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Video released declaring hard revenge for Solemani Assassination

No we actually fought 4 wars over Kashmir in the last 70 years but all I see stupid chest thumping of Mullahs in your case and no action.

yeah but ur also pretty good at listening to America and bashing ur neighbour Nd fellow Muslims. I’m not gunna say it but I know why Sum of u guys have so much against ur neighbours. It’s a pity that those kinda things decide ur viewpoints. Don’t bring Kashmir up . You are insulting ur cause. Kashmir is also sacred to me , but I don’t go to ur page nd bash u ppl for failing to conquer it do I? Iranian Muslims care about Kashmir more than most other state. Don’t insult Kashmir by putting it here in ur contemptible hate mongering . We not against u ppl Nd never make statements insulting ur struggle
A Bangladeshi accusing Pakistan of betraying fellow Muslims by siding with the non-Muslim enemy? Talk about pot calling the kettle black!

Pakistanis are our brothers. You are doing exactly wat u do out on the real world. Every once can see my statement here, so don’t put false narrative. CHERUB IS A JEWISH WORD. So why don’t u take urself sumwhere else. You show up like a bad stench Nd sow discord amongst ppl.
Im an Iranian too. Who are u cherub? You think we don’t know who u are ? U and ur damn Kerubim? I can’t see ur flag in here but my bet is ur a CONTEMPTIBLE CANADIAN JEW? Get outta here. You guys are exposed

Bangladeshi-Iranian? What a strange mixture. Anyways I'm not a Jew, I'm a Muslim الحمد لله
But your remarks reveal your racist, anti-Semitic, evil mindset
Bangladeshi-Iranian? What a strange mixture. Anyways I'm not a Jew, I'm a Muslim الحمد لله
But your remarks reveal your racist, anti-Semitic, evil mindset

Hahahaha you are one of us now ? What will u be tomorrow? Everyone knows who u are .you are a damn Zionist, anyone can look at ur damn posts. There are hundreds of ur posts in here . All you do is write propaganda in favour of Israel and do ur divide and conquer dirty work.
Actually, it's an English word. Jewish isn't a language. Please educate yourself. Start with Wikipedia if you can't afford to enroll in college courses.

Yeah Cherubim is an English word? You think I don’t know Hebrew letters and words? I know , we Iranians know all that we must about our enemies. We know more about Hebrew than u do, a lot of the people even study Kabbalah. Did u know that?
Yeah Cherubim is an English word? You think I don’t know Hebrew letters and words? I know , we Iranians know all that we must about our enemies. We know more about Hebrew than u do, a lot of the people even study Kabbalah. Did u know that?
It is from akkadian.

A cherub (/ˈtʃɛrəb/;[1] plural cherubim; Hebrew: כְּרוּב‎ kərūv, pl. כְּרוּבִים kərūvîm, likely borrowed from a derived form of Akkadian: karābu "to bless" such as kāribu "one who blesses
Yeah Cherubim is an English word? You think I don’t know Hebrew letters and words? I know , we Iranians know all that we must against our enemies. We know more about Hebrew than u do, a lot of the people even study Kabbalah. Did u know that?

Oh, if you know so much about Hebrew why don't you know that there is no letter "ch" as in "chuck" in the Hebrew language?
A cherub is the English word for the type of Angel that is holding the Throne of Allah, from the Hebrew word Kerub (plural Kerubim) and the Arabic word Kurub (plural Kurubiyyin). See, you didn't know that Cherub isn't just a Jewish concept, its an Islamic one too!
Oh, if you know so much about Hebrew why don't you know that there is no letter "ch" as in "chuck" in the Hebrew language?
A cherub is the English word for the type of Angel that is holding the Throne of Allah, from the Hebrew word Kerub (plural Kerubim) and the Arabic word Kurub (plural Kurubiyyin). See, you didn't know that Cherub isn't just a Jewish concept, its an Islamic one too!

Listen little knower, I know the word. I know how the 8th letter of the Hebrew albhabet Chet is pronounced. I know it’s shape , i know the symbolism of the letter itself and it’s numeric qualities. I have studied Kabbalah intensively for the past 8 yrs. Nd intensive means intensive. Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, Hebrew alphabet , everything. I’m not anti Semite. I have huge respect for ancient Hebrews (real Israelites), those who made a covenant with god and followed its commandment. You know who I try to follow in my day to day life other than our great Prophet (saws)? KING DAVID of Israel. But the Israelis of today are not true Israelites, They are not the Descendants of the Hebrews who migrated with Moses to The promised land.

