSS hindu boss :D.

I have heard a (so called) secular hindu telling westerner that ''all Muslims are terrorists''.
Are you saying he was boss of RSS?
Well chp is working with pkk, whats wrong if akp is asking for voters from kurds? a little bit dignity please.
It's islamic brotherhood of akp with kurds. Your padisah and you were signing kurdish Megri Megri songs, while founding amnesty for bloody pkk terorists.
What is CHP doing with Kurds? Nothing CHP never allowed any pkk terorist to Turkey.
Vice versa Great General the second president of Turkey , Ismet Inonu , slaughtered all seperatist kurds untill 1950.
You want us to support politicians who hate us and Muslims around the world?

Turkey is a important country for Pakistan regardless of who leads we will have a strong connection

But you have a number of far right clowns emerging in Europe from orban to kurtz and you need a strong Turkish leader
We need a strong Turkish leader

Yet apart from Erdogan look at the other clowns, they are useless, what are their comprehensive plans or outlook for Turkey?

They are running on a 'we are not erdogan' platform its not enough

In a hostile world voting for these idiots would be suicide
Nobody is hating you. All you see of Erdogan is how he bark. You don't see the corruption, the enemy behavior to the Turkishness, to the army, to the secularism. You are free to implement Shariah in Pakistan. Turkey is a secular country. The modern Islamism is nothing but licking somebody's balls, preaching backwardness, free for terrorist interpretations, a reason for the Muslim world to be at that point now. Thanks to the modern political Islam the West and the East are f***ing us from every hole they can get. Because of Erdogan we as the Turkish nation lost brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, friends and relatives to a cowardly terrorist organization that can be destroyed in two weeks. If you want we can send him to you. So he can bark all around from Pakistan while doing nothing and you as Pakistani can be honored by a man shouting "Israel is a terrorists state" while his family and himself are doing business with Israel and Turkey as a state doing the same. Please restrain to comment issues that you have no knowledge in. After Erdogan we can send you all the Syrians and the Afghans to so they could help your country turn to Gypsistan faster. He can read Quran all day long in your mosques while he steals from your country to buy ships of his children that are doing business between Pakistan and Israel.
It's islamic brotherhood of akp with kurds. Your padisah and you were signing kurdish Megri Megri songs, while founding amnesty for bloody pkk terorists.
What is CHP doing with Kurds? Nothing CHP never allowed any pkk terorist to Turkey.
Vice versa Great General the second president of Turkey , Ismet Inonu , slaughtered all seperatist kurds untill 1950.
Actually, this is wrong. Please check your facts. The Kemalist ideology was the main reason why PKK was born in the first place.
Guuys do you know about univercity degree of Erdo??:)))) You had better keep silence. Because He hasnt been able to prove his educational situation whether he got bachelor degree:)
Actually, this is wrong. Please check your facts. The Kemalist ideology was the main reason why PKK was born in the first place.
:))) R U realll? You live in some fantasies far from world.
Why Kurds hate CHP? Inonu conducted harsh kurd policy with zero tolerance. Still kurds are blaming Goverment didnt allow speaking kurdish , goverment tortured them!!
Who might have tortured them?
İsmet İnönü himself enforced kurds mass deportation from Tunceli and from alot of cities.

He was trying to assimilate and he thrived this.

Today in Aydın, Yozgat, Konya alot of assimilated deported by İnönü kurds live.
You all have to appreciate Ismet Pasha!
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