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Violent clashes erupts in Indian Punjab, many feared dead, News and updates thread.

Godmen are a problem from all faiths. They won't need followers if they weren't up for power and money.

The moment you see such people coming in fancy cars and helicopters you see that they are dubious.
No, people how play no role in politics is more politically aware due to their "high iq" :agree:

Clearly by your logic, a person who does not do fishing knows more about fishing that a man who fishes regularly.
Are you implying you know more than a minister? Governments will never tell you everything. National interest and security are always above transparency. I known some people who have been "there" and done "that", peasants only need to know basis. The last time Malaysia deputy prime minister gather bunch of supporters to challenge the government, he got charged with "sodomy". Not once but twice. But, whatever, not like someone like you would understand.

Socrates must be low IQ then.
Sikh is law-abiding.
Is this case maybe some kind of false accusation by hindu government?
I have no idea of this case, just guess.
I think so too. Hindu trying to make Sikh look like the bad guy

Commie bots and their ignorance is very strong in this thread.
Were any light skin Indians killed or were they all dark skin dalit?
Are you implying you know more than a minister? Governments will never tell you everything. National interest and security are always above transparency. I known some people who have been "there" and done "that", peasants only need to know basis. The last time Malaysia deputy prime minister gather bunch of supporters to challenge the government, he got charged with "sodomy". Not once but twice. But, whatever, not like someone like you would understand.

Socrates must be low IQ then.

LOL.... why would I know more than a Minister :lol:

What kind of a Moron comes up with a logic like that ?

Clearly you do not understand the difference between GOVERNANCE and POLITICS. Both are DIFFERENT. :lol:

What do I care if a Malaysian Dy. PM got arrested for sodomy ? How is that related to anything ? India has a free and independent Judiciary and is SEPARATE from the Executive.

Socrates lived in 400 BC , This is 2017. Do you know how man years are there in between ? Did socrates have Social Media, Internet ? Television ? Radio ? newspaper ? IC engines ? satellites ? RTI ?

What kind of rubbish are you coming up with ? LOL at your understanding of democracy.
Well first of all seriously don't blame us.

Secondly. Pir shir and Gandhi nasheens. Koi hal nahi hai inks chahay jis mazhab say taluq rakhay.

So they are protesting that their chief pir was caught in an unfair trial. Oh boy. The trial was rape case involving two of his followers.

First of all.

Mindless drones. The people who follow such characters follow them like blind zombies. They will protect all ills of these pirs no matter what and they would attack and kill in the name of these pirs. Religious doctrines be damned for them.


The court found him guilty.... So they are challenging the courts and state with this hooliganism.

Unfair trial. Yeah I wonder about it. Apparently when it goes for these characters the trial is fair and when its against then its unfair. No difference between this and the case of nawaza.
I doubt the trial was unfair and evidences must have been taken into account as well as the claim of the women and their statement. Sorry but calling the trial unfair just like that sounds rubbish.

The judgment will highlight the flaws in arguments and the strength of evidence and the statements of women.

Quite frankly I hate hooliganism especially against courts when they meet out justice just bcz a few blind zombies couldn't take it.

Need to control this as soon as possible.

RIP to the dead.

@Joe Shearer @hellfire

Do you guys know anything about this case. Would love to get a summary.

Everyone knows about it, if they have been following the news, plain and simple.

First, let me say bluntly that @doppelgangerr is peddling an unsavoury and underhanded line of misinformation, hinting that these are minority Sikhs who are being oppressed, or whose religious leader is being framed and has been convicted with insufficient evidence. The facts contradict him: the vast majority of this charlatan's followers are Punjabi and Haryanvi Hindus and the mainstream Sikhs theologians despise him, as do mainstream Hindu religious leaders. His name gives it away; he is a professional for-profit religionista in it for the sake of the money. If you know nothing else about him, watch the two execrable films that he had filmed with himself performing all the cinematic functions himself; perhaps at most he might have hired the camera crew.

It would be nice if @AndrewJin and @SingaporeGuy could do a little elementary research, even scan the generally available information, before butting in. As it is, their hopeful but utterly inane interventions only inspire ridicule.

To summarise the case, this utterly bizarre individual preached an utterly bizarre philosophy, that more or less projected himself as a uniquely privileged human being to whom God spoke personally and distinctively, and who was blessed with near-divine insight and understanding. I am not using the P***het word so as to keep away the lunatic fringe that will twist this incident into a blasphemy trial with effortless ease.

He used rape on women as a purifying rite, and that shows how bizarre the whole thing is. His conviction was based solidly on the rules of evidence, and on the testimony of victimised women devotees. For men, his prescription was the opposite; in an apparent effort (one can only hazard guesses about his distinctly odd views) to purify them, he encouraged them to castrate themselves (historically interested members reading this may read up on the practices of the Cathars), and around a couple of hundred idiots actually did castrate themselves, or got themselves castrated. Frankly, I did not care, and do not care to go into the details of these operations. He has got into trouble with the Sikhs in the past. Calling him a Sikh leader is a total misreading of the situation, and displays total ignorance of the facts.

