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Vietnam welcomes China's military development: Vietnamese defense official


Apr 17, 2010
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What do you guys think of this. Lip service or a shift in strategy? A vice-defense minister is pretty high up.

No intention of 'balancing power' in South China Sea: Nguyen Chi Vinh


Aug. 25 (China Military News cited from Globaltimes.cn) -- Vietnam doesn't intend to confederate with a third country to counterbalance China, the visiting Vietnamese vice defense minister told reporters Wednesday, emphasizing diverse military cooperation between Beijing and Hanoi.

Commenting on recent reports on a US aircraft carrier visiting Vietnam, and Vietnam enhancing its balance of power in the South China Sea, General Nguyen Chi Vinh, who is on his second trip to China this year, said Vietnam doesn't participate in any military alliances.

"Vietnam is happy to see the fast development of neighboring China," Vinh said, adding that China is a good friend of Vietnam whose development has never threatened any other country's security, nor undermined regional stability.

The USJohn S. McCain visited Da Nang on August 10. The day before, Vietnamese officials also paid a visit to the US carrier USGeorge Washington.

The minister said all the military activities between Vietnam and the US were regular annual events that have been agreed to by both sides.

Vietnam welcomes China's military development: Vietnamese defense official


Aug. 25 (China Military News cited from Xinhua) -- A senior Vietnamese defense official said here Wednesday Vietnam welcomes China's military development and its presence at the upcoming Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) defense ministers' meeting.

"As friendly neighbors, Vietnam takes pleasure in China's development, particularly its military development, which neither poses a threat to other countries nor jeopardizes regional peace and stability," said Vietnamese Vice Defense Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh.

The Chinese military can contribute to disaster relief efforts in the region, he told reporters.

Vinh is in Beijing for consultations with Chinese defense ministry officials ahead of the first ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam's capital, in October.

He met with Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and held talks with Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA).
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I think the cunning Vietnamese are trying to pitch China against the U.S. in the South China Sea and will benefit regardless of who wins/loses.
I'm not fan of the Vietnamese but this doesn't smell like playing China and US off against one and another. Vietnam was better off if could leveraging US support.

I really wonder what has changed? They were almost universally hostile in the previous months.
I'm not fan of the Vietnamese but this doesn't smell like playing China and US off against one and another. Vietnam was better off if could leveraging US support.

I really wonder what has changed? They were almost universally hostile in the previous months.

This is international politics, my friend. A nation acts hostile/kind only to defend her national interests. Let us take a look at the situation in the South China Sea right now.

Despite the fact that there are numerous claimants to the islands of the South China Sea, the only country that has benefited from the oil/other resources, so far, is Vietnam. She has troops stationed upon numerous islands and even offered a Russian oil-driller to search for oil in the disputed area. Vietnam, unlike China, would want to maintain the status quo since she is the one benefiting the most from the current situation right now.

After the U.S. carrier visited Vietnam and participated in military drills with the Vietnamese military, the Chinese military/general public, are, understandably, pissed. Given how the United States has treated her allies (South Vietnam and Taiwan in 1979 are good examples) I don't think the Vietnamese could depend on American assistance when things get ugly. China shares land-border with Vietnam and more importantly, her navy has wiped both the South and Red Vietnamese navies in past skirmishes. If China were to get serious about the issue and the national sentiment is right (right now), she could really give Vietnam a hard time via military/commercial means.

I think what Vietnam is doing right now is affirming the CCP that although the U.S. is warming up to us, we are not allies with the Americans right now. This is important since there is a plethora of U.S. bases surrounding China right now (Japan, South Korea, Afghanistan, just to name a few). If the Vietnamese were stupid enough to pledge full alliance with the U.S. it may get on China's nerves once again and be "butchered" as an example for other countries in the vicinity.
China's neighbors are afraid of its aggression and dictatorship so balance of power is the only solution. That's why they are going for USA and India for cooperation.
Just diplomatic talk to buy time.

Honestly, what are they going to say? "We are now puppets of the American imperialists that we have fought so long to expell?"

Correct. However keep in mind that Vietnam, as of now, is puppet to no one. Hence my hypothesis that they are trying to play China against the U.S. and reap the greatest benefits.

The Vietnamese lost 3 million of their countrymen during the Vietnam War. Any Vietnamese, as long as he/she is not a "banana", will not forgive the U.S. for what she did. The damages that they incurred during the Sino-Vietnamese War pales in comparison. Why would they invite someone that they hate/distrust into the South China Sea?

The reason is simple. Although Vietnam, the "mini-PRC", has ambitions about becoming the dominant power of IndoChina just as China is becoming the dominant power of East Asia, they have a problem.

They are a small nation with limited development potential. They could never hope to match China militarily or economically.

