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Violent clashes erupts in Indian Punjab, many feared dead, News and updates thread.

This half war is known as "Internal".
Could be Kashmir or Naxals or anything anywhere in India.

Yep, Modi and his cronies just keep boasting about the 2.5 war, what a bunch of fascist wannabes.
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This Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh rapist Baba is also a actor, director & singer.

Highway Love Charger is his album 3 million copies of which got sold.

Yep, Modi and his cronies just keep boating about the 2.5 war, what a bunch of fascist wannabes.

Under Modi, India to lose all its social progress, because the hard earned Indian money would end up in Russia, Israel, US for war paraphernalia.

India has low R&D and education funds.
Most money goes for weapons purchase.

Beware South Indians:

Rapist RamRahim is spreading his tentacles by acquiring 55 acres of land for his Ashram to be built.

Look at the ruling party of PM and India:

Top BJPIAN leaders taking a blessing from a Rapist Baba.
This is India's ruling party headed by PM, one who follows abusive Twitter IDs.

No future for this country.


Samsung Group’s heir Lee Jae-young sentenced to five years in corruption case


'Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh stunned after court verdict'

But the stark difference being that, Rapist is already getting a 4 star service in his cell, something not available for South Korean billionaire.

More strikingly, look how this Samsung billionaire is handcuffed and both his arms are tied with rope. VS Ram Rahim drinking mineral water, has assistant, AC and what not.


South Korea = Rapid progress.
Because of its rational & honest people.
Of India, let me not start with its head Modi, one who has inducted criminals in his cabinet:


Violent Protests in India Turn Deadly After Guru’s Rape Conviction
First, let me say bluntly that @doppelgangerr is peddling an unsavoury and underhanded line of misinformation, hinting that these are minority Sikhs who are being oppressed, or whose religious leader is being framed and has been convicted with insufficient evidence.

No that is obvious even to me who knows nothing about this case. The two issues have no relation to each other. Its the same as branding a " payment of compensation strike" into a secessionist movement. No relation with each other and forceful joinder.

His name gives it away; he is a professional for-profit religionista in it for the sake of the money.

As these fraudia pirs are. Leeches wouldn't even cover it. I have seen and read many cases like this over here. You wouldn't believe half of them. To this extent that I joke with my mother that if I create a fake grave at night and tomorrow scream that this grave suddenly appeared and a saint used to live here thus its his grave, then the masses will come here and they will pay me to pray by the grave and I will have a following. At this point I blame the pirs and the followers more. The pirs are scam artists. Its the idiots who follow them blindly who are at fault.

To summarise the case, this utterly bizarre individual preached an utterly bizarre philosophy, that more or less projected himself as a uniquely privileged human being to whom God spoke personally and distinctively, and who was blessed with near-divine insight and understanding. I am not using the P***het word so as to keep away the lunatic fringe that will twist this incident into a blasphemy trial with effortless ease.

Tch. And they Bought it. At this point what can one say.

He used rape on women as a purifying rite, and that shows how bizarre the whole thing is. His conviction was based solidly on the rules of evidence, and on the testimony of victimised women devotees. For men, his prescription was the opposite; in an apparent effort (one can only hazard guesses about his distinctly odd views) to purify them, he encouraged them to castrate themselves (historically interested members reading this may read up on the practices of the Cathars), and around a couple of hundred idiots actually did castrate themselves, or got themselves castrated. Frankly, I did not care, and do not care to go into the details of these operations. He has got into trouble with the Sikhs in the past. Calling him a Sikh leader is a total misreading of the situation, and displays total ignorance of the facts.

Castration for men and rape for women. I am gonna take a wild guess that since he was exempt from the castration bcz he was sent to purify women by raping them whereas as every other male in the world should be castrated and every female has to be raped by him for purity.

I don't have words anymore. Its the same thing. The pirs don't start their religion but its the same bullshit.

Naturally. Only a fool would call him a Sikh leader. The guy has created his own messed up religion. It doesn't matter if his following are Hindu, Sikh, Muslim. When you deviate from the religion like this then you are inventing your own religion and your followers who believe in you have deviated themselves thus are members of that new religion.

His followers won't even be classified as Hindus. They would be and should be classified as followers of this mad religion. They can revert back but as long as they believe in this idiot, then they are followers of this new religion.

This doesn't even classify as a sect. A sect is based on the major and main tenents with disagreement or following of different interpretation. Over 90% of sects are similiar. However when you change the main theme of a religion then you make a new religion.

Sectarian difference. Shias saying imamat or caliphate should have been hazrat Ali ( RA) and the interpretation of these verses and hadeeth create these laws. Sunnis disagreeing. The theme is same, the belief is same. Slight differences.

Religious difference. Christianity saying Christ is some of god and Muslims saying that no. God is one and Christ was simply a profit. Huge difference means a separate religion.

Mass difference means that its a religion separate.

So calling this baba a Sikh or Hindu is wrong. Same for his followers.

As for the idiots who castrated themselves. Well at least they won't breed.

In a European or American context, he might have been committed to medical or psychiatric treatment; as it is, in the Indian legal system, the court quite correctly threw the book at him.

I am with the courts here. Infact frankly I don't support psychiatric treatment in legal system for criminals ( unless they take the insane plea). Sorry he knew what he was doing when he did those things and rather than wasting money on finding out what childhood issues led him to this, the money would be better spent on other things.

It is entirely the fault of the wretched administration, whose ministers are busy renaming cities, preserving cows by liquidating potential human threats to cows, such as killing any non-caste Hindu found near them, proclaiming that cows produce more oxygen than they consume, and other such breathtaking insights into the natural state of things, and have too little time to do what they ought to have been doing, maintaining law and order and promoting the prosperity and well-being of their constituencies.

