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Vietnam Defence Forum

we used to use small patrol boats,
Lets solve the disputed water in civil maner. No one support a country using warship to arrest fishing boats in disputed water
damn... i give u a clue, truman doctrine.. and see did a cave man could read LOL

Oh right, let's see...

"Critics of the policy have observed that the governments of Greece and Turkey were themselves far from democratic at this time, and neither were facing Soviet subversion in the spring of 1949. Historian Eric Foner writes that the Doctrine "set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic"

A doctrine that fight communist using methods that are initially designated to be "unsavory practices only used by the communist". Yup, sound like a shining example of democracy to me.

and btw superman we live in place called earth LOL

And I think I lost you with that sentence...What was that supposed to mean?

oooooooooooooooooooooohh yes, Vietnam boasts world 9th most numerous army with very very very advanced T90,scud missiles, gepard class frigate and other hyped up russian weaponry LOL we are so scared that we took hundreds and hundreds of their fishing boats and burned them all while we wait and watch those scary vietcong armed forces came into action, which they never dare. hahahaha

Unlike Indonesian with those trigger-happy troops and retard Internet users, we Vietnamese value the ability to use brain in every action and avoid resorting to live ammunition. But let put this into a perspective that you feeble brain could understand

Indonesia possesses a military that could scare Vietnam into submission by capturing Vietnam fishing boat, opening fire against Vietnam Coast Guard and so on? Then why the heck Vietnam has no active terrorist/insurrection why Indonesia itself is filled to the brim with those? Simple: Vietnam crush terrorist while Indonesia focus on capturing unarmed fishing boats. Too eager to shoot shooting boats but could not put a stop to few bands of pirates and terrorists? Yeah, the word for that kind of action is: COWARDICE.

And for the love of god, use sentences that people that learn English are able to comprehend. Reading your mess of words slowly decreases my IQ.


Fish pirate? Oh I think your brain lacks common senses. Here is what I mean about piracy in Indonesia.

"Piracy in Indonesia is not only notorious, but according to a survey conducted by the International Maritime Bureau, it was also the country sporting the highest rate of pirate attacks back in 2004, where it subsequently dropped to second place of the world's worst country of pirate attacks in 2008, finishing just behind Nigeria. However, Indonesia is still deemed the country with the world's most dangerous water due to its high piracy rate"

"The term 'Piracy in Indonesia' includes both cases of Indonesian pirates hijacking other cargo and tanks, as well as the high rate of practising piracy within the country itself. Approximately 50,000 vessels worth of the world's trade employ the Strait of Malacca annually, including oil from the Persian Gulf and manufactured goods to the Middle East and Suez Canal. The success that stems from this trade portal makes the Strait an ideal location for pirate attacks"

"The first group consisted of four Indonesian pirates who were being arrested where they confessed that they aided and abetted a larger syndicate that operated in the Strait of Malacca. The second group of attackers during that month included six Indonesian men who were being detained. They were suspects for a group of Indonesian pirates that allegedly boarded a merchant vessel in Singapore. During the attack, warning shots were being fired and the pirates fled the scene. It is believed that the group arrived from Batam, an island that was closely situated to the Strait."

Yeah, Indonesia Navy is doing a fantastic job. But as Indonesian pirates got guns (crappy ones but could still shoot) while Vietnamese fisherman don't have anything, it's easy to see which one is the easier target between the two.

we used to use small patrol boats,

"Patrol boats: with M2 Browning and 76mm gun for fisheries control duty? Now that is a wee bit like actual warships. How about we strap missile to our Coast Guard vessels and call them "patrol boat" as well?

With the number of Indonesian trolls dropping by the minute, time to update on the T-90 delivery phase for Vietnam People Army. Look like our heavy tank transporters had a busy day at port.

what's the point of showing off cars at us, when we are the top 2 largest car manufacturers in SE Asia and we produce much more ships in our shipyard than yours??????

oooooooooooooooooooooohh yes, Vietnam boasts world 9th most numerous army with very very very advanced T90,scud missiles, gepard class frigate and other hyped up russian weaponry LOL we are so scared that we took hundreds and hundreds of their fishing boats and burned them all while we wait and watch those scary vietcong armed forces came into action, which they never dare. hahahaha

