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Vietnam Defence Forum

a Cuban military delegation visits Z199 factory. Interested of VN made weapons and toys, here night vision gears of various sizes?

Thai military men seen at a VN made weapons stand on a ASEAN army exibition. here granate launcher.

Producing gun powder at Z115 factory.

76,2mm Naval gun produced by Z173 factory.

some more military stuffs for domestic use. Z176 factory.


and the crown: Molniya corvette with Kh-35 antiship missile, built by Ba Son shipyard.

Vietnam should consider 7.92x40 CETME Model 53 for semi-automatic sniper rifles.
For sniper role we have plenty already :) Bolt-action , Semi-automatic ,........something full-auto should be nice now though :v


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For sniper role we have plenty already :) Bolt-action , Semi-automatic ,........something full-auto should be nice now though :v

You got the guns, but I am talking about a type of round.

It is an old experimental round that wasn't adopted due to NATO like Czech changed from 7.62x45 to inferior 7.62x39.
if it use ammunition in a rather unusual caliber then its unlikely we put it into service , the logistic will end up nasty :v
Meh the morning sure is cold lately..............


  • BRDM-2 on the street.jpg
    BRDM-2 on the street.jpg
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a Cuban military delegation visits Z199 factory. Interested of VN made weapons and toys, here night vision gears of various sizes?

Thai military men seen at a VN made weapons stand on a ASEAN army exibition. here granate launcher.

Producing gun powder at Z115 factory.

76,2mm Naval gun produced by Z173 factory.

some more military stuffs for domestic use. Z176 factory.


and the crown: Molniya corvette with Kh-35 antiship missile, built by Ba Son shipyard.


Happy New Year guys !!!!!!!
Just some 3.5 hours to go...Happy New year!
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close range air-defence weapon for Patrol ship :)


  • Quad MANPAD wiith only 2 loaded.jpg
    Quad MANPAD wiith only 2 loaded.jpg
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This and RPD are on service at the same time , future plans will try to partialy retired RPD and put more focus on PK


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    PK GPMG on storage.jpg
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Another two Su-30MK2s delivered to Vietnam
Vietnam has taken delivery of another two Su-30MK2 fighters on Dec. 29. Aircraft 8589 and 8590 were flown to Vietnam aboard a An-124 transport plane.

indeed good news, though I hope we will see more and sooner of this advanced fighter jet to guard the airspace, deterring chinese incursions and aggessions. Fighter Jet Regiment #935 conducting night attack exercise with SU 30 bombers: technically more challenging and riskier than in daylight.



Russia opposes militarization of sea disputes, continues arms support for Vietnam

Tuoi Tre News
Updated : 12/29/2015 10:43 GMT + 7


Russia has expressed its opposition to the militarization of the East Vietnam Sea situation and will keep providing military assistance for Vietnam in the future.

Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vasilievich Vnukov hosted a press conference in Hanoi on Monday to review the results of the two countries’ comprehensive cooperation in 2015.

Russia has every reason to consider Vietnam an essential link in the country’s effort to cement ties with the region, primarily the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

ASEAN is a ten-member organization that includes Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

Russia objects to the militarization of the issues in the East Vietnam Sea and promises to work with Vietnam and relevant countries to settle the disputes in a peaceful manner, Ambassador Vnukov said.

Moscow is interested in the development of peace and stability in the East Vietnam Sea because several Russian oil companies are operating in the maritime area, he explained.

The ambassador highlighted Russia’s military assistance for Vietnam in recent years, namely the high-end weaponry for the Southeast Asian country’s navy, including submarines and fighter jets, the likes of which have been deployed in Russia’s battles against terrorists in Syria.

The fifth Russian-made Kilo-class submarine is being transferred to Vietnam, the diplomat said, adding that new arms sale contracts will be signed by the two parties in 2016.

Vietnam clinched a deal in 2009 to buy six Kilo-class subs from Russia.

