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Visually Impaired Pakistan Female UN Representative UNCLOTHES India in Braille at UN! Must Watch!!!

pakistan have same stance as you said . azad kashmir have own assembly prime minister and president . indians dont want you to know it .

it has 53 member own national assembly . check out azad kashmir was democracy even when pakistan was under military rule

we have no issue if they want to be free country .
I am amazed how Sanghis have polluted the comment section.

Goes to show that they are deeply hurt.

Any ways Pakistan will continue to expose India at every front, will tarnish the fake soft image, Expose hindutva ideology like Imran Khan did.

Due to Pakistan's continuous campaign India has been exposed and is rightly known as the Mother of terrorism in South Asia.
pakistan have same stance as you said . azad kashmir have own assembly prime minister and president . indians dont want you to know it .

it has 53 member own national assembly . check out azad kashmir was democracy even when pakistan was under military rule

we have no issue if they want to be free country .
Wow. This is good. Didn’t know about this at all. I thought alas kashmir just meant kashmir under Pakistan control. Good to know Pakistan considers it a seperate country
Wow. This is good. Didn’t know about this at all. I thought alas kashmir just meant kashmir under Pakistan control. Good to know Pakistan considers it a seperate country
and FYI paksitanis are not allowed to buy land in azad kashmir . so there will be no demography changed.
Anyone who doesn't have a state subject certificate ( a documentary evidence of permanent residence in Kashmir and Pakistanis can't have this) isn't legally allowed to buy land in Azad Kashmir.

Blind in Eye but Bright in Sight Pakistan Female UN Representative Exposes India in Braille! Must Watch!!!

A most eloquent and brutally truthful unclothing of RSS-Fascist-Hidutva-India at UN after IK speech at UNGA

Amazing person and representative. May Allah grant her good health and prosperity.

Finally we are seeing words written by Patriots here on PDF being spoken at UN by Pakistani state. Expose and humiliate these scum terrorists fascists Indians at every opportunity!
I don't agree with her scripted statements (not her fault), but I do admire her dedication and hard work to reach to this level having such a major disability.

I thought she was replying to the Indian representative who had made statements against PM Khan. It's a reply which is usually scripted and she's obviously reading braille. Diplomatic statements made on a public forum are usually scripted and it's not different than any other diplomat.

Blind in Eye but Bright in Sight Pakistan Female UN Representative Exposes India in Braille! Must Watch!!!

A most eloquent and brutally truthful unclothing of RSS-Fascist-Hidutva-India at UN after IK speech at UNGA
Superstar!!!! What an impressive lady MA.

Saima Saleem hits back at India, makes Pakistan proud

In hard-hitting statements, Saima Saleem, Pakistan's delegate at UNGA, responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner. She debased all claims by highlighting India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism.

Pakistan’s delegate at the United Nations (UN) is gaining mass traction on social media for her strong response to India. Visually impaired Saima Saleem made Pakistan proud for hitting back at India.

At the 76th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, Saima responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner.

While exercising the right of reply to PM Khan’s statement, Indian delegate, Sneha Dubey, made sweeping allegations about Pakistan’s involvement in terrorism.

Reacting to the Indian claim, Saima Saleem, said, “India remains in occupation of an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final disposition needs to be decided in accordance with the democratic principle of a free and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices, as provided for under numerous resolutions of the Security Council.”

India regurgitates stale arguments: Saima Saleem

In a hard-hitting statement, Saima Saleem said India’s use of the canard of terrorism, regurgitating stale arguments is typical of all occupiers.

She then went on to highlight India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism. Firstly, India resorted to “state terrorism” to suppress the people of Indian Illegally Occupied in Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Secondly, India funded and supported terrorist organizations like the TTP which conducts numerous cross-border terrorist attacks against Pakistan. In this regard, Saima Saleem recalled the Doval doctrine.

Thirdly, India financed and organized mercenary terrorist organizations against Pakistan to impede the economic growth and prosperity of the region. For this, she cited the capture of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav.

Lastly, India’s supremacist ideology mainstreamed Islamophobia and bigotry against minorities, particularly Muslims.

However, Saima Saleem did not stop here. She further stated that Indian atrocities in IIOJK are well documented by credible international organizations, including the UN High Commission on Human Rights.

“If India has nothing to hide, it must accept a UN Commission of Inquiry and agree to implement the Security Council resolutions stipulating a plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination,” the Pakistani delegate added.

As a result of her strong words, Saima Saleem made the nation proud.

🇵🇰 Pakistan - First Right of Reply, United Nations General Debate, 76th Session | #UNGA


Saima Saleem hits back at India, makes Pakistan proud

In hard-hitting statements, Saima Saleem, Pakistan's delegate at UNGA, responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner. She debased all claims by highlighting India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism.

Pakistan’s delegate at the United Nations (UN) is gaining mass traction on social media for her strong response to India. Visually impaired Saima Saleem made Pakistan proud for hitting back at India.

At the 76th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, Saima responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner.

While exercising the right of reply to PM Khan’s statement, Indian delegate, Sneha Dubey, made sweeping allegations about Pakistan’s involvement in terrorism.

Reacting to the Indian claim, Saima Saleem, said, “India remains in occupation of an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final disposition needs to be decided in accordance with the democratic principle of a free and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices, as provided for under numerous resolutions of the Security Council.”

India regurgitates stale arguments: Saima Saleem

In a hard-hitting statement, Saima Saleem said India’s use of the canard of terrorism, regurgitating stale arguments is typical of all occupiers.

She then went on to highlight India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism. Firstly, India resorted to “state terrorism” to suppress the people of Indian Illegally Occupied in Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Secondly, India funded and supported terrorist organizations like the TTP which conducts numerous cross-border terrorist attacks against Pakistan. In this regard, Saima Saleem recalled the Doval doctrine.

Thirdly, India financed and organized mercenary terrorist organizations against Pakistan to impede the economic growth and prosperity of the region. For this, she cited the capture of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav.

Lastly, India’s supremacist ideology mainstreamed Islamophobia and bigotry against minorities, particularly Muslims.

However, Saima Saleem did not stop here. She further stated that Indian atrocities in IIOJK are well documented by credible international organizations, including the UN High Commission on Human Rights.

“If India has nothing to hide, it must accept a UN Commission of Inquiry and agree to implement the Security Council resolutions stipulating a plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination,” the Pakistani delegate added.

As a result of her strong words, Saima Saleem made the nation proud.

🇵🇰 Pakistan - First Right of Reply, United Nations General Debate, 76th Session | #UNGA

Long live Pakistan!
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