lool true that bro. but then again, Japan is just doing business, and of course they will carry on making loans to Vietnams corrupt officials irregardless of they being corrupt or not. what matters is the return on investment/interests the Japanese government/contractors will get/reap from Vietnam at the end. No government/company/businessman looks fater the interests/well being of a foreign country. They are all after their own interests/make more bucks/business. Corruption comes way behind and always goes hand in hand with such projects. So Japan will continue dealing with it just like it has been doing for the past decades. Nothing wrong in that, as each country is only after their interests first and foremost,all other things are secondary. So Vietnamese people should take matters in their own hands, and change their governemnt themselves,no country will ever do that for them. Chnage must always come from within not from a foreign country(if its indeed a real change.). o hopefully Vietnamese citizens will be able to pressure and change their government policies/laws/system with a better one. Its all up to them, not Japan, U.S, China.