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Video released declaring hard revenge for Solemani Assassination

Iran already do us proud by being the first to prove US is paper Tiger in 30years , directly attack US base with ballistic missile and can get away from it.

The humiliated US dare not hit back.
And by a organization (IRGC) that they themselves branded ''terrorist''. According to their own laws they MUST have responded.
Shows it is all a political clownery.
Wasn't "Inteqam e Sakht" already been taken?
No we were clear about it from the first day .. the next morning after missile strike against american base in Iraq the leader said:
"Of course, they received a slap in the face last night, but this is different. ... Regarding confrontation, what is important is that the presence of the US in the region – which leads to corruption - will come to an end and such military moves do not suffice.They have started wars in this region. They have brought about discord, sedition and destruction. They have caused infrastructures to be destroyed."
And back then ameican were all alert ... but what they did can not remained not responded ...
Nothing but BS, iranians lost their chance after airline shooting, now if they go for any high value target of US, expect at least one less big mullah.
i see coming bad smell plz next time wash that hell hole before speaking its kill us and then go to some sea or river put that smelly horrible hole in that (bad for that sea it getting all dirty) maybe works if not burning up the see or boiling that poor sea
i see coming bad smell plz next time wash that hell hole before speaking its kill us and then go to some sea or river put that smelly horrible hole in that (bad for that sea it getting all dirty) maybe works if not burning up the see or boiling that poor sea

I wont get personal wid u, but please first teach your military to identify between civil and military targets on radar. Or you will lose will ur toys in friendly fire.
the real inteqam sakht could have been taken by now by signing the pending draft with the Chinese.. Maybe Iran is waiting to see if Democrats come back in power and they can re negotiate new deals with them..well they are not coming back..
I wont get personal wid u, but please first teach your military to identify between civil and military targets on radar. Or you will lose will ur toys in friendly fire.
Just like how the US shot down Iranian airliner ? Shit happens. Now man up and show your true flags you subhuman. You are a cockroach infront Aryan Iran.
Wasn't "Inteqam e Sakht" already been taken?

According to the liberal defeatist Rohani administration, more precisely their Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, yes - that's what he implied when following the missile strike on Ayn Assad, he claimed Iran's retaliation was complete. According to other officials including the Supreme Leader however, no. The latter labelled the Ayn Assad operation a mere "slap" and said Iran's retaliation will include the expulsion of US forces from the region.

However, the video in the OP is not a statement from officials, it was created by a low-profile private foundation. The title is misleading and is basically recycling anti-Iranian propaganda from US "think tank" analysts.

Their reaction told us everything. At first I was a bit hesitant with all their talk(that they might do something big, blood for blood) but their reply showed us they were all talk and no walk. They might target some poor US civilians and call it even but don't think they have the balls to go after the establishment or the US elite.

1) You're commenting on a thread with an erroneous, misleading title. Whatever "talk" you attribute to the video, does not stem from Iranian state officials but from a low-profile, private foundation, in other words from regular citizens expressing their personal wishes.

2) The targeting of civilians does not form part of Iranian policy. As opposed to the US regime which not only has a long, long record of conscious and deliberate mass murder of civilians (from Hiroshima/Nagasaki to the slaughter of 500,000 Iraqi newborns and children during more than a decade of sanctions in the 1990s, mass slaughter which Secretary of State Madeleine Albright publicly considered "worth it" on CNN).

3) High ranking members of the US armed forces responsible for large scale terror attacks against Iranian civilians have in the past not been safe from retaliatory operations, including on US soil itself - unless of course we are to believe Washington regime propaganda invoking the possibility of a huge "coincidence" whereby some random subject was harboring a deep grudge against William C. Rogers (former commander of the USS Vincennes which shot down an Iranian civilian airliner on July 3, 1988, killing all passengers on board), as a result of which the minivan registered to Rogers' first and last name was blown up by a pipe bomb in San Diego, nine months after the missile attack on Iran Air flight 655.

Nine months after the downing of Iran Air Flight 655, on the morning of March 10, 1989, Rogers' wife Sharon escaped uninjured when a pipe bomb exploded and set fire to her minivan as she sat stopped at a red light across the street from the University Towne Center shopping mall in San Diego. The van was registered in the name of Will Rogers III,


I doubt they are willing or able to kill a top-ranking US official. It’s all a showboat for domestic politics.

Iran is pretty much capable of such operations. Read this:

Nine months after the downing of Iran Air Flight 655, on the morning of March 10, 1989, Rogers' wife Sharon escaped uninjured when a pipe bomb exploded and set fire to her minivan as she sat stopped at a red light across the street from the University Towne Center shopping mall in San Diego. The van was registered in the name of Will Rogers III,


In the present instance however, Iranian officials have not hinted at any plans to retaliate against US officials. Rather, they suggested that their retaliation shall ultimately result in the expulsion of US occupation forces from the region. So no targeting of specific US officials, but various actions and policies aimed at making Yankee troops leave Western Asia.

Bear in mind the thread we are posting in has an erroneous, misleading title that basically rehashes the words of professional US-based anti-Iran propagandists.

