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Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

He, his friends, and the police officers should be given harsh punishments and heavy fines.

Man deserves lifetime in prison, and lady should be provided for from his income and the state.
In Pakistan most divorces in big cities are filed by women

The statistics of all divorce cases from the subcontinent point out that it is the women how file the case and it is disproportionately high compared to men. Yet it is very difficult for our women from the subcontinent to come out of wedlock, especially when there is no physical/moral support from friends and family. EU and America is a different case.
The statistics of all divorce cases from the subcontinent point out that it is the women how file the case and it is disproportionately high compared to men. Yet it is very difficult for our women from the subcontinent to come out of wedlock, especially when there is no physical/moral support from friends and family. EU and America is a different case.

We have different cultures, there is not that much commonality in the social issues between Pakistan, India, BD, Sri Lanka.

Blanket statement about an imagined full subcontinent culture is totally missing the mark.

I think in this aspect we are closer to Arabs and Iran.

Some men abused their power and authority to demean women against their own faith, the government should take swift and heavy action.

It is both a human rights issue (abuse) and an Islamic issue (vulgarity/forced dancing.)
It's Time to make.him dance in the same way just as he wanted to make his wife dance .tit.4 tat

Girls nowdays reject decent guys who r from middle class and fall for rich Playboy types of boys who do all types of nasty stuff
The statistics of all divorce cases from the subcontinent point out that it is the women how file the case and it is disproportionately high compared to men. Yet it is very difficult for our women from the subcontinent to come out of wedlock, especially when there is no physical/moral support from friends and family. EU and America is a different case.
Even in secular US, 70% women file for divorce. This is alarming trend and one of the factors why a proportion of American men are reluctant to marry anymore.

Who wants to throw his hard-earned assets into dustbin for the 'mera jism, meri marzi' types?

#Freedom of expression - for productive set-of-behaviors only. Not for selfishness, irresponsibility and immorality.
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If what you say is true why are Afghan and Arab women are treated as crap ??
Its based on your understanding of crap ... and the reason of your lack of understanding of our culture and religion ...

For you veil is crap and restricting women for us it is respectful to women ... Most of our women do it willingly unlike the popular belief of west that it is a restriction of women ... No it is a choice of our women to please Allah as per our belief system but it never restrict them from education or persuing a career ...

One of the wife of our Prophet (SAW) bibi Aisha (R.A) had led war and adopted the profession of teaching but she remained in veil while doing this ...

Unfortunately west and your media always keep on focusing on a small minority who do not want to follow the teachings of Islam ... We can always find such people in every society ... Dont you have American who curse America as a tyrant country ?
If what you say is true why are Afghan and Arab women are treated as crap ??

Not all of them are, that's just a western generalisation.
Plenty of western women are treated like crap too. I mean you guys just recently had the "me too" movement where the women got tired of being sexually assaulted in your society... and that's just one example.
Whatever is the background of this sad story, nobody has the right to torture and no right to torture woman, even she is his wife.

Second point is why Police asked 5000 RPs ?

At least an inquiry should be done and then if husband found to be innocent, then file a complain against the woman. BUt if what the woman said is true and nobody take care, tomorrow we will have her blood on our hand till the Final Judgment !And we will have to pay it !

And what will you do if the woman (may Allah protect from this kind of men) is your sister ?


5,000rs is nothing ....the police in Pakistan are zaalim...for many this is only a salary and their real earning is the extra they make from extortion.

I know policemen on SP/SHO posts who also property dealers.

Then we say ‘why can’t we get justice?’

You cannot see the problem, can you? Who said we cannot allow a woman what she does and does not want? - but this freedom is OK for productive set-of-behaviors only. Being selfish and immoral is productive? Muslims are supposed to take a stand against spread of immorality, and discourage self-destructive behaviors, because selfish and immoral people will not only hurt themselves but others as well.

In this case, you can notice the fruits of immorality. It destroyed not one but two marriages - of the same woman. The wife in this case was married with children when she met this liberal guy who somehow woeed her or honey-trapped her and she left her previous husband for him. Looks like 'mera jism meri marzi' experiment went well for her. :rolleyes: And how her 2nd husband treated her is in front of everybody now. What about her kids? Would they forget everything? Would they turn productive at a later stage? They will be scarred for life.

I recall another case in which a happily married lady not only ruined her marriage, but her second marriage also failed. I feel sorry for her kids.

Once again, try to see the problem in proper light. Liberalism destroy societies because it encourage spread of immorality and/or degeneracy under the garb of 'mera jism, meri marzi'. White race is in decline worldwide due to liberalism - nothing else. For reference: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/chil...e-taught-abt-lgbt.610329/page-3#post-11316347

People can be selfish, ignorant, stupid, or mentally challenged, but Allah Almighty does not have imperfections - his wisdom is infinite. He has created mankind and he knows what is best for mankind in the long-term. Why not take some time to study Holy Quran yourself? You can find free-of-cost translations on the web.


golden words ...but I fear our nation has already set out on this path of ‘freedom and liberalism’....you reap what u sow
ou cannot see the problem, can you? Who said we cannot allow a woman what she does and does not want? But Muslims are supposed to take a stand against spread of immorality, and discourage self-destructive behaviors.

