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Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

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education time again



The Emperor of Japan, the Japanese government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, having recognized the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces and having surrendered unconditionally to the Supreme Commander for the Allied powers, having directed by his general order no.1 that the senior commanders and all ground, sea, air and auxiliary forces within China excluding Manchuria, Formosa and French Indo-China north of 16 degrees north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.

We, the Japanese Commanders of all Japanese forces and auxiliaries in the areas named above, also recognizing the complete military defeat of the Japanese military forces by the Allied forces, hereby surrender unconditionally all of the forces under our command to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. All the Japanese forces hereby surrendered will cease hostilities and will remain at the stations they now occupy. They are now non-combatant troops and in due course will be demobilized. They will assemble, preserve without damage, and turn over to the forces specified by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, all arms, ammunition, equipment, supplies, records, information and other assets of any kind belonging to the Japanese forces. Pending specific instructions, all Japanese aircraft, naval units, and merchant ships in the areas named above will be held without damage where they are at present located.

All the Allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under Japanese control in the areas named above will be liberated at once and the Japanese forces will provide protection, care, maintenance, and transportation to places as directed.

Henceforth, all the Japanese forces, hereby surrendered, will be subject to the control of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Their movements and activities will be dictated by him, and they will obey only the orders and proclamations issued, or authorised, by him, or the orders of their Japanese commanders based upon his instructions.

This act of surrender and all subsequent orders and proclamations of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to the surrender forces will be issued at once to the appropriate subordinate commanders and forces and it will be the responsibility of all Japanese commanders and forces to see that such proclamations and orders are immediately and completely complied with.

For any failure or delay, by any member of the forces surrendered hereby to act in accordance with this act of surrender or future orders or proclamations of the Generalissimo, he will summarily and drastically punish both the violator and his responsible commanders.

Indian guy,ha,fact is fact,it's known history ,you can't change it. we accepted their unconditional surrender,we won ,they lost,the history was written.
education time again


Indian guy,ha,fact is fact,it's known history ,you can't change it. we accepted their unconditional surrender,we won ,they lost,the history was written.

who told you that, CPC? :rofl:
who told you that, CPC? :rofl:

ACT OF SURRENDER is an officical document,you're becoming imposssible,go and check it online.it's very easy to find.

US nuclear attack had broken Japan's rid. US done all the damage to Japan. China was least important factor in that.

we were allies and we fought together and we won together.

In the middle and later stages of the war (after 1939) when the Japanese advanced to Central China, the Nationalists were very effective at fighting the Japanese. For instance, the Chinese fought the Japanese to a stalemate in Shangsha in 3 major battles (the battles of Changsha) in the span of 4 years (1939-1942). Note that this was NOT some guerilla fighting involving a company or two, but huge fighting involving army groups that totaled in close to half million troops from both sides in each one of these battles.

Further, the Chinese fought Japan on a second front in Burma and India. Nationalists sent the Chinese Expeditionary Forces to Burma/ India in 1942 and fought the Japanese in Southeastern China in 2 campaigns for 3 years 'til the end of the war. This was also large battles between army groups. China and Allied forces (mainly British colonial forces) lost badly in the 1st campaign. However, Chinese forces alone came back and defeated the Japanese thoroughly and effectively in the second campaign. The Chinese forces were able to push Japanese almost completely out of Burma in 1944/45.

Japanese casualties

The Japanese recorded around 1.1 to 1.9 million military casualties (which include killed, wounded and missing). The official death-toll according to the Japan Defense Ministry is 480,000 men, which some historians claim is an understatement due to the length of the war.[103]The combined Chinese forces claimed to have killed at most 1.77 million Japanese soldiers during the eight-year war.

Another source from Hilary Conroy claim that a total of 447,000 Japanese soldiers died in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China.[105]
ACT OF SURRENDER is an officical document,you're becoming imposssible,go and check it online.it's very easy to find.

we were allies and we fought together and we won together.

Its like a servant taking credit for his master's reception.Let it be if it console your ego :P
Its like a servant taking credit for his master's reception.Let it be if it console your ego :P

the least important factor is here.
The Japanese had advanced to Burma as her army had steamrollered all before it between 1942 and 1943. The British had surrendered at Singapore and the Americans, lead by Douglas MacArthur, had left the Philippines. As the Japanese advanced west, they came to Burma. Here their supply lines were stretched to the limit and only a minority of the Japanese Army was stationed there – the majority were in the Pacific region.

The main threat to the Japanese came from the Chinese Army in India (CAI). The Indian Army, under the British, had lost their best men to the campaign in North Africa. The British military hierarchy was also only prepared to take on the Japanese when it felt that British troops were sufficiently trained in jungle warfare.

In January 1943, Indian troops were given the task of advancing along the Burmese coast to the port of Akyab. This was done by the 14th Indian Division. They found only light Japanese resistance and many Japanese posts were manned by just a few soldiers. The real problem for the Allies was the environment. Burma was criss-crossed with jungle, mountains, rivers and mangrove swamps. Moving equipment was a nightmare across such hazardous terrain and worse was the constant threat of disease. Malaria was a very real problem.

