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‘Vietnam has emerged as a regional power in South-East Asia’: Hamid Ansari

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What kind of secret weapon Vietnam hide? Huh...could u mind telling me? T-72 tank? Su-30mkv? Su-300mpu ? Kilo sub? T-55M3 tank? Leopard frigate? Spider missile boat? and ur 'mud man'? Or a nuclear bomb ?
Do not touch h-bomb, or China and U.S will stand together to deal with another Indochina crisis.

No, the weapon we possess is far more mighty than anything you can buy on the market: soft weapon!

We know China in and out. We know how it thinks, how it feels, what it fears. We know when Chinese tell the truth, when they lie. I just close my eye, and I know what you think! No need to hide, it is useless.
Why show another map, this map pretty fine!
Anyone who can read English here, could easily find out where is 3x active Vietnam's oil fields and another new field discovery(now inactive).
Do u need me help u to point out whether 3x active Vietnam's oil fields inside or outside seawaters of China Nine Section Lines?
So where is ur oil rig within dispute zone ?? u just 'create' those rigs from ur imagine??

Check ur quote again ,dude .
Originally Posted by cnleio
Look at the map, Vietnam sent soldiers and funds to protect these valueless islands.... Our ppl finding and digging oils around islands within China Nine Section Lines. China oil drilling platforms in these waters and China fishery administration and research vessels patrolling in these waters.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...h-east-asia-hamid-ansari-6.html#ixzz2IKGS9Ac3

cnleio said:
My idea is simple and clear, China has his own business and interests in whole SouthEast Asia Region.
The PEACE is the first, and i think the trades between China-Thailand, China-Singapore, China-Malaysia, China-Indonesia bigger than China-Vietnam each year.
So never learn ur comrade @Viva_Viet, China will do anything to defense his interests and to protect his investments in SouthEast Asia Region.
U forgot that China left ur ally Pol Pot high and dry in 1979 ?? U protect ur interest, ur ally by hollow words only

Ur reputation lost badly when u left ur ally in 1979, No one in the region belive in ur strength and protection now :coffee:
Hi nufix, glad to see u~! Sorry i should PM u but PDF require 10000 posts then can enable PM function.So i write here...

I have some questions wanna ask u about Indonesia country.

Glad to see you too bro, no prob.

1. What's the relationship between Indonesia and China, whether we can be friends today?
(i knew China support Indonesia to develop domestic anti-ship missile and provide other military support)

Indonesia and China are already friends, even a deeper military to military cooperation such as massive army, air force, and naval exercise will be held soon. China is one of Indonesia's main market and economic destination as both are Asia's economic development powerhouse.
Indonesia, China enhance joint military exercise | Republika Online


2. How normal Indonesia ppl looks China, do they welcome Chinese to Indonesia?

3. What's recent situations of local Chinese (Indonesia-Chinese) position in Indonesia socity, did Indonesia native ppl still hate them?
(Coz 1998 anti-Chinese crisis happened in Indonesia hurt many Chinese hearts in China, news reported many killings and cuts here, so terrible.)

The Anti Chinese crisis is not actually anti-chinese. 1998-1999 were the hardest period for Indonesia, Indonesia was the worst victim during Asia financial crisis, millions of people lost their job. At the same time, in 1998, a massive movement took down Soeharto from presidential chair, it later caused a vacuum in government instances. Police department and military force were acting based on their own leader, civil order were widely abused. The result was there's nothing to stop hungry people and unemployed from looting and pillaging. The victims were not only Chinese ethnic, in fact, the local people were also hit. Anti-Chinese riot was no more than propaganda to weaken Habibie's leadership, a Soeharto's successor, at international stage because Habibie was accused for his willing to continue Soeharto's reign.
There was no anti chinese.

Indonesia became normal again under the leadership of President Wahid in early 2000. There are no ban for Chinese ethnic to practice their culture and language, as well as using Chinese name. After the fall of Indonesia's Soeharto totalitarian regime, The first abolished the use of the terms "indigenous" and "non-indigenous" in official government documents and business. The second abolished the ban on the study of Mandarin Chinese and reaffirmed a 1996 instruction that abolished the use of the SBKRI (special citizenship) to identify citizens of Chinese descent. In 2000 the newly elected President Wahid abolished the ban on public displays of Chinese culture and allowed Chinese traditions to be practised freely, without the need of a permit. Two years later President Megawati Sukarnoputri declared that the Chinese New Year (Imlek) would be marked as a national holiday from 2003. In addition to Habibie's directive on the term "pribumi", the legislature passed a new citizenship law in 2006 defining the word asli ("indigenous") in the Constitution as a natural born person.

Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia is now considered the same with the other ethnic in Indonesia, their citizenship are no different than mine and they are allowed to run for President if they are interested. In fact, many of Chinese ethnic in Indonesia sit in the parliament and ministries, even in the military. Many of them are elected by local population to sit in high ranking governmental position, Chinese or no chinese, as long as they can run the country well, there shouldn't be a problem. Although there still a little discrimination, but their voices are nothing.

