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Video of the two pilots that ejected

No , sikhs don't wear turban while flying indian jets .


I am sure anyone can spot a Sikh individual.

Btw, where has the BS Dhanoa disappeared like pippin?

Bloody hell, where the hell he is? Is he ok? Now I am getting worried.
there is a video on your side of kashmir.pilot wasn't moving,burned wreckage.why your media hide it? locals made the video and it's a proof that it's your su-30.
Locals were Kashmiris that would defintely pass the info to our medias.
And our forces themselves agreed tge bombing of PAF even if they had the chance to cover it

being highly patriotic, but i think i m starting to agree with you, unless paf or ispr give us a damn clearance of its f16-b or maybe f16- D, however they left us to debate , defend and in confusion, its a different time now, its a digital world now , i think our air chief should come forward to clarify .
from imran khan to ispr , all are saying we shot down 2 MIGs , non mentioned su30.

AFAIK they said only two jets ,it was our side that said one was Mig 21.
This was an aerial warfare between professionals Air Forces
So casualities will happen.And on our side we cant afford to hide the loss, if there is any, be it Mig or be it Su.
Our establishments will royally screw our Govt .
Oh yes we know india is not Pakistan...indians return a prisoner who died in under their custody as a peace offering...THAT alone shows we arent alike!

Stop trolling your fake news....

Care to tell me the reason for my negative rating instead of answering my legitimate questions? Are you a coward for trying to shut me down then? I stand by my point. I asked perfectly legitimate questions without insulting anyone. And this is how a "unbiased" mod treats?

Of course, why wouldnt they? After all India was chasing a made in China cheap tin can of a jet, which Indians can bring down by merely thinking about it. Indians were dreaming till we slapped them out of their dreams.

Yes you are not. We exactly know Indians, Indians are like a delusional handicap who first shits in his pants and then upon smelling the stench thinks of roses, so save your pathetic zingers. Nor your 56inch chest nincompoop of PM nor you are any good at it.

Whatever you might say, we do not disown our soldiers. Hell we gave burial to your soldiers in 1999 cos Pakistan shamelessly denied them as theirs. This is the worst decision a country can give its martyrs and Pakistan was exactly that.
Second India is bigger than Modi. With or without Modi India will survive.
THis moron
Pravin Sawhney always abuses Indian military , nothing new in it and goes on free junket to Pakistan . I guess he is ISI funded .


Locals were Kashmiris that would defintely pass the info to our medias.
And our forces themselves agreed tge bombing of PAF even if they had the chance to cover it

AFAIK they said only two jets ,it was our side that said one was Mig 21.
This was an aerial warfare between professionals Air Forces
So casualities will happen.And on our side we cant afford to hide the loss, if there is any, be it Mig or be it Su.
Our establishments will royally screw our Govt .

i like your understanding on this topic.i hope both governments will reveal the truth.
Good for you then...you can sleep tight...

Isn't it amazing Pakistan happy cuz it has the pilot, India happy cuz they disowned him?
Sarcasm fail.

Whatever you might say, we do not disown our soldiers. Hell we gave burial to your soldiers in 1999 cos Pakistan shamelessly denied them as theirs. This is the worst decision a country can give its martyrs and Pakistan was exactly that.
Second India is bigger than Modi. With or without Modi India will survive.

Morse bluster, again. Yeah but you know for one thing India will never be big enough? Overly inflated sense of self worth that India and Indians are suffering from.
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Locals were Kashmiris that would defintely pass the info to our medias.
And our forces themselves agreed tge bombing of PAF even if they had the chance to cover it

AFAIK they said only two jets ,it was our side that said one was Mig 21.
This was an aerial warfare between professionals Air Forces
So casualities will happen.And on our side we cant afford to hide the loss, if there is any, be it Mig or be it Su.
Our establishments will royally screw our Govt .
No sir they did not agree please stop lying they said that we have chased them out. They then said that "all our pilots are accounted for" Then they said Pakistan claims that they have a pilot. We have yet to identify it. Then they said one Mig21 was shot down and one F16 shot down. Then next day's night presser said yes they targeted military installations but the bomb fell in the compound. Bullshit! Pakistan had already said one whole day before that we have struck close to but not on military administrative posts to demonstrate that we can also do it in self defense. Bhai jan if you go back one day when DGISPR claimed Indian hastily dropped payload. He said that it is incorrect that India did not target civilian areas and it was luck that the bombs fell in open spaces. On this basis he projected that the attack was not as Indians were narrating and thus Pakistan reserves the right to strike back at a time of its choosing