Im sorry cambodia, Vietnam respects your national integrity so much.much sad

Thats a nice private enterprise you have there, it shows that communism is a failed product and whoever stand by it is actually a hypocrite (just like most viet forum members). I bet uncle Ho will be sad.
Why posting made-in-Vietnam cars here? Why do you post fishing dispute here in this military thread? You act as if your country survival depends on fishing.
why those boat peoples goes in the sea instead? Are they affraid of VC going to rape and robb them so they take the chance for survival in the sea... whats the matter with your history lesson people? LoL

Escaping Viet Nam? Well you have China communist in the North, Laos communist and the murderous Khmer Rouge (and after their defeat in 1979 it's the Vnamese military occupation of Cambodia) on the West, and then you have the sea...where is the safest way to go smarty @barjo ? Me and my family went to the sea by boat, nothing fun here and I wish that to nobody what we and hundreds thousands went through...

Your lack of knowledge just show your limited intelligence. Let me remind you with a couple examples, the Syrians welcomed the Palestinian refugees for decades before they, themselves become refugees. Same go for the Venezuelans, they welcomed the Colombian who fled the civil war in the 60s till 2000s until the Venezuelans, themselves have to flee their own country for economic reasons.

Whatever is wars, natural disasters (remember tsunami 2003?) or economic crisis (do you still remember the Indonesian financial crisis and deadly riots in the 90s smarty?). Keep laughing loud smarty @barjo , because nobody know what will happen in the future and those tomorrow unlucky refugees could be you or your family one day and wish you to never come face to face with armed thugs when you are so vulnerable (hungry, tired, sickness) and defenseless and have nothing but only your clothes on...
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Oh right, let's see...

"Critics of the policy have observed that the governments of Greece and Turkey were themselves far from democratic at this time, and neither were facing Soviet subversion in the spring of 1949. Historian Eric Foner writes that the Doctrine "set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic"

A doctrine that fight communist using methods that are initially designated to be "unsavory practices only used by the communist". Yup, sound like a shining example of democracy to me.

And I think I lost you with that sentence...What was that supposed to mean?

Unlike Indonesian with those trigger-happy troops and retard Internet users, we Vietnamese value the ability to use brain in every action and avoid resorting to live ammunition. But let put this into a perspective that you feeble brain could understand

Indonesia possesses a military that could scare Vietnam into submission by capturing Vietnam fishing boat, opening fire against Vietnam Coast Guard and so on? Then why the heck Vietnam has no active terrorist/insurrection why Indonesia itself is filled to the brim with those? Simple: Vietnam crush terrorist while Indonesia focus on capturing unarmed fishing boats. Too eager to shoot shooting boats but could not put a stop to few bands of pirates and terrorists? Yeah, the word for that kind of action is: COWARDICE.

And for the love of god, use sentences that people that learn English are able to comprehend. Reading your mess of words slowly decreases my IQ.

Fish pirate? Oh I think your brain lacks common senses. Here is what I mean about piracy in Indonesia.

"Piracy in Indonesia is not only notorious, but according to a survey conducted by the International Maritime Bureau, it was also the country sporting the highest rate of pirate attacks back in 2004, where it subsequently dropped to second place of the world's worst country of pirate attacks in 2008, finishing just behind Nigeria. However, Indonesia is still deemed the country with the world's most dangerous water due to its high piracy rate"

"The term 'Piracy in Indonesia' includes both cases of Indonesian pirates hijacking other cargo and tanks, as well as the high rate of practising piracy within the country itself. Approximately 50,000 vessels worth of the world's trade employ the Strait of Malacca annually, including oil from the Persian Gulf and manufactured goods to the Middle East and Suez Canal. The success that stems from this trade portal makes the Strait an ideal location for pirate attacks"

"The first group consisted of four Indonesian pirates who were being arrested where they confessed that they aided and abetted a larger syndicate that operated in the Strait of Malacca. The second group of attackers during that month included six Indonesian men who were being detained. They were suspects for a group of Indonesian pirates that allegedly boarded a merchant vessel in Singapore. During the attack, warning shots were being fired and the pirates fled the scene. It is believed that the group arrived from Batam, an island that was closely situated to the Strait."

Yeah, Indonesia Navy is doing a fantastic job. But as Indonesian pirates got guns (crappy ones but could still shoot) while Vietnamese fisherman don't have anything, it's easy to see which one is the easier target between the two.

"Patrol boats: with M2 Browning and 76mm gun for fisheries control duty? Now that is a wee bit like actual warships. How about we strap missile to our Coast Guard vessels and call them "patrol boat" as well?

