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Vietnamese Prime Minister chosen to be leadership icon in Asia

No need to say from 1975 to 1990, if you say that, I also can say China can overtake USA if not having cultrual revolution or some stupid, pointless. I think you are a senior people, whatever you ask teenage in Vietnam or China now, they will open their big Eyes and look at you confusing if you say"East Germany":-) BTW, the people in East Germany hate USSR and if they want, they would come to the West Germany(you call them USA's dog), so the people in Poland, Czech, Finland even unfied Hitler to defeat USSR. Now only one Germany.
I was born in 1980, and I witnessed the Soviet collapse from the TV , my parents were so sad when watching TV but I was still too young to know why . Many VNese still call Lien Xo (So viet) instead of Russia now , we learned abt "East Germany" in history book .

Some of my relatives has studied, worked and lived in "East Germany" before Berlin wall collapse. Ur wife's family in Hai Phong, right ?? and I think she know "East Germany kid hospital ' (bệnh viện nhi Đức )in Kien An. East Germany helped Vn alot from 1945-1989.
I was born in 1980, and I witnessed the Soviet collapse from the TV , my parents were so sad when watching TV but I was still too young to know why . Many VNese still call Lien Xo (So viet) instead of Russia now , we learned abt "East Germany" in history book .

Some of my relatives has studied, worked and lived in "East Germany" before Berlin wall collapse. Ur wife's family in Hai Phong, right ?? and I think she know "East Germany kid hospital ' (bệnh viện nhi Đức )in Kien An. East Germany helped Vn alot from 1945-1989.
My wife was born after 1990s, and she studied University in Norway, so she only know "Russia", not "Lien Xo"(Girls dont like Watch tv news, history,war or political). My parents and her parents know that and In China, those old people also call CCCP as "Lien Xo"(苏联). Those teenages in Vietnam and China dont know very much what CCCP is now, what they love is USA's Culture. In middle school of Vietnam, students can choose one "second foreign language" as English, Chinese, French, Japanese. Almost no one learn Russian, neither in Vietnam, nor in China. My wife chose English since it is easiest:-) Whatever, CCCP is a facisit power, Vietnam should thank for China on that, Now whatever you hate China, dont trust China, no problem. At least, CCCP is not the neighbour of Vietnam. And for China, you see Chinese here seems very angry with SCS, but even you Think China government is so evil, It is much more better than If Vietnam's neighbour is CCCP. Really, Soviet did nice in Vietnam only because Vietnam has no border with them, or you can ask those people from east europé, how the soviet is.
I was born in 1980, and I witnessed the Soviet collapse from the TV , my parents were so sad when watching TV but I was still too young to know why . Many VNese still call Lien Xo (So viet) instead of Russia now , we learned abt "East Germany" in history book .

Some of my relatives has studied, worked and lived in "East Germany" before Berlin wall collapse. Ur wife's family in Hai Phong, right ?? and I think she know "East Germany kid hospital ' (bệnh viện nhi Đức )in Kien An. East Germany helped Vn alot from 1945-1989.
I dont know if you have seen this photo. When the Berlin Wall had just finished, This Soldier from East Germany threw his gun and run into the West Berlin. At last, he was shot by East German army, Do you Think why people want to leave CCCP's Control if they can have a good Life?
My wife was born after 1990s, and she studied University in Norway, so she only know "Russia", not "Lien Xo"(Girls dont like Watch tv news, history,war or political). My parents and her parents know that and In China, those old people also call CCCP as "Lien Xo"(苏联). Those teenages in Vietnam and China dont know very much what CCCP is now, what they love is USA's Culture. In middle school of Vietnam, students can choose one "second foreign language" as English, Chinese, French, Japanese. Almost no one learn Russian, neither in Vietnam, nor in China. My wife chose English since it is easiest:-) Whatever, CCCP is a facisit power, Vietnam should thank for China on that, Now whatever you hate China, dont trust China, no problem. At least, CCCP is not the neighbour of Vietnam. And for China, you see Chinese here seems very angry with SCS, but even you Think China government is so evil, It is much more better than If Vietnam's neighbour is CCCP. Really, Soviet did nice in Vietnam only because Vietnam has no border with them, or you can ask those people from east europé, how the soviet is.
In VietNam,Trust me, many kids know abt Lien Xo (Soviet) coz there is a popular black website named LauXanh.US and we often call it " Lien Xo chống My "(Soviet against USA) :lol:

Google "liên xô chống mỹ" (Soviet against USA) u will see it explain that is "black web" .

