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Vietnam Defence Forum

With all those artillery and missiles pics, you applying the same game plan as the american. Massive bombardement and carpet of bombs, The American did that during the Viet Nam war, for 8 years and the total amount of bombs was 3-4 times of all the bombs use by all armies altogether during ww2 ( 1 Hiroshima bomb a week for 8 years).

Today, Viet Nam have the artillery and missiles to attack China in respond as well but in lesser numbers. Nobody is scare of nobody and nobody should allow someone attack you without giving a honorable fight. So Please, let allow the VPA fight for the honor even if they lose

To your questions on the Vietnam war:
  1. You get the generous support from China and USSR. The huge supplies, be it radar, missiles, tanks, rifles, planes, artillaries were sent to Vietnam constantly by China. Do you expect such aid in the future? Where would you get the supplies? Laos? Cambodia? or Thailand?
  2. The target of US was to conquer Vietnam fully!! This is NOT what we want! If US just wants to get some islands on the sea, could you stop it?
See, a complex question is here still aftertaste the memory of 1960s Vietnam War and 50-year-ago experience ... and call all they don't know is the 'Paper Tiger' or 'unreliable' ... simply speaking, they just thinking others as same level & poor as them and deny the truth behind others.

If you want to insert yourself in this discussion, please read other posts before. I always say China is a super power with super economy , super population with super ambitions. Vietnam is just a midsize country with midsize economy midsize population with average ambitions. The facts are there and nobody denied it. But just stop trying to try to bully and thinking other nations will put on their knees because PLA trying to impress the world with their military power. Everyone have honor and face, especially military guys and no one will give up without a fight in even in a certain defeat...That is a fact
thinking other nations will put on their knees because PLA trying to impress the world with their military power
we never said we want any countries put on their knees, we also don't have the interests to impress the world. We have no interest to get your land, or your people. All that we want is to get back the small islands that belonging to us. These islands, or any islands within the Nine-Dashed-line, belong to us!
To your questions on the Vietnam war:
  1. You get the generous support from China and USSR. The huge supplies, be it radar, missiles, tanks, rifles, planes, artillaries were sent to Vietnam constantly by China. Do you expect such aid in the future? Where would you get the supplies? Laos? Cambodia? or Thailand?
  2. The target of US was to conquer Vietnam fully!! This is NOT what we want! If US just wants to get some islands on the sea, could you stop it?
Large scale war is over. Most likely short and isolated area. Viet Nam already have a defense industry for all the basics need so a short war wont be a problem on supply. VPA have large reserve for a couple years of war for sure

The target of USA during the Viet NAm war was to put North Viet Nam on their knees by bombing them and drag them to peace negotiation. Today, we live in a global economy and politic, big guy cant grab whatever he want anymore without consequences from the rest of the world. If China invade the Spratley, just imagine the economic sanctions and dozens of millions people are lay off due to embargo on exportations of goods, economy slow down and unrest start, how Chinese Communist party and people will react

Source: Vietnam Military News & Discussion | Page 343
VPA have large reserve for a couple years of war for sure

Vietnam must have big reserve for basic stuff like food, medicines, rifles, or ammunition. But what we are talking about is a high tech war!! Do you have sufficient reserves for planes, missiles, war ships, or radars?

just imagine the economic sanctions and dozens of millions people are lay off due to embargo on exportations of goods, economy slow down and unrest start, how Chinese Communist party and people will react

Sanction is a possible scenario. And that is why we need Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But why you have so strong confidence that western world is willing to sacrifice their own economic interests with China, simply because of Vietnam? What they could get in-exchange from Vietnam? Any bets you could put on the negotiation table? Or you think western countries are all charities that put Vietnam's interests as the top priority?
we never said we want any countries put on their knees, we also don't have the interests to impress the world. We have no interest to get your land, or your people. All that we want is to get back the small islands that belonging to us. These islands, or any islands within the Nine-Dashed-line, belong to us!
Like I told you before, I dont really care who gonna take that hot potato Spratly... If you think China can take it why not taking now? I will be so easy. Of course China not going to move because it fear the world reaction
Vietnam must have big reserve for basic stuff like food, medicines, rifles, or ammunition. But what we are talking about is a high tech war!! Do you have sufficient reserves for planes, missiles, war ships, or radars?

Sanction is a possible scenario. And that is why we need Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But why you think western world is willing to sacrifice their own economic interests with China, simply because of Vietnam? What they could get in-exchange from Vietnam? Any bets you could put on the negotiation table? Or you think western countries are all charities that put Vietnam's interests as the top priority?

