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Meanwhile the former furniture salesman been making great strides in domestic & international stages to the point you know about him but nobody knows or gives a shit about vietnam's president.

No, out president doesn't do much. Let's see:

- Host a summit between US and North Korea regarding nuclear disarmament in the Korea Peninsula
- Promote the rise of support industries and take care of debt from previous decades
- Increase the social security in the country which lead to a decrease in criminal offenses.

Conclusion: Indonesian don't know about our president (and that is fine, we don't give one fck about Indonesian president and his salesman history). However,you should refrain from making comments that include the rest of the worlds as it's highly likely that you don't know crap about their interest. Vietnam is so irrelevant in the world stage? Well we are "relevant" enough that the United States choose us to hold a summit. Wonder if Indonesia could ever hope to be the host of such a summit in the future?

Answer: Fcking unlikely. Not with their history of hotel bombing and rebels lol :v
That was the ruling party then. Not the ruling party now. Most of those people involved are already dead or already have 1 foot in the ground.

Meanwhile the former furniture salesman been making great strides in domestic & international stages to the point you know about him but nobody knows or gives a shit about vietnam's president.
What great stride? You mean he helps Indonesia to export furniture to Vietnam?

No, out president doesn't do much. Let's see:

- Host a summit between US and North Korea regarding nuclear disarmament in the Korea Peninsula
- Promote the rise of support industries and take care of debt from previous decades
- Increase the social security in the country which lead to a decrease in criminal offenses.

Conclusion: Indonesian don't know about our president (and that is fine, we don't give one fck about Indonesian president and his salesman history). However,you should refrain from making comments that include the rest of the worlds as it's highly likely that you don't know crap about their interest. Vietnam is so irrelevant in the world stage? Well we are "relevant" enough that the United States choose us to hold a summit. Wonder if Indonesia could ever hope to be the host of such a summit in the future?

Answer: Fcking unlikely. Not with their history of hotel bombing and rebels lol :v
I have no idea that your dictator president are so irrelevant that you have to include meaningless summits that are paid for by the US & with both attendee actually left early because they can't reach an understanding. Vietnam serves as venue & props nothing more:

List of notable summits actually hosted by indonesia:
- Asian-Africa summit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandung_Conference
- Our Ocean Conference that just we just hosted a couple of months ago. The pope even gives his blessing: https://www.ucanews.com/news/pope-backs-indonesias-tough-illegal-fishing-policy/84116 what the heck have vietnam ever done to get the approval of the pope?!
- There's more but I'm too lazy.
- & other less notable international conferences that people somehow have no problems with choosing indonesia for the venue: https://allconferencealert.net/indonesia.php

It seems you guys don't even have access to google if you don't even know that indonesia is a way ahead of vietnam in international politics. Even in the domestics stage you guys are pathetic. In comparison to us anyway.

Thank you for proving my points.
Ok VN ruling party achievement with uniting the country, winning independent wars against France, America, China and Cambodia is nothing in front of a successful former furniture seller of Indonesia. Good, congrats.

As for Indo catching our fishermen, no worry, Viettel has just successfully produced a long range surveillance X band radar, a clone of “Score 3000”, that can detect ships at 170 km away, regardless of days and nights in all weather conditions. We will be faster at place than your patrol ships.

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Ok hahaha is that going to change anything??

Just now LoL

Yup another vietnam fishing boat brought in by KKP boats
Critics are not forbidden but any attempt to attack the government is taboo. No it’s not improvement but really not different to other periods in history. Fyi, VN is always ruled by a strong central government, be now under VCP leadership or previously under imperial rules be either from VN or CN. In your country any critics to Islam is taboo and forbidden too, isn’t it? For blasphemy be true or not, you throw all into jails or kill them. Where is your progress? No that is primitive.

VN has a communist leadership but we have Buddhist pagoda and Christ churches everywhere.Nobody will be jailed for critics to the religions in VN.
woahhhhhh, attacking government are kinda tabooo???at the same time criticize us for jailing religion insulters hahahahaha, VN is always ruled by strong central government ????hahahaha I cant believe the amount of hyprocrisy in this thread by viet forumers. bashing indonesia for using snake as torture while itself is infamous for torture (you know commies thing), bashing china for incursions while sending naval vessels to others territory, whats next vietcong??????

Pls don’t brag on GDP figures.that is misleading. I give you an example: if I spend $100 to dig a hole in my garden and spend another $100 to undo my stupidity, how much GDP was generated? Correct:$200. Venezuela has higher GDP per capita than yours but their population can’t afford any to buy anything to eat. They can’t even afford to import toilet paper. Large parts of your GDP are generated by selling natural resources. You rely on food imports. VN sells foods to your country. What happens with 50 years when your resources are dried and the last tree is burned?
so tell me how is it building and spending lavishly on the armed forces=economic development???? Im interested. still just to remind you the fact that your gdp is pfffft only 1/4th of ours.

