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Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

I thought dalits, naxalites, hungry masses, NE insurgents etc. etc. etc. are the main stumbling blocks for India to be a 'super-power of a sort'---in order to face China.

Now I see that some of them have to learn 'language' also. PDF has just discovered the 'Champion foul-mouth' of this forum---from India ofcourse. .....From where else ? The Gutteral languistic personality from the land of gutters.

Imran, to whatever degree you have allowed yourself in PDF, it requires dis-infectant & then air-freshener before you are replied further.

I appreciate your humanitarian efforts. But as you probably understand that you are responding to posters that are incapable to communicate in a forum. You will get tired of dealing with these creatures crawling out of the woodworks. These folks get banned all the time, then more come out.

You will see posters like these come and go. These folks failed to understand the topic of the thread. If a war breaks out between India and China, whether BD likes it or not, it will be hugely effected negatively. This simple understanding is incomprehensible to these posters.

I wish you lots of luck !!

Is you history alongwith geography and politics so weak that you end up making a fool out of yourself all the time ? I guess your thinking power is in direct proportion to your mentality, cheap and low. Who care if they are irritated. Do China cares if Vietnam, Japan, India, S.Korea, Russia, US, Taiwan, Singapore are irritated? Do you care if India and Burma are irritated ? Do Pakistan care if India, Afghanistan and Iran, sorry, actually the whole world is irritated ? NO

Call it fascism, hegemony, bullying...i don't care, your 2 x 2 nation can neither have same global clout nor can we have equal relationship just because you are a banana republic and have no say in global geo-politics. Sorry about that but reality is not only India but all world super power will treat you as such..... keep you giving aid and 5 min broadcast of plight of your poors just before weather news.

Very... infact ....welcoming move. We will gladly wait for you to get in bed with China and in the process get out of US bed. Expect sanctions, cessation of aid and equipments. Consider India giving free hand to Mossad in BD which was controlled by India when we arrested their agents in kolkata airport destined for BD.

Communist China's rise as modest ?? ...You need to get out of ruppe news cheap stuff and have some exposure of International news. True as some Indian member said, China is next to your god :lol:

Whoa dude got some serious inferior complex. Its just a forum. The Chinese are not knocking on your door, again.

India is the largest producer of Bananas. Guess what ? That makes you the undisputed Banana Republic of the world. Its a fact, can't change it.

Why don't you turn your fury onto the Maoists, that might save the paramilitary boys from getting slaughtered. Take a look at their weapon,

In case you don''t recognize it, its a crude rocket. See what you are fighting ? At a boy, you can do it.
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Don't talk like that--if you are a Muslim. Sahabas embraced Islam,--but Islam never said that they had been carrying still mushriq blood. Bangladeshis are overwhelming Muslims--descendants of forefathers who mostly belonged to other religions, and you know that.

But from your comment---which implies dis-respect to fellow Muslims, and if extra-polated, even to sahabas---it definitely appear that your blood should be subjected in accordance to your own view. May be you and your likes are the roots of all problems Pakistan faced in the past, and is facing now.

In case you are not a Muslim, you are fully pardoned.

Would you now care to revert to the topic ?

Mods: Does so respectable forum as PDF entertains such lowly derogatory comments---that too from a Senior Member ?

Salam Sir
Wanted to stay away from bd section for a while but felt like to defend patriot since I know how he feel about Bangladeshi Muslims.

Patriot is not a bad person per say. He just pissed off about Bangladesh's pro-bharati attitude now a days. He likes to see bd forget about 71 and joint Pakistan hand against bhratis aggression in SA. A Muslim can expect from another Muslim nation. I too some time call some Bangladeshis( you probably can guess it) with similar name out of frustration. :angry:

Sorry for off topic post.:D
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You think if there is any certain plan of attacking India,The Chinese will deliver arms after the war starts?Isn't that naive to think so?
That is naïve, but that’s how you are making it sound like.

