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Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

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May 23, 2011
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Vietnamese military parade 2010

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PS:国内朋友看不到越南阅兵的请看这个地址:Ô½ÄÏ2010ÄêÔıøÍêÕû°æ_ÔÚÏßÊÓƵ¹Û¿´_ÍÁ¶¹ÍøÊÓƵ Ô½ÄÏ Ôıøʽ


Note: This is not a comparison of military equipment. This is two more military style.
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Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1939203 said:
Vietnam military parade 2010? It's not military parade. It's just a march in procession which contain army and police.
There is no tank, armored vehicle, missile ...

China's parade also parade. You're funny, actually denied the
When did Vietnam become China's main enemy that you put both countries on the table and make a comparison? It it were so, Chinese are just looking down on themselves.

Regarding military, Vietnam is no match with China.
Vietnam is just a small country. We do not have great ambition in arm racing or territory..., so we only need to build up a small arm force enough to protect ourselves.
But no matter our enemy is America, Japan, France or China... fear is not the word we often talk about.

Remember, when the US invaded Vietnam, they did have dozens of aircraft carriers, thousands of ICBMs... But no one said that the US had won the Vietnam war. No one dare to say that!
The same thing would be for China, the only difference is that China has one aircraft carrier and over a billion of people!!!:cheers:
lawxx is an idiot for comparing Chinese to Vietnamese. You don't see adults comparing muscle size with 3 years olds.
The Viet soldiers seem older and have a dark skin, they look more tough than the Chinese soldiers, am I wrong!? :D

But anyways the most thing that I hate and also love most is the ladies, yeah yeah yeah, that's why the Yank being afraid of fighting with these armies, they don't wanna waste these rose, aren't they!!!??? :D





he he I am getting hot!!! :D

P.S: there are so much, I don't have time so read this!!! :enjoy:
Agreed. Comparing China to Vietnam or India is the biggest compliment for them.

Do you really think:
--> INDIA and China can't be compare?
--> China and Vietnam should be compare?
OR, Are INDIA, Vietnam stand on the same deck?
What a dilemma!!!! While everyone is comparing China with US and Russia, really sad to see Chinese people are having fun comparing them with small states like Vietnam!!!
This is not more military equipment, but the two military spirit. This is why I do not put equipment in part because Chinese military parade.
The Viet soldiers seem older and have a dark skin, they look more tough than the Chinese soldiers, am I wrong!? :D

But anyways the most thing that I hate and also love most is the ladies, yeah yeah yeah, that's why the Yank being afraid of fighting with these armies, they don't wanna waste these rose, aren't they!!!??? :D





he he I am getting hot!!! :D

P.S: there are so much, I don't have time so read this!!! :enjoy:

The soldiers in our 2009 military parade were averaged 6 feet for the males and 5 feet 8 inches for the females.

BTW, the VPA soldiers look quite short compared to the PLA soldiers.
The soldiers in our 2009 military parade were averaged 6 feet for the males and 5 feet 8 inches for the females.

BTW, the VPA soldiers look quite short compared to the PLA soldiers.
Yep, we're short, so we're small targets, you're tall, you're big , so you're easy targets ,easier to get shoot :smokin:
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