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exactly, if AMD dies INTEL would have a monopoly position which is why INTEL gave AMD cash.

Kyle said Intel dying, how about AMD and PC/laptop/server industry ?
Marginal profit of SOC for mobile quite tight ... if Intel step a foot on that, they again dominate both PC-based and mobile-based processors.

How about Intel-based Asus Zenfone , is it not a good and cheap phone?
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Kyle said Intel dying, how about AMD and PC/laptop/server industry ?
It's a form of exaggeration learn to understand, he didn't literally mean INTEL will go out of business.

AMD does not have the money to compete with Intel and Intel could have easily destroyed them but that would lead to anti trust cases in USA and EU. AMD can survive to this day is because they operate in a different niche not just by competing in the processor market alone against Intel plus Intel gave them money. AMD did the right thing with the acquisition of ATI so they can still stay in the competition in the laptop / gaming industry.
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in my office, no one can finish his work with Ipad and Iphone. The PC workstation with high speed CPU, but to rendering for some video clip, it works very slow.
So you'll target a system that gives you the best chance for success and the best chance of high sales.

Xboxone sales: 6 million, ps4 sales 9 million, roughly.

PC's with steam : 75 million

Ps2 is the greatest selling console *ever*, at 120 million units sold, (sold, not active...most of the old units are either dead or not in use, the sales mark was reached just 3 years ago, after which production was stopped).

So the largest market is undoubtedly the PC.

When you have a relatively powerful system that is owned by millions and is exactly the same hardware setup for those millions you are going to target them first. With PC development you have so many combinations of setups to contend with you have a whole room of test rigs and you still risk a f-up when released.

The problem was big during the 90's when there were a huge number of devices and no easy common interface that one could use, but even then the PC was not abandoned.
This was because the PC could do things consoles couldn't, be it raw power, controls and censorship from publishers and just the nature of the market(more mature). Even when games like quake,diablo and starcraft were released for the consoles, they were really bad watered down versions of the original game).

In fact if you think about, the pc market was actually smaller in the 80's to the mid 90's and has grown over the years, while that of consoles has shrunk, There was a time when PC's were considered bad for games, and that it could not produce high quality graphics like mario. :D (till carmack came along)

Anyway the problem has been mitigated due to freely available engines that do a lot of the lifting in terms of tech. and these are already tested extensively by middleware makers. Most games made today (either console or pc) are built using some engine (say source or unreal engine, or maybe apis like xna), and it's very easy to make a pc build.
Besides, if it was so much trouble, people would not be investing cash to create PC versions of console games like devil may cry.
If you think about all the big selling games on the PCs they are created using already existing engines (like garys mod, counter strike) or even better, using custom maps (in the case of mobas, initially atleast).

The entire minecraft engine was done by a guy in his bedroom, and became one of the best selling games, and was primarily a pc game, not many technical difficulties there.

A bigger reason for the slight dip amongst publishers was piracy more than anything else. The biggest issue was the over pricing of games and the spread of broadband connections which encouraged people to pirate stuff. This resulted in stuff like root kits, or people delaying release of their games on the PC platform.Piracy again has been reduced a lot due to aggressive pricing on stores and f2p models.
The other reason was big console companies holding off release of games to other platforms by paying big cash and keeping things exclusive. That was a strategy that didnt really work, and most companies prefer to launch to all major platforms.

Of course if you have something that doesn't need crazy hardware things are different.
Yup this is actually important along with the lowering of price, the lowering of tech requirements. People have now realized that you can make nice looking games that can run on 6-7 year old PCs, as the performance is sufficient, the focus now is on gameplay, immersion and art style over tech backed realism.

Consoles are sort of a niche market now, as hardcore players would prefer the PC, be it, either mobas or fps's or rts (e-sports!), or even quirky indie games. The super casuals would go on to mobiles and tablets, and would get their gaming fix from there/
Vietnam Dollar Bonds Rally After Moody’s Boosts Sovereign Rating

By Kyoungwha Kim
Jul 29, 2014 11:51 AM GMT+0200

Vietnam Dollar Bonds Rally After Moody’s Boosts Sovereign Rating - Bloomberg

Vietnam’s dollar bonds jumped the most in more than a month after Moody’s Investors Service upgraded the country’s sovereign ratings for the first time since 2005, citing a stronger economy.

The government’s issuer and senior unsecured bond ranking was raised one level to B1, the fourth-highest junk grade, with a stable outlook, Moody’s said in a statement today. The long-term foreign-currency bond ceiling was lifted two levels to Ba2 from B1 and the long-term deposit ceiling to B2 from B3.

“Vietnam is in the midst of its third consecutive year of broad macroeconomic stability” helped by stable prices, the ratings company said. “The strengthening of the balance of payments and external payments position has been underpinned by a diversification in the structure of Vietnam’s exports (VEEXTYOY)” toward more electronic goods and away from labor-intensive products, according to the statement.

The yield on the 6.75 percent notes denominated in the U.S currency and due January 2020 declined two basis points, or 0.02 percentage point, to 4.04 percent as of 4:40 p.m. Hong Kong time, according to prices from HSBC Holdings Plc. The extra yield that investors demand over similar-maturity U.S. Treasuries has declined to 205 basis points from its 2014 high of 323 basis points on Feb. 3, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

“The upgrade may spur demand and trading of Vietnamese government bonds,” said Do Ngoc Quynh, head of treasury at Bank for Investment & Development, Vietnam’s second-largest lender by assets. “It would also help reduce borrowing costs.”