Here's some of Indonesian people from ethnic Chinese that are elected to sit on governmental chairs.


Indonesia's naval officer - one of Ministry of Defense Attaches, Col. Surya Margono.


Marie Elka Pangestu - One of Ministers in Indonesia parliament.


Basuki Tjahja - Vice Governor of Jakarta


Even many of them became public figure such as a preacher in Indonesian Islamic societies like Anton Medan.

I wanna know more about today Indonesia, thank you very much!

Thank you for asking such questions, not many people like you who are eager to find the truth. The thank you should be presented by me.
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Which Indian? The aftermath of Indo-Pakistani war is India went to the United Nations, pleading for their intervention and help thus avoiding greater loss. Ultimately, it ended in a United Nations mandated ceasefire. This resulted in the Indian Government RE-inhabiting the city of Delhi (The Capital of India) which it had evacuated because of the rapidly increasing occupation of Western Punjab by the Pakistani Army. It appears that our assist was not down the drain.

Which war are you talking about ???

"Indian Government RE-inhabiting the city of Delhi (The Capital of India) which it had evacuated because of the rapidly increasing occupation of Western Punjab by the Pakistani Army" ...........seriously ....:rofl:
Our military power in 1970's was relatively similar with the 1960's situation, that was proven by Indonesia's invasion over Portuguese colonial at Timor in 1975. In 1970's the government which control the military had fallen into Soeharto's hand. Soeharto was a former general of Soekarno's army who took a coup during Communists eradication, he was backed by army chief and air force marshall, the navy remained loyal to Soekarno, and that was why the navy's admirals refused to send any battleships to another war under the order from Soeharto.
it seems like you have Unstable political systems ,right.How abt ur Admiral and army chief now ?? have they listened to the Govt. yet ??

nufix said:
By far, Indonesia is developing its own rocket platform which later will be equipped with warheads. The rockets are RX series, firstly designed to orbit our micro satellites, but since 2006, the president ordered a possible development for ballistic missile.
RX 550 is still within 300km,right. So it can't be call ballistic missile like our nuke capable- anti carrier Shaddock(550km) or Scud D(up tp 750-900 km). Try to make its range can cover parts of Australia to give a warning if she dare to poke her nose to Borneo again. But You will face with US's sanction soon. So, R U confident enough to face with US's sanction yet ?? and when can you make ballistic missile ??
nufix said:
Nuclear enrichment at low level in purpose of Study, research, medical, and electricity is allowed in SK, Japan, etc. Anyway, Vietnam owns a TRIGA type nuclear reactor which is not enough for developing isotop for nuclear warhead. TRIGA is a low level reactor. Indonesia already owns three TRIGA type nuclear reactors for research and medical purposes.
US hasn't force to enrich at low level, it seems like we're free to enrich whatever level we want :laugh:
US-Vietnam nuke deal will likely allow enrichment

Source: Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has told U.S. lawmakers that a nuclear cooperation deal with Vietnam is unlikely to include a coveted promise by the Hanoi government not to enrich uranium, congressional aides say. The United States had sought a no-enrichment pledge, which the State Department promotes as the "gold standard" for civilian nuclear cooperation accords. It would have been modeled on a deal last year in which the United Arab Emirates pledged, in return for U.S. nuclear equipment and reactors, not to enrich uranium or extract plutonium from used reactor fuel -- procedures that would provide material that could be used in a nuclear weapon...

A UAE-style deal with Vietnam could have been used by the United States to push other countries for similar commitments not to enrich uranium or reprocess spent fuel. Many countries, however, balk at what they consider an infringement on sovereignty. Countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty have the right to enrich uranium for civilian use on their own soil under safeguards.

Two congressional aides familiar with the discussions said the Obama administration has concluded that it is unlikely to persuade Vietnam to agree to a UAE-style no-enrichment pledge. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the negotiations. Another congressional aide, briefed by the administration, said the talks with Vietnam are in their final stages...

nufix said:
I think Indonesia has stopped being a jerk in the region, we are focusing on economic building.
Jasmine revolt. can happen at any time in any where. How can you stop the Western's intervention when u don't have powerful weapons to scare them ??Have u learned anything from Libya, Sirya yet ??
Which war are you talking about ???

"Indian Government RE-inhabiting the city of Delhi (The Capital of India) which it had evacuated because of the rapidly increasing occupation of Western Punjab by the Pakistani Army" ...........seriously ....:rofl:

1965, please correct me if I am wrong.
Can someone call the moderator to close down this thread. The thread is already beginning to fall apart, thank you.

Overview of the thread.

Vietnam is predicted to be a Regional power in the region so congratulations.