Who can they look to for support? ASEAN? Heck no. Many of ASEAN nations also have dispute with Vietnam in the South China Sea and even if they were to form a truce, the military/economic power of ASEAN still pales in comparison with China. Russia? It used to be a viable choice in the Soviet days but the Russians are too busy forging economic/military ties with the Chinese (SCO for a good example) to interfere on their behave.

America is the only logical option.

The U.S. wants to keep China from developing a blue water navy and breaking through the "first island chain" and Vietnam wants dominance in the South China Sea. Their interests match. Hence the truce/agreement.
i wonder if an alliance between these countries is possible.........
China's neighbors are afraid of its aggression and dictatorship so balance of power is the only solution. That's why they are going for USA and India for cooperation.

USA yes
India no

India needs US protection. How can it protect others if it cannot protect itself. Don't be a fool and request US protection.
Correct. However keep in mind that Vietnam, as of now, is puppet to no one. Hence my hypothesis that they are trying to play China against the U.S. and reap the greatest benefits.

The Vietnamese lost 3 million of their countrymen during the Vietnam War. Any Vietnamese, as long as he/she is not a "banana", will not forgive the U.S. for what she did. The damages that they incurred during the Sino-Vietnamese War pales in comparison. Why would they invite someone that they hate/distrust into the South China Sea?

The reason is simple. Although Vietnam, the "mini-PRC", has ambitions about becoming the dominant power of IndoChina just as China is becoming the dominant power of East Asia, they have a problem.

They are a small nation with limited development potential. They could never hope to match China militarily or economically.

Who can they look to for support? ASEAN? Heck no. Many of ASEAN nations also have dispute with Vietnam in the South China Sea and even if they were to form a truce, the military/economic power of ASEAN still pales in comparison with China. Russia? It used to be a viable choice in the Soviet days but the Russians are too busy forging economic/military ties with the Chinese (SCO for a good example) to interfere on their behave.

America is the only logical option.

The U.S. wants to keep China from developing a blue water navy and breaking through the "first island chain" and Vietnam wants dominance in the South China Sea. Their interests match. Hence the truce/agreement.

So true. However you feel about the Vietnamese, you gotta admire their spunk. They seem to love punching above their weight class at the cost of much blood and economic development.

I just don't see how Vietnam can dominate the South China sea, though.
China's neighbors are afraid of its aggression and dictatorship so balance of power is the only solution. That's why they are going for USA and India for cooperation.

Unfortunately all the hawks in India are too worried about the invisible "string of pearls" and everyone else, who I assume to be exceptionally gifted people due to my exposure to Indians here in the U.S., understand that a healthy Sino-Indian relationship is vital to Asia's peace and stability. So don't expect India to interfere on Vietnam's behalf.
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So true. However you feel about the Vietnamese, you gotta admire their spunk. They seem to love punching above their weight class at the cost of much blood and economic development.

I just don't see how Vietnam can dominate the South China sea, though.

People didn't expect Japan to become a major regional player either until the late 19th century. Don't underestimate the Vietnamese. They are smart, hardworking, and restricted by no one. If China fails to reclaim these islands the Vietnamese won't hesitate to fill the Chinese vacuum. If that were to happen, however, other South Eastern nations would probably throw a fit just to get China to come back :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
People didn't expect Japan to become a major regional player either until the late 19th century. Don't underestimate the Vietnamese. They are smart, hardworking, and restricted by no one. If China fails to reclaim these islands the Vietnamese won't hesitate to fill the Chinese vacuum. If that were to happen, however, other South Eastern nations would probably throw a fit just to get China to come back :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Like I said as much as I admire the mini-Prussia of the east, it is just geographically S-outta-luck


It has a population of 80 million for 128,000 square miles. This is already pushing the carrying capacity of the land. Also the US war really set them back years in terms of development and it is only now that they are really starting to recover, years behind the EA Tigers and China (even India).
Like I said as much as I admire the mini-Prussia of the east, it is just geographically S-outta-luck


It has a population of 80 million for 128,000 square miles. This is already pushing the carrying capacity of the land. Also the US war really set them back years in terms of development and it is only now that they are really starting to recover, years behind the EA Tigers and China (even India).

Shouldn't that be the drive for them to expand in search of more "living space for the master race"? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

On a serious note I think that our opinions differ regarding Vietnam's economical developments (a half empty half full argument). You see that Vietnam is impoverished due to decades of war and lags behind all of her neighbors while I see that the Vietnamese (unlike the North Koreans) are on the right track and has tremendous growth potentials. The PRC was equally impoverished about 30 years ago and just look how far we've come.

I think both of us missed a major point that could be the decisive advantage for the Vietnamese in the South China Sea conflict. Although they probably can't depend on the Americans for military assistance we have to keep in mind that Western media is already working in favor for them. Look up any newspaper article on the South China Sea contention and you will see journalists labeling the Chinese as the aggressors, despite the fact that China had the historic claim of these islands. The Vietnamese is backed by world opinion at this stage. We must convince the world otherwise or we'll really be the "invaders" in a future conflict.
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