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Video: Female Elite Police Commando force unit in Mansehra

Our nation daughter are learning very fast :pakistan::pakistan:
yes and i have also got this pic ...taken today ...
after our brave man getting their a$$ whooped by taliban and indian throughout history we are hoping to get some better result from female force...nice..:lol:
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Great to see women in action.
Our nation is going through a very tough time. Each one of us is a soldier in his own capacity.
Its upto this generation to bring peace and prosperity to this nation.
after our brave man getting their a$$ whooped by medieval taliban and indian throughout history we are hoping to get some better result from female force...nice..:lol:
What's that supposed to mean...maybe your a$$ was also screwed by Taliban no wonder I can feel pain for you.
Pakistan cannot afford sexism, especially in the army and police force. Unlike some other nations, it is in Pakistani interest to recruit females into it's security apparatus.
after our brave man getting their a$$ whooped by medieval taliban and indian throughout history we are hoping to get some better result from female force...nice..:lol:
so you think those coward people blowing themselves up in bz markets, killing 10 year old kids and blowing up empty schools make them terrorists brave? and those police officers who have taken bullets and bombs on their bodies to save asses of people like you are worth laughing at?? pathetic.
yes and i have also got this pic ...taken today ...

Mind Blowing. Pakistan being a Muslim country going in coherence with the repute. and taking in the face with Terrorists. eye opener for ppl who claimed IK is Talban Khan !
after our brave man getting their a$$ whooped by medieval taliban and indian throughout history we are hoping to get some better result from female force...nice..:lol:
Oh really you think so idiot
Mind Blowing. Pakistan being a Muslim country going in coherence with the repute. and taking in the face with Terrorists. eye opener for ppl who claimed IK is Talban Khan !
IK certainly loves women.:lol:
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