It always is which allows such characters power. The administration and even police are not blind to such things and often lower level administration and police are paid by such characters a percentage share. If subcontinent had great administration of state which focused on pressing issues then we would be like Japan a nation devastated by atomic bomb in 1945 and has left the entire sub continent in the dust. In fact its so far ahead, we can't even see him.

No. There are times when they troll in an ignorant manner, and at those times, they need to be corrected in full detail, so that others don't get taken in by their very plausible phrases and expressions.

I applaud your efforts.
LOL.... why would I know more than a Minister :lol:

What kind of a Moron comes up with a logic like that ?

Clearly you do not understand the difference between GOVERNANCE and POLITICS. Both are DIFFERENT. :lol:

What do I care if a Malaysian Dy. PM got arrested for sodomy ? How is that related to anything ? India has a free and independent Judiciary and is SEPARATE from the Executive.

Socrates lived in 400 BC , This is 2017. Do you know how man years are there in between ? Did socrates have Social Media, Internet ? Television ? Radio ? newspaper ? IC engines ? satellites ? RTI ?

What kind of rubbish are you coming up with ? LOL at your understanding of democracy.
Your statement itself already proof what Winston Churchill said before. Average voter.
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hey bhakts

are there any BJPs Haryana members who got themselves castrated for blessing ?

Singh had quite a role in the BJP's 2014 sweep in Haryana. 44 candidates were shepherded to the Dera by Kailash Vijayvargiya, in charge of Haryana for the BJP, for Pita-ji's blessings

Look at the following Supreme Court judgment on rape:


How many of you think that this Ram Rahim rapist will be hanged?

Hell no.

If it happened, I will give bonus to all right winger rats here on PDF and leave this platform for ever.

All he will get is 5 to 10 years.
Time well served, gets bonus, leaves early.
In the mean time parole a la Sanjay Dutt.

This is India, with no future.
hey bhakts

are there any BJPs Haryana members who got themselves castrated for blessing ?


Regarding your question, if wishes were horses, there would be a cavalry corps somewhere in Haryana...

Regarding the illustration, I am nauseated to see men in uniform crouching before this creep - or any other religious or political creep. Gawd help us; preferably not the Gawd that this mountebank misrepresents.


While I tend to agree with the tenor (though not necessarily the wording) of your posts, this present one makes all of us who oppose the majoritarian impulses of the BJP, its gross misuse of religion, its support for fake Godmen, in particular, its support for Guru Ram Rahim Singh, its obvious and blatant attempt to tie up a certain class of Hindu or Sikh through its endorsement of the Guru and vice versa, and other such hideous acts of betrayal that are going on, look silly and childish.

The death sentence is not a statutory punishment for rape. Please look up the statute books before resorting to the grandiloquent challenges. Our resident bhakts will pounce on this with screams of glee and will drag the discussion in a completely different direction. Please let us not become their reciprocals.
People in this thread are trying to score some brownie points but they are confused which angle to play over this issue. :undecided:
People are calling for a free Khalistan and intervention of China in this thread, they are a confused lot.:lol:
Enjoy your ultimate weekend bro, I hope you have already arranged for dawa and daru in case of an emergency.;)
Your light skinned dark skinned dalit remark was utterly despicable.
I have never posted any comments that dalit are white skin as the world know that can never happen

wrong , in Hinduism to be a godman , one has to be a rapist , rape is a spiritual act , glorified as rasa leela

BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj has come out in defence of Dera Sacha Sauda leader Ram Rahim. He said that he respects the court but the court has listened to the complainant and not millions of devotees who consider him god.

I think I saw a pic of Krishna. Rahim Singh look like him
Regarding your question, if wishes were horses, there would be a cavalry corps somewhere in Haryana...

Regarding the illustration, I am nauseated to see men in uniform crouching before this creep - or any other religious or political creep. Gawd help us; preferably not the Gawd that this mountebank misrepresents.


While I tend to agree with the tenor (though not necessarily the wording) of your posts, this present one makes all of us who oppose the majoritarian impulses of the BJP, its gross misuse of religion, its support for fake Godmen, in particular, its support for Guru Ram Rahim Singh, its obvious and blatant attempt to tie up a certain class of Hindu or Sikh through its endorsement of the Guru and vice versa, and other such hideous acts of betrayal that are going on, look silly and childish.

The death sentence is not a statutory punishment for rape. Please look up the statute books before resorting to the grandiloquent challenges. Our resident bhakts will pounce on this with screams of glee and will drag the discussion in a completely different direction. Please let us not become their reciprocals.

Our resident bhakts will pounce on this with screams of glee and will drag the discussion in a completely different direction.

As if these Bhakts are simple souls and prudent Indians?
If you think so, they got you good.
I know them better.
Without me on PDF, they have been indulging with filth and what not.
They don't care, all they need is a falsehood favoring Modi.

Sorry I can not toe your lines.
I am not afraid of them, been taking their usual lies head on.

This Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh rapist Baba is also a actor, director & singer.

Highway Love Charger is his album 3 million copies of which got sold.

Under Modi, India to lose all its social progress, because the hard earned Indian money would end up in Russia, Israel, US for war paraphernalia.

India has low R&D and education funds.
Most money goes for weapons purchase.

Beware South Indians:

Rapist RamRahim is spreading his tentacles by acquiring 55 acres of land for his Ashram to be built.

Look at the ruling party of PM and India:

why modi's BJP is supporting a rapist? what's the reason?
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