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Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

I find Caucasian Americans more accepting than when I stayed in other countries for sabbaticals.

I draw from my own personal experience , being a Japanese national living in the United States.
It depends on where you live in the US as well. If you live in the trailer park, you're probably going to counter lots of racists.
Living in the US since 1991, I have never once been attacked or picked on by my nationality. Americans are quite open minded (especially the younger ones).
They don't. Asian Americans are disproportionately targeted - you think those degenerates are your friends?

Oh asians targeted the most? I guess middle-easterners living in the US shouldn't have anything to worry about then after 9/11.

Do you live in America? If so, how long?[/quote]

This is a reading comprehension problem. Arabs face discrimination but nowhere near the kind of discrimination your race does. Asians are hated despite being the best Americans, unlike blacks, whites and Hispanics who commit tons of crimes.

It depends on where you live in the US as well. If you live in the trailer park, you're probably going to counter lots of racists.
Living in the US since 1991, I have never once been attacked or picked on by my nationality. Americans are quite open minded (especially the younger ones).

I'd agree that the younger ones are a bit better. Too bad its their parents running the show.
It depends on where you live in the US as well. If you live in the trailer park, you're probably going to counter lots of racists.
Living in the US since 1991, I have never once been attacked or picked on by my nationality.

Precisely. And I for one believe that education plays a factor in how people view the world around them, their environmental niche, to put in a biological sense.

I've actually found that rural America is even more accepting of people of different races / cultures than in the cities because of the lack of exposure to gang-related crimes, which usually are heavily inundated in African American and Latin communities.

When I did a cross country drive a year ago from New Jersey to Wyoming, I managed to stop by rest stops and small towns (photo ops, you know, lol). People there are so kind. I'd say, the people from the midwestern states are far more hospitable than East Coasters (New York, New Jersey, PA).


It depends on where you live in the US as well. If you live in the trailer park, you're probably going to counter lots of racists.
Living in the US since 1991, I have never once been attacked or picked on by my nationality. Americans are quite open minded (especially the younger ones).

Where in the 'states are you at, btw? For me, I'm in New Jersey.
I find Caucasian Americans more accepting than when I stayed in other countries for sabbaticals.

I draw from my own personal experience , being a Japanese national living in the United States.
I worked in Chicago for a while. At my very first day, a white coworker gave me advise which places to go, which to avoid unless I want to be robbed or shot. Very interesting.
Oh asians targeted the most? I guess middle-easterners living in the US shouldn't have anything to worry about then after 9/11.

Do you live in America? If so, how long?

This is a reading comprehension problem. Arabs face discrimination but nowhere near the kind of discrimination your race does. Asians are hated despite being the best Americans, unlike blacks, whites and Hispanics who commit tons of crimes.

I'd agree that the younger ones are a bit better. Too bad its their parents running the show.[/quote]

The discrimination is a petty one out of jealousy from a small percentage.
American culture is almost opposite of asian culture. Asian children are expected to believe what their parents believe, American children often try to become independent. I wouldn't worry too much about open minded children being controlled by closed minded parents if its an American children. In the 1950's and 60's there were segregration where blacks and whites used different fountains and rode in different parts of the bus. Today many blacks are prominent athletes and entertainment figures. Asians are undergoing that same process with many young asian figures (NigaHiga, Michelle Phan as a few from youtube)

I currently live in southern california.
I worked in Chicago for a while. At my very first day, a white coworker gave me advise which places to go, which to avoid unless I want to be robbed or shot. Very interesting.

Its true, there are areas in Chicago that are very dangerous. I attended a Doctoral Seminar held at UofC (University of Chicago) Booth Campus. UofC is nice, the campus is stellar, but the surrounding area (Hyde Park) is a ghetto. It is dangerous at night. Luckily , the university had us assigned to good housing around Lincoln Park, which is in the north part of the city. Nice area, too.

What part of Chicago did you live in btw? That city is so beautiful and eclectic...so many different areas !
I just came back from US 1 month ago.
The news was that a Chinese-American high school boy got shot by his school friend.
Parent has only one child because China 1 child policy.
This, may or may not be a race discrimination crime, but it is definitely a school shooting crime.

How sad for parents.
I just came back from US 1 month ago.
The news was that a Chinese-American high school boy got shot by his school friend.
Parent has only one child because China 1 child policy.
This, may or may not be a race discrimination crime, but it is definitely a school shooting crime.

How sad for parents.
which american state?
Are you saying those Vietcong members do this because of 981 ?
Not sure yet, cause I only see this news on a blog and a UK website (which was removed when I checked this morning) but there were many VNeses who disliked the way VN govt acted during the 981 incident. Many anti-govt organizations also used that to spread false info and supported their propaganda (like an ex-pilot of South VN Air Force living in US said he would suicide-napalm-bomb the rig if VN abandoned communism). If this news is true, then those on the list will be investigated, then put to trial for anti-govt crimes.
Not sure yet, cause I only see this news on a blog and a UK website (which was removed when I checked this morning) but there were many VNeses who disliked the way VN govt acted during the 981 incident. Many anti-govt organizations also used that to spread false info and supported their propaganda (like an ex-pilot of South VN Air Force living in US said he would suicide-napalm-bomb the rig if VN abandoned communism). If this news is true, then those on the list will be investigated, then put to trial for anti-govt crimes.
I think so .

