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Vietnam Defence Forum

Thats normal, soldiers are born to kill and be killed. And ppl can see VN soldiers are always brave and fight to death.

btw : its not bomb, its just like sea mine.
Viet soldiers are born to be killed in a human wave! They cannot even touch our H-6K! Just like March 14, 1988. Now, 30 years later, Viet have another glorious human wave defeat! :lol:
Viet soldiers are born to be killed in a human wave! They cannot even touch our H-6K! Just like March 14, 1988. Now, 30 years later, Viet have another glorious human wave defeat! :lol:
Only useless rock and your stupid bomber there, boring. Our soldiers just did their jobs and die in the mission.

Keep living in your barren land and dirty desert. Our brave men will kill u like dogs if u try to take our fertile land in VN-Laos-Camb (PLA just too coward to fight wt Vn troops there) :cool:
CN 212i patroller of Vietnam armed forces, had been spotted in Vietnam.
Vietnam has taken delivery of two NC-212i aircraft from Indonesia with photos showing #8891 and #8892 at Gia Lam airport.

Photo source unknown

The aircraft arrived from Indoensia on May 22. A total of three aircraft were ordered.

Viet soldiers are born to be killed in a human wave! They cannot even touch our H-6K! Just like March 14, 1988. Now, 30 years later, Viet have another glorious human wave defeat! :lol:
LOL ... Human waves infantry attacks are the speciality of the PLA... Can you remind me how many PLA troop were killed in the Korea war (couple millions!?!) and PLA regulars killed on Viet Nam border in 1979 (against mostly border troop and paramilitary units...hahaha)? At least say THANK YOU to VN, we teach a big lesson in 1979 that human waves are useless and then PLA started it modernization as we know today. Show a little bit of appreciation.


Oh please! 1988 was 80 something dumb VN soldiers (most of them unarmed) standing on rocks and got shot by brave PLA soldiers on gunboats. If that incidence is so meaningful for PLA and make them so proud then it tell a lot about the combat experience and courage of PLA (haha!!!). Like I said before, everytime PLA make a threat everybody is so SCARE...LOL.
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LOL ... Human waves infantry attacks are the speciality of the PLA... Can you remind me how many PLA troop were killed in the Korea war (couple millions!?!) and PLA regulars killed on Viet Nam border in 1979 (against mostly border troop and paramilitary units...hahaha)? At least say THANK YOU to VN, we teach a big lesson in 1979 that human waves are useless and then PLA started it modernization as we know today. Show a little bit of appreciation.View attachment 476703
View attachment 476704
Oh please! 1988 was 80 something dumb VN soldiers (most of them unarmed) standing on rocks and got shot with by brave PLA soldiers on gunboats. Like I said before, everytime PLA make a threat everybody is so SCARE...LOL.
PLA starts from zero and used "Human wave" tactic and becomes what it is today,nice logic there,I should give you a round of applause.
PLA starts from zero and used "Human wave" tactic and becomes what it is today,nice logic there,I should give you a round of applause.
So now you admit that human waves are PLA tactics ...LOL !!! Ok, now that PLA don't use anymore human waves attacks can you tell me what their military achievements since 1979...???? NADA...lol... !!! I know one big PLA military success since 1979, it's when the PLA massacre thousands of unarmed students in Tia Nan Men Square 1989....Now we know why every country is scare of the killer PLA when it make threats...LOL
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So now you admit that human waves are PLA tactics ...LOL !!! Ok, now that PLA don't use anymore human waves attacks can you tell me what their military achievements since 1979...???? NADA...lol... !!! I know one big PLA military success since 1979, it's when the PLA massacre thousands of unarmed students in Tia Nan Men Square 1989....Now we know why every country is scare of the killer PLA when it make threats...LOL
Read again, Mr Logic, and no reply needed.:wave:
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Read again, Mr Logic, and no reply needed.:wave:
Haha I understand your childish logic... When you run out of arguments and lack of facts, the hole is getting deeper... And it going to take time for the best warrior of China @YuChen to crawl out of the darkness of misinformation, dilusional and mirage of the real might of PLA ..lol... I really don't want to see you cry like a little girl when you going to realize that PLA can't even invade Taiwan (without exposing the India, VN and Japan flanks...) ...lol

By the way @YuChen , is @Feng Leng is your boyfriend? Why replying for him or her? I am very sad, you already a married woman
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The incoming Vietnam/Japan summit will be interesting. A Vietnamese delegation led by State President is scheduled to meet with the Emperor of Japan. In an interview with Japanese media before departing to Tokyo, Vietnam urges Japan to play a more active role in the South China Sea.

In clear text, Japan should accelerate the military buildup and deploy Naval and Air forces to the region.


Making history. Lieutenant General of the Air Force Pham Tuan on July 23, 1980, became the first Vietnamese and the first Asian to travel into space. It took nine minutes for the spaceship to enter the orbit and one day for the two astronauts to dock at Salyut 6, a Soviet orbital space station. Tuan spent 8 days in the orbit.

Too bad, the USSR collapsed leaving Vietnam vulnerable to enemy attack.


Julia Bishop, Australia foreign office minister, is scheduled to pay a visit. She says despite different political systems, Australia and Vietnam share the same strategic interests. She will also open a new bridge over the Meking, the Cao Lanh Bridge. Australia finances the brigde with over $160 millions in non refundable aid.

Vietnam’s bid for a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for 2020-2021 tenure is backed by 54 nation Asia-Pacific grouping.

Vietnam entrance into the most powerful UN body is certain.

An interesting study by University of Pennsylvania shows, there is a correlation between World Bank loan/aid and UNSC membership. Nation being member of UNSC gets much more supports from the US controlled World Bank than without.


Wonderful: US guided missile cruiser Antietam, accompanied by a destroyer, came within 12 miles of Paracel islands. Not far from there, US company ExxonMobil is on track to start the biggest ever gas exploration for Vietnam by next year.

I think the Spanish oil company Repsol accompanied by Spanish warships should return and drill oil for Vietnam.

Vietnam People navy HQ-18 ( Ex-Pohang corvette) after overhaul. The only ship in the country navy that is not from Russia or leftover of the defunded Republic of Vietnam Navy. On a side note: Vietnam Coast guard receive a lot of ship from Korea, US and Japan. In fact, the total tonage of the VCG is much larger than the VPN.

Welcome ceremony for Vietnam President at Tokyo Imperial Palace

By Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on May 30.


Maybe a coincidence: Vietnam announces on the same day the start of a North/South HSR rail study with the construction to start in 2020. with Japanese or Korea technology or other western nations.

Nice: Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife Crown Princess Masako also attend the welcome greetings. Prime minister Abe and other cabinet members are present too.


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