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Vietnam & China Expand Military Ties

I can translate that 5 chinese charactor "bridge of friendship between china and vietnam"
So what do you hint at? Of course we china and vietnam were friends,so we helped you with defending the us invader.
Then what had happened after that?Did viet leader told you the truth?

Ha, ha,
You are chinese, translated it, I belive it is correct. The photos posted here are telling more about such truth: Chinese invader was punished by cheating slogan, China helped Vietnam to get position to negotiation with USA 1972, Chinese attacked Vietnam to get favours of new master USA and showed his determination on side of master US to against Vietnam and Soviet Union.
It's truth.
I was amazed to find that vietnam is NOT ranked in the top 55 strongest Armies. Number 55 is Qatar.

For a useless military, the vietnamese sure talk a lot.

For us isn't importance that we are ranking some where. I's importance that is we've beating all invaders: France, USA and China to run away.
For high ranking we have to invest more money to Army when we have a lot to do. We do it step by step if it necessary for defence only.
Ha, ha,
You are chinese, translated it, I belive it is correct. The photos posted here are telling more about such truth: Chinese invader was punished by cheating slogan, China helped Vietnam to get position to negotiation with USA 1972, Chinese attacked Vietnam to get favours of new master USA and showed his determination on side of master US to against Vietnam and Soviet Union.
It's truth.

Don't over flatter yourself with your so call "truth". China did help Vietnam while Ho Chi Min was alive, Ho was very pro China. After his death in 1969 and the Sino-soviet split, leadership in Hanoi started to purge its pro China faction within its own party.
China made its final withdraw of helps from vietnam in 1970, that is way before China had made any contact with USA.

The reason for China's 1979's attack on Vietnam was a response to Vietnam's 1978 invasion and occupation of Cambodia, which ended the reign of the PRC-backed Khmer Rouge. USA's knowledge of this attack plan come from KH-9 spy satellite and later comfirmed by Deng xiaoping during his state visit in US. One of the goal of PRC's action was to show other communist countries that Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance were utterly useless when Vietnam's then sugar daddy USSR had broken its numerous promises to assist Vietnam. China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against Vietnamese aggression. In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay. In conclusion Vietnam was and still is just a pawn of the international relationship chess played by big players such as USA, USSR(Russia) and China.

So grow up and read more about history and make your own thinking before rank everywhere about something you don't understand.
Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War - Stephen J. Morris - Google
Ha, ha,
You are chinese, translated it, I belive it is correct. The photos posted here are telling more about such truth: Chinese invader was punished by cheating slogan, China helped Vietnam to get position to negotiation with USA 1972, Chinese attacked Vietnam to get favours of new master USA and showed his determination on side of master US to against Vietnam and Soviet Union.
It's truth.

That's the century joke i have ever heard.For a century China and USA keep fighting and cooperation in military,economy and
diplomacy regions.To china,us is a partner,opponent and teacher.The country is mastered only by its people.
China is a sovereign independent nation.So is the vietnam,and that is a point deserved respect .
I recommend that don't post stupid speech to support your bias stand.
Don't over flatter yourself with your so call "truth". China did help Vietnam while Ho Chi Min was alive, Ho was very pro China. After his death in 1969 and the Sino-soviet split, leadership in Hanoi started to purge its pro China faction within its own party.
China made its final withdraw of helps from vietnam in 1970, that is way before China had made any contact with USA.

The reason for China's 1979's attack on Vietnam was a response to Vietnam's 1978 invasion and occupation of Cambodia, which ended the reign of the PRC-backed Khmer Rouge. USA's knowledge of this attack plan come from KH-9 spy satellite and later comfirmed by Deng xiaoping during his state visit in US. One of the goal of PRC's action was to show other communist countries that Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance were utterly useless when Vietnam's then sugar daddy USSR had broken its numerous promises to assist Vietnam. China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against Vietnamese aggression. In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay. In conclusion Vietnam was and still is just a pawn of the international relationship chess played by big players such as USA, USSR(Russia) and China.

So grow up and read more about history and make your own thinking before rank everywhere about something you don't understand.
Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War - Stephen J. Morris - Google

Ya, you addmited that: China made its final withdraw of helps from vietnam in 1970, it's very informative from Chinese. And then China had 2 years to frustrate USA with ping-pong diplomacy until Kissinger visited secretly to Peking, and Nixon dropped to Peking 1972 with Shanghai Agreement.

