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Vietnam President arrives on maiden visit to India

That's how we Chinese Invaded Vietnam millenium ago...we call you guys bandits...and since your guys couldn't prove your innocent..then we annexed and subjugated until you admit that you guys were wrong...how about this answer?

Your answer stinks :no:

If all you can tell Vietnam is that you will use water to terrorise. You remind them of what you did before. Pakistani members ask them to switch sides, what not. But the fact of the matter is that your line of argument is an epic fail.
Dnt care abt the Arabian sea... They are welcome to our cost...... as for south china sea... well it belongs to china aswell..

India could drawn up 9 dash, or 99 dash randomly including EZZ of Pakistan to claim it as "indisputable teritory of India"... as Indian ocean is belong to India as well...
How do you think ?
China already provoke SEA, Japan and threaten Korea. I must say the China politians are foolish, on East Asia Japan and Korea has very strong and modern warfare equips, on SEA will face Vietnam, Malaysia, Philipines, Indonesia, Brunei ... The West will China will face off Benga Tiger.. That's bad!

A dumb lion will face off a pack of hyenas. China going down soon.
Thanks for admit that but still not good enough answer. Why you [China] invade a country for 1000 years? Is it a way of Thief acted?
If it a Yes then ... you [China] is a Thief. Not long ago, China still invaded Tibet. Wasn't China not big enogh? If is a NOT, then China want to getting FAT. Am I right?
So ... China encircling India just because India also a big country and beautyful land too?
Hun be hunted, but China won't accepted when it got occupied by very small country like Japan. China still cries baby and make Chinese people China is a victim of Japan.
Why? Who biiitching by whom?

I admit nothing..I just tried you answer your question with another supposition so you can understand better what you were trying to said…for the rest of your purposes I wish I can understand what you’re trying to get at.
I admit nothing..I just tried you answer your question with another supposition so you can understand better what you were trying to said…for the rest of your purposes I wish I can understand what you’re trying to get at.
He means: if you're bad with your neighbours, they will unite and harm you back, so just don't try to be big boss in Asia, we will defeat you as usual ^^
I admit nothing..I just tried you answer your question with another supposition so you can understand better what you were trying to said…for the rest of your purposes I wish I can understand what you’re trying to get at.

What make you not clear? Did you remember what I ask you for the previous post? Roll back then read it!
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