The delivery process will be initiated when the situation is peaceful and there are holes in the border.It may be for years before the Chinese launch the attack.So that these guys can assist when the war starts.
Nonsense. Why would China want to instigate NE rebels when there is peace and no political reason to destabilize India. It’s China we are talking, not Pakistan. Remember, no war is sudden. There is always a prior build up to it.

Why do you think Indian Govt. is so anxious to crush these rebels?Apart from their regular terrorism,they are also a security threat to India when considered that way.
Jeeze. That’s a toughie. Now why would a govt. want to ‘crush’ a rebellion within its political boundary?
No you are wrong.Do not assume about me when you are replying to me.Even if you said,Chinese are next to Ma Durga...it would be as nasty as you did earlier.

Sheta thokhon o bikrito ruchir e porichoy dito.
Trying to ride the high horse here, aren’t we?
They don't have to sweep AP.At least not one wing.A wing dedicated to capturing Chicken's neck,while the other one or more wings go on to protect the first wing to achieve the primary objective.

And regarding surprise element,off course the surprise factor will wash away.But initial attack which is likely to be in the form of missiles and air strikes,will aid the wing.
In order to capture or block chicken neck, the Chinese will have to fight on the plains. As long as the fighting is in the mountains there will be some parity between the two forces, because none will be able to use heavy armour and both can fight under artillery/MLRS cover. But the moment the Chinese come down to the plains, the Chinese will be severely disadvantaged. The Chinese can’t cross the mountains with their heavy toys and IA will then have the advantage of using heavy armour and can effectively stay under artillery/MLRS cover. China will also be completely out of range of their artillery/MLRS. It will be suicidal for China. They would desperately need air cover.

Now the question, is can PLAAF give the Chinese thrust adequate air cover while still fighting to establish air superiority. If your hypothetical Chinese invasion takes place in distant future, it will be difficult for PLAAF to establish air dominance, let alone superiority, with a bunch of Su-30s, MRCAs and FGFAs around. If it is in recent future, then air dominance over AP is possible, but not over the chicken’s neck.

The bottom line is that the Chinese can’t possibly cut off the chicken’s neck, without adequate artillery/MLRS/air cover. And so they first need to consolidate their positions in AP. But then, if they have already consolidated in AP why would they want to cut off the chicken’s neck.

Personally I feel the best way to choke the chicken neck is by capturing Sikkim. Then, the Chinese artillery can comfortably block the neck without being physically present in the region. The question then is, is cutting off the chicken’s neck an absolute necessity for the PLA to achieve their goal of taking over Tawang. Hardly so.
I never said that they will capture Siliguri corridor in a surprise attack.It can't be possible unless Bangladesh collaborates with them and launch a simultaneous attack and hold the line until Chinese troops arrive.But it is absurd to think that Bangladesh will play that role considering our military strength and the serious threat we will be from Indian missiles.
Glad you figured something out without being spoon fed.
Here Chinese have the power of numbers.And that will count when attacked simultaneously.So one or two missiles shot down by Indian Prithvi or AAD missiles will probably be calculated by Chinese Generals.

And in the end,no plan is full proof.
Saturation attack on airfield with cruise missiles can turn out to be counter productive. The Chinese would probably run out of their cruise missiles before they can completely take out the airfields. Minimum of 3 to 4 missiles are usually fired at the same target. Now calculate how many cruise missiles would be needed to take out the radars, both mobile and fixed, command control centers, fuel/ammunition stores, parked aircrafts and runways, spread over an area of few square km. That’s why cruise missiles are rarely (rather never) used to take out air fields. These are used mostly to take out C3I. Airfields still need to be taken out the old fashion way – bombing from air.
I think Hitler was a stubborn,arrogant and stupid General.And that's why Germans lost in Stalingrad.
Not taking anything away from Russians though.They deserve their credit.
Google my friend, google.
iajdani and leon :

Before you really go for any bet, please read the following excerpts from the posts (#9 & 26) of below-freezing (China/China) in the thread : China’s War Plans for India :

Above thread may assist in re-conciling / re-affirm your plans.