Some funny story abt Soviet from Vnese :lol:

I dont know if you have seen this photo. When the Berlin Wall had just finished, This Soldier from East Germany threw his gun and run into the West Berlin. At last, he was shot by East German army, Do you Think why people want to leave CCCP's Control if they can have a good Life?
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Back to the discussion. Many Vnese loves Soviet so much, Soviet help was great, without war with China-Pol Pot-Thaialnd, I think we surely could be industrialized nation with Soviet-East Germany help

Soviet support sustained Vietnamese operations in Cambodia. Military aid in 1978 approached US$800 million annually, but after the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and the Chinese attack on Vietnam in February 1979, the figure rose to almost US$1.4 billion. The sharp increase, reflecting the Soviet effort to replace quickly Vietnamese equipment losses on the SinoVietnamese border, was subsequently reduced to between US$800 and 900 million in 1980 and between US$900 million and 1 billion in 1981. Military aid increased to 1.7 billion annually in the 1982- 85 period, and decreased to an estimated US$1.5 billion in 1985. Reported Soviet dissatisfaction with Hanoi's handling of Cambodia, stemming from the stalemated battlefield situation and its high costs, did not appear to affect Moscow's decision to continue to provide assistance for the war. At the end of 1987, there was no indication that the Soviets were pressing Vietnam to resolve the conflict.
Vietnam - The Soviet Union
East Germany began to invite North Vietnamese students to attend study and training programmes there as early as the 1950s; cooperation expanded in 1973, when they pledged to train a further 10,000 Vietnamese citizens in the following ten years. In 1980, they signed an agreement with the reunified Socialist Republic of Vietnam for enterprises in East Germany to provide training to Vietnamese; between 1987 and 1989.[4] The East German government viewed industrial trainee programmes not just as a means to increase the labour supply to local industry, but also as development aid to the poorer members of the socialist bloc.[8] By the mid-1980s, Vietnamese, along with Mozambicans, comprised the main groups of foreign labourers in the GDR.[10] From a population of just 2,482 in 1980, the number of Vietnamese residents of East Germany grew to 59,053 by 1989, with the largest influx in 1987 and 1988.[11] They were concentrated mainly in Karl-Marx-Stadt,Dresden, Erfurt, East Berlin, and Leipzig.[12] Their contracts were supposed to last for five years, after which they would return home.[4]
Vietnamese people in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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wrong, Vietnam does care of its citizens. after several incidents, the government addressed the issue with Russia. when Putin visited Vietnam last November, he signed 17 agreements, including one that improves the situation of the Vietnamese in Russia.




Russian President adopts labour migration agreement | Hightlight news, Stories from Vietnam and the World
Russia, Vietnam Sign 17 Deals During Putin's Visit - WSJ.com

Russian neo-nazis attack anyone that looks non-Russian. Many Neo-nazis live in St. petersburg and Moscow where Vietnamese students study.

Another Vietnamese student killed in Russia | VOV Online Newspaper

You should know I Always want Vietnam to be a modern, developed and democracy country.
sometimes I wonder if you are one of us. as Chinese you are the one who says such a thing. Usually China´s policy is to keep Vietnam down, to inflict damage on Vietnam.
I assume they want to punish for our desicion to break with China up, seeking independence.
Is Russia modern, developed or democracy? the president became PM and than became president again. I am afraid it's the round for Putin, president-pm-president:-) You want Vietnam also become such country? Russia defence industry? Dont make everybody laugh! Go and check history, the most weapon that Russia used is a weapon called "Cold air" Without that weapon, tell me, which war did Russia win?
Vietnam has very few options in buying weapons from other countries. America still holds arms embargo.
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you enjoy much longer period of peace than Vietnam. so wonder that you are more ahead of us.
as for Vietnam ship building industry, I read we are the 5th largest ship builder in the world. We can build diffrent sizes of container ships, tankers, cargo ships, and floating oil storage units with capacity of 100,000 tons.

