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Vietnam Defence Forum

No, Vietnamese' style: Re-design from Project 11541 Korsar like Gepard-3.9 (re-design also).

nice, but the new designed warship would be a netherlands damen one, isn´t it? not russian.
by the way, do you know how many more gepards we will receive, 2 or 4? do you know the displacement?

$350m for a new gepard is a lot of money, $700m for the new pair. I expect it to be bigger than the first pair.
No, Vietnamese' style: Re-design from Project 11541 Korsar like Gepard-3.9 (re-design also).


Nice ship, I see 2 large VLS systems.

So for what I can see, there are 2 options, a Russian ship as you believe or a western ship from Damen as the admin from comcom believes. Its good to know all the options, they are both very nice.

Do you know anything about the domestic corvette project of 1000 tons?
Same with me, I was also opposed and changed my mind because of the oil rig. The chinese shown their true colors and made clear that talking with them is just a waste of time. Any treaty or agreement with them is not worth the paper that is written on. They will break it at the moment that it suits them.
the Germans have learned a proverb during the cold war: to maintain status quo you need "Gleichgewicht des Schreckens" (balance of terror). if we want to deter enemy from aggression we must acquire creditable means to inflict unsustainable costs to enemy in case of confrontation.

Best way is that, directly import some designs from India, and make them. Best is Israeli way, never accept to the world, but keep these big sticks for any eventuality.

yes, only power speaks.
nice, but the new designed warship would be a netherlands damen one, isn´t it? not russian.
by the way, do you know how many more gepards we will receive, 2 or 4? do you know the displacement?

$350m for a new gepard is a lot of money, $700m for the new pair. I expect it to be bigger than the first pair.

At this point its starting to be quite clear that it will be a total of 6 Gepards.
Same size, the difference would be in the weapon systems.
I don't know what they will have for 350 million each, but better be very good because that's too much money for a Gepard.
At this point its starting to be quite clear that it will be a total of 6 Gepards.
Same size, the difference would be in the weapon systems.
I don't know what they will have for 350 million each, but better be very good because that's too much money for a Gepard.
I suspect the next gepards are bigger in size (or longer?). some vietnamese officials went to russia, on a visit to the shipyard, that manufactures the Gepards. seem the navy is very interested of their progress.




a pic of a helo landing on the current Gepard.
At this point its starting to be quite clear that it will be a total of 6 Gepards.
Same size, the difference would be in the weapon systems.
I don't know what they will have for 350 million each, but better be very good because that's too much money for a Gepard.
And may be 4 Sigma-9814 and 2 Sigma-10514 by 2022-2023.
And may be 4 Sigma-9814 and 2 Sigma-10514 by 2022-2023.

My friend, can I ask you what's your opinion regarding what new weapon systems the second and third batch of Gepards will have? We've been wondering what do they have for the price to go to $350 million each.

We know that there is a anti-sub package and probably 2 Palmas in the back, but not much else is clear. There is a lot of speculation about maybe having air defense missiles, maybe Shtil-1, etc, but nothing is clear. Also maybe a reduct VLS. Can you make the picture a bit more clear for us?
Many wonder what is Russian stance in the south china sea, in the dispute between VN and CN? Russia policy in the war in the Ukraine, the confrontation with the West, the coop with ASEAN.
The article reveals some info. Pravda is the mouthpeace of the communist party of Russia.

Can Russia retrieve Soviet-era influence in Vietnam?


Russia's turn to the East is not a plan of action under the sanctions of the West. Russia's most loyal allies are situated in the East - they are Vietnam and India. Pravda.Ru asked candidate of historical sciences and the independent expert Ilya Usov to share his views on how Russia may develop its ties with these countries.

"The foundation for Russia's eastern vector was laid long ago. Russia's current activities in the east are not related to the events in Ukraine. Russia has been moving in this direction since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. It was written in documents of state importance, in energy policy and in Russia's national strategy in genera. Today, Russia should diversify its foreign policy from the Euro-Atlantic area to the East.

The events in Ukraine have given an incentive to the movement in this direction. Such significant events as the APEC summit and many others have taken place in the East not that long ago.

Southeast Asia has always taken an important place in Russia's foreign policy, along with the relations with China and India. We have traditional partners there, including Vietnam. We have tried and are trying to develop friendly diplomatic and economic relations with those countries. Russia considered numerous economic projects with Indonesia. Thailand and, in fact, all ten ASEAN countries, including sub-regions of Southeast Asia, have always been a priority of Russia's foreign policy."

"Is ASEAN independent on the present-day geopolitical arena?"