Chinese guys can stop lying about help of China when we fough against USA imperilist.

Related to Khmer Rouge I post photo, it's evident for brutalish killing of Khmer Rouge in Village Ba Chuc in Vietnam and nearby border Vietnam - Cambodia . Khmer Rouge is continuously attacked Vietnam from 1976 - 1978 with help of China.

That's the century joke i have ever heard.For a century China and USA keep fighting and cooperation in military,economy and
diplomacy regions.To china,us is a partner,opponent and teacher.The country is mastered only by its people.
China is a sovereign independent nation.So is the vietnam,and that is a point deserved respect .
I recommend that don't post stupid speech to support your bias stand.

Dear bro, read again what you posted: "To china, us is a partner, opponent and teacher".

You made yourself joker.:D
US killed many Vietnam men in war but Vietnamese never hate US at the moment. They killed us, we killed them, that is war. War is no more.

China is different. War or Peace, they are always snooping around, ready to swallow neighbor whenever their friend/neighbor get weak.
US killed many Vietnam men in war but Vietnamese never hate US at the moment. They killed us, we killed them, that is war. War is no more.

China is different. War or Peace, they are always snooping around, ready to swallow neighbor whenever their friend/neighbor get weak.

what utter nonsense, china helped vietnam when the americans invaded you. when you needed us, we helped you. the american soldiers raped your women, killed your children, left behind millions of orphans, ruined generations upon generations of innocent vietnamese people with agent orange where children are being born with deformed body parts and in some cases born with skulls open. the americans bombed EVERYTHING in your country for decades, destroyed your infrastructure and historical items, and murdered 3 MILLION of your people.

yet you consider china an enemy because we had a small fight?

wake up and smell the coffee man.

vietnam and china are not enemies.

practically the whole world has suffered because of western imperialism for hundreds of years. yet these countries(vietnam, india, japan, south korea, etc) have a small fight with china and suddenly china becomes the primary enemy?
what utter nonsense, china helped vietnam when the americans invaded you. when you needed us, we helped you. the american soldiers raped your women, killed your children, left behind millions of orphans, ruined generations upon generations of innocent vietnamese people with agent orange where children are being born with deformed body parts and in some cases born with skulls open. the americans bombed EVERYTHING in your country for decades, destroyed your infrastructure and historical items, and murdered 3 MILLION of your people.

yet you consider china an enemy because we had a small fight?

wake up and smell the coffee man.

vietnam and china are not enemies.

practically the whole world has suffered because of western imperialism for hundreds of years. yet these countries(vietnam, india, japan, south korea, etc) have a small fight with china and suddenly china becomes the primary enemy?

Is this small fight ?



