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Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

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Yeah, do something if you have the guts, if you learn Nothing from US during VN war, and remember Nothing from 1979, then, time to teach you hard lesson again, that's it.

Don't cry when we sink your merchant ships to destroy your economy:coffee:

I m so happy you still remember that we spanked you and paralyzed the whole Vietnam's economy in 1979.and you want to sink our merchant ships??lol,I dare you,don't just talk nonsense,just do it ,put your money where your mouth is.
I m so happy you still remember that we spanked you and paralyzed the whole Vietnam's economy in 1979.and you want to sink our merchant ships??lol,I dare you,don't just talk nonsense,just do it ,put your money where your mouth is.

Hans chinese did idiot spanking 1979 but they are spanked. Manchus didn't joined for it :D. You can't say "we" here. YOU are no one in the world because you lost your identity. Stop screaming loudly here.:blah:
dude, let's just remember one simple fact:
Hanoi is less than 300km away from our border, when necessary we can wipe it out without using air force/navy. Period.
btw: the number of our 4th generation fighters are actually more than your number of missiles.
I see a group of monkeys.
The monkeys once defeated their brothers in 1979 .
I m so happy you still remember that we spanked you and paralyzed the whole Vietnam's economy in 1979.and you want to sink our merchant ships??lol,I dare you,don't just talk nonsense,just do it ,put your money where your mouth is.
It's a strong warning to your merchant ship, don't forget Mr.Xi had to pay 200 milllion $$ for that incident:P
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Is the PLA a Paper Dragon?

China's military has its weaknesses. But it's strong enough to dominate Asia, thanks in part to America.
By MICHAEL AUSLIN (Beijing) July 2, 2012, 11:58 a.m. ET
Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - Wsj.com

China's boasts about its military may soon be put to the test, as new tension with Vietnam in the South China Sea comes on the heels of a months-long standoff with the Philippines.
How confident Chinese leaders are in the strength of their armed forces will play a big role in how far they push their territorial claims.
It also will indicate whether Beijing is trying to bluff America into staying out of these controversies roiling Asia.
The question is whether the People's Liberation Army is a paper dragon, and the honest answer is mixed.
In theory, the growth in the PLA has been startling since the 1990s.
Starting from a ground-centric force relying on 1950s technology, and with very little modern air or sea capabilities, China's military is now the second-largest in the world.
Most impressively, it is now able to operate at farther distances from the continent.
Its navy can undertake long-endurance anti-piracy missions off the coast of Africa, while its various maritime patrol agencies are a constant presence in the South and East China Seas.
Beijing clearly wants to project a blue-water navy, as the development of a 70-ship submarine fleet and the launching of its first aircraft carrier this year show.

The air force is also modernizing, introducing advanced fourth-generation fighters.
It is also slowly increasing the complexity of its operations, venturing into more night missions and joint operations where it works with army or navy units.
While still overwhelmingly a self-defense force, it can reach most of the contested South China Sea islets. Then there are the missile forces, all of whose variants—like intercontinental ballistic missiles—have grown since the 1990s.
Much attention has been paid to China's advances in an anti-ship ballistic missile, the DF-21, which may be able to target U.S. aircraft carriers.
The problem is these numbers tell only a part of the story.
There is far more debate over the quality of China's armed forces than over their quantity or ostensible modernity.
Here is where doubt that Beijing packs a powerful punch grows.
China's military does not train nearly as much as its Western counterparts.
Pilots have very few flying hours, while the large submarine force rarely transits far away from its bastions near the shore.
Nor does China have a large and professional non-commissioned officer corps, which forms the backbone of modern militaries.
In practice, Beijing's military systems and protocols are weak or unknown.
Western military officers who have been given access to Chinese naval ships, for example, talk about a lack of rudimentary damage control systems on board, leading some to conclude that these ships may not survive in a conflict.
Meanwhile, we don't know how well-stocked Chinese weapons magazines are.
The PLA could run out of munitions fairly early in a fight.
We also have no certainty about China's command-and-control system.
Finally, there is evidence that the ethos of the PLA is similar to that of the Soviet Union's military, whose doctrinal rigidity removed any sense of initiative from its battlefield commanders.

This lack of flexibility and innovation may be the greatest weakness in China's armor.
China's detractors use these data points to dismiss its military might—and while they may be right about these weaknesses, they are actually missing the point.
Though the PLA may not be the equivalent of the U.S. military anytime soon (if ever), Beijing's military buildup isn't just to challenge U.S. dominance.
Beijing has other political aims, most importantly regional hegemony, and arguably these are being satisfied. China's military is far larger and more capable than that of any other Asian nation, including Japan.
And the risk of local conflict is tied to how confident it feels about the chances of its forces.
Last week, Beijing announced it was starting "combat-ready patrols" near the contested Spratly and Paracel islands, in response to Vietnamese air patrols.
Washington is struggling with how to check Beijing's regional ambitions, but faces its own problems.
Just keeping America's military presence credible in Asia is increasingly a challenge.
The U.S. may possess the capacity to increase its Asian presence, yet it has no current military strategy for doing so.
Washington's rhetoric suggests it is active in the Asia-Pacific, but its actions say otherwise.
The big problem is the Pentagon's budget is being cut drastically.
Even otherwise, its strategists refuse to deal with the reality of Chinese missiles that could disable American forward bases.
They have also not protected adequately against Chinese electronic warfare capabilities, or considered whether America's seven forward-based squadrons of fighter jets in Asia are adequate to counter China's aerospace buildup.
If the U.S. loses its ability to operate at long distances in a timely and persistent manner, China could deny U.S. forces the ability to enter a conflict zone or operate freely once inside.