"ASEAN actually exists as an economic and geopolitical power. ASEAN was created for integration in economic, political and cultural spheres as a counterbalance to the influence of external forces, such as China and the United States. Now the situation has changed due to the increasing role of China in the region that scares the countries of Southeast Asia. Historically, they have always had complex relationships, and the emergence of a very strong player, of course, raises concerns.

China is a partner of ASEAN, but China may behave very aggressively at times. The US tries to carry out the geopolitics of containment towards China, to attract the countries of Southeast Asia. The role of the United States has grown in the region recently. Russia, too, has always eyed the region of Southeast Asia. Against such a background, South-East Asia, torn between the US and China, was trying to find a third force for counterbalance, and they saw Russia as such force.

In 2010, Russia joined the mechanism of East Asian Summit, with the summit of ASEAN countries being the most important one of them. They wanted to use Russia as a third player to their independent policy. For the time being, Russia's role in the region has been weakening, and the role of the United States has been growing stronger. In addition, some countries of Southeast Asia believe that Russia is running a pro-Chinese policy, which is not true to fact."

"Which countries are our most promising partners?"

"The most promising partner is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. We have two strategic partners in the region - China and Vietnam. They are economically and historically close to us. We have very good political relations. And today, we see that Russia's ties with Vietnam have been growing stronger. The elite of Vietnam came from the Soviet school. They remember the Vietnam War, in which the Soviet Union was helping Vietnam very actively. They are favorably disposed towards Russia. In Vietnam, there is a triumvirate of power. This is the president, the prime minister and general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

"Vietnam can not be politically allied with Russia as far as the situation in Ukraine is concerned, because the country is very much dependent on the United States. The US and EU are the two major markets for Vietnamese products in the export-oriented economy.

Vietnam can not support Russia politically because of the political support for the Americans in the dispute with China. Yet, a recent visit of Vietnamese officials to Russia indicates that, in principle, Vietnam is ready and willing to continue cooperation with Russia. Vietnam is ready to continue to partner with Russia, but Vietnam will not join sanctions against Russia."

"Do you think that Russia has to be very cautious in its relations with Russia and China because these two countries remain in very tough opposition to each other?"

"Russia has to be smart about it. We have had great experiences with China - gas contracts, many economic contracts. Russia has significantly improved political relations with China lately and reached a new level. In China, many hoped that Russia would take a pro-Chinese stance towards the South China Sea, where the fundamental conflict of interests between Vietnam and China occurs. Yet, Russia retained its previous policy of neutrality regarding the matter.

We have not sided with China, but we have never taken the side of Vietnam either. Perhaps, it would be appropriate for the Russian side to take an initiative to resolve the conflict, for example, to suggest the three-sided development of offshore fields in the South China Sea. At least, it would show the political will of the Russian leadership to somehow help resolve the conflict. This would be a great initiative and a serious step. The Vietnamese always support Russian investments, especially in the energy sector, because Russia is a recognized energy giant. Russian companies already have contracts to supply oil to Vietnam's first oil refinery. Russia already has projects that work well in Vietnam.

"Most interestingly, few people remember that the countries of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, are exporters of capital, particularly in Russia. There are joint projects to develop oil and gas fields in Russia, as well as Russian-Vietnamese joint oil and gas projects. Vietnamese companies and companies of other ASEAN countries want to work on the Russian food market.

"Most Russians often take Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand as a tourist destination. However, they actively export capital and have high-tech productions."

"What about the agreement on the Cam Ranh base? Does it show the development of military cooperation with Vietnam?"

"In Vietnam, it is firmly believed that there will be no foreign military bases on the territory of Vietnam. Yet, foreign vessels can enter Vietnamese territorial waters. Russia should not take Vietnam as a military foothold. The time of cooperation with the Soviet Union is long gone. We should take Vietnam as a friendly power, for which we have to fight. And not just for Vietnam - Russia should fight for Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, taking into consideration the fact that our military-technical cooperation has been very successful.

Not that long ago, Russia built a third submarine for Vietnam. About 80-90 percent of Vietnamese arms are of Soviet and Russian production."

Prepared by Yury Kondratyev

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My friend, can I ask you what's your opinion regarding what new weapon systems the second and third batch of Gepards will have? We've been wondering what do they have for the price to go to $350 million each.