Are PLA have enough ships and manpower to embargo Viet Nam? Why need hi tech reserve, I will just dig a hole and wait until you waste all your stuffs. Spratley is not just Viet Nam, it also Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei
ASU-85 for Airborne operation , retired for quite sometime but with the expanding of a VDV-style in Vietnam , shall we expect the appearance of a BMD variant ? :v


  • ASU-85.jpg
    320.5 KB · Views: 40
If you want to insert yourself in this discussion, please read other posts before. I always say China is a super power with super economy , super population with super ambitions. Vietnam is just a midsize country with midsize economy midsize population with average ambitions. The facts are there and nobody denied it. But just stop trying to try to bully and thinking other nations will put on their knees because PLA trying to impress the world with their military power. Everyone have honor and face, especially military guys and no one will give up without a fight in even in a certain defeat...That is a fact
Vietnam as the China's neighbor not from yesterday, past 2,000 years always still there ... and ancient China Empire in the world more powerful than today PRC, if China has super ambition during last 2,000 years we(Chinese) had much more time to play game with Vietnamese, but it seems we(Chinese) not as same as the West white did in past 200 years.

So u(Vietnamese) should thanks China as ur neighbor not U.S, American Indian and Mexico. Also should thanks CCP & Mao, without Chinese helps ur Ho Chi Minh might arrested by French before Vietnam War in North Vietnam mountains.
Vietnam as the China's neighbor not from yesterday, past 2,000 years always still there ... and ancient China Empire in the world more powerful than today PRC, if China has super ambition during last 2,000 years we(Chinese) had much more time to play game with Vietnamese, but it seems we(Chinese) not as same as the West white did in past 200 years.

So u(Vietnamese) should thanks China as ur neighbor not U.S, American Indian and Mexico. Also should thanks CCP & Mao, without Chinese helps ur Ho Chi Minh might arrested by French before Vietnam War in North Vietnam mountains.
Ok powerful neighbor to let us exist in this world. And of course the ancient army was more powerful than today modern army with nukes. ...blabla,,...Today, China is powerful than never before, with 2nd economy huge educated population and modern army. I admire and respect PLA but it's just guy like you who make PLA look bad by spreading stuffs and bullying people with image and numbers
Like I told you before, I dont really care who gonna take that hot potato Spratly... If you think China can take it why not taking now? I will be so easy. Of course China not going to move because it fear the world reaction

The reason that China could become so strong today is not that we use our military force recklessly, but that we concentrate our mind on economic development and manufacturing industry modernization. A great military force is nothing but the byproduct of a prosperous economy plus a strong manufacturing sector. We have our own agenda for our target. So no need to urge us for it.

Are PLA have enough ships and manpower to embargo Viet Nam?
Sounds that Vietnam has two extremely long coast lines that facing with the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea respectively? Could you show me the World Map that you are using??

Why need hi tech reserve, I will just dig a hole and wait until you waste all your stuffs.
If you put all you high tech stuff in the hole, why you spend huge amount of money to get it from foreign countries? Saddam put all his planes in the hole, the planes survived, but the war lost.

Spratley is not just Viet Nam, it also Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei
If the opponent with the strongest military power was phased out from the South China Sea, a diplomatic negotiations with rest parties will become much easier.
Ok powerful neighbor to let us exist in this world. And of course the ancient army was more powerful than today modern army with nukes. ...blabla,,...Today, China is powerful than never before, with 2nd economy huge educated population and modern army. I admire and respect PLA but it's just guy like you who make PLA look bad by spreading stuffs and bullying people with image and numbers
Not right ... today PRC is much poor than ancient China Empire, the China Tang /Song /Ming /Qing Empire economy ever seized 1/2, 2/3, 3/5 world economy and gunpowder also from China through 'SilkRoad' into Europe. Today at the same situation in the world compared with other super-power, China not powerful.
Not right ... today PRC is much poor than ancient China Empire, the China Tang /Song /Ming /Qing Empire economy ever seized 1/2, 2/3, 3/5 world economy and gunpowder also from China through 'SilkRoad' into Europe. Today at the same situation in the world compared with other super-power, China not powerful.
true, back in times, it was only the Tang that was powerful enough to subjugate Vietnam, crushing all rebellions, intergrating it into the Empire. all chinese dynasties followed after the downfall of the Tang: the Song, the Yuan, the Ming and the Qing failed. yes, despite the huge imbalance of power, the vast differences between China and Vietnam, all chinese armies were not strong enough to accomplish what the Tang succeeded: to take Vietnam back into the Motherland.

but who knows, history always has some surprises. we will see how the current and future China will be doing with the power. If CCP has any similar ambition. I wouldn´t wonder if you chinese would do everything to hinder Vietnam to become too powerful. I just recalled the period when the Ming imposed arms embargo on Vietnam, preventing the transfer of the gunpower technology to Vietnam at all cost.

map of the Tang.
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November 11

salut for the President of People´s Republic of China, Xi Jinping. a ceremony reserved for a few Heads of states in the world. welcomed by the VCP Chief. and not all people know it: not the Prime Minister, nor the Defence minister, the VCP boss Nguyễn Phú Trọng is the supreme commander of the Vietnam´s Armed Forces.