Actually , Viet gov used all available ways to fight with us.

After all , Viet does not want to have a real war with China , so does CN.
:china: Your government is not fool. They have the reasons. You should try to understand your government's position and all the SCS things as of yet. China has the ascendance so far, in many ways. Even if you make a law suit, we also can. And this is all you can do.
I know I know. China kind of checkmating VN with the rig. Of course China was smeared by Western media, but China also accomplished many things. VN also realized how helpless it is against super power. That's one thing, but political reasons do not make much sense to ordinary people. We don't care if VN is weak or not. If the govt say we are ready to do anything to protect the country, then do that. VN govt kept saying that for 2 whole months non-stop, then now when China finaly withdrew the rig, I still cannot see what govt has accomplished beside talking. At least send some official to the patrol ship around the rig, or even send them to China to talk. VN has to do something, not waiting for Japan, Philippine or US to act for its interest.

I think so .

Actually , Viet gov used all available ways to fight with us.

After all , Viet does not want to have a real war with China , so does CN.
No one on their right mind would want war. But conflicts are unavoidable. Let's hope our leaders could figure a peaceful way out.
Its true, there are areas in Chicago that are very dangerous. I attended a Doctoral Seminar held at UofC (University of Chicago) Booth Campus. UofC is nice, the campus is stellar, but the surrounding area (Hyde Park) is a ghetto. It is dangerous at night. Luckily , the university had us assigned to good housing around Lincoln Park, which is in the north part of the city. Nice area, too.

What part of Chicago did you live in btw? That city is so beautiful and eclectic...so many different areas !
I worked as computer engineer for the German stock exchange. it has an office in the windy city, the sears tower. Windy because the weather is bit tough. It is very cold in winter, hot in summer, and very windy that even the sears tower, the most highest in the city, swings left and right by bad weather. very scareful. the Germans founded the office there, because Chicago is home to two major stock exchanges: Chicago Board of Trade cbot and Chicago Mercantile Exchange cme.

I stayed in a rental appartment close to downtown of Chicago. some 30min walking distance. I like to walk to the office.


actually I like Chicago. the city is very nice, especially in summer. as you say, too, it has beautiful buildings, parks, museums, rivers, shoppings, and many other places. But you should avoid going out in the dark and to the ghettos.

whenever I got a free time, I usually went to the small Vietnamese community in Chicago, the Argyle street and ordered my favorite dish: Pho :-) the VN corner is not too nice if compared to other Vietnamtowns such as in San Jose or Westminster. But that is better than nothing if you want to eat Vietnamese foods.

Yes, the University of Chicago is very famous, especially for MBA programs.

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I worked as computer engineer for the German stock exchange. it has an office in the windy city, the sears tower. Windy because the weather is bit tough. It is very cold in winter, hot in summer, and very windy that even the sears tower, the most highest in the city, swings left and right by bad weather. very scareful. the Germans founded the office there, because Chicago is home to two major stock exchanges: Chicago Board of Trade cbot and Chicago Mercantile Exchange cme.

actually I like Chicago. the city is very nice, especially in summer. as you say, too, it has beautiful buildings, parks, museums, and many other places. But you should avoid going out in the dark and to the ghettos.

whenever I got a free time, I usually went to the small Vietnamese community in Chicago, the Argyle street and ordered my favorite dish: Pho :-)

it is Viet community or Chinese ?
I say so many Chinese character

I know I know. China kind of checkmating VN with the rig. Of course China was smeared by Western media, but China also accomplished many things. VN also realized how helpless it is against super power. That's one thing, but political reasons do not make much sense to ordinary people. We don't care if VN is weak or not. If the govt say we are ready to do anything to protect the country, then do that. VN govt kept saying that for 2 whole months non-stop, then now when China finaly withdrew the rig, I still cannot see what govt has accomplished beside talking. At least send some official to the patrol ship around the rig, or even send them to China to talk. VN has to do something, not waiting for Japan, Philippine or US to act for its interest.

No one on their right mind would want war. But conflicts are unavoidable. Let's hope our leaders could figure a peaceful way out.
There will be a peaceful solution .
I worked as computer engineer for the German stock exchange. it has an office in the windy city, the sears tower. Windy because the weather is bit tough. It is very cold in winter, hot in summer, and very windy that even the sears tower, the most highest in the city, swings left and right by bad weather. very scareful. the Germans founded the office there, because Chicago is home to two major stock exchanges: Chicago Board of Trade cbot and Chicago Mercantile Exchange cme.

actually I like Chicago. the city is very nice, especially in summer. as you say, too, it has beautiful buildings, parks, museums, rivers, shoppings, and many other places. But you should avoid going out in the dark and to the ghettos.

whenever I got a free time, I usually went to the small Vietnamese community in Chicago, the Argyle street and ordered my favorite dish: Pho :-) the VN corner is not too nice if compared to other Vietnamtowns such as in San Jose or Westminster. But that is better than nothing if you want to eat Vietnamese foods.


Not to quibble, but as an interesting bit of trivia, that's not why it's called the Windy City. I learned this the hard way when I embarrassed myself on my first visit to Chicago all those years ago.

Origin of Chicago's "Windy City" nickname - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, it refers to substance-less arrogance, similar to saying that someone is full of hot air. It was a term of derision.

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