If we don’t suffer colonialism, numerous wars, devastation and economic sanctions in the last century our GDP would be on par with South Korea. You have extremely long peace period, but your GDP figure is pretty much low.
No baby, you suffer from communism

Your country nowadays is much like the Turkey: the politics is driven by a nationalist Islamist wave. Sorry, what should the people think, when Turkey leadership declares onion prices as of national strategic importance, when people queue stores for cheap onions? Much like you, with garlic. Sorry, you are primitive.
your country nowadays still suffered from communist shit utopia, which is driven by some immature kids who thinks they're smart after reading karl marx das capital. thinking its so great that everything must be shared between the comune ,it's only in 90s that your government realize that communism sucks and entered the market economy. but still they use communism as a rallying cry so that the vietnam commie party could stay in power. sad

It seems Indonesians refuse to leave the thread alone after all that. Well it's a good thing that I have plenty of free time as it's weekend now.

Let's see:

Indonesian with big balls: Rebels roam the country, pirate rule the sea, annexed people land and police torture people with snakes
Vietnamese with no balls: No rebel, no pirate and so far never annex lands of other countries since the birth of modern government
nice exageration you got there girl, hahahaha. rebels roam the country????? hahahahahahahahahahahaha. much of the rebels had already been subded just like in aceh, the only safe heavens they have now is in the remote mountains of papua or in the jungles of poso. and yes none of the roam the country freely like you imagined. LOL.

meanwhile vietnam=a communist country with ehemmmm free market economy, crying baby and playing victims in south china sea while making multiple incursion into neighboring country waters, stealing fishes, crappy gdp, even more crappy gdp per capita,poor infrastructure, wannabe juggernaut regional power.

A shining example of a Indonesian F-A-G that refuse to get straight to the point and dance around the world :) Oh my God did you just commented "huhuuhuhuhuhu" ? Have you finished primary school yet because in Vietnam, only grade school children resort to "huhuuhuhuhuhu" as they run out of reasons.

Thanks heaven you are not a diplomat because every time you start screaming "huhuuhuhuhuhu" as you get into a tight corner, people would put a leash on your neck, ship you back to Jakarta and with a tag: "We ask that you send us a DIPLOMAT, not a KID...and this one is not even a smart kid".
is it forbidden to cry for those poor souls who vietnamese elite send there without proper arms only to be living target practice by china's naval guns?? I pity them, they should be going to school, having a family, get good jobs. but I think those fat elites above dont think the same

and another Vietnamese fishing boats captured 8th march 2019, this time by Indonesian Navy Corvette Teuku Umar-385
Again, Indonesian avoid to answer things that their brain refuse to handle :)

I have no idea that your dictator president are so irrelevant that you have to include meaningless summits that are paid for by the US & with both attendee actually left early because they can't reach an understanding. Vietnam serves as venue & props nothing more:

List of notable summits actually hosted by indonesia:
- Asian-Africa summit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandung_Conference
- Our Ocean Conference that just we just hosted a couple of months ago. The pope even gives his blessing: https://www.ucanews.com/news/pope-backs-indonesias-tough-illegal-fishing-policy/84116 what the heck have vietnam ever done to get the approval of the pope?!
- There's more but I'm too lazy.
- & other less notable international conferences that people somehow have no problems with choosing indonesia for the venue: https://allconferencealert.net/indonesia.php

It seems you guys don't even have access to google if you don't even know that indonesia is a way ahead of vietnam in international politics. Even in the domestics stage you guys are pathetic. In comparison to us anyway.

Thank you for proving my points.

LOL Vietnam hold those summit all the time but guess what, no one care about them so we don't bother to list them here. In the international stage, you need SERIOUS prestige for people from the United Nation Security Council and "nuclear-armed club" to host a summit in your country regarding nuclear disarmament. Sure the result might not play out well but if you have no name whatsoever in politic, they don't even bother to pick you from the first place. Indonesia could be the street vendor but Vietnam shall act as the main event.

Indonesia domestics affair where people got arrested for singing a song? please, enlighten us on how the fck it's better than Vietnam. BTW, I see that you bring out a whole lot of points before about "If we we were in Vietnam back then, we could drive you guys out". Care to explain my "view" about the point?

nice exageration you got there girl, hahahaha. rebels roam the country????? hahahahahahahahahahahaha. much of the rebels had already been subded just like in aceh, the only safe heavens they have now is in the remote mountains of papua or in the jungles of poso. and yes none of the roam the country freely like you imagined. LOL.

meanwhile vietnam=a communist country with ehemmmm free market economy, crying baby and playing victims in south china sea while making multiple incursion into neighboring country waters, stealing fishes, crappy gdp, even more crappy gdp per capita,poor infrastructure, wannabe juggernaut regional power.