Chinese forces
On February 17, a PRC force of about 200,000 supported by 200 Type 59, Type 62, and Type 63 tanks from the PRC People's Liberation Army (PLA) entered northern Vietnam.[23] The Chinese force consisted of units from the Kunming Military Region (later abolished), Chengdu Military Region, Wuhan Military Region (later abolished) and Guangzhou Military Region, but commanded by the headquarters of Kunming Military Region on the western front and Guangzhou Military Region in the eastern front.
Some troops engaged in this war, especially engineering units, railway corps, logistical units and antiaircraft units, had been assigned to assist Vietnam in its struggle against the United States just a few years earlier during the Vietnam War. Contrary to the belief that over 600,000 Chinese troops entered Vietnam, the actual number was only 400,000. However, 600,000 Chinese troops were mobilized, of which 400,000 were deployed away from their original bases during the one month conflict.[citation needed] Around 400 tanks (specifically Type 59s) were also deployed.[citation needed].
The Chinese troop deployments were observed by US spy satellites, and the KH-9 Big Bird photographic reconnaissance satellite played an important role.[citation needed] In his state visit to the US in 1979, the Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping was presented with this information and asked to confirm the numbers. He replied that the information was completely accurate. After this public confirmation in the U.S., the domestic Chinese media were finally allowed to report on these deployments.[citation needed]
[edit]Chinese order of battle
Guangxi Direction (East Front) commanded by the Front Headquarter of Guangzhou Military Region in Nanning. Commander-Xu Shiyou, Political Commissar-Xiang Zhonghua, Chief of Staff-Zhou Deli
North Group: Commander-Ou Zhifu (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
41st Corps Commander-Zhang Xudeng, Political Commissar-Liu Zhanrong
121st Infantry Division Commander-Zheng Wenshui
122nd Infantry Division Commander-Li Xinliang
123rd Infantry Division Commander-Li Peijiang
South Group: Commander-Wu Zhong (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
42nd Corps Commander-Wei Huajie, Political Commissar-Xun Li
124th Infantry Division Commander-Gu Hui
125th Infantry Division
126th Infantry Division
East Group: Commander-Jiang Xieyuan (Deputy Commander of Guangzhou Military Region)
55th Corps Commander-Zhu Yuehua, Temporary Political Commissar-Guo Changzeng
163rd Infantry Division Commander-Bian Guixiang, Political Commissar-Wu Enqing, Chief of Staff-Xing Shizhong
164th Infantry Division Commander-Xiao Xuchu (also Deputy Commander of 55th Corps)
165th Infantry Division
1st Artillery Division
Reserve Group (came from Wuhan Military Region except 50th Corps from Chengdu Military Region), Deputy Commander-Han Huaizhi (Commander of 54th Corps)
43rd Corp Commander-Zhu Chuanyu, Temporary Political Commissar-Zhao Shengchang
127th Infantry Division Commander-Zhang Wannian (also as the Deputy Commander of 43rd Corps)
128th Infantry Division
129th Infantry Division
54th Corps Commander-Han Huaizhi (pluralism), Political Commissar-Zhu Zhiwei
160th Infantry Division (commanded by 41st Corp in this war) Commander-Zhang Zhixin, Political Commissar-Li Zhaogui
161st Infantry Division
162nd Infantry Division Commander-Li Jiulong
50th Corps Temporary Commander-Liu Guangtong, Political Commissar-Gao Xingyao
148th Infantry Division
150th Infantry Division
20th Corps (only dispatched the 58th Division into the war)
58th Infantry Division (commanded by the 50th Corps during the war)
Guangxi Military Region (as a provincial military region) Commander-Zhao Xinran Chief of Staff-Yin Xi
1st Regiment of Frontier Defense in Youyiguan Pass
2nd Regiment of Frontier Defense in Baise District
3rd Regiment of Frontier Defense in Fangcheng County
The Independent Infantry Division of Guangxi Military Region
Air Force of Guangzhou Military Region (armed patrol in the sky of Guangxi, did not see combat)
7th Air Force Corp
13th Air Force Division (aerotransport unit came from Hubei province)
70th Antiaircraft Artillery Division
The 217 Fleet of South Sea Fleet
8th Navy Aviation Division
The Independent Tank Regiment of Guangzhou Military Region
83rd Bateau Boat Regiment
84th Bateau Boat Regiment
Yunnan Direction (the West Front) commanded by the Front Headquarter of Kunming Military Region in Kaiyuan. Commander-Yang Dezhi, Political Commissar-Liu Zhijian, Chief of Staff-Sun Ganqing
11th Corp(consisted of two divisions) Commander-Chen Jiagui, Political Commissar-Zhang Qi
31st Infantry Division
32nd Infantry Division
13th Corps(camed from Chengdu Military Region) Commander-Yan Shouqing, Political Commissar-Qiao Xueting
37th Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division
39th Infantry Division
14th Corp Commander-Zhang Jinghua, Political Commissar-Fan Xinyou
40th Infantry Division
41st Infantry Division
42nd Infantry Division
149th Infantry Division (from Chengdu Military Region, belonged to 50th Corps, assigned to Yunnan Direction during the war)
Yunnan Military Region (as a provincial military region)
11th Regiment of Frontier Defense in Maguan County
12th Regiment of Frontier Defense in Malipo County
13th Regiment of Frontier Defense in
14th Regiment of Frontier Defense in
The Independent Infantry Division of Yunnan Military Region commanded by 11th Corps in the war
65th Antiaircraft Artillery Division
4th Artillery Division
Independent Tank Regiment of Kunming Military Region
86th Bateau Boat Regiment
23rd Logistic Branch consisted of five army service stations, six hospitals, eleven medical establishments)
17th Automobile Regiment commanded by 13th Corps during the war
22nd Automobile Regiment
5th Air Force Corps
44th Air Force Division (fighter unit)
Independent unit of 27th Air Force Division
15th Air Force Antiaircraft Artillery Division

Ya, you addmited that: China made its final withdraw of helps from vietnam in 1970, it's very informative from Chinese. And then China had 2 years to frustrate USA with ping-pong diplomacy until Kissinger visited secretly to Peking, and Nixon dropped to Peking 1972 with Shanghai Agreement.

