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Victims of Hindutvadi terrorism and anti-humanity : An elderly man and a professor


Jul 9, 2014
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These are two very recent incidents in India but this can be a mega thread but if you make contributions about new incidents please be rational, not religious extremist yourself and speak on a general pan-human level, something that can be understood by every human anywhere on Earth.

Incident 1, 2022-05-20 : An elderly Hindu man was lynched in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh by a BJP leader and his gang because they suspected him to be a Muslim. The elderly man was confused mostly because of his age and his confusion enraged the bhagwa criminals and they demanded identification card but he possibly didn't provide it because of his confused state so they lynched him. Updated : the vid below I got courtesy @StraightEdge :

Now the home minister of MP is Narottam Mishra who is an ugly, violent man usually going about with an aggressive Hindutvadi tikka ( vermilion powder smear ) on the forehead and he has before done criminal acts like arrest innocent people by even sending MP police to other states for the arrest because he and his gang deemed those people as having insulted Hinduism in some way. What would this violent home minister do now, now that his own party's criminals have done a lynching ? I will try to search for viral vid of the elderly man beaten roughed up the BJP thugs. I found this article about the same MP state where in January a dog came under the wheel of a truck. Later two dog lover thugs like @Sharma Ji went to the house of the truck driver and beat him up for daring to kill the holy dog. The driver's relatives says that the criminals hanged him after killing him. So in the BJP-ruled MP a bloody dog's death can be the reason to kill a human, as will a human be killed or arrested if he or she happens to be in few ticked clauses ( Muslim [ even a suspected one ], a progressive etc ). My commiserations for the two dead people ( the elderly man and the truck driver ) and may all the dogs in the world be eradicated.

Incident 2, 2022-05-20 : In Delhi Professor Ratan Lal of Hindu College, Delhi University was arrested by Delhi Police at 10:30 PM at his house. The professor was a Dalit, a community oppressed in the Indian Subcontinent for the last 3000 years and he preached the progressive and social reforming ideas of the legendary Bhimrao Ambedkar, the first law minister of India and the main drafter of India's constitution which is progressive to a good extent. Ambedkar had fought against the oppression of the Shudras and Dalits by the upper caste Hindus for decades and ultimately in 1956 converted to Buddhism in rejection of his born religion and in his idea of emancipation, publicly along with 365,000 of his followers. Professor Ratan Lal openly preached Ambedkar's ideas and that rankled the Hindutvadis obviously but his latest "crime" was that being knowledgeable about history he made an observation on Facebook about the supposed presence of a Shivling in the Gyanvapi mosque in Banaras where there is a big controversy going on where Hindutvadis claim that the mosque was forcibly built on top of a Hindu temple so should be given back to them. Professor Ratan Lal said that his observation was made in a considered and careful language. But Delhi Police arrested him. It should be pointed out that Delhi Police is commanded directly by the central home ministry and the central government of India is of the BJP since 2014 and Delhi Police has been notorious is being the gun-arm of the Hindutvadis, starting with arresting progressive students from JNU university in 2016, then entering JMI university in 2019 and attacking students including female students and leading to injuries among the students including loss of an eye of one male student, then in 2019-2020 arresting Muslims and non-Muslims including a pregnant Muslim student, Safoora Zargar, for protesting against the draconian CAA / NRC laws, then in 2020 allowing Hindutvadis to destroy places and massacre Muslims in the Delhi "riots" but Delhi Police instead arresting Muslims and progressive non-Muslims for the violence including two girls from the all-female progressive group Pinjra Tod and Umar Khalid ( Umar is still in jail ), then in 2021 putting up barricades on Delhi borders to prevent protesting farmers from entering Delhi to set up protest sites and harassing the farmers till the end of the protests ended in December, then in late 2021 allowing Hindutvadis to hold the in-trend Dharam Sansads - Hindutvadi religious gatherings where they vow to establish Hindu Rashtra and genocide "adharmis" ( Communists probably ) and "vidharmis" ( Muslims and Christians primarily ) and Delhi Police not arresting the organizers and the participants but saying "there was no hate speech" LOL, then in 2022 allowing or even accompanying Hindutvadis to go on their violent motorcycle rallies called Shobha Yatras carrying swords and other weapons deliberately through Muslim-majority or mixed-religion areas and damaging shops of poor Muslims there and then dancing to violent or genocidal songs in front of mosques provoking the Muslims and when some Muslims respond foolishly with stones then our Delhi Police come the next day with bulldozers and demolish the houses, concrete shops and even commercial pushcarts of Muslims who are targeted but some Hindus also became victims of these blind targetings and the most notorious of such Delhi Police bulldozer action was in Jahangirpuri done under the cover of IIRC 4000 Delhi Police personnel and it was only the Supreme Court order petitioned by two progressive lawyers including Prashant Bhushan and carried to Jahangirpuri by Communist leader Brinda Karat that stopped the demolition there. So it is not surprising that the same Hindutvadi agent Delhi Police ( it should be ashamed of being that ! ) arrested Professor Ratan Lal at 10:30 PM on behalf of the BJP. All the progressive students and teachers across Delhi have erupted in protest. The AISA, a student body affiliated with the Communist Party of India ( Marxist-Leninist ) Liberation to which the lovely and brilliant Shehla Rashid was related to during her time in JNU university, has its members carrying banners like "Modi government down !" and "Saibaba, Hany Babu and now Ratan Lal". Professor Saibaba is a wheelchair-bound person alleged by the BJP government he is a Naxalite ( Communist guerrilla movement member ), not that there is anything at all wrong with being a Naxal, and Saibaba must therefore be jailed. He was put in jail in 2017 and is supposed to be in jail for life, and for what ? For being a rational and against-oppression progressive while it should have been the 600 million right-wingers in India especially the 500 million Hindutvadis who should have been sent off to gulags in coldest Siberia, the hottest part of Australia and cold Antarctica and the Arctic but ideally to planet Pluto. So AISA has rightly protested against the jailing of Professor Ratan Lal. One Dalit activist said on NDTV India that the professor is a war prisoner in a war declared by BJP, the RSS and the other Hindutvadis against the Dalits and other oppressed.

