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Voting- result of India China clash

What will be the result of the present India China clash ?

  • Full scale serious war with India winning

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Full scale serious war with China winning

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Limited border clash in ladakh with China winning

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Limited border clash in ladakh with India winning

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No escalation, present situation continues for years

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Withdrawal by China to june LAC position

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 29, 2020
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Voters should comment while voting so that we can revisit this poll after events have unfolded.
We can then check who the actual experts are.
"No escalation, present situation continues for years"
Neither China nor India has the intention to start a war for this tiny stupid wasteland.

But the tiny risk is always there for a limited border clash if Indian nationalism keep roasting their government, "border incident" will happen from Indian army at some boiling point.
Limited border clash, with India winning. The world knows that the Chinese are cowards.
Limited border clash, with India winning. The world knows that the Chinese are cowards.
LOL, Which world, China beat US and USSR even when China was very poor, as for beating India in 1962, very few people even know it in China, cause India is not a worth enemy, a victory over India is not worth mentioning.
LOL, Which world, China beat US and USSR even when China was very poor, as for beating India in 1962, very few people even know it in China, cause India is not a worth enemy, a victory over India is not worth mentioning.
PLA thought the same. Then they got bloody nose. CCP is making you fool. You just set your VPN again n again to communicate the outer world.
Modi just played the brinkmanship game to divert domestic attention from his pandemic mishandling.

Modi knew very well that India Army is a lame duck as always. So he will play the game, but China won't give him points. Instead, China kicked BJP/Modi's a$$ so hard, Modi dare NOT to admit loss of land.

So I guess BJP/Modi will pay more attention next time, it hurts.

BUT BUT BUT, what about the pandemic mishandling? Modi need the brinkmanship game going, otherwise he may lose popular support.

I believe there will be a clash later on. And China will kick BJP/Modi's a$$ harder next time.

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