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Vietnam’s deficit with China rises 12.5% to $32.3bn

I thought that "the moral" there is a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. So why I do not agree with you.

We do know that in China, Chinese are brainwashed with propaganda "The Heaven is far, but China is in nearby". It is correct in the past, not to nowadays. We are no needed escape from you.

The concept of Tianxia is still embedded in China's global thinking although we all agree we moved beyond the empire-state into nation-state.

You do not need to escape, as you cannot so long as you are meaningfully connected. Numbers do not lie. Isn't this the entire premise of this OP?
The concept of Tianxia is still embedded in China's global thinking although we all agree we moved beyond the empire-state into nation-state.

You do not need to escape, as you cannot so long as you are meaningfully connected. Numbers do not lie. Isn't this the entire premise of this OP?

Tianxia is under globalism process. So China, USA, EU ... is close to us. This is new game. China is no further a center country for people in Asia now..
Tianxia is under globalism process. So China, USA, EU ... is close to us. This is new game. China is no further a center country for people in Asia now..

China has never been the global center, after all, at least not in the minds of the distant barbarians. It was the regional center under the Empire system. But we moved past that stage into post-Westphalian nation state, an idea that China accepted first involuntarily, but then heartily. Now we perceive the nation state as the highest political expression and a virtue.

Under the new conditions, China is very much embedded into the rest of the world more deeply (economically) than any other. Hence it will be the hardest for you to escape from it. That's my point. It is still paying tributes in the symbolic sense -- as trade surpluses.
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I fear a color revolution in Vietnam now as the battle for internal leadership got heat up. This can disrupt our economic relationship with Vietnam more than this TPP. :rofl:
China has never been the global center, after all, at least not in the minds of the distant barbarians. It was the regional center under the Empire system. But we moved past that stage into post-Westphalian nation state, an idea that China accepted first involuntarily, but then heartily. Now we perceive the nation state as the highest political expression and a virtue.

Under the new conditions, China is very much embedded into the rest of the world more deeply (economically) than any other. Hence it will be the hardest for you to escape from it. That's my point. It is still paying tributes in the symbolic sense -- as trade surpluses.

Very funny point bro.

Vietnam records trade surpluses with the United States, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, etc... does it mean that there is tribute paying from them ?
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