From the Twitter page of AISA :

So the world, especially the Western governments have to stop supporting the Ukrainian Nazi criminal Zelensky and look at what has to be done about the lynchings, jailings, bulldozerings so many other political, social and socio-economic oppressions done by the Hindutvadis in India since 2014 especially, 2014 being the year BJP began to rule India with impunity. The United Nations Organization must act !

Jai Bhim, Laal Salaam, Jai insaaniyat.

@Sudarshan @INDIAPOSITIVE @tshering, how do you view the blatant crimes being done by your Hindutvadi buddies ? Do you want to remain within this group of 500 million criminals ? Please think of exiting them.

@pikkuboss @INS_Vikrant

@Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @Mentee @fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Goenitz @Vapnope @Foinikas @Taimur Khurram @Indos @vishwambhar @KedarT @Valiant @Great Janjua @Sainthood 101
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@Naofumi, sorry, didn't tag you for the OP. What's going on among your student colleagues ?
What a depraved shithole of a society, and here I thought Pakistan was f*cked. This is the result of basing your society purely off of identity politics and hate, how do you manage to live in such a toxic and miserable society jamahir?
These are two very recent incidents in India but this can be a mega thread but if you make contributions about new incidents please be rational, not religious extremist yourself and speak on a general pan-human level, something that can be understood by every human anywhere on Earth.

