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Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

Your 2 minutes hero Trump is also strictly against TPP, so good luck with your TPP dream after he becomes the POTUS.

Exactly, China doesn't want to play nasty with everyone.

But Vietnam doesn't have any bargaining power with China, and if they want to play nasty with China, then China could simply choke them to death.
I put my bet on Obama that he gets the pact through the Congress before his term ends. After that, it doesn't matter at all if Trump likes TPP or not, even if he becomes president.

It surprised me they have to import basic agriculture products from more developed country in large quantity. Even in the US, cabbage only retailed for about $0.8 per Kg or less. Something just doesn't add up.
How much cabbage costs in China?
It surprised me they have to import basic agriculture products from more developed country in large quantity. Even in the US, cabbage only retailed for about $0.8 per Kg or less. Something just doesn't add up.
Cabbage grown in Dalat is organic foods and very delicious. In other regions in Vn , it's much cheaper. Agriculture products in Dalat belong to high quality class so it's always expensive. Anyway, if Vietnamese people know that the cabbage is from china, no one dare to eat. A lot of agriculture products from china are sold in Vietnamese name or even Dalat name.
Dalat is a beautiful city of tourism, you can not expect cheap products from it. At least, we can grow alot of beautiful flowers in dalat.


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I can understand that Vietnamese can't make rockets, and they are not competitive on auto or electronics manufacturing yet. I just don't understand that they can't even grow freaking cabbage with half decent price? :o:

I think it's the logistics and economies of scale that Madofc stated in her earlier post. Off topic, you know that Logistics managers and coordinators make big $$$ in the west.
I put my bet on Obama that he gets the pact through the Congress before his term ends. After that, it doesn't matter at all if Trump likes TPP or not, even if he becomes president.

He said that he is going to repeal the Obamacare once he became the president, so same for the TPP.

This guy is purely a populist and doesn't play according to the rules.
Cabbage grown in Dalat is organic foods and very delicious. In other regions in Vn , it's much cheaper. Agriculture products in Dalat belong to high quality class so it's always expensive. Anyway, if Vietnamese people know that the cabbage is from china, no one dare to eat. A lot of agriculture products from china are sold in Vietnamese name or even Dalat name.
Dalat is a beautiful city of tourism, you can not expect cheap products from it. At least, we can grow alot of beautiful flowers in dalat.



been there. I have to say it's' a nice place for a visit.
He said that he is going to repeal the Obamacare once he became the president, so same for the TPP.

This guy is purely a populist and doesn't play according to the rules.
Well, he can't decide anything without the approval of the Congress. however, the most funny thing is if he wants to send the army to invade China slapping your face, he doesn't need approval. I believe he hates everything chinese. He hates competition from a wannabe superpower.
Well, he can't decide anything without the approval of the Congress. however, the most funny thing is if he wants to send the army to invade China slapping your face, he doesn't need approval. I believe he hates everything chinese. He hates competition from a wannabe superpower.

To declare the war against China should not be decided by Trump alone.

But this guy is not playing according to the rules, that's why he is even hated by the GOP.

He may decide to launch the war against China without getting the approval from the congress, and he is definitely going to repeal the TPP in order to appease his populist base.

The guy dislikes anything non-white, so he is also going to dislike Mexico and Vietnam, not only China.
To declare the war against China should not be decided by Trump alone.

But this guy is not playing according to the rules, that's why he is even hated by the GOP.

He may decide to launch the war against China without getting the approval from the congress, and he is definitely going to repeal the TPP in order to appease his populist base.

The guy dislikes anything non-white, so he is also going to dislike Mexico and Vietnam, not only China.

At the end of the day, the Donald will hate Vietnamese more than Chinese. Donald can make money with Chinese, win win. He cannot make money with Vietnamese-lose lose.
If they are not competitive on even agriculture, I don't know what they are going to bring to TPP table, which every Vietnamese members seems to be nagging about and betting their fortune on. Maybe they are dreaming to be a member of OPEC?

Basically Vietnam is offering themselves fully and compliantly to the TPP, they want to be exploited and want to benefit from that exploitation. That is the Vietnam master plan for development.
Basically Vietnam is offering themselves fully and compliantly to the TPP, they want to be exploited and want to benefit from that exploitation. That is the Vietnam master plan for development.
I wonder why you bother of what we are doing. Anyway like most of chinese you don't understand TPP, least the economic and strategic importance for VN.
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