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Violation of Kashmir autonomy: Repercussions for Pakistan for not taking action against India

Lol we can't do anything... Shutup...nor we can't afford a war... Just move on and work on your economy
Kashmiris in Kashmir and around the world, need to get the world's attention. In foreign cities, massive peaceful demonstrations; even civil disobedience to get the world's attention. India has to be shammed in front of the world, especially the US.

Civil disobedience in England, with a large Kashmiri population, against Indian government or Tourism office may get enough media attention. Massive Sit Ins obstructing normal business.


Here is one example of a Massive protest in the UK, but with Sit ins, they have to obstruct business as usual.

The Kashmiris need to use the laws of India against it. Just as Gandhi showed the hypocrisy of the British Empire, so to must the Kashmiri inside and outside Kashmir need to show the hypocrisy of "Democratic" India.

Kashmirs can agitate the Gulf Arabs and Nigerians to embargo India of their oil, in a manner similar to the 1973 oil embargo. @Khafee how would this go over in Saudia? Nigeria plus the Arabs make up over half of India;s oil, and they are already in a weakened position because they can't get Iranian oil, so have to import more Gulf Arab oil; hence the Arab have more leverage here.


Another avenue of protest is getting African countries that trade with India aware of the human rights violations India is committing in Kashmir. Starting in South Africa, which is living with the memory of apartheid, the Kashmiris, or Desi community in general, there can go to the media and expose Indian violations against a democratically elected representative put under house arrest to suppress the will of the Kashmiri people. This news and activists spreading this news can travel around Africa, and let media and other democratic people's groups know, especially in countries doing a lot of trade with India. This can also be done in Europe. Especially in countries of Eastern Europe that lived under Soviet rule. Poland can be reminded of the Solidarity movement, and other eastern European allies can be found piece by piece, forming an international coalition to sanction India. Even a few percent loss to the India economy will be felt, and world condemnation will hurt India's soft power image, putting pressure on Modi to reverse course.


This should get Regional and International friends of both Pakistan and India, such as the Arabs and the Americans to pressure the two nations to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
India knows that the people of Kashmir, either want Independence or Annexation with Pakistan, but very few would want to stay with India. Hence this move to forcefully assimilate Kashmir.
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"strongly condemn India's move againts UNSC resolution" - Pakistani Foreign Ministry !!


Awww... feel sorry for you Pakistan.. .. but its time to move on now !
Violation of Kashmir autonomy: Repercussions for Pakistan for not taking action against India

The revoking of article 370 by India which granted Kashmir some autonomy is an act of war.
Our government and especially our foreign ministry was sleeping the entire f**king time when everybody knew that India is going to revoke the special status of Kashmir.

India has done a massive massive military buildup in Indian occupied Kashmir and will brutally deal with any protest and resistance by Kashmiris and would even resort to genocide of Kashmiris.

This is not the time to talk or protest or go to UN or any other BS. That time has long gone. This is the time to take action. A military action.

India has concentrated its massive military inside Indian occupied Kashmir to stop Pakistan from interfering and keeping us at LOC.

We can either accept Indian aggression and Indian position over Kashmir or we can fight.

The consequences of accepting Indian position over Kashmir would be disastrous. If we accept Indian position and do not take any action over Kashmir, then this will embolden India even more.

Indus Water Treaty

India would even revoke Indus water treaty in the future. They will stop our waters and build dams/barrages over it. While we will keep on crying to UN, International community, World Bank BS.

F**k UN and f**k International community. We must fight our own battles.

Right now India with its massive military buildup is testing us. It is checking our response.

There will be some coward kan*** among our nation who will keep on harping about refrain from fight, we can't do anything about it, nothing is changed, India is a nuclear power etc.

But the fact is that this is an act of war. Our weak response would mean we should say goodbye to our waters.

**** india and all the lovers of india in Pakistan, Chanab and Jehlum rivers belong to Pakistan for thousands of years, Chanab valley (Jammu area) and Jehlum valley (Kashmir valley) belong to Pakistan. We have to take it at every cost, our whole agriculture in Gujranwala, Sargodha, Faisalabad and Multan divisions is dependent on the waters of Chanab and Jehlum rivers, we cannot let it go for the sake of bloody lovers of india in Pakistan residing in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.
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Tibet, South china sea, Ughyar etc. ??? You want to make it international issue out of those for what? and destroy $100B business w/ India. Dont have delusion about China. Turkish is true friend of Pakistan and i expect they will support for sure. if they will not, i will be surprised.
I think china knows these 100billion usd are temporary and u.s will use india to contain china and india will become china competitor in longrun so they will not stand with india as it will have negative impact on chinese sovereignty and economy in the long run as u.s investors are shifting industry from china to india as a result of tradewar
"strongly condemn India's move againts UNSC resolution" - Pakistani Foreign Ministry !!


Awww... feel sorry for you Pakistan.. .. but its time to move on now !

Haha indian crap thinking and their ppl they think one paper can stop Pakistan supporting kashmir. Reality will not change by signing one paper otherwise india was so dump that it took them 70 years to sign one paper. Grow up.
Haha indian crap thinking and their ppl they think one paper can stop Pakistan supporting kashmir. Reality will not change by signing one paper.

FATF Blacklisting is thus ensured dealing blow to PTI's ryasat e Madina built upon the blood of Kashmiris.
FATF Blacklisting is thus ensured dealing blow to PTI's ryasat e Madina built upon the blood of Kashmiris.
come out from pti hate. What good previous govt did? Nawaz kargil enough said. How much foriegn reserve we have? How much trade we have ? Wakeup
Guys relax, changing status on paper does not change situation on ground. Taliban coming back to power in Afghanistan and india knows it. This will eliminate indian influence on our west.
We will encourage local freedom fighters and provide them more advanced weapons. Volunteers from Afghanistan after peace deal will head to kashmir.
come out from pti hate. What good previous govt did? Nawaz kargil enough said. How much foriegn reserve we have? How much trade we have ? Wakeup

Kill Nawaz and his family
Kill Bhutto and his family
Kill Altaf and his family
Kill Imran with his family

Spare me the randi rona like the indians who bore your ideology
**** indian muslims and their lovers in pakistan.
Exactly thats the reason they need their own country. Hindus can have their own country for them. Hindu india surrounded by 4 muslim nations that would be a treat!
Kill Nawaz and his family
Kill Bhutto and his family
Kill Altaf and his family
Kill Imran with his family

Spare me the randi rona like the indians who bore your ideology

Yeah kill everyone and spare you hiding yourself in some other country and keep spitting venom because having internet. Go ourside do protest where you living or join kashmir community there and come on road. Dont know when you will grow.
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