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Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

sure, chinese interests are global, aren´t they?

you call grasping at straws, but I call it strategic game. too bad: we both would be the best friends on earth if you acted more reasonable. it is very unfortunenate, today, for vietnam, I can tell you, china is a country, nobody of us is wanting to talk of. you do your stuffs, while we go into opposite direction. alliances are useful if you are weaker and smaller than your opponents. by the way, when we sought alliance to foreign powers such as Portugal and France, you were still stuck with closed door policy, and most of chinese had no clue there is a world existing outside China.

I have stated it numerous time to you - It is Vietnam that sold China down river.

Relations went to hell when you unilaterally decided that the Soviet Union is your best buddy and dug your future into a hole. Imagine if you had selected China during the Sino Soviet split - Chinese would bend over backwards to accomodate you in the modern age.

The current predicament of the Vietnamese nation and people is caused by yourselves.
The need is mutual. China doesn't export to Vietnam as charity. The export creates jobs and brings income in China.
exact. my friend, with rising prosperity in VN as we see it today and tomorrow we will buy more stuffs from China. you should be thankful instead of bullying us. even the koreans know VN job market is promising. for koreans.
exact. my friend, with rising prosperity in VN as we see it today and now we will buy more stuffs from China. you should be thankful instead of bullying us. even the koreans know VN job market is promising. for koreans.
I seriuously doubt china is bullying vietnam. she is just conducting regular business on her claimed and controlled territory. exactly the same as vietnam is doing. if china were bullying, then so does vietnam.
I have stated it numerous time to you - It is Vietnam that sold China down river.

Relations went to hell when you unilaterally decided that the Soviet Union is your best buddy and dug your future into a hole. Imagine if you had selected China during the Sino Soviet split - Chinese would bend over backwards to accomodate you in the modern age.

The current predicament of the Vietnamese nation and people is caused by yourselves.
I don´t get it why chinese took it too personally. first, the split of China to USSR had nothing to do with VN. second, you should see it from vietnamese view as well as go back in times to understand the decision. last, the lack of trust to China.
I don´t get it why chinese took it too personally. first, the split of China to USSR had nothing to do with VN. second, you should see it from vietnamese view as well as go back in times to understand the decision. last, the lack of trust to China.

The Vietnamese view was short sighted. The USSR was a superpower, China was a backward agrarian society of peasants.

You had not anticipated how the fortunes of both nations would change and its effect on a small nation like Vietnam.
I don´t get it why chinese took it too personally. first, the split of China to USSR had nothing to do with VN. second, you should see it from vietnamese view as well as go back in times to understand the decision. last, the lack of trust to China.
if truly lack of trust to china, then there would be not alliance and support from china. why would you seek support from someone you don't trust? or, vietnam just lied and made a fool of china. if that is the case, that really says something about vietnam, doesn't it?
The Vietnamese view was short sighted. The USSR was a superpower, China was a backward agrarian society of peasants.

You had not anticipated how the fortunes of both nations would change and its effect on a small nation like Vietnam.
vietnam ultimate goal was to win the war and united the country, hence the decision for USSR. you shouldn´t forget it was China that ultimately demanded Vietnam to make the choice!

I wonder why you have a better relationship to many US and Soviet allies such as South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and many others despite they selected the "wrong" partner? come on, You can admit, you treat VN like a small brother, or worse, as vassal. but that is thing of the past, time to move on.

if truly lack of trust to china, then there would be not alliance and support from china. why would you seek support from someone you don't trust? or, vietnam just lied and made a fool of china. if that is the case, that really says something about vietnam, doesn't it?
trust to CN existed but was slowly deteriorated by many decisions of chinese leadership that went against the interests of VN. no, we didn´t made a fool of china, you knew the game, too, and the different strategic interests of CN and VN. but you were upset because VN made a decision that does not fit into chinese equation.
vietnam ultimate goal was to win the war and united the country, hence the decision for USSR. you shouldn´t forget it was China that ultimately demanded Vietnam to make the choice!