Vietnam cannot bomb Singapore in anyway.
Singapore navy Tests Barak Missiles at the South China Sea | Defense Update - Military Technology & Defense News
Senang Diri: Republic of Singapore Air Force I-Hawk anti-aircraft missile batteries to mark 30 years of operations

Vietnam also have no chances of winning a future war against China (not like there's gonna be a war in the foreseeable future).
World Military Strength Comparison
it seems like you have Unstable political systems ,right.How abt ur Admiral and army chief now ?? have they listened to the Govt. yet ??

Unstable because during that times, before 2000, the military was still a dominant part in parliament. Since Indonesia's independence in 1945 until the end of Soeharto's era, Indonesia was practically run by the armed forces. But later, after some amendment and reformation both constitutionally and parliamentary in 1999-2000, the military is no longer allowed to gain entry to any political and business arena. Since 2000 until now, there's no coup from the military.

RX 550 is still within 300km,right. So it can't be call ballistic missile like our nuke capable- anti carrier Shaddock(550km) or Scud D(up tp 750-900 km). Try to make it to shoot to Australia to give a warning if she dare to poke her nose to Borneo again. But You will face with US's sanction soon. So, R U confident enough to face with US's sanction yet ?? and when can you make ballistic missile ??

Nope, it is actually 500+ km at single stage and more than 700km with tandem stage.

US hasn't force to enrich at low level, it seems like we're free to enrich whatever level we want :laugh:
It is not the U.S that controls the nuclear technology development, it is the obligation of IAEA.

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Vietnam nuclear reactor fully converted to low-enriched uranium
Anyway, your reactor was already converted for low nuclear enrichment. And as I have said, TRIGA type nuclear reactor in which Vietnam possesses now is not a reactor to enrich uranium at the level of nuclear warhead. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIGA

On what purpose? Australia respects Indonesia's domination over Borneo and both countries are doing very well. Making enemy is not in Indonesia's list.

Jasmine revolt. can happen at any time in any where. How can you stop the Western's intervention when u don't have powerful weapons to scare them ??Have u learned anything from Libya, Sirya yet ??

Jasmine revolt happens when a country has totalitarian regime which is unlikely in Indonesia. And FYI, both Libya and Syria are powerful and rich, if you care enough to see their inventories. By the way, Syria and Libya fell into civil war, both countries are being destroyed internally not by external factors such as direct foreign military invasions, and both countries were always trying to make enemy, is Indonesia trying to do same thing like either Libya or Syria?

It is vietnam who should be more concern about being destroyed as you have been making enemies in this last years, I hope you chose your opponent well, or else you will be dragged to your own defeat.
You may have helped them in 65 but rest of the details you gave are hogwash .

It was based on a statement which I took quickly, and that is why I ask you for a correction.
It was based on a statement which I took quickly, and that is why I ask you for a correction.

If there was intervention of UN then it must be 48 war.

EDIT : Nope , actually indonesia send subs in 65 war .

During the 1965 war, Indonesia's stance was markedly pro-Pakistan. There was an increase in the sightings of unidentified submarines and aircraft in the Andaman and Nicobar islands. In response to Pakistan's request for assistance, the Indonesian Navy sent two submarines and two missile boats to Karachi. The Indonesian Naval Chief even volunteered to distract India by making moves to take over islands in the Nicobars (For details see "The First Round" by Air Marshal Asghar Khan, Page 45). It was this vulnerability in August 1965 that impelled Naval Headquarters to keep the Indian Fleet in the Bay of Bengal for as long as possible, so as to deter adventurist Indonesian naval moves.
Got it, thanks for the correction and I am sorry for the mistake I have made, may it will never be repeated in the future.

No need of apology .We all are here to learn more.
Can someone call the moderator to close down this thread. The thread is already beginning to fall apart, thank you.
Why, this is beginning to make fun.

Overview of the thread.

Vietnam is predicted to be a Regional power in the region so congratulations.
Indonesia protests about the award as it claims for it. I suggest Indonesia to call the UNSC for an urgent meeting.

No, we are going to bomb Singapore. My wife is currently booking a holiday to Singapore.

Vietnam also have no chances of winning a future war against China (not like there's gonna be a war in the foreseeable future).
World Military Strength Comparison
This comparison list is considered as bullshtt and as Chinese state propaganda. Since you cannot open the link in Germany.
Why, this is beginning to make fun.

Indonesia protests about the award as it claims for it. I suggest Indonesia to call the UNSC for an urgent meeting.
Since when does any of my countrymen opposes Vietnam rises? :) Heck I welcome it it gives the Region more security & prestige.

No, we are going to bomb Singapore. My wife is currently booking a holiday to Singapore.
It's not for you, so don't be coy.

This comparison list is considered as bullshtt and as Chinese state propaganda. Since you cannot open the link in Germany.
You cannot open it in your host country, ergo its BS. Or maybe you don't want to accept a simple fact because it hurt your nationalistic sentiment? I'm more Patriotic than any one of my countrymen & I'm not afraid to admit that my country is weak (right now).
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