Soutik Biswas wrote for BBC
"Consider this. India struck Pakistan in the middle of the night in what was a retaliatory action for the attack in Pulwama on 14 February in which more than 40 Indian troops were killed. Pakistan's response was swift and audacious, striking India in broad daylight the next day."

Please do not give the crap of accountability in India. Up till now the government has not given answers to the media and the opposition parties. Instead labeling them traitors. The Indian Triservice presser did not take any questions because there is no accountability. Modi was left off the hook for Gujrat Riots, there was no accountability, Afzal Guru was hanged for parliament attack he was denied representation and no evidence was provide except for he said she said, there was no accountability, Babri Masjid case, no evidence of Ram mandir found, no evidence of its destruction to build the mosque in the first place, animal bones and other glaring facts all provided, the courts made a wise decision for communal harmony but did not acknowledge the fault of those hindu extremists and did not acknowledge that the steps were made for communal harmony. Thus giving those extremist a chance to claim victory. Do you like to rub this in your face? Why keep lying 1 Mig21 is down pilot captured end of story no Su30 no F16. Lets stay with facts. Frankly I find this 12jet 24jet indian story bullshit. No way such a large group can wantonly fly around without arousing suspicion.
Mig that fe
Lol. Pakistan would have made this opportunity a spectacle. Infact it would have given ammunition to Indian public and politicians to stop the war if the 2nd Pilot had indeed died or still in Pakistan captivity. That video was also claims it was Pak aircraft which was shot down. And some wreckage with some serial numbers and Army CO in images surfaced recently.

ISPR claimed 2 pilots have been arrested. One in custody (Abhi) and another in hospital?! So who is the second one? Was he mistakenly beaten by Pakistani locals? IAF never disowns its soldiers unlike Pakistan Army. Hell we were even fighting for Kulbushan Jadhav. My assumptions and also of many is that, ISPR hurridly made announcements for some bragging rights, which it has of course, then realised its mistake and then corrected to one pilot without explanation. If a pilot is missing in India, their family would have been on the streets protesting along with political parties scoring brownie points in a election season. A pilot is a officer and he/she cannot be made disappeared. However I suspect the Pakistani pilot might be injured and not dead as reported in some websites. If he is indeed dead then its hard for Pakistan to control such news and even then wont be surprised if it managed to did so.

You are missing the term arrested.

0:11 This baba ji is saying the pilot he caught was a Sikh. Abhi isn't a Sikh and was caught by the guy in a brown leather jacket. Where's the Sikh pilot at?
The Location seems different then where abhi was arrested.
The mountains and crowd looks different, something has happened there need to find more from locals.
You are missing the term arrested.

The Location seems different then where abhi was arrested.
The mountains and crowd looks different, something has happened there need to find more from locals.
I noticed the mountains too.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/03/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

Indian paramilitary troops in Srinagar in Kashmir this month. Sixty-eight percent of the army’s equipment is so old that it is officially considered “vintage.”CreditTauseef Mustafa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Right now its the front page top most story at NY Times!
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/03/world/asia/india-military-united-states-china.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

After India Loses Dogfight to Pakistan, Questions Arise About Its ‘Vintage’ Military

Indian paramilitary troops in Srinagar in Kashmir this month. Sixty-eight percent of the army’s equipment is so old that it is officially considered “vintage.”CreditTauseef Mustafa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Right now its the front page top most story at NY Times!
militarily india has not advanced much it is only allowed to survive because banya licked the right white balls! whenever india is under threat white master comes to indis aid and these baboons carry on beating their chests!
The Indian government, finally, today, after days of claiming that the Balakot strikes had killed ‘a large number of Jaish terrorists’, admitted that there were zero casualties in the Balakot airstrikes.

