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Vietnam Rejects US Demand to Stop 'Land Reclamation' in South China Sea

Vietnam will not stop reclamation. Why should we? the US wants to tell the world that she wants all parties to halt reclamation, including Vietnam. China now has no excuse telling the US is blind on one side. No, if any, all claimants must halt all constructions, including China, Malaysia, Philippines and Taiwan.


You should start first and show good will. Because you started much earlier.

China will stop when infrastructure development reaches a certain maturity. China's island genesis program is to help both US and Vietnam's trade security. We guarantee that.

But, obviously, you will not stop and won't give a damn about what the US demands. You are a sovereign nation and decide to the best of your own interests, not to the US' hegemonic caprices.

Sputnik has been right on, as usual.
For your information (since you are one of the nicest chinese guys around here), here is what I wrote before:

Thanks for the clarification comrade, and I am flattered for the compliment but in fact I am not nice ... well it depends. :-)

I just don't hate VN at all, even fond of the country. Don't get distracted by apparent hate on forum of animosity, in real life Chinese are nice towards Viets, I have a lot of Viet friends (on my Poker team, doing business in VN/SG/HK)! Let the governments negotiate on whatever dispute, get win-win results even better, hope they get their paid job done not wasting our tax money!
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Guys, i'm at the other side of the planet and this issue doesn't concern us a bit.....but i see this building artificial islands issue is a hot topic. What's wrong with building artificial islands ? Why US is concerned about this issue ? Anyone care to explain ?
Guys, i'm at the other side of the planet and this issue doesn't concern us a bit.....but i see this building artificial islands issue is a hot topic. What's wrong with building artificial islands ? Why US is concerned about this issue ? Anyone care to explain ?
haven´t you read reports China has placed mobile gun batteries on the new sand islands?
she can threaten Japanese merchant ships, even in peace time. in case of a confrontation China can strangulate Japan.
Guys, i'm at the other side of the planet and this issue doesn't concern us a bit.....but i see this building artificial islands issue is a hot topic. What's wrong with building artificial islands ? Why US is concerned about this issue ? Anyone care to explain ?

So they can claim the South China Sea as theirs (and it is). And they'll build naval bases on the artificial islands, airstrips and other defences. Which makes it impossible for the US to swings it's d!ck around in the region. Basically China pushing out the US from it's own region. Can you imagine the Chinese fleet being 100 miles away from San Diego and New York?
nobody in the world believes to chinese bullshit of free navigation.

take one example: like every year, chinese authority recently issues a fishing ban extended to our waters. can you imagine that? they want to ban our fishers fishing in our waters. Unbelievable arrogance.

Of course, that's part of the deception strategy.

Arrogance and a few other things are typical traits of the chinese leadership as it has usually being throughout their history.

As per the regular chinese people (I'm in China right now and I do talk to some people here) they don't waste a minute thinking about all of this, they are busy working and making ends meet, they just don't care about the subject. The PDF chinese crowd does not represent the typical chinese by very far.
Thanks for the clarification comrade, and I am flattered for the compliment but in fact I am not nice ... well it depends. :-)

I just don't hate VN at all, even fond of the country. Don't get distracted by apparent hate on forum of animosity, in real life Chinese are nice towards Viets, I have a lot of Viet friends (on my Poker team, doing business in VN/SG/HK)! Let the governments negotiate on whatever dispute, get win-win results even better, hope they get their paid job done not wasting our tax money!

In real life, the regular chinese and regular vietnamese are busy with most important things to worry about. One thing that I said a few times here is that chinese and vietnamese are so much alike (by far closer than any other nationality), that they really should be and act like brothers, yes, big brother and little brother but with respect and there would be no problem. Oh well, that's not how it usually has been, but it should be like that.
So they can claim the South China Sea as theirs (and it is). And they'll build naval bases on the artificial islands, airstrips and other defences. Which makes it impossible for the US to swings it's d!ck around in the region. Basically China pushing out the US from it's own region. Can you imagine the Chinese fleet being 100 miles away from San Diego and New York?
China has not stop any shipments to other countries through the South China Sea though.
China has not stop any shipments to other countries through the South China Sea though.

But it did tell PH and USA flights to go away while they were in international airspace, right? And based on what international rules of law or regulations did they do that by?
In real life, the regular chinese and regular vietnamese are busy with most important things to worry about. One thing that I said a few times here is that chinese and vietnamese are so much alike (by far closer than any other nationality), that they really should be and act like brothers, yes, big brother and little brother but with respect and there would be no problem. Oh well, that's not how it usually has been, but it should be like that.

Well said, so much in common, Vietnamese language sounds so close to Cantonese, both even the last few commie "authoritarian regimes" left now! I am proud to have them as teammates in Poker, low-profile, cool-minded, calculating, deadly lethal in raise or last-hand all-in. I like the raw beef rice noodles too, almost perfect!

Regarding the hate on forum, why not? I can understand, I hate that history too. Now I hope both governments keep emotion (a/k/a nationalism) out for a second, negotiate a deal on the last few finite disputed areas, eye on a bigger picture and move on. China should help Vietnam build up a prosperous country, it's almost a historical obligation.
Exactly let me give you a eg what US dies when it sees a competitor
In the late 90s we were very close to mastering Cryogenic technology & were close to breaking in ine lucrative Sat launching market so what US does is through its moles it ensures that all Scientists involved in this project are arrested on charges of treason as a result we are pushed back 2 decades on this front,if this had not happened we would have had a man in space in the early 2000s as opposed to 2020s now

Do you want to know who really was behind the Mumbai terror attack? No, it was not your Western neighbour, they were at best some useful patsies. Look up for Operation Gladio Plan B. The Turkish deep state is more involved in it than even your neighbour. But the master of this sits in Washington.

Also google Sebil Edmonds. ;)
Well said, so much in common, Vietnamese language sounds so close to Cantonese, both even the last few commie "authoritarian regimes" left now! I am proud to have them as teammates in Poker, low-profile, cool-minded, calculating, deadly lethal in raise or last-hand all-in. I like the raw beef rice noodles too, almost perfect!

Regarding the hate on forum, why not? I can understand, I hate that history too. Now I hope both governments keep emotion (a/k/a nationalism) out for a second, negotiate a deal on the last few finite disputed areas, eye on a bigger picture and move on. China should help Vietnam build up a prosperous country, it's almost a historical obligation.

I can tell you this man, I spent time in both Vietnam and China, 2 years in Vietnam and about 3 years in China total. I'm a foreigner, so I don't have the emotional nationalistic stuff that people there tend to have that clouds perceptions. I look at both, as a people and damn, they are so fracking close in almost everything, even the same bad habits. There is no other country so close to either one of them, I'm not saying that they are the same people, there are differences, but small. If they concentrate on what unites them rather than on what separates them, hell, they should be the closest allies.
I can tell you this man, I spent time in both Vietnam and China, 2 years in Vietnam and about 3 years in China total. I'm a foreigner, so I don't have the emotional nationalistic stuff that people there tend to have that clouds perceptions. I look at both, as a people and damn, they are so fracking close in almost everything, even the same bad habits. There is no other country so close to either one of them, I'm not saying that they are the same people, there are differences, but small. If they concentrate on what unites them rather than on what separates them, hell, they should be the closest allies.

I thought you are a comrade living in Spain, so instead you are Spanish living in Vietnam (2 years) am I right?

Anyway you are right, both should be close allies. As I have said, China owes Vietnam a strong & prosperous country in which all Vietnamese people should enjoy living standards no less than that in Guangdong, just sad or even unwise for both to get stuck over a finite agenda clouded by nationalistic emotion.
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