Where the Japanese were stationed, they had dug themselves in. This made attacking them difficult as their bunkers had been well constructed and well camouflaged. Most could only be destroyed by heavy artillery and moving such equipment about in Burma was extremely difficult. Combined to the well-placed and well-built bunkers, was the fighting spirit of the Japanese who fought until death.

The 14th Indian Division launched a series of attacks against the Japanese at Akyab but after six weeks they had to pull back as a result of a Japanese counter-attack. The 14th Division returned to India – apparently highly demoralised as a result of their experience.

Capture of Indian territory

Main articles: Invasion and occupation of the Andaman Islands during World War II, Battle of Kohima, and Battle of Imphal

By 1942, neighbouring Burma was invaded by Japan. By then it had already captured the Indian territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. As a major possession of the United Kingdom, Japan looked to invade India, as it provided natural resources and could possibly be used as a staging post for an advance into the Middle East and the British oil fields in Persia and Iraq. Japan ceded the Andaman and Nicobar islands to the Provisional Government of Free India on October 21, 1943. In March 1944, Japan initiated an offensive into India and advanced as far as Kohima in Nagaland.
we were British colony then.So the credit goes to British. But but even almighty China can not dream to attack nuclear India today. Isn't it !

so who has a master?and we are here talking about Spratly,why are you saying attacking nuclear India?maybe you enter the wrong thread.
so who has a master?and we are here talking about Spratly,why are you saying attacking nuclear India?maybe you enter the wrong thread.

You had US and Britain as your master then. Most unfortunate thing is still you guys have master in CPC which you can not choose yourself. May be cPC doesn't believe in maturity of common Chinese citizen.
You had US and Britain as your master then. Most unfortunate thing is still you guys have master in CPC which you can not choose yourself. May be cPC doesn't believe in maturity of common Chinese citizen.

ha,we fought both US and USSR,and India in a smaller scale,we believe in our own power.CCP has been doing a good job in the past 3 decades and brought China from abject poverty to today's second biggest economy,it's a miracle stride.and you talk smugly about your democrazy and freedom,but can't change the fact that your country is the home to one third of the world's poor.you can keep your country that way and we do our way.don't have to brag about how wonderfu your country is cause allthe people in the world know the truth.
ha,we fought both US and USSR,and India in a smaller scale,we believe in our own power.CCP has been doing a good job in the past 3 decades and brought China from abject poverty to today's second biggest economy,it's a miracle stride.and you talk smugly about your democrazy and freedom,but can't change the fact that your country is the home to one third of the world's poor.you can keep your country that way and we do our way.don't have to brag about how wonderfu your country is cause allthe people in the world know the truth.

It's just real statistics in China is never published curtsy no free media and no right of expression. Even India is one of the largest economies in the world for a record.
It's just real statistics in China is never published curtsy no free media and no right of expression. Even India is one of the largest economies in the world for a record.

haha,talk that to your fellow Indians and see if they believe you.if you like to make a detailed comparison bw China and India,start a new thread and I believe I can teach you a lot.
we were British colony then.So the credit goes to British. But but even almighty China can not dream to attack nuclear India today. Isn't it !

You should be proud of British as British empire created the nation called India. Also, why are you saying that China is not part of the allie force? China was one of the big 5 allie countries of WWII. You are entitle to your opinions, but you are not entitle to your facts.
Bad move. The last thing Vietnam should do is force China's hand. China's leaders are under pressure to act tough. The domestic audience has had enough of provocations from some of the more daring neighbors.

If this continues, I think China will act.

If this develops into a conflict... it will not end well for anyone. It will set Vietnam's progress back 20 years.

Vietnam should come to the negotiating table first before rashly committing military hardware. It's a very, very bad move to have military assets in the region.
Bad move. The last thing Vietnam should do is force China's hand. China's leaders are under pressure to act tough. The domestic audience has had enough of provocations from some of the more daring neighbors.

If this continues, I think China will act.

If this develops into a conflict... it will not end well for anyone. It will set Vietnam's progress back 20 years.

Vietnam should come to the negotiating table first before rashly committing military hardware. It's a very, very bad move to have military assets in the region.

Islands and sea belong to Vietnam from ancient time. In the past China acepted and called Jiaozhi sea.


On the book printed in China, Vietnam or Giao Chi country was drawn to be adjacent to China’s Qinzhou to the north, Champa to the south, the Giao Chi Sea (the sea of Giao Chi country or Vietnam) to the east.
Bad move. The last thing Vietnam should do is force China's hand. China's leaders are under pressure to act tough. The domestic audience has had enough of provocations from some of the more daring neighbors.

If this continues, I think China will act.

If this develops into a conflict... it will not end well for anyone. It will set Vietnam's progress back 20 years.

Vietnam should come to the negotiating table first before rashly committing military hardware. It's a very, very bad move to have military assets in the region.
Yeah, do something if you have the guts, if you learn Nothing from US during VN war, and remember Nothing from 1979, then, time to teach you hard lesson again, that's it.

Don't cry when we sink your merchant ships to destroy your economy:coffee:
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