It took irrefutable evidence (reports from multiple reputable international and Pakistani news organizations and sat imagery analysis) for the Indian government to finally stop claiming it had inflicted casualties in the Balakot strikes. It’s going to take nothing less (conclusive imagery of the wreckage of the second IAF fighter) for the GoI to accept that. Modi has too much to lose.
The Indian government, finally, today, after days of claiming that the Balakot strikes had killed ‘a large number of Jaish terrorists’, admitted that there were zero casualties in the Balakot airstrikes.

It took irrefutable evidence (reports from multiple reputable international and Pakistani news organizations and sat imagery analysis) for the Indian government to finally stop claiming it had inflicted casualties in the Balakot strikes. It’s going to take nothing less (conclusive imagery of the wreckage of the second IAF fighter) for the GoI to accept that. Modi has too much to lose.
I reiterated on other threads that John Bolton wants to prepare India against the China threat. He pitched the Indians against us and they got quite the beating. Now as major publications are pointing out; their machinery and personnel are not up to par against a smaller nation.
There will be a major push from the USA to sell its weapons to India in the meanwhile; and as Modi stated, they need the Rafale jets; so we know where this is going.
Oh and F-16 saga? The Americans are over the moon over that their weapons platform outperformed Soviet Su30's; and they're probably running through the engagement data. They didn't provide us the AIM 120's for shooting down Taliban paper planes did they.
The Indian government, finally, today, after days of claiming that the Balakot strikes had killed ‘a large number of Jaish terrorists’, admitted that there were zero casualties in the Balakot airstrikes.

It took irrefutable evidence (reports from multiple reputable international and Pakistani news organizations and sat imagery analysis) for the Indian government to finally stop claiming it had inflicted casualties in the Balakot strikes. It’s going to take nothing less (conclusive imagery of the wreckage of the second IAF fighter) for the GoI to accept that. Modi has too much to lose.

No sir they did not agree please stop lying they said that we have chased them out. They then said that "all our pilots are accounted for" Then they said Pakistan claims that they have a pilot. We have yet to identify it. Then they said one Mig21 was shot down and one F16 shot down. Then next day's night presser said yes they targeted military installations but the bomb fell in the compound. Bullshit! Pakistan had already said one whole day before that we have struck close to but not on military administrative posts to demonstrate that we can also do it in self defense. Bhai jan if you go back one day when DGISPR claimed Indian hastily dropped payload. He said that it is incorrect that India did not target civilian areas and it was luck that the bombs fell in open spaces. On this basis he projected that the attack was not as Indians were narrating and thus Pakistan reserves the right to strike back at a time of its choosing

Soutik Biswas wrote for BBC
"Consider this. India struck Pakistan in the middle of the night in what was a retaliatory action for the attack in Pulwama on 14 February in which more than 40 Indian troops were killed. Pakistan's response was swift and audacious, striking India in broad daylight the next day."

Please do not give the crap of accountability in India. Up till now the government has not given answers to the media and the opposition parties. Instead labeling them traitors. The Indian Triservice presser did not take any questions because there is no accountability. Modi was left off the hook for Gujrat Riots, there was no accountability, Afzal Guru was hanged for parliament attack he was denied representation and no evidence was provide except for he said she said, there was no accountability, Babri Masjid case, no evidence of Ram mandir found, no evidence of its destruction to build the mosque in the first place, animal bones and other glaring facts all provided, the courts made a wise decision for communal harmony but did not acknowledge the fault of those hindu extremists and did not acknowledge that the steps were made for communal harmony. Thus giving those extremist a chance to claim victory. Do you like to rub this in your face? Why keep lying 1 Mig21 is down pilot captured end of story no Su30 no F16. Lets stay with facts. Frankly I find this 12jet 24jet indian story bullshit. No way such a large group can wantonly fly around without arousing suspicion.

Why you need to reject the bombing part of PAF ?
IAF officially gives you a score ,enjoy with that .
MEA didnt have info at first about Mig 21 ,so they rejected it but later agreed because IAF info them

If all your 3 rd para was right ,then where did that two another chute came ?
Which was that twin seat jet .?
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