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Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

Bro, the world won't rotate around Vietnam, unless your country has turned into another Syria.
No, it's you chinese here and there who claims to be the new superman superpower superior race of the world. The likelihood China turns into Syria is 100 times higher. You have ethnic clashes, domestic as well as foreign terrorists while we haven't.
No, it's you chinese here and there who claims to be the new superman superpower superior race of the world. The likelihood China turns into Syria is 100 times higher. You have ethnic clashes, domestic as well as foreign terrorists while we haven't.

The Syria regime doesn't have the power to stand up against foreign aggressors, but completely different case for China.

If China has turned into Syria, then Vietnam will cease to exist, since you cannot expect giant neighbor next door gets crashed and burned but without affecting you.

The heaven is too far away from you my friend.
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No, it's you chinese here and there who claims to be the new superman superpower superior race of the world. The likelihood China turns into Syria is 100 times higher. You have ethnic clashes, domestic as well as foreign terrorists while we haven't.

:-) You are getting paranoid. Did any Chinese in here claimed they are super genes or superior race?

China as one of the world's SUPERPOWERS is an undeniable fact and is not quite the same as the so-called super race you mentioned.

:laughcry: IMO China is much safer than most places on earth.

China can never turned into Syria but the likelihood of Vietnam being reannex as China former Province of Annam may be more realistic since it was the thieving French who gave Vietnam her independence.

When you still an item, you returned it back to the owner e.g. Taiwan and all the islands in SCS taken by Japan during WW2 were returned back to China after the war as per declaration in Cairo and agreement @ Potsdam.

error.. steal an item

:-) You are getting paranoid. Did any Chinese in here claimed they are super genes or superior race?

China as one of the world's SUPERPOWERS is an undeniable fact and is not quite the same as the so-called super race you mentioned.

:laughcry: IMO China is much safer than most places on earth.

China can never turned into Syria but the likelihood of Vietnam being reannex as China former Province of Annam may be more realistic since it was the thieving French who gave Vietnam her independence.

When you still an item, you returned it back to the owner e.g. Taiwan and all the islands in SCS taken by Japan during WW2 were returned back to China after the war as per declaration in Cairo and agreement @ Potsdam.

error.. steal an item
take your fingers and count the number of threads in this section!
you flood with all chinese topics as if there isn´t other nations in Far East. very often: one topic with 10 different threads. chinese can ereything today, even go over water. Not to mention the number of insults from you and your comrades toward VN and PN, and naked lies.

the likelyhood VN and TW become a country is much higher. go check out the number of Viet people living in Taiwan and the close ties between two countries. I post here some pics in TW. Enjoy. here is Tet feast.








take your fingers and count the number of threads in this section!
you flood with all chinese topics as if there isn´t other nations in Far East. very often: one topic with 10 different threads. chinese can ereything today, even go over water. Not to mention the number of insults from you and your comrades toward VN and PN, and naked lies.

the likelyhood VN and TW become a country is much higher. go check out the number of Viet people living in Taiwan and the close ties between two countries. I post here some pics in TW. Enjoy. here is Tet feast.









Well, TW and SCS issues will be solved in the next 10 year (if not before 2023).

So, VN and TW can be in one country if VN decides to join China . ;)
take your fingers and count the number of threads in this section!
you flood with all chinese topics as if there isn´t other nations in Far East. very often: one topic with 10 different threads. chinese can ereything today, even go over water. Not to mention the number of insults from you and your comrades toward VN and PN, and naked lies.

the likelyhood VN and TW become a country is much higher. go check out the number of Viet people living in Taiwan and the close ties between two countries. I post here some pics in TW. Enjoy. here is Tet feast.