Vietnam and Russia have established great strategic trust, and Moscow will always support Hanoi’s stance and legitimate interests in accordance with international law as well as widely accepted standards, Professor Tran Viet Thai from the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.

“The fact that Vietnam gains Russia’s political trust and support is of great significance, as 90 percent of Vietnamese military equipment is supplied by Russia,” Prof. Thai said.

The problems regarding the illegal labor of Vietnamese in Russia was also mentioned during the conference.

Governments of the two nations have reached agreement on establishing an industrial park in Moscow that will house several garment factories providing legal jobs for the overseas Vietnamese there, according to Ambassador Vnukov.

“The solution is to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the Vietnamese workforce. The free trade agreement between Vietnam and the Eurasian Economic Union will create more opportunities to address this matter,” the diplomat said.

Vietnam and China are entangled in a conflict over sovereignty over islands in the East Vietnam Sea, nearly all of which is claimed by Beijing. Taiwan, Brunei, the Philippines and Malaysia are the other claimants to the sea, with Manila already taking Beijing to an international tribunal.

The tension between Hanoi and Beijing intensified as China unlawfully placed an oil rig in Vietnamese waters in 2014, leading to several collisions between Vietnamese and Chinese ships.

not sure if true. a HK news site says (or how I understand it) China tries to persuade Russia not to provide advanced weaponry to Vietnam with S-400 missile, Lada submarine and SU-35 fighter jet.

Trung Quốc tung tin: Nga không bán S-400, Su-35…cho Việt Nam - DVO - Báo Đất Việt

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Asia & Pacific
China’s assertiveness pushes Vietnam toward an old foe, the United States

By Simon Denyer December 28, 2015

CHINA’S BACK YARD | This is part of an occasional series examining China’s efforts to win friends and clients in Asia and to assert a more dominant role across the continent.


Men fish in Dong Da Lake this fall under pillars for a half-finished urban railway. The Chinese-built project is running three years behind schedule and 57 percent over budget. (Quinn Ryan Mattingly/For The Washington Post)

HANOI — To win friends and open new markets for Chinese companies, Beijing is offering its Asian neighbors tens of billions of dollars in loans and investment. But in Vietnam, the effort is falling flat.

China’s aggressive assertion of its maritime territorial claims has alienated many here, and President Xi Jinping’s grand vision of a new Silk Road with China at its center is greeted with scorn and suspicion rather than excitement.

The relationship has turned so bad that Vietnam’s Communist Party is tilting more and more toward an old enemy, the United States. And when Xi paid a state visit to Vietnam last month, you could almost feel the chill.

Xi was feted with a 21-gun salute and granted a rare invitation to address the country’s National Assembly. His 20-minute speech to his “comrades” in Vietnam was full of poetic references to the two nations’ shared destinies, to how brothers can even “break gold” if their hearts are united.

But Xi’s exhortations were met with stony silence and only a smattering of applause at the end. Boredom, indifference and even hostility were written on the faces of his audience.

“The atmosphere was very tense,” said one Vietnamese official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

China wants to help its fellow Asian countries build the infrastructure their economies desperately need, under the banner of re-creating ancient Silk Road trade routes and partly channeled through a new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Vietnam needs the money but fears a hidden agenda.

“We are quite suspicious because we don’t know the real objective,” said Tran Truong Thuy, an expert at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, a Foreign Ministry think tank. “Behind its Maritime Silk Road, China can advance its sovereignty propaganda.”

[Obama pledges to visit Vietnam during meeting with Communist Party chief]

In the run-up to Xi’s visit, activists staged several small but rare protests against him, watched but not always disbanded by local police. Eight Vietnamese nongovernmental organizations and 1,700 activists signed an online petition against his trip, while a Facebook campaign gathered thousands more to the cause.

In a subtle snub, Xi’s visit was timed to coincide with a visit by the Japanese defense minister, with Hanoi inviting a Japanese warship to dock at Vietnam’s strategic Cam Ranh Bay.