Chinese guys can stop lying about help of China when we fough against USA imperilist.

Related to Khmer Rouge I post photo, it's evident for brutalish killing of Khmer Rouge in Village Ba Chuc in Vietnam and nearby border Vietnam - Cambodia . Khmer Rouge is continuously attacked Vietnam from 1976 - 1978 with help of China.


Learn some history before you hit anything on the keyboard, wouldn't you?

Why should China keep helping vietnam when Vietnamese communist party was not even friendly towards China by purging its own pro China memebers and could not wait to jump in bed with Soviet when China and Soviet were about to clash with each other.

While talking about China's help to Vietnam, it was long before the American invasion of Vietnam after 1949. Here is a summary of it.
"In 1950, the People's Republic of China extended diplomatic recognition to the Viet Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam and sent weapons, as well as military advisors led by Luo Guibo to assist the Viet Minh in its war with the French. The first draft of the 1954 Geneva Accords was negotiated by French Prime Minister Pierre Mendès France and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai who, fearing U.S. intervention, urged the Viet Minh to accept a partition at the 17th parallel.[206]

China's ability to aid the Viet Minh declined when Soviet aid to China was reduced following the end of the Korean War in 1953. China provided material and technical support to the Vietnamese communists worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Chinese-supplied rice allowed North Vietnam to pull military-age men from the paddies and to impose a universal draft beginning in 1960.
In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, rebuild roads and railroads, and to perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South.
Sino-Soviet relations soured after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968. In October, the Chinese demanded North Vietnam cut relations with Moscow, but Hanoi refused.[207] The Chinese began to withdraw in November 1968 in preparation for a clash with the Soviets, which occurred at Zhenbao Island in March 1969. The Chinese also began financing the Khmer Rouge as a counterweight to the Vietnamese communists at this time. China's withdrawal from Vietnam was completed in July 1970.[208]

The Khmer Rouge launched ferocious raids into Vietnam in 1975–1978. Vietnam responded with an invasion that toppled the Khmer Rouge. In response, China launched a brief, punitive invasion of Vietnam in 1979.


Also because the potential China's intervention, US ground troops were mostly ordered not to cross the 17th parallel by strategy planner in DC fearing it would turned into another Korean War for the US. Also to the military and intelligence communities, China's help throughout the years were decisive edge in Vietnam's victory against US. So stop being such ungrateful SOB. No wonder why China got really mad about the betrayal on the Soviet matter.

In conclusion, as we can see from the considerable historical material outlined above, the military support provided by the People’s Republic of China, to include advisors, equipment and combat troops, was the decisive factor for the Communist Democratic Republic of Vietnam prevailing during 1949-1975 in both the First and Second Vietnam Wars. The small arms, mortars, ammunition, uniforms, tanks, artillery, radars, anti-aircraft guns, jet aircraft, trucks, and naval vessels were critical in the North Vietnamese struggle. However, what was even more critical and normally not acknowledged in the laundry list of war material is the psychological and strategic advantage provided by Communist China’s pledge to intervene in the advent of a United States invasion of North Vietnam, and communicating that pledge to the U.S. This strategic advantage in effect cannot be overstated.

As General Westmoreland’s former G-2, or Intelligence Officer would write after the Vietnam Wars “With a friendly China located adjacent to North Vietnam, there would have been little chance for a Vietnamese victory against the French, and later against the Americans and South Vietnamese.” [68] It is rather ironic that most professional historians tend to downplay or ignore China’s decisive role in North Vietnam’s victory while the military and intelligence communities, U.S. at least, are much more willing to acknowledge this fact. Perhaps this is understandable since if one acknowledges the role played by China it calls into question such Vietnam myths as the “poorly armed guerrilla” and the “military genius” of Giap, among other issues. Historians such as Xiaoming Zhang and Qiang Zhai are challenging the paradigm of accepted Vietnam history and in doing so are performing a great service.

