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Vietnam Rejects US Demand to Stop 'Land Reclamation' in South China Sea

The US is going to give them money to buy some useless stuff from itself. Vietnam will pay the money back, and probably with interest.

US does just what a regular creditor would do. And the Vietnamese on this forum think this is a sort of helping out Vietnam against China.

Why would the US help a Vietnam that does exactly the same thing that the US is pressuring China from doing?

The Vietcongs here did say Vietnam is the key component in stopping China's rise o_O
The Vietcongs here did say Vietnam is the key component in stopping China's rise o_O

Then good luck for them in becoming the bridgehead for US expansionism. This means they are expendable like cheap minions. There is no all-loving cute and cuddly US daddy.

To reinforce US pressure on China, best strategy for Vietnam would be to stop their land reclamation and achieve the moral high ground. But they cannot do that.

Their likely end:

1. China will get what it wants incrementally.
2. Vietnamese will be used as a pawn to promote US interests against China.
3. US will quit Vietnam once its gains from using Vietnam against China is surpassed by its losses from clashing with China.
Time for China to help USA teach Vietnam a lesson. Has Vietnam forgotten the napalm burn? Obey your master or more pain is coming!
That is why it baffles me how some Indians here can be so anti China and pro US. The US government does not want to be overtaken (economically speaking). They made Japan the boogieman back in the 70/80s and now that China is destined to overtake US they will do everything they can to stop our rise. I said it before India will become the next target because India has the potential to surpass US too (okay technological speaking a very very long way to go and China is not there yet either) but with the Indian population it is a very large market. It's stupid to see some of your brethren having ill wishes towards China on PDF, they rather see the domination of the West on the other side of the Ocean than the rise of Asia. Never knew you guys were close in cryogenic and got stopped by the US. Another example of their agenda :lol: , lets hope India is not as blind as the Vietnamese/Pinoy members here.

He did say if Vietnam had the capability it would have conquered East Asia. Right now he's just saying we only build LITTLE bits with the expansion :rofl:

Well comrade you will be surprised to know that the Indian govt has been more pro east than China itself & Indian members here troll Chinese for fun but that doesn't mean we are pro US & yeah if the US hadn't done the sabotage thing in the 90s make no mistakes you would have a Indian Astronaut in the 2000s

Cryogenic countdown: How the GSLV became India’s missile impossible | Russia & India Report for the above
I already expected this reaction from Vietnam when Carter told VCP to stop with their expansions just to justify criticizing China. The US got nothing on us, send their surveillance planes flying in circles if they like but our expansions will not be stopped.

How did Carter expect that work? Did he expect Vietnam to damage its national interest so US can get some way to criticize China? For a measly 18 million dollars? Vietnam economy is small, but not that small.
Time for China to help USA teach Vietnam a lesson. Has Vietnam forgotten the napalm burn? Obey your master or more pain is coming!

LMAO!! You are pure comedy gold :lol:
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Time for China to help USA teach Vietnam a lesson. Has Vietnam forgotten the napalm burn? Obey your master or more pain is coming!
I think Vietnam should learn by now that she is being used by Uncle Sam to do the dirty work on the front lines. You are treated nothing more than a tool brainwashed by Washington's charm and soft power. You just a piece of our propaganda campaign on the South China Sea.
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Vietnam Rejects US Demand to Stop 'Land Reclamation' in South China Sea

14:58 01.06.2015(updated 14:59 01.06.2015)

Vietnam rejected the US demand to stop land reclamation activities in the South China Sea at high-level talks on Monday.

Vietnam rejected US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter's demand to stop land reclamation in the South China Sea, saying the activities were not aimed at expansion.

Carter called for an "an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation by all claimants" at a security summit in Singapore on Saturday. The United States previously accused China of "manufacturing sovereignty" by reclaiming and consolidating islands in the disputed region.