With the number of Indonesian trolls dropping by the minute, time to update on the T-90 delivery phase for Vietnam People Army. Look like our heavy tank transporters had a busy day at port.

Not long ago they did bullshit of Asean leadership as if it is their birthright. Luckily they move on.Shooting at other be justified or not and leadership of a bloc do not fit together.
Lets solve the disputed water in civil maner. No one support a country using warship to arrest fishing boats in disputed water
Dont worry once our BAKAMLA got their hands on larger ships such as these

We sure will start to withdraw our warships,but till then . Be sure vietnam dont intimidate our law enforcement vessels anymore. Cheers



"Patrol boats: with M2 Browning and 76mm gun for fisheries control duty? Now that is a wee bit like actual warships. How about we strap missile to our Coast Guard vessels and call them "patrol boat" as well?
Well, we tried using small patrol boats once and the result= vietnam CG started harrasing those boats,so we let the fishing vessels flee.

Then we tried to use warships,and as u can see, it worked m8.

Not long ago they did bullshit of Asean leadership as if it is their birthright. Luckily they move on.Shooting at other be justified or not and leadership of a bloc do not fit together.
Its okay, we can be leaders while at the same time shooting at our neighbors criminal fishing vessels . We're friends right??

Escaping Viet Nam? Well you have China communist in the North, Laos communist and the murderous Khmer Rouge (and after their defeat in 1979 it's the Vnamese military occupation of Cambodia) on the West,

You forget the commies north vietnam and their vietcong

Why posting made-in-Vietnam cars here? Why do you post fishing dispute here in this military thread? You act as if your country survival depends on fishing.
Why?? This is a vietnam military forum, and it appears one of your law enforcement ship clashed with our ships, numerous times

Fish pirate? Oh I think your brain lacks common senses. Here is what I mean about piracy in Indonesia.

"Piracy in Indonesia is not only notorious, but according to a survey conducted by the International Maritime Bureau, it was also the country sporting the highest rate of pirate attacks back in 2004, where it subsequently dropped to second place of the world's worst country of pirate attacks in 2008, finishing just behind Nigeria. However, Indonesia is still deemed the country with the world's most dangerous water due to its high piracy rate"

"The term 'Piracy in Indonesia' includes both cases of Indonesian pirates hijacking other cargo and tanks, as well as the high rate of practising piracy within the country itself. Approximately 50,000 vessels worth of the world's trade employ the Strait of Malacca annually, including oil from the Persian Gulf and manufactured goods to the Middle East and Suez Canal. The success that stems from this trade portal makes the Strait an ideal location for pirate attacks"

"The first group consisted of four Indonesian pirates who were being arrested where they confessed that they aided and abetted a larger syndicate that operated in the Strait of Malacca. The second group of attackers during that month included six Indonesian men who were being detained. They were suspects for a group of Indonesian pirates that allegedly boarded a merchant vessel in Singapore. During the attack, warning shots were being fired and the pirates fled the scene. It is believed that the group arrived from Batam, an island that was closely situated to the Strait."

Yeah, Indonesia Navy is doing a fantastic job. But as Indonesian pirates got guns (crappy ones but could still shoot) while Vietnamese fisherman don't have anything, it's easy to see which one is the easier target between the two.
Well Im sorry for your birth defect, you seems to have a problems understanding this, the piracy in the strait of malacca is a trilateral problems shared between Indonesia,malaysia,singapore. Why nalacca strait? Simply its one of the busiest (if not the busiest) maritime route in the planet , with merchant ships carrying goods and stuff .simply put the richer you are, the more determinded are the thieves. So its not a surprise why pirates focused their operation in those particular area,
But hey at least the pirates are true in their intentions,unlike vietnam of course who used its fishing fleet to grab others country resources and while at the same time bashing china for incursion. So sad
Dont worry once our BAKAMLA got their hands on larger ships such as these

We sure will start to withdraw our warships,but till then . Be sure vietnam dont intimidate our law enforcement vessels anymore. Cheers

Well, we tried using small patrol boats once and the result= vietnam CG started harrasing those boats,so we let the fishing vessels flee.

Then we tried to use warships,and as u can see, it worked m8.

Its okay, we can be leaders while at the same time shooting at our neighbors criminal fishing vessels . We're friends right??