I wonder why you have a better relationship to many US and Soviet allies such as South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and many others despite they selected the "wrong" partner? come on, You can admit, you treat VN like a small brother, or worse, as vassal. but that is thing of the past, time to move on.
simple. china and ussr were at odds with each other. even engage in border skirmish. they cannot cooperate in vietnam. so you had to pick. also, after years of support china gave to vietnam, i think china had credit to demand a pick.

trust to CN existed but was slowly deteriorated by many decisions of chinese leadership that went against the interests of VN. no, we didn´t made a fool of china, you knew the game, too, and the different strategic interests of CN and VN.
of course you did. you even openly acknowledged that you (vietnam) agreed on the chinese sovereignty of paracel islands then just to get chinese support.
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simple. china and ussr were at odds with each other. even engage in border skirmish. they cannot cooperate in vietnam. so you had to pick. also, after years of support china gave to vietnam, i think china had credit to demand a pick.

of course you did. you even openly acknoledged that you (vietnam) agreed on the chinese sovereignty of paracel islands then just to get chinese support.
we both can agree on we both have different view on history. but come on, that´s a thing of the past. time to move on. put the history into a can and close it and throw it into the nearest river. today you and russia are the best friend on earth, aren´t you?
TTP will widen your deficit trade with China, as more countries will invest and building processing industries in your country, it's mean the more your country need parts item and raw material to running your industries, and the most logical choice is to import them from China. Why it can be happened, simple, the facts about Vietnam is not blessed with abundant raw material necessary to support industry like Coal, Oil, tar, tin, iron, aluminium, and other their derivative processed products, and the derivative processes product of such raw materials is much cheaper to be to processed in China compared to other countries because China doing it at large scale. And it will be the most logical choice for any businessman in Vietnam to import what ever items and products (like steel, aluminium, processed oil, petrochemical products and other) they need from China than importing them from other countries overseas such as US, Canada, Australia or Brazil, because the location of China is very close to Vietnam, hence reducing logistical cost to ship or transporting them.

And such occurrence need cooperation from China, and will entangled Vietnam economy with China more deeper than ever.

The country will be more integrated in the global supply chain and less dependent on China.

TPP states that source materials, resources & equipment must come from pact members called the Rule of Origin. China is not a TPP member.
we both can agree on we both have different view on history. but come on, that´s a thing of the past. time to move on. put the history into a can and close it and throw it into the nearest river. today you and russia are the best friend on earth, aren´t you?
well, you may want to tell this to your countrymen, as recent tension is all on chinese controlled territory, not on dozens of islands or rocks vietnam occupies.
The country will be more integrated in the global supply chain and less dependent on China.

TPP states that source materials, resources & equipment must come from pact members called the Rule of Origin. China is not a TPP member.

the businessman/woman will always follow one rule only, profit!!! They will always trying to find the most efficient ways to increasing their own profit.

and one thing, China had more global supply chain in manufacturing and processing industries than any country in this world, mean the more your country integrated into world trade, the more your economic will be tangled and aligned with China economic.

can you give me the link in which showing rules of origin point in TPP rule of law, seems bogus to me.
TPP will reduce our overreliance on China. we expect all the major economies from the US, Japan, Korea, to Taiwan including China will open new factories to produce all stuffs in Vietnam to benefit from the pact. that will change the landscape a bit...

TPP: World Bank says Japan, Vietnam to gain significantly- Nikkei Asian Review


Your 2 minutes hero Trump is also strictly against TPP, so good luck with your TPP dream after he becomes the POTUS.

the businessman/woman will always follow one rule only, profit!!! They will always trying to find the most efficient ways to increasing their own profit.

and one thing, China had more global supply chain in manufacturing and processing industries than any country in this world, mean the more your country integrated into world trade, the more your economic will be tangled and aligned with China economic.

can you give me the link in which showing rules of origin point in TPP rule of law, seems bogus to me.

Exactly, China doesn't want to play nasty with everyone.

But Vietnam doesn't have any bargaining power with China, and if they want to play nasty with China, then China could simply choke them to death.
Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

“Chinese cabbages fetch only VND8,000 [$0.39] a kg, compared to VND40,000 [$1.79] a kg for those grown in Da Lat or Hanoi,” she said.

Upon being imported, Chinese fruits and vegetables are distributed to wholesale markets in Vietnam, from where they will be transported to smaller markets, supermarkets and especially those restaurants, eateries and firms that supply meals in large quantities to factories, hospitals or schools.

“Chinese products are always available no matter how many of them you want to source,” said Hung, who sells spices at the Hoc Mon wholesale market in Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to .3bn

I can understand that Vietnamese can't make rockets, and they are not competitive on auto or electronics manufacturing yet. I just don't understand that they can't even grow freaking cabbage with half decent price? :o:
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