"We have some activities to enhance and consolidate the islands that are under our sovereignty. We do not expand the islands, we just consolidate to prevent erosion because of waves," Vietnam's Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh said after talks on Monday.

Vietnam also has soldiers stationed on 21 islands and reefs in the disputed region, according to Thanh. A US military source told Reuters that Carter did not receive an explanation over what Vietnam considers maintenance versus new expansion.

"On the submerged islands, we only built small houses, which can accommodate a few people and we are not expanding. The scope and characteristic of our work is purely civilian," Thanh added.

Carter also pledged $18 million for Vietnam to buy coast guard vessels. The US banned selling arms to Vietnam not related to maritime security or surveillance over what the US considers Vietnam's "human rights" issues.

Vietnam Historians Challenge New US Film Portraying 'Last Days' of War

The two countries also discussed cooperation to clean up residue from Agent Orange, a poisonous defoliating agent the US dispersed over Vietnam during the two countries' 1955-1975 war.

The US use of Agent Orange, since banned by the Geneva Convention, led millions of Vietnamese citizens to suffer from health problems including disabilities and birth defects. Residue from the agent continues to contaminate Vietnam's agricultural lands and pose a threat to nearby residents and the country's food supply.

Read more: Vietnam Rejects US Demand to Stop 'Land Reclamation' in South China Sea / Sputnik International

The title of the article is false and only represents the personal opinion of the author of the article.

No article about this subject in the international press, US press or Vietnamese press uses the word "rejected" or mentions in any way what the Vietnamese response is or will be.

The Vietnamese officials simple explained what the nature of the reclamation work is and didn't say anything about how Vietnam will respond to the US request.

If you say that Vietnam rejected the US request, then name the government official that said that and quote such response and give the links.

The article is putting words in the mouth of Vietnamese government officials because the article is biased, simply as that and you people are only too happy to gloat all over it because that would be the answer that fits your needs. Wishful thinking.

LMAO!! You are pure comedy gold :lol:

The chinese cartel in PDF are the globetrotters of comedy and buddha palm is the captain of the team. :lol:
The Vietcongs here did say Vietnam is the key component in stopping China's rise o_O
you low iq thinker should begin to learn not everyone is a commie, unlike you. besides, Vietcong is a guerilla organization that no longer exists. yes, that is true. we were and are a thorn in Chinese imperialism. without Vietnam, all other SE Asian nations would have long became chinese slaves.

I think Vietnam should learn by now that she is being used by Uncle Sam to do the dirty work on the front lines. You are treated nothing more than a tool brainwashed by Washington's charm and soft power. You just a piece of our propaganda campaign on the South China Sea.
go to your Vietnamese father and tell him that. I´m afraid he will slap your face twice. one left and one right.

@Viet Dude i don't get it.... are you guys too building artificial islands??? or expanding the natural Islands???
....yes, that is true. we were and are a thorn in Chinese imperialism. without Vietnam, all other SE Asian nations would have long became chinese slaves.

Lol I would say its the other way around, without China all other mekong nations might have became viet slave. Or maybe viets themselves would have remained as japanese or western slaves, on the second thought viets seem to be eager to sell themselves back these days.
Lol I would say its the other way around, without China all other mekong nations might have became viet slave. Or maybe viets themselves would have remained as japanese or western slaves, on the second thought viets seem to be eager to sell themselves back these days.
no you are wrong. I don´t remember of how many times china invaded Vietnam.
besides, you forget you attempted to invade Burma?
all forgotten the chinese intrigues in Siam, Khmer, Champa and Malay peninsular?
no you are wrong. I don´t remember of how many times china invaded Vietnam.
besides, you forget you attempted to invade Burma?
all forgotten the chinese intrigues in Siam, Khmer, Champa and Malay peninsular?

Lol so viets invasion and conquests of those parts were in order to destroy "chinese intriges"? I guess that explains the good relationship viets are enjoying with neighbours (minus China) today.
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