sure, we are still ways behind of China in building military vessels. that take times. hope Russia and Japan support Vietnam plan to increase capacity in this critical field.










building civilian ship ≠ building warship

For example, South Korea can build the largest civilian ship, yet they can't even build a proper frigate with their own technology, let alone the 10000+ tons nuclear sub.
I only know name of four top leaders in other ASEAN countries - Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Phillipines. Never had any impression from the Vietnamese Prime Minister, or is he a President? Extremely rare to read news concerning him on Malaysian, Western and other International media, so what has he done for ASEAN?
We can learn how to make tank, jet fighter, sub-marine , infrastructure building etc from Soviet and East German. Even China now still can not make Su-30 jet engine from Soviet era.

You are full of crap, it is Vietnam who can't still make a WWII aircraft.
sometimes I wonder if you are one of us. as Chinese you are the one who says such a thing. Usually China´s policy is to keep Vietnam down, to inflict damage on Vietnam.
I assume they want to punish for our desicion to break with China up, seeking independence.
Haha, If your impression on Chinese is only on this forum, just tell you"you serious, you lose". I've never heard that China's policy is to keep Vietnam down, or as a big and strong country, and dont suspect China's country power, just watching those Chinese people buying house in America and Canada like buying vegetables, then you can understand, just a little part of iceberg in the whole power. China could not only keep Vietnam down, but also destroy Vietnam's economy. But have China done that? No! What I see in Vietnam is Chinese businessmen is taking part in Vietnam's development and meanwhile, they become richer and richer from Vietnam's development. So Why should China keep Vietnam down? On the other hand, even Vietnam in the future has become a successful developed country, but has that Vietnam got any threaten to China? No! A rich, stable, developed Vietnam follows China's intrest! Or do you think Chinese government want Vietnam is as poor as Myanmar that civil war happens everyday, all the refugees ruch into China border and Chinese people always enjoy those innocent gunfire or mortar from Vietnam? Do you think such poor Vietnam is what China want? Both sides' leaders all have a good wise to solve problem, and you really need to have some Chinese friends in Germany.
You are full of crap, it is Vietnam who can't still make a WWII aircraft.

North Korea can make long range missles and launch sattelites into space, Vietnam cannot make a single inferior scud missle and has to buy them entirely from Russia. And Vietnam is both bigger in population and area than North Korea, and isn't sanctioned and cut off from the rest of the world.
North Korea can make long range missles and launch sattelites into space, Vietnam cannot make a single inferior scud missle and has to buy them entirely from Russia. And Vietnam is both bigger in population and area than North Korea, and isn't sanctioned and cut off from the rest of the world.

North Korea has a more robust military industrial complex than Vietnam, it is an undeniable fact.
I bet NiceGuy's brain is running out of normal functionality, even refurbishment can't save his small-sized brain.

Population means productivity, consumption power, and intelligence, everyone knows it. For example, China, with large younger population, will be on the predominating position when competing with Japan where each one of four people is old. Japan's population is negatively growing. I am afraid there even won't be enough people to enter the military force in the future.

This niceguy must be dropped off before graduation of high school, his comment is useless.

Wait until he uses his "sapper" argument against you.

The only thing i can see in 2020; China's GDP will be bigger than that of USA, China's military budget will be tripled.

As for Vietnam, well..stay where you are.

I hope China's GDP will surpass US in 2020, but I wouldn't bet my life saving on it. I like to see it happen first because you don't want to be labelled as Indians. Ie. Super power in 2012, 2030, etc.
Wait until he uses his "sapper" argument against you.

I hope China's GDP will surpass US in 2020, but I wouldn't bet my life saving on it. I like to see it happen first because you don't want to be labelled as Indians. Ie. Super power in 2012, 2030, etc.

Normally, China will surpass the US GDP by 2020, but except if USA bloated their GDP figure again like they did in 2013.
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