Nothing but BS, iranians lost their chance after airline shooting, now if they go for any high value target of US, expect at least one less big mullah.

The thread title is incorrect and misleading. No Iranian official ever claimed nor suggested that individual US high value targets are going to be suppressed. The video you are commenting on was authored by private citizens, therefore it has no official value whatsoever.

IRGC general Salaami in an interview on state TV announced that high ranking US officers would be eliminated only if the regime in Washington continued to assassinate Iranian commanders.

Other than that, what the Islamic Revolution's Supreme Leader promised was a policy that would aim to make US occupation forces pack up and vacate their bases accross the region, which is not to be confused with the suppression of individual high value targets.

Looks like Trump will be assassinated.

Source: illuminati playing card

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Well one of the reasons US "analysts" like to spread this sort of misinformation about Iran's intentions (like the claim that "Iran" released a video showing Trump and other US officials in crosshairs, when in fact Iran did no such thing, the video being actually the work of private Iranian citizens etc) is because they want to hold open the option of falsely blaming any hypthetical assassination of Trump on Iran, should the oligarchic behind-the-scenes mafia running the US (so-called "deep state" + banksters + zionist lobby + masonry) ever decide to take out their fake-oppositionist orange muppet.

the real inteqam sakht could have been taken by now by signing the pending draft with the Chinese.. Maybe Iran is waiting to see if Democrats come back in power and they can re negotiate new deals with them..well they are not coming back..

Iran as a whole is not putting any hope in such a scenario, only liberal currents (reformists + centrists) within the IR establishment are.

Everybody else is acting on the premise that both Republicans and Democrats are pursuing the exact same goal with regards to Iran, namely disarmament and end of support to regional allies, in other words causing Iran to forego any and all deterrence power it enjoys as a prelude to its destruction and balkanization (either through direct military aggression or through the propping up of internal armed opposition and incitement of civil war following the Syrian model).

Actually dozens of leading Democrat figures in an open letter to Trump explicitly insisted on the fact that they and the current Republican administration are pursuing completely identical objectives when it comes to Iran. Their difference lies solely in what means they consider appropriate and productive for reaching said objectives.

While the Trump regime and its Likudnik masters in Tel Aviv are betting on raw coercion, their Democrat and liberal zionist colleagues are of the conviction that such a policy will be counterproductive and that ruse is required to have Iran dig its own grave by stregthening the hand of the defeatist liberal faction inside Iran thanks to fake smiles and false promises like Obama did.

On a different level of analysis, both these components of the US and zionist regimes pretty much act in unison, because chronologically speaking their seemingly "opposed" policies always perfectly feed and build upon each other. In that sense, the zio-Americans never take a step back in dealing with their adversaries, so-called "democratic" change of administration notwithstanding; in fact they steadily work towards the same goal, only step by step and by investing all possible channels of action.

Lest we forget that between Bush sr, Clinton and Bush jr, each US administration logically followed up on the destructive results of its predecessor's actions against Iraq until finally the neocon cabal dealt a death blow to the Iraqi nation in the early 2000s. The very same logic is at play against Iran. We are dealing with masters of pseudo "democratic" Potemkin village dialectics.

But as long as the Supreme Leader, the IRGC, forces loyal to the original values of the 1979 Revolution aided by authentic, clear-sighted patriots from other ideological backgrounds are alive and well, defeatist liberals within the IR establishment are not going to have their way and will not be able to deliver their nation on a silver platter to the zio-American predators yearning for the outright destruction of Iran.
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Just like how the US shot down Iranian airliner ? Shit happens. Now man up and show your true flags you subhuman. You are a cockroach infront Aryan Iran.

Now you cant compare vincennes incident wid ur modern day "highly advanced" iranian air defence dont you. Shit happens, but thats what differniate between professional and amateur just like your words.
Their reaction told us everything. At first I was a bit hesitant with all their talk(that they might do something big, blood for blood) but their reply showed us they were all talk and no walk. They might target some poor US civilians and call it even but don't think they have the balls to go after the establishment or the US elite. They know their place in this world.

How wud ur country respond? You ppl are the real TALKERS. You have been subservient to America ur whole life and never had the guts to stand up once. And wen ppl put those in ur face u talk about dealing strategically. You deal with things strategically because ur tails are already between ur legs the very first second that America roars at u.
And btw it’s good to be back everyone , Unfortunately I was put into prison by the ottomans a week back(Banned). Solitary confinement for a week in the ottoman jail. Now I’m back.
Does the video includes shooting down the airliner and killing of Syrian shepherds?
How about u take a stand for once? You guys are pretty good at sitting at the back with ur tail between ur legs Nd comment on men who are actually fighting.
No we actually fought 4 wars over Kashmir in the last 70 years but all I see stupid chest thumping of Mullahs in your case and no action.
Soleimani was a war criminal and a terrorist. The man was seriously dangerous. It's good the US liquidated him when they did, he was about to become the de facto leader of Iran, if you think the Mullas are crazy, imagine that country run by a maniacal, cold blooded killer, a fanatical hawk, and a bloodthirsty sectarian

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