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Video: IRGC Aerospace Air Defense Excercise

I think a new missile by the name of Sayyad-4 is expected for the Bavar-373 project to handle High altitude threats. Not much info is known about it though, and how maneuverable it is for Anti-BM threats. Again, if those Df-3's and Df-21's are at the level of sophistication of a Shahab-3 I don't expect much technological capability is need in the Sayyad-4 for endo-atmospheric interception.

True. Also bear in mind that to my knowledge, KSA can't overhaul them without foreign assistance. So their BM's are probably useless anyway. Further, their CEP is 500 metres, so that's precision out the window.
True. Also bear in mind that to my knowledge, KSA can't overhaul them without foreign assistance. So their BM's are probably useless anyway. Further, their CEP is 500 metres, so that's precision out the window.
China will gladly overhaul those missile for them ...
True. Also bear in mind that to my knowledge, KSA can't overhaul them without foreign assistance. So their BM's are probably useless anyway. Further, their CEP is 500 metres, so that's precision out the window.
I think that the fact that the saudis,despite having had the df3 in their possession for close to 30 years,have never even once test fired it speaks volumes about the saudi missile forces and their supposed capabilities.

China will gladly overhaul those missile for them ...
From what I heard the chinese had to send out teams to saudi twice a year just to do basic maintenance on the df3 as supposedly the saudis were incapable of doing even this task,which honestly doesnt surprise me at all.
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