We all know the brides exporting is a big business in Vietnam, but VN and TW become one country? Are you sure you are not out of your mind? :D
take your fingers and count the number of threads in this section!
you flood with all chinese topics as if there isn´t other nations in Far East. very often: one topic with 10 different threads. chinese can ereything today, even go over water. Not to mention the number of insults from you and your comrades toward VN and PN, and naked lies.

the likelyhood VN and TW become a country is much higher. go check out the number of Viet people living in Taiwan and the close ties between two countries. I post here some pics in TW. Enjoy. here is Tet feast.









@Martian2 was from Taiwan, and just ask him if his people wanna be part of China or Vietnam.

It is like saying that the Crimean Russians wanna be part of Turkey instead of Russia.
We all know the brides exporting is a big business in Vietnam, but VN and TW become one country? Are you sure you are not out of your mind? :D
Totally off topic.

Just a sentence: the government of VN earns from bride export as much as Xi Jinping earns money by selling his book: nothing. Because nobody buys his propaganda piece.

Troll harder!

@Martian2 was from Taiwan, and just ask him if his people wanna be part of China or Vietnam.

It is like saying that the Crimean Russians wanna be part of Turkey instead of Russia.
Wrong comparison: turkey right now is slipping into a civil war with economy getting hurt, while if TW joins VN, they are in safe heaven. one, either VN or TW, alone is weak, but if we join our hands, we are a force to be reckoned with. Military and economically.
Wrong comparison: turkey right now is slipping into a civil war with economy getting hurt, while if TW joins VN, they are in safe heaven. one, either VN or TW, alone is weak, but if we join our hands, we are a force to be reckoned with. Military and economically.

Vietnam is much poorer than Turkey.
Wrong comparison: turkey right now is slipping into a civil war with economy getting hurt,

That is not true, @Viet . Turkish economy is growing at 4%, and their country is relatively stable. No Russian air force dare threatens their national borders, now. :)

Turkey literally has the guts to shoot down a Russian Air Force jet , that's one hell of a resolve ! :)
I wonder why you bother of what we are doing. Anyway like most of chinese you don't understand TPP, least the economic and strategic importance for VN.
Vietnam wants to use TPP to become an economic colony of United States to avoid being sinicized. This is the fundamental policy of Vietnam since independence. Vietnam was part of china for 1000 years and a vassal state for another 1000 years. Current Vietnam regime wants to avoid sinicization at any cost, such as unifying indoChina, stealing SCS, alignment with Soviet Union and alignment with USA, banning Chinese characters etc.

Vietnam is just like Eastern Europe. They'd rather being an economic colony of Europe Union to avoid Russia. Even this means de-industralization. Unfortunately with the scale of industrialization getting bigger and bigger,small countries such as Vietnam just cannot have competitive power without China. That's why they have huge deficit with China.
That is not true, @Viet . Turkish economy is growing at 4%, and their country is relatively stable. No Russian air force dare threatens their national borders, now. :)

Turkey literally has the guts to shoot down a Russian Air Force jet , that's one hell of a resolve ! :)
Before the civil war, Syria was one of the most advanced countries in the region. It's health care was world class. Now everything is destroyed. Turkey is on the surface stable and strong but it is now like a powder keg that is beginning to explode. 8 German tourists died today by a suicide terrorist. Turkey tourism industry and the overall economy will dive if not collapse. Not only because of Russia sanctions but many fundamental weaknesses of the Turkey.

But we are again off topic.

Vietnam is much poorer than Turkey.
With the pace the Turkish lira sinking, 25 per cent minus against the Dollar last year, we may catch up in some years. Nothing can't last forever.
Totally off topic.

Just a sentence: the government of VN earns from bride export as much as Xi Jinping earns money by selling his book: nothing. Because nobody buys his propaganda piece.

Troll harder!

You are the one who brought up VN and TW being one country, and posted Vietnamese women in TW as prof. You have the big nerve to accuse others for off topic? Remember, just because you export your women to other countries, it doesn't make other countries want to be part of Vietnam. Your guys export lots of women to China too, dose it make Vietnam part of China? Absurd, VN troll!
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