WS-2 can bombard New Delhi from Askai chin.


After air supremacy is achieved over northern India, 500,000 soldiers from Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions backed by 2000 tanks can roll right into the Ganges plain and take control of New Delhi.


The distance between New Delhi and Aksai Chin is 500+ Km. Only in some adrenaline junkies wet dream can WS-2 reach New Delhi from Aksai Chin.

As with 2000 tanks rolling down into Ganges, it will be a sight to behold. Didn't realise that the Chinese have managed to attach wings to their tanks.

Brandying of this teen-dream reminds me of a Demosthenes quote:

'Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true'.
You will see posters like these come and go.

Some members use double ID, one for all time and another for temporary use.



Also I doubt that he (imran iqbal) is a Muslim.
Brilliant strategy iajdani ... Me sure no one thought abt this before ... just imagine ... a Chinese plane will airlift a few howitzers ... fly them right over the "chicken" as you said .... and then drop them right over there .... that should block the chicken neck real tight... it should take the bulldozers a few days to clear all those howitzers blocking the passage! Sent your application to the Bangladeshi army? :what:

Here is the last Chinese deployment.. which should give you some hint how their war planner will go around to take the Chicken neck..

That is na&#239;ve, but that&#8217;s how you are making it sound like.

No,its you who is making it sound naive.

Nonsense. Why would China want to instigate NE rebels when there is peace and no political reason to destabilize India. It&#8217;s China we are talking, not Pakistan. Remember, no war is sudden. There is always a prior build up to it.

Ok..now you want change the whole scenario?What is the name of the thread again?
Now we are discussing what will happen if a war breaks out,not how the war will break out.Because war can break out suddenly for any silly reason or it might break out through years of planning to annex foreign land.I based my hypothesis on the latter.

In case you didn't realise that supplying arms is also part of the long term build up.

Jeeze. That&#8217;s a toughie. Now why would a govt. want to &#8216;crush&#8217; a rebellion within its political boundary?

Don't jump early my friend...read what I said and understand it.

Trying to ride the high horse here, aren&#8217;t we?

I don't need to,because I am already riding a horse.

Its you who are envying the fact.

In order to capture or block chicken neck, the Chinese will have to fight on the plains. As long as the fighting is in the mountains there will be some parity between the two forces, because none will be able to use heavy armour and both can fight under artillery/MLRS cover. But the moment the Chinese come down to the plains, the Chinese will be severely disadvantaged. The Chinese can&#8217;t cross the mountains with their heavy toys and IA will then have the advantage of using heavy armour and can effectively stay under artillery/MLRS cover. China will also be completely out of range of their artillery/MLRS. It will be suicidal for China. They would desperately need air cover.

What did I say earlier about air superiority?

Unless air superiority is achieved,no one attacks the opposition in this 21st century.So no point of discussing whether it is suicidal or not.

Now the question, is can PLAAF give the Chinese thrust adequate air cover while still fighting to establish air superiority. If your hypothetical Chinese invasion takes place in distant future, it will be difficult for PLAAF to establish air dominance, let alone superiority, with a bunch of Su-30s, MRCAs and FGFAs around. If it is in recent future, then air dominance over AP is possible, but not over the chicken&#8217;s neck.

Now in distant future,Chinese will also have similar technological advancements.They aren't going to sit down and eat seeds for past time while India acquires those birds.

If in recent future,there is more chance of China gaining total advantage,because right now they have the advantage of number.Unless India brings in MRCAs,power of numbers will work for the Chinese.

See on post#78,on case 2 I clearly mentioned India and China will be on par in future.I meant around 20 years from now i.e. distant future.

But on recent future,China will off-course have the upper hand.

The bottom line is that the Chinese can&#8217;t possibly cut off the chicken&#8217;s neck, without adequate artillery/MLRS/air cover. And so they first need to consolidate their positions in AP. But then, if they have already consolidated in AP why would they want to cut off the chicken&#8217;s neck.

That is to block the Indian reinforcements.