In this case, you can notice the fruits of immorality. It destroyed not one but two marriages - of the same woman. Looks like 'mera jism meri marzi' experiment went well for her. :rolleyes:

The wife in this case was married with children when she met this liberal guy who somehow woeed her or honey-trapped her and she left her previous husband for him. And how this guy treated her is in front of you. Liberal mindset in the works.

I know a case in which a happily married lady not only ruined her first marriage but could not settle with another either. I feel sorry for her kids.

Once again, try to see the problem in proper light. Liberalism destroy societies because it encourage spread of immorality and/or degeneracy under the garb of 'mera jism, meri marzi'. White race is in decline worldwide due to liberalism - nothing else.
so when are Muslims going to take a stand against forced conversion, forced marriages, rapes etc?

the experiment went bad because apparently the dude had two faces, one to show to the world and the other to keep to himself. And I assure you mullahs tend to do the same. Did he follow "mera jism meri marzi" when he forced her to dance?

here you go again criticizing liberalism and liberals, the PM of NZ was a liberal that is why she did for the Muslims what she did, the Civil Society of Pakistan took up the case of Shahzeb
apparently it was these "liberals" who blew up and killed people, right?

Aurat March was heading in a terrible direction.
There is no way those quotes are justifiable.
Words are weapons, sometimes sound meaning reflect more than hidden meaning
The important part is how someone use it to public perception.

would you call your father , Ferymao mere Baap?
Not exactly , rather Walid Sahab , Abba g Fermayey, Baba Boleyey
instead of Bta muje Abba, or Boleyey Baba G

Apka, Tumhara , Tera , Tu
Walid, Baap, Maa Ka Shoher. ( Ma Da Khasam )
Bivi - Zouja ( Runn / Buddee in Punjabi )
Saala - Brother in Law

Not to be immodest , find below some poetry
One more example of public perception

"Tu Jhuk me Dalun Tere Galay me Phooloun ka haar
Tuje Dekh k Khra ho jaey , Mera Jazba e eesaar"

"Kothay Per Charh ker Laita tha me teri deed ka nazara
Bus Itna sa to hai mera maqsad e hayat"

Now those were some specimens of Vulgarized versions of poetry
Meaning wise they have no impact or point of understanding
Where you regard them vulgar but this poetry has been widely known
as comedic version of bad intended writing.
seriously people dont try to see the BG of the slogans do they?
every one of them has a story
and they represented the participants anger

"time to go back to the Kitchen" this joke has been repeated so much so many times, that aside from vulgar words, I would love to beat up people who made that joke.
Similarly the slogans represented the anger for the repeated events of rape, forced marriages etc that occurred

but the male ego is something that gets hurt too quick
This is what happens when you marry perverted folk who live and die for this world, and when you marry them for worldly reasons and gains and never check their link with their Creator. But then again, to check that you have to be a righeous soul yourself.
She should have gone for a divorce the first time this person asked her to do this stupidity.
It was obvious the guy was a pervert and who knows what else he might have been sharing of her with his fellows.

No, I wasn't mocking islam.
More like the Pakistani mentality which is reinforced by islam as an excuse.

But well, since we're talking halal... what about this guy? Is this halal?

This retard. Lol

Pakistani mentality which is reinforced by Islam? Or mentality of ignorants and their culture which wrongly gets linked to Islam? Or that of the ignorant monkeys who call themsleves Muslims and are yet far away from being anything close to a Muslim and just because they have some education they think they are some Einsteins and yet are the most ignorant and what some of us refer to us Educated Jahil awam of my country.
Do you have any idea what Islam has to say about the issues or have ever tried to do some research instead of taking hints from ignorant mullahs and taking their words on it?

Ignorance is definitely a bliss when it comes to folk like you, atleast save me from reading your ignorance and know what you are writing about before spewing it out when you have access to all information these days.
And if you read the comments, not a single person has written what you tried to project on the people out of your stupid mentality.

Here is some education for you if you wish to enlighten your empty mind for a bit...

If you have nothing better to say it’s better to say nothing at all.

Ignorant brains lacking in IQ are always loud, they project their mentality on to others and think everyone thinks in a certain way and yet its only them. But it takes courage to look at ones own darker self, weaklings are too afraid to walk that path...
seriously people dont try to see the BG of the slogans do they?
every one of them has a story
and they represented the participants anger

Nop They don't try to see Background of Slogans
Our Society is like Sheep , they follow public perception.

To make them understand your part of story
One must have to present the issue adequately
The protest in the west is not gonna sell here in Pakistan

The norms are different , culture is different.
Instead of absurd ( Frustrated & Tainted ) presentation.
If this protest was made by referring the quotes from Islam and Hadith
Masses of society would have appreciated and got concerned about.

Margin is thin difference , but makes huge impact.
I have tried to explain above same words with different meanings
with different prospective.

It matters a lot how you convince and provide awareness to general public
by your protest.
Instead of receiving LaanTaan on your serious issues form the masses of society.

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