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Vietnam and the United States are to hold joint naval drill next mont

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China = big dragon but doesn't exist.
Then who killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979? Who took Paracel Islands in 1974? Who beat you down in 1984 and 1988 again and again?

China is enforcing its claim in South China Sea!

Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.

Vietnam needs to understand a very simple fact: Hanoi is 150km away from the Chinese border.
the vietnamese say that picture above is a "fake"....they say the video clip is more realistic!

you can verify my saying by go to any vietnamese forums and see. this incident is being held up like a big event to celebrate the vietnamese fisrt victory!
Then who killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979? Who took Paracel Islands in 1974? Who beat you down in 1984 and 1988 again and again?

China is enforcing its claim in South China Sea!

Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.

Chinese PLA murders killed thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979.
Chinese robbers took Paracel Islands in 1974.
Chinese pirates robbed islands from Vietnam in 1984 and 1988.

Dragon doesn't exist, the dangerous mad dogs are living nearby us.
Then who killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979? Who took Paracel Islands in 1974? Who beat you down in 1984 and 1988 again and again?

China is enforcing its claim in South China Sea!

Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.


It is the greedy corrupted chinese government that's responsible for the mess. I pity most Chinese member in this forum because they don't realize that their government don't give a damn about their lives. At 1.3 billion people, no one give a damn about you. You people need to wake up before your government does more harm than good. It's not China vs Vietnam only. The fact is if China does something stupid, its your people that suffer. Wake the **** up.

Vietnam people have been through a lot of hardships and overcame many obstacles to be what they are today. There's no way we're giving up our freedom and lose to China without a fight. Vietnamese people never want war but we fight to protect our freedom. Many Vietnamese people are exposed to Vietnam war and 20-25 years experience with US war is a lot of millitary experience. Has China been in a war that last 20-25 years? hell no. What kind of experience does China even have in term of millitary experience? Not many. You may have the most advanced millitary equipment but under different situations, those things become useless. Numbers and millitary technolgy DO NOT make you more invincible!

The US has more experience in term of millitary experience and millitary power during the Vietnam War but why couldn't they defeat Vietnam in a month or even days but why 20-25 years? Did you not know that South Vietnam allied with US but still got defeated by the North Vietnamese? Over the course of 20-25 years war, US dropped 7 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

"By the end of the war, 7 million tons of bombs had been dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia - more than twice the amount of bombs dropped on Europe and Asia in World War II. In addition, poisonous sprays were dropped by planes to destroy trees and any kind of growth - an area the size of the state of Massachusetts was covered with such poison. Vietnamese mothers reported birth defects in their children. Yale biologists, using the same poison (2,4,5,T) on mice, reported defective mice born and said they had no reason to believe the effect on humans was different."

Source: 1957-1975: The Vietnam War | libcom.org

Yet, Vietnam still moved on and lived. Now, Vietnam is a lot stronger than when they were during the Vietnam war. Will China be willing to spend 1 trillion or more to start another war?

Chinese people should stand up and do not let your government get out of control.
Then who killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979? Who took Paracel Islands in 1974? Who beat you down in 1984 and 1988 again and again?

China is enforcing its claim in South China Sea!

Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.

This is a diffrent case. On the clip, our patrol ship chase your ship and rammed your from the rear , but in this pic , our ship in oppoite side with your .

btw: base on the clip, our ship have green deck, so it must be VN marine police ship that we just bought

peaceful said:
Vietnam needs to understand a very simple fact: Hanoi is 150km away from the Chinese border.
CHina must inderstand that: we can destroy all CHina merchan-ship sailing through Malacca Straight :cool:
the vietnamese say that picture above is a "fake"....they say the video clip is more realistic!

you can verify my saying by go to any vietnamese forums and see. this incident is being held up like a big event to celebrate the vietnamese fisrt victory!
Relax...... Vietnamese failed again. They tried to ram the Chinese ship off course, and then continued for 5 minutes to try to push it to the port side, but failed, and instead the Vietnamese ship fell behind further and further until they gave up.

And look at how badly the Vietnamese ship was damaged by the collision. The cameraman fell on his buttocks like a little baby (just like Vietnam falling on its buttocks).

The video shows that China is patrolling our EEZ, the South China Sea, and we're not afraid of a little bit of ramming. We did not avoid and we did not yield. In fact, I'm quite pleased with the video. We're just waiting for Vietnam to fire the first shot. Then we'll do the same thing we did in 1974 and 1988.