You forget the commies north vietnam and their vietcong

Why?? This is a vietnam military forum, and it appears one of your law enforcement ship clashed with our ships, numerous times

Well Im sorry for your birth defect, you seems to have a problems understanding this, the piracy in the strait of malacca is a trilateral problems shared between Indonesia,malaysia,singapore. Why nalacca strait? Simply its one of the busiest (if not the busiest) maritime route in the planet , with merchant ships carrying goods and stuff .simply put the richer you are, the more determinded are the thieves. So its not a surprise why pirates focused their operation in those particular area,
But hey at least the pirates are true in their intentions,unlike vietnam of course who used its fishing fleet to grab others country resources and while at the same time bashing china for incursion. So sad
Yes you are Asean leader bullshit.

A squadron of those missile guided corvettes have more weapons onboard than the entire Indo navy. In fact, thanks Russia bro, Vietnam can produce 3,000 Kh35 antiship missiles in total. That’s more than enough I believe more than all warships in the world combined. Just we are hesitant because focused on economy, you shouldn’t play stupid, playing a game of provocation.



Well Im sorry for your birth defect, you seems to have a problems understanding this, the piracy in the strait of malacca is a trilateral problems shared between Indonesia,malaysia,singapore. Why nalacca strait? Simply its one of the busiest (if not the busiest) maritime route in the planet , with merchant ships carrying goods and stuff .simply put the richer you are, the more determinded are the thieves. So its not a surprise why pirates focused their operation in those particular area,
But hey at least the pirates are true in their intentions,unlike vietnam of course who used its fishing fleet to grab others country resources and while at the same time bashing china for incursion. So sad

"A trilateral problem"? So how come most of the pirates come from Indonesia base on recent reports? Oh wait, turn out Indonesia navy could not keep its citizen from seeking fortune on ship that pass the Malacca strait.

You forget the commies north vietnam and their vietcong

Guess how many Papua flee their home land after Indonesia sweep in and grab half of Papua. They must love Indonesia a lot lol.

Well, we tried using small patrol boats once and the result= vietnam CG started harrasing those boats,so we let the fishing vessels flee.

Then we tried to use warships,and as u can see, it worked m8.

Soooooo... You guys wish to bring out warship for fisheries control duty? Then I guess it fine for Vietnam to follow suit and send something big to the region as well?

Why?? This is a vietnam military forum, and it appears one of your law enforcement ship clashed with our ships, numerous times

Yes, this is the Vietnam Military Forum thread. VIETNAM. MILITARY. FORUM. Not "Here, feel free to post everything that remotely related to Vietnam armed forces". What happen in the last week incident is between Vietnam Fisheries Control (a civilian body) and Indonesia warship. Dying to share your opinion? Then create your own god damn thread instead of searching for threads with the word "Vietnam" to dish out your prejudice.
Yes you are Asean leader bullshit.

A squadron of those missile guided corvettes have more weapons onboard than the entire Indo navy. In fact, thanks Russia bro, Vietnam can produce 3,000 Kh35 antiship missiles in total. That’s more than enough I believe more than all warships in the world combined. Just we are hesitant because focused on economy, you shouldn’t play stupid, playing a game of provocation.

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oh yes I've heard this before, another hyped up russian weaponry capable of obliterating an entire force, hahahaha. Ok. I understand you're so focused on economy, that explains why poor countries like you with GDP just 1/4th of Indonesia LOL could pour a lot of money to buy latest russian weaponry, I think that building an Armed forces=Economic development in vietnam . so sad


Soooooo... You guys wish to bring out warship for fisheries control duty? Then I guess it fine for Vietnam to follow suit and send something big to the region as well?

Im waiting for that, but like most vietnamese forumer here, just talk no action, big mouthed A-hole thinks their country is some kind of juggernaut with so called 9th largest Armed forces with T90,Kilo,Gepard and 3000++++++++++++ Kh 35 anti dick missile

Btw good luck sending your tiny boat near natuna next time, meanwhile Indonesia had just finisj building up it joint military base in natuna, I pity those molniya boat, they'll have to return for fuel
Lets solve the disputed water in civil maner. No one support a country using warship to arrest fishing boats in disputed water
For the last time indonesia does not have a territory dispute with vietnam. Don't u guys have google in communist vietnam?

This is about the blatant violation of vietnam's illegal fishing in the natuna sea & elsewhere while your government actually gives encouragement & protection to the perpetrators & the have the hypocrisy to say that they're better than the chinese.

"How dare china illegally fish in our sea & sent boat to disrupt our fishermen!"

