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Vietnam blogger jailed for posts about China deported

China broke away since the 1960s, and where was Vietnam? :coffee:

PRC didn't really copy that much from USSR, whereas DRV has copied almost everything from PRC.

Just like USSR, PRC now is also a communist superpower who can establish its own communist faction, and what about Vietnam? Always a communist puppet. :haha:

To be honest, I think you, as Chinese must be thankful to your friend Vietnam. Because their government has shown that they are your true friend. Don't intimidate your Vietnamese friends anymore. It is better if you two trolls work together from now on :D
Yes, put a sanction to Indonesia will be expensive for China. Because they have to build a canal to Thailand, or even build more rails to connect to the west. While if they are good to us, Indonesia, they can go through our sea without problem. Thus, it will be cheaper for their operation cost. So why antagonist us, while they will get more benefit by becoming our friend? :D

malacca strait is the cheapest and easiest way to ship china products to other countries and also with strong economy, military and strong influence, nobody wants to be our enemy . And that's why becoming our friend is promising :-)

what about vietnam, can viet poster here give some details?
Just ask to yourself, who was copying who?



LOL, Mr.Ah-Q, PRC come out 1949, but Democratic Republic of Vietnam was found in 1945 ... :rofl:
Are all Chinese PDF members this childish?
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In fact, communist vs communist was the main reason that caused the loss of the cold war against the West.

But Mao was right, the Soviet leaders were naive for trusting the West.

You can cooperate with the West, but you can never trust them.

but in the east, china is betrayed most of his neighbors.

Yes, I have to carry the bricks now, a tall building is under construction right now, this is my job. When there is break time during my work, I will watch PDF.

You said one time that you are working for an auditing company ?
So this is your proof about "copy" ... :lol:

So our flag adopted first with one big star on red background, and you adopted later, so PRC copy our flag, right ?! :D

Vietnam flag is modified from Tay Son (Nguyen Hue) flag.


Tay Son (1788 - 1802 )
Chinese metiso in indonesia could stop kissing *** of chinese in PDF, in fact Chinese in mainland look down at you, LOL.
lol chinese indonesian here are very nationalist to our country than such kind like you in this PDF forum . Madokafc is half Japanese, but she's not sucking japan's butt lol :sarcastic:

Lol and i'm half chinese, and i had no feelings for the mainland :p: my body and soul are all for my country :smitten:
China is wannabe S. Korea, Japan. LOL.

Is it truly a bad thing for China to aspire to be a first world country - to increase China's citizens' living standards and quality of life year after year? :china: Apparently it is according to our Viet friends. Better to be like Vietnam, which is a wannabe Africa, but with more filth and less food. :rofl:
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There were two camps of the communist factions during the cold war, and Vietnam clearly belonged to the Soviet camp.

Mao Zedong isolated China as he wanted a communist world revolution. that was too much radical for the rest.

Yes, I have to carry the bricks now, a tall building is under construction right now, this is my job. When there is break time during my work, I will watch PDF.
you are probably the most patriotic chinese I´ve ever seen. you work hard for the rise of China by carrying bricks and defend your country against enemies on this forum during your lunch break. I like you.
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