In a European or American context, he might have been committed to medical or psychiatric treatment; as it is, in the Indian legal system, the court quite correctly threw the book at him. It is entirely the fault of the wretched administration, whose ministers are busy renaming cities, preserving cows by liquidating potential human threats to cows, such as killing any non-caste Hindu found near them, proclaiming that cows produce more oxygen than they consume, and other such breathtaking insights into the natural state of things, and have too little time to do what they ought to have been doing, maintaining law and order and promoting the prosperity and well-being of their constituencies.

we support these sikhs who are persecuted in false cases.
justice and free khalistan for Sikhs.

Your comments would be useful and relevant whenever you display even a cursory acquaintance with the facts. Apparently you know nothing except that this sounds like a nice opportunity to 'support these sikhs (sic) who are persecuted in false cases'. Since the Sikhs are not involved, since the cases are genuine, and since the trial was not political or motivated by any stretch of the imagination, one can only plead helplessly for you to stay away. Try not to demonstrate your ignorance in such ample measure.

Majority of his followers are Hindus.

They don't want to know. It's enough for these savants to see the surname 'Singh' and to figure out that Haryana is next to the Punjab to jump to the conclusion that they have a very pleasant opportunity for a troll-fest. A thoroughly undignified display.

Nah, he grown too powerful. Normally, if you want to get rid of someone, there is no better way then to frame him. It also helps to shaken the faith of his followers. Too common tactic.

It has nothing to do with such power plays. Any more than in the case of several other God-men brought to trial in recent years.

Power play in democracy, monarchy, and authoritarian are the same fundamentally. Citizen of democratic country are naive about their government.

One might say with equal validity that Internet dilettantes are naive about happenings in unknown lands and unknown contexts.

India is just a primtive feudal country, its politics is based on caste.

So profound, so insightful. The academic world is missing you.

Oh really? :-)

Yes, really. In a democracy, that is.

Free Khalistan .... Long Live Khalistan

Wrong tree.

Kek, you do realize Gurmeet Ram and Dera Sacha Sauda had animosity with Sikhs.:lol:
Most Sikhs are happy with verdict.

You are wasting your time. He is named 'Singh', isn't he? So he must be a Sikh, this must be a plot against the minority Sikhs, and it is a sign of the imminent dissolution of India. Also of the far-reaching hand of the PRC, as some nincompoop hinted.

Indian justice system is the most unfair system in the world made to establish the hindu supremacy over the non-hinds. Totally controlled by extremist hindus. Anyone who dare speaks against hindus and their cruelty gets punished by the state through this crappy so called justice system.

Just curiousity - what does the world look like when you take your head out of the bag?

n what does that mean... do you wanna say that we shoudnt count low castes. arent they human to you brahmans or what?

No. That's not what he tried to convey, albeit in a clumsy manner.

He was trying to point out, unfortunately to a blind, deaf and dumb audience, that the followers did not belong to the ruling section of the Sikhs, the Jat Sikh.
Godmen are a problem from all faiths. They won't need followers if they weren't up for power and money.

The moment you see such people coming in fancy cars and helicopters you see that they are dubious.
So what's your say on Baba Ramdev?
thats what i asked to him n he didnt reply or else he dnt have one... they think low caste are not human n dnt have right to have opinion or they dnt matter to them dead or alive who cares after all they are low caste

Please don't be silly. Please try and figure out what was said, and try not to depend on what you thought was being said.
I think so too. Hindu trying to make Sikh look like the bad guy

Were any light skin Indians killed or were they all dark skin dalit?

These were Hindus, supporters of a Hindu majoritarian party, led by a Sikh who deviated from his own religion and began to preach a total mishmash of half-digested thoughts. The BJP was pulling madly to stop things from going too far. That, for your kind information, was one reason for the very ginger attitude of the (BJP) government towards the very large gathering of his supporters.

Your light skinned dark skinned dalit remark was utterly despicable.
These were Hindus, supporters of a Hindu majoritarian party, led by a Sikh who deviated from his own religion and began to preach a total mishmash of half-digested thoughts. The BJP was pulling madly to stop things from going too far. That, for your kind information, was one reason for the very ginger attitude of the (BJP) government towards the very large gathering of his supporters.

Your light skinned dark skinned dalit remark was utterly despicable.
You are wasting time on trolls.
You are wasting time on trolls.

No. There are times when they troll in an ignorant manner, and at those times, they need to be corrected in full detail, so that others don't get taken in by their very plausible phrases and expressions.
90 % followers are hindus.
Try again.
Majority are from Sikh families from Malwa. Even though Sikhism and Dera's are at odds because there is no space for such godmen in Sikhism.

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