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Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

Let them be, and we don't need the socialist brother like them.

Maybe we will see the scenario in Ukraine repeating again in Vietnam.

we don't need china communists too. You have a habitat to backstab on "camrades", both Soviet, Viet and Korean communists.

we are waiting to sea the next Tienanmen Square demonstration again in China.
worry more about the jungle first, that's where the situation might be getting out of control at the moment
lol, he actually mentioned Confucianism as a political form. Perhaps @Kolaps is a proponent of a return to the Ming Epoch and close the doors to the international arena? Or maybe he's just a big fan of the Golden Han Period. A Classics major?


Confucianism is more likely a social order.

What is 消耗你的面条?
Thanks. I think they actually are angry at the corruption. Or some interest imbalance shit happens.
No, as a VNese I personally think VN govt reactions towards Haiyang 981 incidents were kind of "weak". Our media constantly reported about it for 2 whole months (which made many people fed up with, to the point we didn't care anymore), and then suddenly cut off. VN govt takes no action after China withdrew its rig. Of course I know the govt are trying to perform what we call "thoát Trung", litterally "shaking off China" but at least they could show some progression.

At least Vn could try to sue China like Philippines.
We don’t spend much time talking about Vietnam, other than its allure as a holiday destination. But the time has come to talk about politics in this sickle-shaped nation.

Overnight, an important piece of news emerged on various social media outlets: 61 senior members of Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party have written a letter openly denouncing the country’s leadership and accusing them of taking the “wrong path”. They also issued a series of demands including an end to the socialist system and a “decisive shift” from dictatorship to democracy.

Let’s just recap. A band of top communist party officials, including policy makers and former advisors to the prime minister, want to scrap communism. In one-party states like Vietnam, unsanctioned interventions of this variety are frowned upon. But the fact that an influential group have come forward to challenge their peers at the top says something important about discontent within the party and in the nation as a whole.

There is of course, plenty to complain about in Vietnam. The country suffers from widespread corruption, a paucity of jobs for graduates, a wobbly banking sector and scores of over-leveraged state-owned companies. To top it off, there’s also China.

In May, the Chinese towed an oil rig into waters claimed by Vietnam and dispatched a flotilla of more than one hundred ships to protect it. Enraged, thousands of Vietnamese took to the streets, burning Chinese flags and several foreign-owned factories. Two Chinese workers were killed and more than one hundred injured.

The authors of the open letter say their own leaders are to blame, accusing them of weakness and collusion in their dealings with Chinese officials. They want the Vietnamese government to “come clean” about a secret summit in which Vietnam is alleged to have secretly handed over territory to its giant neighbour.

It is difficult to know where the open letter will lead but Hoi Trinh of advocacy group Voice, says it will encourage a small, growing and increasingly emboldened band of pro-democracy activists in Vietnam. “What is surprising about the letter is that it was made public,” says Trinh. “It’s not the way things are done in Vietnam. You can criticise the government within your family. You can even criticise them in the coffee shop. You don’t do it publicly – but these people did exactly that.”

The government will almost certainly use the state media to denounce those involved but where these well-known critics of the Communist regime go, many more may follow.

This is great. Now let us see when Chinese CPC dare to say the same?
No, as a VNese I personally think VN govt reactions towards Haiyang 981 incidents were kind of "weak". Our media constantly reported about it for 2 whole months (which made many people fed up with, to the point we didn't care anymore), and then suddenly cut off. VN govt takes no action after China withdrew its rig. Of course I know the govt are trying to perform what we call "thoát Trung", litterally "shaking off China" but at least they could show some progression.

At least Vn could try to sue China like Philippines.

:china: Your government is not fool. They have the reasons. You should try to understand your government's position and all the SCS things as of yet. China has the ascendance so far, in many ways. Even if you make a law suit, we also can. And this is all you can do.
Corruption is everywhere, why not be corrupted AND rich?

Japan GDP = 5 trillion, Vietnam GDP = 170 billion.
A single corrupt japanese official is probably as rich as half of Vietnam's entire government.

I don't care if Vietnam's government is corrupt no matter what, at least find a damn way to bring up to GDP (build better relations to America, improve school system, provide more essential needs to people). If people are richer, government will be richer as well.
Corruption is everywhere, why not be corrupted AND rich?

Japan GDP = 5 trillion, Vietnam GDP = 170 billion.
A single corrupt japanese official is probably as rich as half of Vietnam's entire government.

I don't care if Vietnam's government is corrupt no matter what, at least find a damn way to bring up to GDP (build better relations to America, improve school system, provide more essential needs to people). If people are richer, government will be richer as well.

You want better relations with a nation that murdered 10% of your population, betrayed you to the French, rape your women, degrade you in their media, plot against you, and generally have utter contempt for your entire race?
You want better relations with a nation that murdered 10% of your population, betrayed you to the French, rape your women, degrade you in their media, plot against you, and generally have utter contempt for your entire race?
And China is a better option? Vietnam does not have much choices to turn to.
USA tried to give vietnam democracy in the 60s-70s but they refuse and want communism instead. Now that they want democracy, USA might come back into the region.
China is and always has been a much better option. Vietnamese nationalism has created a lot of fabricated history but this nonsense about Vietnam being China's perpetual victim is not grounded in fact.

And China is a better option? Vietnam does not have much choices to turn to.

China is and always has been a much better option. Vietnamese nationalism has created a lot of fake history. This nonsense about Vietnam being China's perpetual victim is not grounded in fact.
USA tried to give vietnam democracy in the 60s-70s but they refuse and want communism instead. Now that they want democracy, USA might come back into the region.

All this happening after Pacific Partnership 2014.

Very interesting development.
Corruption is everywhere, why not be corrupted AND rich?

Corruption is a serious distortion to your system. It's not simply that how much officials squeezed from your citizens.
America and France were allies. America did not want to jeopardize a long time friendship for a small country like Vietnam which is why they stayed out of it, an action I find reasonable even if it was not to the benefit of Vietnam.

American media does not degrade Vietnam as a whole. Americans are well aware that there are democratic Vietnamese as well. Infact, we even have a memorial for the brave Vietnamese solders who fought against the communist.

Murdered 10% of our population? With almost 100% of it being the Viet Congs.

Utter contempt for the entire race? Go read the comments in this article and show me the "contempt".

US Senate panel approves Vietnam nuke agreement - Yahoo News

@Edison Chen
What you say is true, but money is ONE way for a (I believe) win win situation for people and government. Corrupt is incredibly hard to deal with but I feel that this is one of the easier first steps to lower it.
Corruption is everywhere, why not be corrupted AND rich?

Japan GDP = 5 trillion, Vietnam GDP = 170 billion.
A single corrupt japanese official is probably as rich as half of Vietnam's entire government.

I don't care if Vietnam's government is corrupt no matter what, at least find a damn way to bring up to GDP (build better relations to America, improve school system, provide more essential needs to people). If people are richer, government will be richer as well.

Viet Nam will need to liberalise their policies, this is the only way. And remove government intervention in corporate matters. There is no reason why Viet Nam's GDP can't be higher than Thailand's, or the Philippines.
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