Chinese PLA murders killed thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979.
Chinese robbers took Paracel Islands in 1974.
Chinese pirates robbed islands from Vietnam in 1984 and 1988.

Dragon doesn't exist, the dangerous mad dogs are living nearby us.
That's right bro. Now you can choose to be a little bit more reasonable in your maritime claims or you can get spanked by China again.

The US has more experience in term of millitary experience and millitary power during the Vietnam War but why couldn't they defeat Vietnam in a month or even days but why 20-25 years? Did you not know that South Vietnam allied with US but still got defeated by the North Vietnamese? Over the course of 20-25 years war, US dropped 7 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

"By the end of the war, 7 million tons of bombs had been dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia - more than twice the amount of bombs dropped on Europe and Asia in World War II. In addition, poisonous sprays were dropped by planes to destroy trees and any kind of growth - an area the size of the state of Massachusetts was covered with such poison. Vietnamese mothers reported birth defects in their children. Yale biologists, using the same poison (2,4,5,T) on mice, reported defective mice born and said they had no reason to believe the effect on humans was different."

Source: 1957-1975: The Vietnam War | libcom.org

Yet, Vietnam still moved on and lived. Now, Vietnam is a lot stronger than when they were during the Vietnam war. Will China be willing to spend 1 trillion or more to start another war?
If China bombs Vietnam again like USA did before, Vietnam might not formally surrender to China because you are tough..... but you can say good-bye to the Spratlys and oil forever. In the end, China will win!

We'll see if your generation is as tough as your grandfather's generation.

CHina must inderstand that: we can destroy all CHina merchan-ship sailing through Malacca Straight :cool:
Yeah, Vietnam and its "incredible" Brahmos :rolleyes:

Who is closer to Malacca Straits, Vietnam or our ally Cambodia?
That's right bro. Now you can choose to be a little bit more reasonable in your maritime claims or you can get spanked by China again.

Who is closer to Malacca Straits, Vietnam or our ally Cambodia?

Thks for accepting: dangerous mad dog is near by us.
And look at the map, Vietnam is closer to strait than Cambodia. Cambodia is playing balancing only, they are wise enough to do politic to day, they taken fund from you and talking something, no go to death for China interest, and never been stupid as deferminatetiger, I think no more tigers is available in Indochina peninsula other than chinese prefer tiger bones which is good as special chinese medicin.
:rofl:Lol thick skin shameless viet trolls braged how powerful they are , where as vietnam foreign exchange only has $ 3 billion:-)rofl:) even a small hk business man got more money than that:rofl:. How you gonna finance a war with china?
Thks for accepting: dangerous mad dog is near by us.
And look at the map, Vietnam is closer to strait than Cambodia. Cambodia is playing balancing only, they are wise enough to do politic to day, they taken fund from you and talking something, no go to death for China interest, and never been stupid as deferminatetiger, I think no more tigers is available in Indochina peninsula other than chinese prefer tiger bones which is good as special chinese dedicin.

your PM and president run around like headless chicken to philipine and india begging for help:rofl:

South China sea is not our priority
RN Das, senior fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, says the South China Sea issue was a ploy that was played out

The Chinese are sensitive when it comes to the South China Sea. They consider it to be a matter of core national interest, like Taiwan and Tibet. They are possessive about it. Malaysia, Brunei and Japan are already in dispute over the Sea with the Chinese. And naturally, if India enters this dispute and China doesn抰 protest, it doesn抰 give a right signal to other countries. It was a ploy that was deliberately played out.

Basically, this episode was played out by the media. It was an over-reaction by the Chinese media and it wasn抰 the government-owned media like China Daily that made a hue and cry. Government-owned media acted with restraint. It was the Global Times that raised the issue and Chinese authorities claim that this paper is not under government control. But in a system like China抯, nothing can be printed or said without approval of the government.

It doesn抰 mean that India and China will let this matter escalate. The India-China relationship has been improving steadily. There was the strategic economic meeting at Beijing where both countries had made some progress.

India was not doing something new in the Sea. India抯 engagement in the South China Sea has been there since the 1980s. The agreement with ONGC Videsh was signed in 2006, not this year. Vietnam has claimed that the two blocks in contention, 127 and 128, don抰 belong to China. They belong to Vietnam as per the UN Convention on Laws of the Sea signed in 1982. The Chinese are contesting that. Even if they belong to Vietnam, they can抰 invite a third country to explore, say the Chinese.