Apart from AP,there are other states too,which can't be taken over overnight.IA troops would need reinforcement and supply.So if the Chinese cut off Chicken neck and Bangladesh remain neutral,the only way to send supply is to airlift.
Which again is not possible if Bangladesh remain neutral and if Bangladesh is strong enough to force any Indian airlift to land or go back to India.

Personally I feel the best way to choke the chicken neck is by capturing Sikkim. Then, the Chinese artillery can comfortably block the neck without being physically present in the region. The question then is, is cutting off the chicken&#8217;s neck an absolute necessity for the PLA to achieve their goal of taking over Tawang. Hardly so.

The hypothetical war is based on the premise that China will annex most if not all of NE.
In order to stop constant flow of Indian troops they would want to cut the neck because its geographical location.
Remember Battle of Thermopylae?The Hot Gates?
A similar case here,provided the Chinese gain air superiority in the region.

BTW in my first post,I never mentioned from where they will attack,so any variable is possible.And you are right to point that Sikkim is most likely,because of the distance.May be one flank would attack through Sikkim, while the others through AP,to counter resistance in AP and Assam reaching and further reinforce already heavily patrolled Chicken neck.

Glad you figured something out without being spoon fed.

Ah..me honoured ....I can't stop crying :cry: ....reading these words of praise... :cry:

Saturation attack on airfield with cruise missiles can turn out to be counter productive. The Chinese would probably run out of their cruise missiles before they can completely take out the airfields. Minimum of 3 to 4 missiles are usually fired at the same target. Now calculate how many cruise missiles would be needed to take out the radars, both mobile and fixed, command control centers, fuel/ammunition stores, parked aircrafts and runways, spread over an area of few square km. That&#8217;s why cruise missiles are rarely (rather never) used to take out air fields. These are used mostly to take out C3I. Airfields still need to be taken out the old fashion way &#8211; bombing from air.

Remember what I said?I said simultaneous attack by cruise missiles and backed with PLAAF.

Even destroying Runways will disrupt IAF operation and enable PLAAF to strike the IAF fighter in the ground as many as possible.Also NNEMPs and Anti-Radiation missiles might be used too.

And don't you think the Chinese will target the high value air bases fielding SU-30s first?

And there is always the power of numbers that will help them.

Google my friend, google.

That is below the belt..you are insulting the little knowledge I have. :no:

Let me give one example why you can't compare Stalingrad with this.
The Russians very cleverly lured the German Supply aircrafts to drop supply into Russian lines.Probably by deciphering German code.
because of all those mis-drops,Russians who lacked supply,not only gained supply but also deprived the Germans.
If there wasn't any misdrops,then you would read about a different Battle of Stalingrad.

Now why you can't compare it with 21st century?Because there are things called satellite and GPS system,which can help determine where friends are and where foes are.

Unless Indian Army cyberwarfare wing hacks into Chinese system(which is kind of very difficult),I don't see the repeatation of Stalingrad here regarding supply.

And regarding my answer,

If you don't believe that Hitler was being stubborn,for not ordering timely retreat..I think you should consider reading about Battle of Stalingrad again.

Uncle Wiki will be there with you my friend. :devil:
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Pakistan Irritated at India cos they invaded Kashmir and we did not let it go..who cares for that irritation..
China irritated cos they want our land. Hypocrisy!!
Sri lanka irritated - last time i checked they werent
Nepal - jus because that nut case prachanda hates India doesnt mean that the Nepalese hate us..get ur facts straight

Hah! That unholy 'holier-than-thou' attitude!!

If we forcibly use ur skies wat can u do..?

Laugh at such threat, ofcourse...

.......Come to us as friends AND WE WILL BE THE BEST Of friends.

You mean Indian 'people' or its 'leaders & bureaucracy' ? Freindship only follows trust.

Who said Chines are modest..remeber they too have conflicts with all their neighbours.