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Vietnam must been rich in experience of a high-tech sea/air battle!!
thank for the tip. what do you think about this? laser/opto-electronic guided bombs KAB-500, mounted on SU-30 bombers. images for the first time ever released to public. very precise, good against static targets.







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thank for the tip. what do you think about this? laser/opto-electronic guided bombs KAB-500, mounted on SU-30 bombers. images for the first time ever released to public. very precise, good against static targets.








Thanks for the sharing.

To maximize the effects of this hightech stuff, there are couple of preconditions you need to fulfill. So please allow me to ask you some questions.

Safety of the airport: before the fighter takes off, you at least need to make sure the airport hasn't been bombed yet, or the damages caused by the bomb has been healed.

Command of the air: this is an aerial bomb. So if you want to use it to hit a target at Kunming, you need to fly through the head of Kunming and throw your bomb on top of the city. Before that, you will be challenged by China Air force J10, J11, or even J20. Even if you survived from the Chinese fighters, you still need to face with the ground units for air defense, e.g. the HQ-series missiles, or the flak. You also need to be cautious to the portable missiles used by infantry units, the VN PDFer @Mokaman is a strong advocator of this. :lol:

A comparison between the two pairs: SU30/bomb vs. H6K/cruise missiles, must be interesting. The long-range cruise missiles (>2,000 km) equipped by H6K means that H6K could even launch the missiles on top of Beijing to hit a target at Hanoi. Zero riks for the H6K pilots!

Information transparency of the battle field: you obviously don't want to waste your valuable bomb at a normal target. An ideal target for your bomb is some high-value things, like air defense missiles units, radar stations, or command HQs. But the question is that these units are changing their locations constantly. So you definitely need battle field transparency! An ideal way for this is that you have your own satellite on top of the battle field. To achieve a 24/7 transparency, you even need to have 10+, or even 20+satellites! Because these satellites are moving constantly, they could only stay above a particular point of the earth for a short period of time. Do you still remember the MH370 tragedy? To find out the plane, China changes the orbits of 21 satellites for day and night research in the South China Sea! But does Vietnam currently has all these necessary hardware for the guided bomb? No. It needs time, and tons of gold. So pay taxes to government.

BTW, want to share you a new toy of China. China recently launched a satellite for taking videos on the orbit. You can click the link below for a short video the CN satellite takes on top of Mexico. Could you understand the military meaning of the video satellite? It means Beijing could even be more clearer about the most recent locations of the VN army units than Hanoi!

There may be a short advertisement before the video, so be a bit patient please.

The new China video satellitte

Training for the pilots: training is a must-have even for the most talented pilot. To hit a CN target accurately, the VN pilots need to do real exercises for many rounds! Maybe 10 times? or 20 times? This brings us three questions:
  1. Bomb inventory: do you have sufficient bomb inventory to support the heavy training? Or can you make it on your own? If the answer is NO, pls pay taxes to government to enhance the inventory from imports.
  2. Spare parts inventory: the more you fly your SU30, the heavier maintenance required, which will lead to heavier consumption of the spare parts. Do you have sufficient spare parts inventory to support the heavy training program? Do you have the capability to produce the parts? For example, the braking pads of the landing gear, a very basic element, could you produce it on your own? Or you have to dependent on imports? If the answer is the latter, pls pay taxes to your government.
  3. SU30 life cycle: the Russian fighters, compared to their western peers, e.g. F15, are born with very short life cycle. Take the SU27 China imported from USSR/Russia in 1990s' as an example, its designed lifecycle is just about 2,000 hours. So if you fly the plane 200hours a year, it could only last for 10years! This used to be an extreme headache for China Airforce, but later we conquered it successfully via:
life cycle enhancement program for the old SU27 fleet. This is not an easy task. It needs the efforts from both aviation industry and material industry. To make it done, you need to be: a) extremely clear of the design principal of the fighters; b) a guru on fatigue mechanics, otherwise you even couldn't know where the weakest point is; c) a guru on high strength/light weighting material. You need to own all the three points mentioned to launch a successful life cycle enhancement program. Does VN have them now? If the answer is no, VN needs to pay heavily to foreign companies for the program. So, pls pay taxes to your government.

J11 localization: compared to the life cycle enhancement of the old fleet, J11 localization is obviously a more fundamental solution! We therefore no longer need to worry about the balance of usage vs. lifecycle. We could fly the birds as heavily as we want! But is Vietnam capable of this? No. So your government needs to pay Russia constantly for the fleet renewal. Again, it is you time for paying taxes!
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