That would give Beijing a far easier road toward achieving its aim of regional hegemony.
A paper dragon just might yet best a grounded eagle.
Is the PLA a Paper Dragon?

China's military has its weaknesses. But it's strong enough to dominate Asia, thanks in part to America.
By MICHAEL AUSLIN (Beijing) July 2, 2012, 11:58 a.m. ET

that's very objective,we have our weaknesses ,but strong enough to dominate Asia

We defeat Vietnamese 3 time in last 40 years,1974,1979 and 1988. but during those times China was still weak,poor and technologically backward,but now it's a completely new story,China now is powerful,rich with a mighty military,Vietnam was like a tiny bug ,and we can squash it anytime.
that's very objective,we have our weaknesses ,but strong enough to dominate Asia

We defeat Vietnamese 3 time in last 40 years,1974,1979 and 1988. but during those times China was still weak,poor and technologically backward,but now it's a completely new story,China now is powerful,rich with a mighty military,Vietnam was like a tiny bug ,and we can squash it anytime.

He he, you work still hard on forum. Think more about independence of Manchukuo. Don't give up so easy bro.:tup:
that's very objective,we have our weaknesses ,but strong enough to dominate Asia

We defeat Vietnamese 3 time in last 40 years,1974,1979 and 1988. but during those times China was still weak,poor and technologically backward,but now it's a completely new story,China now is powerful,rich with a mighty military,Vietnam was like a tiny bug ,and we can squash it anytime.

Relax my friend. Pls don´t go mad. You´ll explode otherwise. Shame on you, coming from "powerful, rich, mighty country" being so proud of killing the innocent people, your phrases are just stupid, just blah blah. Anyway VN knows since 2000 years that China is larger and always more powerfull. But for any enemy it will be a huge mistake if they underestimate the vietnamese.

Beijing downplays threat of Vietnam's air force
Staff Reporter 2012-06-21 12:41 (GMT+8)

Hong Lei, spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, protested against the patrols by Vietnamese Su-27 fighters over the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea at a press conference in Beijing on Jun. 21, reports the state-run China Radio International.

The Spratlys, one of the largest island chains in the South China Sea, is claimed in whole or in part by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. Small military forces from the first five countries are stationed on 45 of its islands.

The flights by fighters from the Vietnam People's Air Force over the Spratlys are routine and will continue, according to the Vietnamese military officials. The country's air force is seeking to modernize by purchasing new aircraft to replace its cold war-era fighters such as the MiG-21, MiG-23 and Su-22. Although Vietnam has the largest air force in Southeast Asia in terms of number of aircraft, its planes are not able to match those used by Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.

Because of the arms embargo imposed by the United States, Vietnam's only option is to buy fighters from Russia. After taking delivery of 12 Su-27 and four Su-30MK2V planes from Russia, Hanoi signed another contract with Moscow to purchase 12 more Su-30MK2V aircraft in 2009. The Vietnamese government plans to purchase a total number of 72 Su-30s from Russia to equip its three fighter divisions. This modernization plan may not help the Vietnamese air force defeat China's PLA Air Force in a future conflict, according to China Radio International.

The 12 Su-27 fighters can only play only a limited role in missions supporting Vietnamese ground and naval forces due to the limitation of its payload. They cannot conduct long-range missions because they are not able to be refueled in mid-air. Without information provided by early warning aircraft, even the more advanced Su-30MK2Vs would be unable to attack effectively in formation. Even if Vietnam is successful in acquiring 72 Su-30 fighters by 2015, the overall combat effectiveness of its air force will still not be greatly enhanced, the Chinese media report said.

Beijing downplays threat of Vietnam's air force

South China Sea: Vietnam's Su-30MK2V is Most Modern in Asia. - YouTube
we have so many of those planes and we know their strengths and weaknesses ,besides,if need be,we can mass produce them easily.






Such toys didn't reached to Quantity and quality of US air force in time of Vietnam war. This photos are good for propaganda and parade only.
Such toys didn't reached to Quantity and quality of US air force in time of Vietnam war. This photos are good for propaganda and parade only.

Well, the original Russian made Su-27SKs were pretty sh!tty in quality, now these old birds all got retired.

So you gonna use a small quantity of our retired aircrafts against us? Then good luck with that. :coffee:

Well, the original Russian made Su-27SKs were pretty sh!tty in quality, now these old birds all got retired.

So you gonna use a small quantity of our retired aircrafts against us? Then good luck with that. :coffee:


Russian sold for you low quality one.
We upgraded such toys recently, it's reasonable for patrol over our sea.:enjoy:
Russian sold for you low quality one.
We upgraded such toys recently, it's reasonable for patrol over our sea.:enjoy:

yeah and just like last time those poor viets on it will become fish food LOL
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