We know that there is a anti-sub package and probably 2 Palmas in the back, but not much else is clear. There is a lot of speculation about maybe having air defense missiles, maybe Shtil-1, etc, but nothing is clear. Also maybe a reduct VLS. Can you make the picture a bit more clear for us?
I don't know exactly, but I think, beside the anti-sub ability, next pair of Gepard 3.9 will be armed with the same weapons (Palma airdefense system, Uran-E SSM system but cut the Sigma control system) to the first pair. $700 m contract may includes license to build the third pair in Vietnam or for all 4 ships (to be delivered 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)! How do you think?
I don't know exactly, but I think, beside the anti-sub ability, next pair of Gepard 3.9 will be armed with the same weapons (Palma airdefense system, Uran-E SSM system but cut the Sigma control system) to the first pair. $700 m contract may includes license to build the third pair in Vietnam or for all 4 ships (to be delivered 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)! How do you think?

Hmmmmm interesting possibilities there.

Well, I think 700 million is too cheap for all 4 ships since they have more weapon systems (the anti sub package at least) and inflation will always make a new price at least a bit higher, so I think that's not the reason, but a license fee for the third batch, that could be very possible.

I didn't understand when you wrote "but cut the Sigma control system", what did you mean by "cut"? Are you talking not using the Sigma-E CMS? What will they use?
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the most read article on the tabloid "wantchinatimes". I believe the author has wrong information about Vietnam Kilo. our subs don´t have 3M-14E land-attack missiles onboard (not yet approved by Russia), but 3M-54E antiship variant.


Vietnam's Kilo-submarines to potentially blockade Spratly islands

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2014-12-27
  • 09:18 (GMT+8)

A Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine of PLA Navy. (Internet photo)

Vietnam's six Kilo-class submarines purchased from Russia are very likely to be used to cut off the supply line of the People's Liberation Army's garrison at the disputed Spratly islands according to the Duowei News on Dec. 24.

China's nationalist tabloid the Global Times said that the People's Navy of Vietnam had already received three Kilo-class submarines from Russia. Vietnam's Kilo-class submarines are all equipped with 3M-14E Klub-S ballistic missiles. With an attacking range of 280 kilometers, the missile can reach Guangdong province's Zhanjiang, where China's South Sea Fleet headquarters is located. China's major naval facilities on Hainan island are also within reach. In addition, the Kilo-submarines can attack PLA supply ships with its GE2-01 radar-guided torpedoes.

The Global Times did say however that the PLA Navy has something up its sleeve to counter the new Vietnamese subs. Three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines have already been sent to Hainan island just in case of a potential conflict over the Spratlys. China would also deploy its Type 093 Shang-class nuclear-powered attack submarines to the region if needed.

Despite the advantage the Vietnamese Kilos have in land attack and anti-ship capabilities, Taipei-based Asia Pacific Defense magazine said that they are not designed to fight enemy submarines.

Also, as China has already been using Russian subs for quite some time and has a strong knowledge concerning the Kilos weaknesses, the PLA Navy has a better chance of inflicting serious damage on the Vietnamese purchases should a battle take place, according to the Global Times.

Vietnam's Kilo-submarines to potentially blockade Spratly islands|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
I just posted in another thread.

ASNARO — Advanced Satellite with New System Architecture for Observation

onboard: all-weather radar instrument to take images of the ground through clouds and darkness. Once in orbit, the satellites will operate autonomously.

weight 500kg each, designed by NEC Corp., one is optical and one is hyperspectral, X-band radar, highresolution camera (can resolve objects as small as a half-meter (20 inches) across), optical sensor, $0.6b each, financed by JP government´s ODA.

the first sattelite (assembled in JP) will be launched in 2017, the second (assembled in VN) for 2020. launch vehicle is a modified R-36M (Satan) missile, which was used as Soviet Unions´ ICBM carrying nuclear warheads. the launch will be conducted by Russian Strategic Rocket Forces. We can use the sattelites for civil purposes, OR to observe Chinese military installations and activities :-)


Japan, Vietnam Sign Deal for Two Radar Imaging Satellites - SpaceNews.com
What is Vietnam´s greatest achievement in manufacturing of defence equippments in 2014?

Medium-Range Radar RV-02 against stealth fighters

The radar is derived from Belarus Vostok E and RV-01, operating on VHF band, developed by Vietnam´s Military Technical Institute and with assistance of Belarus. the Vostok E radar is able to detect stealth fighters such as the US F-117A Nighthawk from 74 kilometers nautical miles away in a jammed environment. In an unjammed environment, the distance can be increased to 350 kilometers. Even a more advanced stealth aircraft like the F-22, the Vostok E can detect the jet from 57 kilometers away and shoot them down with the S-300 surface-to-air missile. Vietnam made RV-02 has similar specs as Vostok E, reportely can detect stealth fighters from China including the J-20 and J-31.

Vietnam RV-02 radar installation

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2014 delivered 3 RV-02 systems, 2015-2020: 18 RV-02 will be delivered (3 systems per year)
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