I meant 'more than Indians'. Bangladeshis seeing both for long time to know who is modest.

using one liners to get away huh....y dont u try to answer my questions to the point..?
Also Pakistan will not wait for any USA if God will give them any chance like that.

If one fone call from Busy was enuff to effect a 180 degree turn in matter of relationship with one of their most imp allies(Taliban) do u expect me to believe ur above statement..?

No Chinese member is speaking here! May be they are not interested in any war.

Even the Indian memebers are not interested in war..unless u bring in India with a hypothetical thread like this !!!!
and u guys are effectively playing the role of Chinese members rather than B'deshi members here.....

After air supremacy is achieved over northern India, 500,000 soldiers from Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions backed by 2000 tanks can roll right into the Ganges plain and take control of New Delhi. when the Indian government surrenders, it can have all its territory back except for the lands stolen from us in the past, and it will merely pay a small fine on the tune of several trillion dollars, to be paid for in oil, gold and natural resources, for all damage caused by its aggression in the past

500000 soldeirs ..my @ZZ....We have 1 billion ppl out here ready to lay down our lives for the sake of our motherland.
nd wen u ppl can seriously believe that U can defend against India,we can crack India ..Cant India afford the sAME AGAINST cHINA..? considering the military balance b/n India- B'desh is much more serious than India-China.

Other than S-300, India has no long range air defense missiles, that is, over 100 km range.

The range of our best anti-radiation missile, the YJ-12, is 250 km, 50 km more than S-300 PMU2. Our second best, YJ-9, has a range of 120 km, slightly within the range of S-300 PMU2's but just beyond that of the 9M96E2 on PMU1.

In the event of any war (with India), under KJ-2000 jamming and guidance, JH-7E and J-8s will carry out bombing missions against SAM radars and Indian AWACs, and because India purchases these systems, they cannot be replaced easily, thus a loss is essentially permanent.

Indian AWACs have just began arriving in may 2009 and will take a year for them to be integrated into the air force

Indian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thus a preemptive strike by the PLAAF now with YJ-9 and YJ-12 can cripple their surface radars. Once their SAMs are disabled, DF-21 and CJ-10s can be fired with impunity at airfields, the prime minister's office, supply depots and Indian army bases.

Any attempt to scramble fighters will be met with overwhelming firepower. India's BVR missiles are limited to the R-77, with a range of 175 km, which can only be carried on their Su-30s; their mirage's are only equipped with 37 km Matra Super 530Ds.

However, our BVR missiles which include R-77 and PL-12 with equivalent range can be carried on most of our aircraft, including J-8s. we have double the number of J-8s that can launch BVR missiles than India has total Su-30s. Not only that, they can be guided with AWACs, which would be almost invincible against the Indian air force which lacks long range air to air anti radiation missiles, but which we do not lack -- we have the YJ-91.

Blah blah blah...in the end we have Agni-2 nad Agni-3 mated with thermo-nuclear bombs.If we get the slightest hint that India is going down to China....we r not going down quietly. We will be taking China nad those who were in bed with it along with us.

Call it fascism, hegemony, bullying...i don't care, your 2 x 2 nation can neither have same global clout nor can we have equal relationship just because you are a banana republic and have no say in global geo-politics. Sorry about that but reality is not only India but all world super power will treat you as such..... keep you giving aid and 5 min broadcast of plight of your poors just before weather news.

even though put in a very crude way..there is definitely truth in it.
Dont bring in History and discuss the battle of panipat.Open ur eyes and look around .The reality is that bangladesh is a very poor country with almost no regional influence.It is best for bangladesh to catch Indias hand and walk.
By the way the Pak army was strong enough to completely crush the Mukti Bahini.It was only due to the Indian help that bangladesh is independent today.No matter what u say the reality doesnot change

You are talking as if India is part of europe and BD is part of poor south asia. In fact, your total poor population is more than 6 times our entire population. There was no way Mukti Bahini would have been crushed by Pakistan army in 1971. With time, we were getting stronger day by day. You are talking as if you were an astrologer back in 1971. Now, better forecast a China-India war in the future.
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