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Video Gamers report in!

So who's the champion of Command and conquer and Stronghold series ! :azn:
Since were talkng games, Here an asset fr a DS Pf im creating ... spent 8-12 hrs on this baby.
Like it?

Anybody here a character /Lvl design artist ...im just started meddling with arts need some tips.
Battle Field 3 FTW!!

Can't wait for BF4 and it's "China Rising" expansion pack, lol.

stupid CoD clone....
Battlefield isn't Battlefield no more,its been CoD:Consolefield since Bad Company

Alas BF2,how quickly those days have ended....
stupid CoD clone....
Battlefield isn't Battlefield no more,its been CoD:Consolefield since Bad Company

Alas BF2,how quickly those days have ended....

Oh really.. CS was my initial all time favorite FPS and I didn't get into COD/BF until about 3 years ago. So I couldn't really comment on who cloned who.

I was a fan of COD:MW2, but then got hooked to BF:BC2, and stayed with BF ever since. Great game, great graphics, and 64 multiplayers server FTMFW!!

COD needs a new engine already, I think they're still stuck with the same old engine from MW2 which is 3years+ old.

So far, Frosbite2 has all my love :nana:
Gamer present SIR !!
okay FPS games are not as interesting as they were before this is my opinion, BF, COD and similar games are well losing my interest .. Getting in to RPG Genre more than FPS
Since were talkng games, Here an asset fr a DS Pf im creating ... spent 8-12 hrs on this baby.
Like it?
Anybody here a character /Lvl design artist ...im just started meddling with arts need some tips.

teach me zbrush its too complex
GTA players will know..

Oh really.. CS was my initial all time favorite FPS and I didn't get into COD/BF until about 3 years ago. So I couldn't really comment on who cloned who.

I was a fan of COD:MW2, but then got hooked to BF:BC2, and stayed with BF ever since. Great game, great graphics, and 64 multiplayers server FTMFW!!

COD needs a new engine already, I think they're still stuck with the same old engine from MW2 which is 3years+ old.

So far, Frosbite2 has all my love :nana:

CS all the way!! :D
Strategy gamer almost exclusively.

Games i'm digging or will in the near future.

Europa universalis 4
Rome total war 2
Diablo 3
Civ V;Brave new world
Hearts of iron 3;Their finest hour



For those who have PS3-GOD OF WAR 3.

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