“Thus the highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy plans;” according to the learned military theorist Sun-Tzu in the Art of War. [69] In respects this is exactly what the North Vietnamese, and Chinese did in both Vietnam Wars: they successfully attacked the Western powers war plans. The considerable support for the DRV by the PRC, to include a promise to intervene with massive numbers of troops in the event of an invasion of North Vietnam, effectively eliminated this course of action, and perhaps others, as potential war winning options for the West. Thus, with the support of China, on a strategic level of war the DRV was able to remain upon the offensive throughout the war, maintaining the initiative and finally achieving victory as Saigon fell in April of 1975.
Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

And I don't understand why you keep talking about Shanghai Communique, it has nothing to do with Vietnam. Don't think think yourselves as a center of attention when heavy weight players are at the table.
Shanghai Communiqué - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learn some history before you hit anything on the keyboard, wouldn't you?

Why should China keep helping vietnam when Vietnamese communist party was not even friendly towards China by purging its own pro China memebers and could not wait to jump in bed with Soviet when China and Soviet were about to clash with each other.

While talking about China's help to Vietnam, it was long before the American invasion of Vietnam after 1949. Here is a summary of it.
"In 1950, the People's Republic of China extended diplomatic recognition to the Viet Minh's Democratic Republic of Vietnam and sent weapons, as well as military advisors led by Luo Guibo to assist the Viet Minh in its war with the French. The first draft of the 1954 Geneva Accords was negotiated by French Prime Minister Pierre Mendès France and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai who, fearing U.S. intervention, urged the Viet Minh to accept a partition at the 17th parallel.[206]

China's ability to aid the Viet Minh declined when Soviet aid to China was reduced following the end of the Korean War in 1953. China provided material and technical support to the Vietnamese communists worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Chinese-supplied rice allowed North Vietnam to pull military-age men from the paddies and to impose a universal draft beginning in 1960.
In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, rebuild roads and railroads, and to perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South.
Sino-Soviet relations soured after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in August 1968. In October, the Chinese demanded North Vietnam cut relations with Moscow, but Hanoi refused.[207] The Chinese began to withdraw in November 1968 in preparation for a clash with the Soviets, which occurred at Zhenbao Island in March 1969. The Chinese also began financing the Khmer Rouge as a counterweight to the Vietnamese communists at this time. China's withdrawal from Vietnam was completed in July 1970.[208]

The Khmer Rouge launched ferocious raids into Vietnam in 1975–1978. Vietnam responded with an invasion that toppled the Khmer Rouge. In response, China launched a brief, punitive invasion of Vietnam in 1979.


Also because the potential China's intervention, US ground troops were mostly ordered not to cross the 17th parallel by strategy planner in DC fearing it would turned into another Korean War for the US. Also to the military and intelligence communities, China's help throughout the years were decisive edge in Vietnam's victory against US. So stop being such ungrateful SOB. No wonder why China got really mad about the betrayal on the Soviet matter.

Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

And I don't understand why you keep talking about Shanghai Communique, it has nothing to do with Vietnam. Don't think think yourselves as a center of attention when heavy weight players are at the table.
Shanghai Communiqué - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1949-1950 Vietnam and China recognized mutual diplomacy relation when both joined to Socialist pack. Help Vietnam against imperialism is came from all socialist countries headed by Soviet Union.
1954 by Geneva first time China showed his betrayal face when secretly discussed with France to divide Vietnam and made impression on Vietnam to move line of partition from 13 parallel to 17. Same time chinese tried contact puppet of France. Dirty policy of China is to divide Vietnam for ever same as Korean.
1968 China - Soviet relation broken and split, Vietnam tried to get neutral position bcz it was some kind of idealogical matters in theory (?), but China used his position border is close to Vietnam and route for transportation material form Soviet Union to Vietnam and stop help to Vietnam when Vietnam war against USA imperialist is geting hard. Soviet Union has to used transportaionships to supply Vietnam. This is true face of China against Vietnam.
1972 when China is kneed before new master, USA Navy blocked Haiphong port and used B 52 bombarders to attack all cities of Vietnam included Hanoi.
1975 when Saigon Regime is collapsed, China used Khmer Rouge Polpot to attack Vietnam in harmony with USA embargo against Vietnam.
1979, China itself attacked Vietnam to show his trust to new master USA against Vietnam and Soviet Union.

China is biggest traitor in history of human kind. :coffee:
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