The contrast between Xi’s visit and President Bill Clinton’s 2000 trip to Vietnam was stark: Then, tens of thousands of young people waited late into the night to welcome the first U.S. leader to visit since the Vietnam War ended.

For Xi, there were no cheering crowds.

Railway woes

On the streets of Hanoi, a series of concrete pillars and a half-built elevated railway hint at one of the reasons China faces so much public distrust here.

A Chinese-built urban rail project is running three years behind schedule and 57 percent over budget. Several accidents, including scaffolding collapses and falling objects, have killed or injured passersby, while Vietnam’s transport minister has complained that the terms of the Chinese loan forced him to buy Chinese trains.

“Chinese contractors are very bad,” Minister Dinh La Thang said, according to local media outlets. “I wanted to replace them many times, but I could not because of the loan agreement’s obligations.”

China has a reputation for transferring outdated technology to Vietnam, producing low-quality workmanship, ignoring environmental standards and importing its own workers. Chinese companies often win contracts by bidding at unrealistically low rates, experts said, only to end up charging more.

“How can they bid with such low prices?” asked Tran Viet Thai, another expert at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. “It is because of corruption and bribes. China can help with some infrastructure projects, but where does the benefit go? It goes into the hands of some corrupt officials.”

Partly as a result, in 2013 Vietnam tightened the rules governing the awarding of public contracts, stipulating, for example, that foreign workers be kept to a minimum.

It has joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank but has kept its distance from the Silk Road plan.

But the most dramatic recent break in the relationship between Beijing and Hanoi came in May 2014, when China towed a $1 billion oil rig close to the Paracel Islands, in South China Sea waters that Vietnam considers part of its exclusive economic zone.


Luu Hoai Thu, a receptionist for the Cat Linh-Ha Dong railway project’s management board, walks by a model rail car that was on display this fall for public introduction and feedback. (Quinn Ryan Mattingly/For The Washington Post)

[China withdraws oil rig from disputed waters but warns it could return]

Coming at a time when relations between the two countries were on an upswing, “the oil rig incident was a shock to Vietnam,” the Vietnamese official said. “Mutual trust has not really recovered.”

Deadly riots broke out in Vietnam in which Chinese and Taiwanese factories were attacked. There was a call for an emergency meeting of the Communist Party’s Central Committee to discuss forming an alliance with the United States — a radical strategic change for a country whose disdain for military partnerships is a central foreign policy tenet, said Carl Thayer, a Vietnam expert at the University of New South Wales. President Obama’s top adviser for Asia, Evan Medeiros, was even invited to Vietnam that July to discuss deepening ties.

Rethinking relationships

In the end, China withdrew the oil rig in July 2014, a month ahead of schedule, and the emergency meeting of the Central Committee was never held. Nevertheless, an improving relationship with the United States received further impetus.

“China’s actions sparked a big internal debate in Vietnam about its strategic orientation,” said Medeiros, now a managing director with the Eurasia Group, an international business consultancy.

In the past 12 months, eight of Vietnam’s 16 Politburo members have visited Washington, while half a dozen Cabinet-level U.S. officials have traveled the other way.

Capping an unprecedented level of engagement, Obama received Vietnamese Communist Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong in the Oval Office in July and is expected to visit Vietnam next year.

In October 2014, the United States partially relaxed an arms embargo on Vietnam and is helping Hanoi improve its coast guard capabilities to counter China’s growing presence in the South China Sea.

But the clearest indication of rapprochement between Hanoi and Washington has been Vietnam’s inclusion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a U.S.-led 12-nation regional trade deal that excludes China. That deal, Vietnam hopes, will help reduce its economic dependence on China, with which it runs a large and growing trade deficit.

China’s assertiveness pushes Vietnam toward an old foe, the United States - The Washington Post


Simon Denyer is The Post’s bureau chief in China. He served previously as bureau chief in India and as a Reuters bureau chief in Washington, India and Pakistan.
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