"A soldier was also shot dead when a team of police and security forces were sent to investigate Sunday's killings, authorities added.

The workers had been building a road and bridges in the remote and mountainous Nduga region.

Police have blamed the deaths on separatist fighters.

Insurgents calling for independence have been active in Papua for decades.

The BBC's Rebecca Henschke in Jakarta says that if the killings are confirmed it will be the deadliest bout of violence in years in the restive province."

Peaceful Indonesia where every people live in harmony :) Where is the almighty Indonesian Army that could shoot unarmed fishing boat? Cound they stop the incident from the first place? If you are good at fighting, you would have killed every single terrorist in your country for good. You don't leave a fcking "safe heaven" for them in your country so don't say that as if that is some sort of "achievement" lol. "Hey guys, Indonesia is safe, there are few rebels in the country. Around 4 months ago, 24 Indonesian got executed in a gruesome manner but everything beside that is fine"

That sound damn assuring in so many levels, right?

is it forbidden to cry for those poor souls who vietnamese elite send there without proper arms only to be living target practice by china's naval guns?? I pity them, they should be going to school, having a family, get good jobs. but I think those fat elites above dont think the same

and another Vietnamese fishing boats captured 8th march 2019, this time by Indonesian Navy Corvette Teuku Umar-385

Nah, I pretty sure when you come up with the unintelligible "uhuhuhuhuhhu", you try to make fun of us but it backfire as it make you sound like a pre-puberty GIRL from primary school.

I say A, you scream uhuhuhuhuhhu
I say B, you scream uhuhuhuhuhhu
I say C, you scream uhuhuhuhuhhu

That sure make you like a compassion person? No, you are acting like a kid with a slow-developed brain that attempt to tease adults.

Our soldier got ambushed in the reef with only construction equipment, they are pioneers, not front line combatants. However, their sacrifice help us reclaim most of the lands in Spratly Islands. Indonesia? Well I bet every soldier that invade Papua receive indoctrination about "Papua is our land, the people love us Indonesian there". Decades later, Papua remain hateful of Indonesians. I bet troops from Indonesian want to live peacefully, go to school and stuff but no, Indonesia have to station troops in Papua and let their soldiers die every now and then. That sure make the "Indonesia elite" become a pretty authoritarian regime from Vietnam point of view. Oh wait, the UN Human Right Commission already classify you guys as one long ago.

woahhhhhh, attacking government are kinda tabooo???at the same time criticize us for jailing religion insulters hahahahaha, VN is always ruled by strong central government ????hahahaha I cant believe the amount of hyprocrisy in this thread by viet forumers. bashing indonesia for using snake as torture while itself is infamous for torture (you know commies thing), bashing china for incursions while sending naval vessels to others territory, whats next vietcong??????

Lol what commie things? You are seriously comparing wartime Vietnam to modern day Indonesia? No, in the 21st century, we don't use snake to torture people like the barbaric Indonesian, get that fact straight. Want me to bring story about wartime Indonesia? Pretty sure you guys upheld moral code well in the 1965-1966 Genocide.

so tell me how is it building and spending lavishly on the armed forces=economic development???? Im interested. still just to remind you the fact that your gdp is pfffft only 1/4th of ours.

Oh you like numbers?

Less than 10 million Vietnamese live with less than 1 dollar/day (poverty line by World Bank standard). Indonesia? That number is more than 20 million. Sure, Indonesian GDP is 5 times higher than Vietnam but more Vietnamese know about wealth than Indonesian lol.We Vietnamese force people to share wealth? Then in Indonesia, I guess all the wealth got held up at the top.

No baby, you suffer from communism

The opinion of a Indonesian retard would not outweigh the opinions of experts from Standard & Poor, Moody and Fitch. You know, major firms that assess the economy for nations around the world? They say the Vietnam economy is longer a controlled economy then we are no longer a controlled economy. Period. Want to say otherwise? Show your degree in economic and we shall talk more.

your country nowadays still suffered from communist shit utopia, which is driven by some immature kids who thinks they're smart after reading karl marx das capital. thinking its so great that everything must be shared between the comune ,it's only in 90s that your government realize that communism sucks and entered the market economy. but still they use communism as a rallying cry so that the vietnam commie party could stay in power. sad

We improve outsell and look to the future, nothing wrong with that. Indonesia? "We must beware of the communist threats" is the top common election quote for every campaigner in Indonesia. You want to hunt communist so bad that you forget that non-communist rebels still kill Indonesian every day lol. You guys still dream back in the days of Suharto where killing communist earns you aids from the West but guess what? In the 21st century, Indonesia is known for bombing, terrorist slice up throat of citizen and police lock people in cage with snakes, not "communist uprising".

