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VIEW : Siachen: a costly war for Pakistan and India

The article published is not exactly a letter of request from the GOP that Indian members are behaving like a cat on a hot tin roof,
Before resorting to chest thumping and feeling all high and mighty, you need to be acutely reminded that on the contrary GOI also wants to resolve Sir Creek issue with Pakistan, wonder what's the urgency there, can the Indian economy not sustain it, what percentage of IPL is spent for maintaining security of these marshlands, or maybe the IA is crumbling under the pressure :blah: :blah: :blah:.......remember the old saying...the bigger they are, they harder they fall.
If GOI is keen to resolve one issue then why can't GOP put up another suggestion, but i guess there is an acute absence of some introspection by Indian members.

Sir Creek? No issue absolutely if you don't want to resolve it. Costs us nothing either way.

Pakistanis keep harping to 1989 or 1992 & seem to forget that what happened between then & 2012 guarantees a cold shoulder from India. There is no reason that India should withdraw. Give us a reason why we should humour you ? (& no point talking about the hardships for the soldiers, there is a waiting list of about 1 year for soldiers who want to be posted there)
General kayani has given an open offer to India balls is in India court as far as confidence is concerned things have a way of changing fast.

^^^^India has replied to Pakistan to prove intention with actions not mere words. Pakistan do not have neither moral high ground to to talk nor superior position to dictate the negotiation. So unless there are some actions according to India's demands please keep talking and keep dreaming.

PS: Credibility lost cannot be achieved with simple words but need to be earned by actions!!
thr only way pakistan needs to stop the siachen fund is to occupy it again, i think if pakistan army cant do this, they should raise issue in the UN, if they cant achieve the aim by it, then by all means leave siachen, its taking too much of our ta payers money
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3489020 said:
1. thr only way pakistan needs to stop the siachen fund is to occupy it again,
2. i think if pakistan army cant do this, they should raise issue in the UN, if they cant achieve the aim by it,
3.then by all means leave siachen, its taking too much of our ta payers money

Occupy it again ? When did Pak occupy Siachen ? Are you referring to an odd post or the Glacier ?

Of the options listed above No 3 is obvious choice .
Lastly, Pakistan's misadventure at Kargil proves that they dont really care about international lines and LoC. What to talk about ethics in such a case when dealing with Pakistan. The only thing Pakistani's are sad about is that they lost and are not on the glacier. They would have loved a role reversal.

@ajtr asked me to post the following reply:

Indians always talk of hifi words like moral, values,ethics etc. when speaking about Kashmir and Pakistan...But did you guys ever thought for a while what high moral values ethich indians showed when they crossed the IB into east pakistan.What moral values ethics indians showed when they started proxy war through their trained terrorists of mukti bahini and send them inside pakistan.Now when pakistan pays you by same coin you cry sissy like young girl and talk of ethics, moral values etc.

What moral values ethics you showed when you shot down atlantique.Arey atleast pakistan show better ethics than you guys when they returned your chopper along with its senior officers safely with in hrs instead of shooting it down.

I would say from my experience that pakistanis have better ethics and moral than indians.
@ajtr asked me to post the following reply:

Indians always talk of hifi words like moral, values,ethics etc. when speaking about Kashmir and Pakistan...But did you guys ever thought for a while what high moral values ethich indians showed when they crossed the IB into east pakistan.What moral values ethics indians showed when they started proxy war through their trained terrorists of mukti bahini and send them inside pakistan.Now when pakistan pays you by same coin you cry sissy like young girl and talk of ethics, moral values etc.

What moral values ethics you showed when you shot down atlantique.Arey atleast pakistan show better ethics than you guys when they returned your chopper along with its senior officers safely with in hrs instead of shooting it down.

I would say from my experience that pakistanis have better ethics and moral than indians.

Hey Ticker i din't knew u have found new job after ajtr got banned :D

How much money u charge for this :lol:
Why does Pakistan claim Siachen and on what logic? Is India killing, raping and torturing poor innocent peaceful native Muslims of Siachen? Did king of Siachen signed accession of Siachen to Pakistan? or Did people of Siachen rose up against India to join Pakistan? Do they want to conduct plebiscite in Siachen? Last I heard, the only human beings there were the soldiers.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3489020 said:
thr only way pakistan needs to stop the siachen fund is to occupy it again, i think if pakistan army cant do this, they should raise issue in the UN, if they cant achieve the aim by it, then by all means leave siachen, its taking too much of our ta payers money

second option is quite silly. What kind of position do you have on siachen??? How you will raise this on UN......leave siachen we will occupy it...
@ajtr asked me to post the following reply:

Indians always talk of hifi words like moral, values,ethics etc. when speaking about Kashmir and Pakistan...But did you guys ever thought for a while what high moral values ethich indians showed when they crossed the IB into east pakistan.What moral values ethics indians showed when they started proxy war through their trained terrorists of mukti bahini and send them inside pakistan.Now when pakistan pays you by same coin you cry sissy like young girl and talk of ethics, moral values etc.

What moral values ethics you showed when you shot down atlantique.Arey atleast pakistan show better ethics than you guys when they returned your chopper along with its senior officers safely with in hrs instead of shooting it down.

I would say from my experience that pakistanis have better ethics and moral than indians.

Did we sneak in soldiers when our PM was hugging your PM while singing peace duets..?
Yeah why not, India will just accept Pakistan's suggestion :lol:, and walk away from India's territory - we had a couple of idiots in our past like Mr. Nehru who wrote off 80% of the Indus water to Pakistan and took Kashmir into the UN - what an idiot, and the present one MMS who wants better relations and open up the visa regime.

But there are some sane Indians too, like the Indian Army (who actually balked at MMS's suggestion on Siachen), who knows what Pakistan wants and can be counted on to always make the right decisions.
Master Shot reply, Thousands of Thanks to you, I could not Private Message due to My posts. Again I reply Thousands of thanks to you.

I also can't PM u mate :hitwall:

look at the brighter side - There is no difference b/w senior & junior on PDF :enjoy:
Siachen costly war for pakistan and india.... And so does war at borders of india and pakistan.... Its not good that india pulls out our army from siachen just because pakistan cant keep up.... And pakistan wont return favor by pulling out army from kashmir border just because indian finding it costly.... i think both should keep army at borders and only that way peace will come.... The day the pull out army than bad people will take advantage of it....
@ajtr asked me to post the following reply:

Indians always talk of hifi words like moral, values,ethics etc. when speaking about Kashmir and Pakistan...But did you guys ever thought for a while what high moral values ethich indians showed when they crossed the IB into east pakistan.What moral values ethics indians showed when they started proxy war through their trained terrorists of mukti bahini and send them inside pakistan.Now when pakistan pays you by same coin you cry sissy like young girl and talk of ethics, moral values etc.

What moral values ethics you showed when you shot down atlantique.Arey atleast pakistan show better ethics than you guys when they returned your chopper along with its senior officers safely with in hrs instead of shooting it down.

I would say from my experience that pakistanis have better ethics and moral than indians.

While it is great for sermons, my point remains valid. With Pakistan having clearly shown that it is not averse to crossing the LoC when the situation suits, why should India vacate Siachen?

If Pakistan wants India out of Siachen, something's gotta give. Pakistan cannot expect India to walk away from Siachen without anything in return.
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