The dong was little changed at 21,230 against the U.S. dollar, while the benchmark VN Index (VNINDEX) of shares gained 0.5 percent.

Moody’s also cited a stabilizing operating environment in the banking system and limited risks to the government’s balance sheet as reasons for the upgrade.

Quickening Growth

Vietnam’s economy grew 5.25 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier, quickening from the previous quarter’s 5.09 percent expansion, official data showed on June 27, as last month’s currency devaluation improved the outlook for exports.

The State Bank of Vietnam devalued the dong on June 18 to help spur overseas sales after anti-China protests in May halted production at foreign-owned factories and caused Chinese workers to flee. The central bank weakened its reference rate for the currency by 1 percent to 21,246 per dollar.

Exports rose 14.9 percent in the first six months from the same period last year and imports climbed 11 percent, official data show. The trade surplus for the first half was $1.3 billion.

Vietnam’s growth potential is “robust, given an export manufacturing sector that is well-diversified and increasingly oriented toward higher value-added goods,” Standard & Poor’s said last month, while affirming its BB- rating on the nation with a stable outlook.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kyoungwha Kim in Singapore at kkim19@bloomberg.net

Kyle said Intel dying, how about AMD and PC/laptop/server industry ?
Marginal profit of SOC for mobile quite tight ... if Intel step a foot on that, they again dominate both PC-based and mobile-based processors.

How about Intel-based Asus Zenfone , is it not a good and cheap phone?
INTEL already lags behind the other ARM companies in the field of mobile processor or chip. INTEL ignores the ability of ARM processor.

And the mobile processor market is the future of the semiconductor companies , the most import profit growth point.

The worst of it is ARM chip's ability is going up quickly ,it will possess the same ability of traditional PC processor.

And PC market is the death line of INTEL.

INTEL is the giant of processor , Nokia is used to be the giant of the cellphone.

No one can foresee Nokia will gone in 3 years after this company reached its peak in 2010.

If I said Nokia was dying at 2010, people would see me like a lunatic.

Nokia can die ,so does INTEL.
INTEL already lags behind the other ARM companies in the field of mobile processor or chip. INTEL ignores the ability of ARM processor.

And the mobile processor market is the future of the semiconductor companies , the most import profit growth point.

The worst of it is ARM chip's ability is going up quickly ,it will possess the same ability of traditional PC processor.

And PC market is the death line of INTEL.

INTEL is the giant of processor , Nokia is used to be the giant of the cellphone.

No one can foresee Nokia will gone in 3 years after this company reached its peak in 2010.

If I said Nokia was dying at 2010, people would see me like a lunatic.

Nokia can die ,so does INTEL.

ARM replace traditional PC processor ? I don't believe it ... x86 compete ARM, I think it can
Intel dies in Chinese' dream, but live in reality. Consider 80% of chip market share, if Intel dies the market will collapse. Intel cannot die, can only be replaced, however so far no corporate have the resource to be able to compete with Intel yet.

The Chinese in here just got no idea how much money and scientists needed to have a firm like Intel. Even their Chinese 3 large IT firms Lenovo + Huawai + Xiaomi + bunch other craps are no match for Intel.
Congratulations Vietnam.

@Peter C look below for you.
Intel dies in Chinese' dream, but live in reality. Consider 80% of chip market share, if Intel dies the market will collapse. Intel cannot die, can only be replaced, however so far no corporate have the resource to be able to compete with Intel yet.

The Chinese in here just got no idea how much money and scientists needed to have a firm like Intel. Even their Chinese 3 large IT firms Lenovo + Huawai + Xiaomi + bunch other craps are no match for Intel.
Lenovo Huawei do not produce wafer ,idiot.

You do not even have that kind of craps.

On the other hand , we know well about how hard it is to develop wafer and chip because we already have our own chip although it is much lower level than INTEL, but it is a good start.
You idiot make sure you understood what I was saying before response. I did not say Huawai produce chip. I said Huawei + Lenovo + Xiaomi + other Chinese craps firms all combine still no match for Intel, in term of size, resource, market, investment...etc. I did not say Huawei make chip, idiot.
Lenovo Huawei do not produce wafer ,idiot.

You do not even have that kind of craps.

On the other hand , we know well about how hard it is to develop wafer and chip because we already have our own chip although it is much lower level than INTEL, but it is a good start.

It's like comparing one company producing engines with another one producing airplanes. His first post already reflects his competence :yes4:
You idiot make sure you understood what I was saying before response. I did not say Huawai produce chip. I said Huawei + Lenovo + Xiaomi + other Chinese craps firms all combine still no match for Intel, in term of size, resource, market, investment...etc. I did not say Huawei make chip, idiot.
Even INTEL is the biggest IT company in this planet , it still can not produce one piece of pork, idiot.
Vietnam is like a nail in Chinese eyes. They tried get rid of it but they just can't. Look at map of Asia, Vietnam geo is like phucking nail spear on China's ***.
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