Conflict is inevitable. But then there is the reassuring presence of the US in the region. That helps a little. China engages with the US a lot at different levels but they bemoan US interference in their affairs. The Chinese may also have a feeling that India is there because of tacit support from the US.

Anyway, ONGC is not going to immediately explore blocks over there. The Defence Minister has clearly said that the South China Sea is not our priority. Our priority is our backyard. But that doesn抰 mean we are withdrawing. He may just want to assuage the wounded feelings of the Chinese.

India has been asserting itself as a superpower but it should have the strength to do that. It could be military, economic, strategic or diplomatic strength. India needs to have military capability to face the Chinese challenge. But acquiring it will take India around 10 years.

But there may be no need to go down that road. The hotline between the countries will soon be activated. And the bonding between Wen Jiabao (Chinese premier) and Manmohan Singh is very good. When tension builds up between two countries it usually gets defused when both of them meet.

South China sea is not our priority - Forbes India -

Sorry to burst your bubble , india aint going to help you poor viet and philipine dont want anything to do with poor viet either,:rofl:
you are on your own now.
Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.

You do not understand meaning of "brave and coward". Back to your mama and ask her to teach you again. Vietnam area is just more or less equal the area of a province of China. Vietnam army or Vietnam Navy or Vietnamese Sea Police force is 1/10 or 1/20 of Chinese's one but Vietnam is ready to engage with big but evil China. Vietnam is ready to beat you down wisely in a real war ( finally Vietnam win, Chinese is forced to run back North... just like past thousands of years), never let you provoke like..open fire first..bla.. bla...Smaller but ready beat you down and will beat you down again, a bigger bully neighboor...small engage big...who is brave, and who is coward ? haha...back to your mama to learn more about pridefulness.

We are just getting angry with ourself, if we are stronger a bit, we are sure to capture your ships, just like Japan and Korea have just done.
CHina must inderstand that: we can destroy all CHina merchan-ship sailing through Malacca Straight :cool:

with what exactly?
ur best missiles(incidentally from Russia) are limited to 300km or less and are land launched, Malacca Strait is far more than 300km from vietnam

ur entire navy would last all of 1 hour against the south sea fleet.
you have a grand total of 12 su-30mk2
Then who killed tens of thousands of Vietnamese civilians in 1979? Who took Paracel Islands in 1974? Who beat you down in 1984 and 1988 again and again?

China is enforcing its claim in South China Sea!

Vietnamese tried to intercept our patrol ship in the South China Sea and ram it off course. But it was too small and pathetic to change the Chinese ship's course. Finally, Chinese ships surrounded Vietnam's ship and forced it to surrender.

If Vietnamese were brave they would have opened fire with their naval or attacked with their air force. Weak and cowardly Vietnam was humiliated again.

Vietnamese mobile phone camera :lol: cannot compare to China's helicopter! This is what Vietnam doesn't dare show its people.


Here is more pics, and China can easily whoop their a$$ in a street fight. :lol:




It was filmed by the chopper. :smokin:

You do not understand meaning of "brave and coward". Back to your mama and ask her to teach you again. Vietnam area is just more or less equal the area of a province of China. Vietnam army or Vietnam Navy or Vietnamese Sea Police force is 1/10 or 1/20 of Chinese's one but Vietnam is ready to engage with big but evil China. Vietnam is ready to beat you down wisely in a real war ( finally Vietnam win, Chinese is forced to run back North... just like past thousands of years), never let you provoke like..open fire first..bla.. bla...Smaller but ready beat you down and will beat you down again, a bigger bully neighboor...small engage big...who is brave, and who is coward ? haha...back to your mama to learn more about pridefulness.

We are just getting angry with ourself, if we are stronger a bit, we are sure to capture your ships, just like Japan and Korea have just done.

HAHAHA Little money viet continue trolling here first paragraph you bragging how brave and no fear you are and then this :rofl::rofl:We are just getting angry with ourself, if we are stronger a bit, we are sure to capture your ships, just like Japan and Korea have just done.
Poor dreamer , you think your copied J-xxx fighter is better than USAF ??We don't have war yet , and PLAAF already shot hershelf down :lol:

That was a Xian JH-7, not J-XXX and only two recorded crashes on those particular planes so far. On 19 July 2009 during "Peace Mission 2009" and on 14 October 2011, during an air show.

I don't think he was comparing us with USAF, no one is ahead of America in aviation. He was merely stating that the damage caused would be far greater now than it was 50+ years ago. Chinese technology now is far more superior than post WWII America's.
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