Also Vietnam:
"What do you mean I can't steal fish & sent boat to disrupt your fishermen in your sea?"

This is one instance I think where the hypocrisy is even worse than the crime it self.
oh yes I've heard this before, another hyped up russian weaponry capable of obliterating an entire force, hahahaha. Ok. I understand you're so focused on economy, that explains why poor countries like you with GDP just 1/4th of Indonesia LOL could pour a lot of money to buy latest russian weaponry, I think that building an Armed forces=Economic development in vietnam . so sad

Im waiting for that, but like most vietnamese forumer here, just talk no action, big mouthed A-hole thinks their country is some kind of juggernaut with so called 9th largest Armed forces with T90,Kilo,Gepard and 3000++++++++++++ Kh 35 anti dick missile

Btw good luck sending your tiny boat near natuna next time, meanwhile Indonesia had just finisj building up it joint military base in natuna, I pity those molniya boat, they'll have to return for fuel
Can you remind me the huge military achievements of the Indonesian military of the last 50 years... Aceh, East Timor, Papua? Like I said before, you guys are good fighting when you outnumber by 10-20 times your opponents... Indonesian navy will never send those Natura ships unless they are sure they outnumber 5-10 times the Viet Nam Navy , that's how you guys fight...

Good luck defending your 17 500 islands with your small fleet and then try to free large number of boats for a mission or attack.
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Can you remind me the huge military achievements of the Indonesian military of the last 50 years... Aceh, East Timor, Papua? Like I said before, you guys are good fighting when you outnumber by 20-30 time your opponents... Indonesian navy will never send those ships unless they are sure they outnumber the Viet Nam Navy by 5-10, that's how you guys fight
Notice all those wars were fought far away from indonesia's proper & those two include naval & aerial insertion in a massive scale (see trikora & dwikora operations). It also shows indonesian finese in handling insurgency. There's an old joke in the TNI that if we join the vietnam war the communist would have been driven out long ago.

It actually tells you something about indonesia's logistic & planning capabilty in how to wage war in far away land. Meanwhile vietnam can only sends troops close & only by land route.
Notice all those wars were fought far away from indonesia's proper & those two include naval & aerial insertion in a massive scale (see trikora & dwikora operations). It also shows indonesian finese in handling insurgency. There's an old joke in the TNI that if we join the vietnam war the communist would have been driven out long ago.

It actually tells you something about indonesia's logistic & planning capabilty in how to wage war in far away land. Meanwhile vietnam can only sends troops close & only by land route.

I don't how the Indonesian will change anything. The South Korean, the Aussie, the Kiwi, the Thai and the Philippino are already involved. There were 600 000 Us and allied troop and 500 000 South Vietnamese soldiers. The Indonesian army doesn't have anything special, neither modern equipment neither large battlefield experience or anything . You guys are too pride of yourselves
Can you remind me the huge military achievements of the Indonesian military of the last 50 years... Aceh, East Timor, Papua? Like I said before, you guys are good fighting when you outnumber by 10-20 times your opponents... Indonesian navy will never send those Natura ships unless they are sure they outnumber 5-10 times the Viet Nam Navy , that's how you guys fight...

Good luck defending your 17 500 islands with your small fleet and then try to free large number of boats for a mission or attack.
can you tell me how many times vietcong got fucked during the entirety of the vietnam war????, remember kids vietnam war is won politically by north vietnam not militarily against the U.S.
and oh dont forget suicidal and corrupt vietnam leadership send those puny pathethic viet soldier to stand by a reef only to be used as shooting target by china. so sad

Notice all those wars were fought far away from indonesia's proper & those two include naval & aerial insertion in a massive scale (see trikora & dwikora operations). It also shows indonesian finese in handling insurgency. There's an old joke in the TNI that if we join the vietnam war the communist would have been driven out long ago.

It actually tells you something about indonesia's logistic & planning capabilty in how to wage war in far away land. Meanwhile vietnam can only sends troops close & only by land route.
why would we compare ourself with a state that fund terrorism?????
can you tell me how many times vietcong got fucked during the entirety of the vietnam war????, remember kids vietnam war is won politically by north vietnam not militarily against the U.S.
and oh dont forget suicidal and corrupt vietnam leadership send those puny pathethic viet soldier to stand by a reef only to be used as shooting target by china. so sad

What an imbecile, you didn't answer my question you just trying to divert the subject. List me the Indonesian army achievements.

Those soldiers that get killed on the reef most of them wasn't armed.
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