As this is the "Vietnam Military Forum thread" after all, let's talk about Vietnam military for a bit as the Indonesian trolls are busy raging.

A Sukhoi aircraft from the VPAF has rejoined the fleet after receiving upgrades at oversea

well Chinese ramming and sinking Vietnam fishing vessels with killing intent is not new nor shocking anyone more.I don’t think that will sit well in Vietnamese public. this time many US and Japanese media report on the incident. That will not sit well either in the US and Japan. As for Indonesia we will wait to see if you copy China behavior.
Indonesia during that time periods have one things the western powers don't have. The ability to use everything at their disposals.

Let's just say there will be less vietnamese by the time we're done & leave it at that.
During the Viet Nam war, Indonesia doesn't have the ABILITY to take care of their own military problems by trying to control all those tiny islands with small REBEL FACTIONS (few thousands armed ragtag militants) and also can’t solve her territorial problem military (DEFEATED… LOL ) with your much smaller neighbor, MALAYSIA and a small troop of allies.

And you say Indonesia will change the course of Viet Nam war if it get involved, hahaha what a joke!

View attachment 545246
jokowi riding alone without security while conversing with commuters.

So this look like its driven by fanaticism?

At least its not like in vietnam where the people are expected to act like slaves towards their leader. Again which one are the primitives?

In here people's matters. We don't need leader to tell us what to do.

Primitive? Trump can’t do what your president did by going unannounced in a subway with minimum security detail (undercover agents), does it mean USA is primitive?

Which country have a terrorism problems, have deadly riots, highest murder rate 6.2 (against 1.52 for Viet Nam), lack of equal rights between women and men, violence against others religions… Yes Indonesia is a role model for all the countries in the world and everyone in the world want to go live in Indonesia
I wonder why Indo posters are laughing? Their GDP isn’t the reason to laugh on Vietnam. South Korea was poorer but now its GDP per capita slowly reaches the level of Japan. Both Japan and SK are countries we admire but Indo? Sorry. Yes it is laughable. India and Pakistan clash over Kashmir, North Korea with the US, both conflicts can escalate to a nuclear exchange that will end the world as we know it. But hey, the Indo shoot at our fishermen while the Chinese ramm to kill.
I wonder why Indo posters are laughing? Their GDP isn’t the reason to laugh on Vietnam. South Korea was poorer but now its GDP per capita slowly reaches the level of Japan. Both Japan and SK are countries we admire but Indo? Sorry. Yes it is laughable. India and Pakistan clash over Kashmir, North Korea with the US, both conflicts can escalate to a nuclear exchange that will end the world as we know it. But hey, the Indo shoot at our fishermen while the Chinese ramm to kill.

No one shoot at Vietnamese fisherman @Viet It was a warning shoot to your government ships who chase our navy ship.

No one shoot at Vietnamese fisherman @Viet It was a warning shoot to your government ships who chase our navy ship.

Indos, sorry I can’t understand the language. from the uniform and weapons they are not from the coast guard but from the army or navy?
. .
Yup, it was a navy, Bung Tomo class corvette.

Why navy with big guns? Where is your coast guard?
Vietnam has large Eez waters. We have with Indonesia overlapping Eez waters around Natura. Foreign vessels intrude Vietnam waters regularly but I never heard of Vietnamese warships firing on foreign vessels.

I never heard either of Vietnam law enforcement vessels ramm foreign ships to kill everyone onboard. Only primitive people resort to violence.

Incoming news about Indonesia "domestic affair"

"As many as 15 people are feared to have been killed in a firefight between Indonesian soldiers and Papuan independence fighters, adding to more than two dozen deaths in the simmering conflict since November."

"Aidi claimed the soldiers had arrived in the area to guard work on the trans Papua highway and the attack was unprovoked. According to Sambom, the soldiers had burned traditional dwellings and interrogated villagers."

"An insurgency has simmered in Papua, which makes up the western half of the island of New Guinea, since the early 1960s when Indonesia annexed the Dutch-controlled territory.

Discrimination against indigenous Papuans and abuses by Indonesian police and military have drawn renewed attention globally as Indonesia campaigns for membership in the UN’s human rights watchdog.

The exiled leader of the Papuan independence movement, Benny Wenda, in January presented a 1.8m-signature petition calling for self-determination to the UN human rights chief in Geneva."

Yeah that sure make domestic affair in Indonesia "far superior" than Vietnam. Man, we never have a shooting skirmishes in our soils since the 1990s. The Indonesian Armed Forces in the 21st century manage to brew an ongoing insurrection while the Vietnam People Army fail to have one. That sure make me feel shameful about how "weak" our army is nowadays.


Yeah.... I was joking :v
. .

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