Heck they are not even Semites. They are not ethnic Hebrews. Only ethnic Hebrews can be determined as a true Israelite. And those who claim to be Israelis are JEWISH CONVERTS FROM EASTERN EUROPE. With absolutely no ties to the Hebrew bloodlines. So keep it shut. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JEWISH CONVERT AND AN ISRAELITE. A Jewish convert can never be qualified as an Israelite. Nd don’t try to preach me on Judaism, I know about it more than u think. Nd I know about people like you
Heck they are not even Semites. They are not ethnic Hebrews. Only ethnic Hebrews can be determined as a true Israelite. And those who claim to be Israelis are JEWISH CONVERTS FROM EASTERN EUROPE. With absolutely no ties to the Hebrew bloodlines. So keep it shut. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JEWISH CONVERT AND AN ISRAELITE. A Jewish convert can never be qualified as an Israelite. Nd don’t try to preach me on Judaism, I know about it more than u think. Nd I know about people like you

How foolish of you to deny bonafide genetic studies on the subject which reveal that the Ashkenazi Jews are extremely close, genetically, to other Semitic groups of the Middle East, especially the Cohens who have meticulously preserved their lineage. In fact, the Eastern European Jews are genetically closer to the Palestinian Jews 2000 years ago than the Sayyids of India/Pakistan are to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Arabs of western Arabia 15 centuries ago. Genetic studies actually reveal that Sayyids/Saadaat of India/Pakistan are basically Indians with most of their DNA being Indic, which means if they are descendants of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم they have huge admixture and their ancestors intermarried to a massive degree, unlike the Jews of Europe.
How foolish of you to deny bonafide genetic studies on the subject which reveal that the Ashkenazi Jews are extremely close, genetically, to other Semitic groups of the Middle East, especially the Cohens who have meticulously preserved their lineage. In fact, the Eastern European Jews are genetically closer to the Palestinian Jews 2000 years ago than the Sayyids of India/Pakistan are to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Arabs of western Arabia 15 centuries ago. Genetic studies actually reveal that Sayyids/Saadaat of India/Pakistan are basically Indians with most of their DNA being Indic, which means if they are descendants of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم they have huge admixture and their ancestors intermarried to a massive degree, unlike the Jews of Europe.

Look at this Zionist bringing up the Sayyeds here and comparing them to fake Israelites Nd saying fake Israelis from khazaria are closer to Palestinian Jews. Hahaha , finally exposed. Who conducted the study? You know who are the leftovers of the real Hebrew / Israelites? The Pashtuns. And I’m proud to say I have that in my DNA Too :D :D. It’s very important to know where u come from ,see ? Who conducted the Ashkenazi studies ? Sum Ashkenazi research institute with a Zionist executive, with ashkenazi scientists? Look at the facts Nd statistics from all the sources. They ain’t even 10% semites. Whilst the Pashtuns and Yousufzais are descendants of the surviving Tribe of Israelites
Israelis from khazaria

Absolutely zero evidence of the debunked Khazar theory. Khazars were a Turkic people. There isn't even a single word in Yiddish language that is of Turkic origin, which demolishes your theory of them being descendants of a Turkic tribe. Genetic studies also reveal Ashkenazi Jews are not Turkic but Semitic.

You know who are the leftovers of the real Hebrew / Israelites? The Pashtuns.

My God, man, give me a break:omghaha::omghaha:
Another old, debunked theory that has absolutely no linguistic or genetic evidence

It’s very important to know where u come from ,see ?

Well, where do you come from, because I'm genuinely confused, sometimes your Bangladeshi, sometimes your Iranian, sometimes your Pashtun, please make up your mind

Who conducted the Ashkenazi studies ? Sum Ashkenazi research institute with a Zionist executive, with ashkenazi scientists?

There's just no point in arguing with a conspiracy theorist such as yourself. Every evidence that is presented will be dismissed as a Zionist conspiracy LOL
How foolish of you to deny bonafide genetic studies on the subject which reveal that the Ashkenazi Jews are extremely close, genetically, to other Semitic groups of the Middle East, especially the Cohens who have meticulously preserved their lineage. In fact, the Eastern European Jews are genetically closer to the Palestinian Jews 2000 years ago than the Sayyids of India/Pakistan are to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Arabs of western Arabia 15 centuries ago. Genetic studies actually reveal that Sayyids/Saadaat of India/Pakistan are basically Indians with most of their DNA being Indic, which means if they are descendants of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم they have huge admixture and their ancestors intermarried to a massive degree, unlike the Jews of Europe.
Absolutely zero evidence of the debunked Khazar theory. Khazars were a Turkic people. There isn't even a single word in Yiddish language that is of Turkic origin, which demolishes your theory of them being descendants of a Turkic tribe. Genetic studies also reveal Ashkenazi Jews are not Turkic but Semitic.

My God, man, give me a break:omghaha::omghaha:
Another old, debunked theory that has absolutely no linguistic or genetic evidence

Well, where do you come from, because I'm genuinely confused, sometimes your Bangladeshi, sometimes your Iranian, sometimes your Pashtun, please make up your mind

There's just no point in arguing with a conspiracy theorist such as yourself. Every evidence that is presented will be dismissed as a Zionist conspiracy LOL

Exactly as I mentioned to the Zionist. Liars and old tricks of deception . Also read the last line where they specifically say JEWISH CONVERTS, which is where my argument of them not being real ISRAELITES is based on. Everyone knows these facts. But look at how he said the opposite about the Ashkenazi. Knowing full well the truth. “Make the lie big, make it short and keep saying it , eventually they will believe you” - ADOLF HITLER. Long known deceptive tactics of zionists. You have been marauding around making fun of Iran and Lebanon. Today is ur judgement. Today u get exposed by a GOD fearing man.

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