Incident 1, 2022-05-20 : An elderly Hindu man was lynched in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh by a BJP leader and his gang because they suspected him to be a Muslim. The elderly man was confused mostly because of his age and his confusion enraged the bhagwa criminals and they demanded identification card but he possibly didn't provide it because of his confused state so they lynched him. Now the home minister of MP is Narottam Mishra who is an ugly, violent man usually going about with an aggressive Hindutvadi tikka ( vermilion powder smear ) on the forehead and he has before done criminal acts like arrest innocent people by even sending MP police to other states for the arrest because he and his gang deemed those people as having insulted Hinduism in some way. What would this violent home minister do now, now that his own party's criminals have done a lynching ? I will try to search for viral vid of the elderly man beaten roughed up the BJP thugs. I found this article about the same MP state where in January a dog came under the wheel of a truck. Later two dog lover thugs like @Sharma Ji went to the house of the truck driver and beat him up for daring to kill the holy dog. The driver's relatives says that the criminals hanged him after killing him. So in the BJP-ruled MP a bloody dog's death can be the reason to kill a human, as will a human be killed or arrested if he or she happens to be in few ticked clauses ( Muslim [ even a suspected one ], a progressive etc ). My commiserations for the two dead people ( the elderly man and the truck driver ) and may all the dogs in the world be eradicated.

Incident 2, 2022-05-20 : In Delhi Professor Ratan Lal of Hindu College, Delhi University was arrested by Delhi Police at 10:30 PM at his house. The professor was a Dalit, a community oppressed in the Indian Subcontinent for the last 3000 years and he preached the progressive and social reforming ideas of the legendary Bhimrao Ambedkar, the first law minister of India and the main drafter of India's constitution which is progressive to a good extent. Ambedkar had fought against the oppression of the Shudras and Dalits by the upper caste Hindus for decades and ultimately in 1956 converted to Buddhism in rejection of his born religion and in his idea of emancipation, publicly along with 365,000 of his followers. Professor Ratan Lal openly preached Ambedkar's ideas and that rankled the Hindutvadis obviously but his latest "crime" was that being knowledgeable about history he made an observation on Facebook about the supposed presence of a Shivling in the Gyanvapi mosque in Banaras where there is a big controversy going on where Hindutvadis claim that the mosque was forcibly built on top of a Hindu temple so should be given back to them. Professor Ratan Lal said that his observation was made in a considered and careful language. But Delhi Police arrested him. It should be pointed out that Delhi Police is commanded directly by the central home ministry and the central government of India is of the BJP since 2014 and Delhi Police has been notorious is being the gun-arm of the Hindutvadis, starting with arresting progressive students from JNU university in 2016, then entering JMI university in 2019 and attacking students including female students and leading to injuries among the students including loss of an eye of one male student, then in 2019-2020 arresting Muslims and non-Muslims including a pregnant Muslim student, Safoora Zargar, for protesting against the draconian CAA / NRC laws, then in 2020 allowing Hindutvadis to destroy places and massacre Muslims in the Delhi "riots" but Delhi Police instead arresting Muslims and progressive non-Muslims for the violence including two girls from the all-female progressive group Pinjra Tod and Umar Khalid ( Umar is still in jail ), then in 2021 putting up barricades on Delhi borders to prevent protesting farmers from entering Delhi to set up protest sites and harassing the farmers till the end of the protests ended in December, then in late 2021 allowing Hindutvadis to hold the in-trend Dharam Sansads - Hindutvadi religious gatherings where they vow to establish Hindu Rashtra and genocide "adharmis" ( Communists probably ) and "vidharmis" ( Muslims and Christians primarily ) and Delhi Police not arresting the organizers and the participants but saying "there was no hate speech" LOL, then in 2022 allowing or even accompanying Hindutvadis to go on their violent motorcycle rallies called Shobha Yatras carrying swords and other weapons deliberately through Muslim-majority or mixed-religion areas and damaging shops of poor Muslims there and then dancing to violent or genocidal songs in front of mosques provoking the Muslims and when some Muslims respond foolishly with stones then our Delhi Police come the next day with bulldozers and demolish the houses, concrete shops and even commercial pushcarts of Muslims who are targeted but some Hindus also became victims of these blind targetings and the most notorious of such Delhi Police bulldozer action was in Jahangirpuri done under the cover of IIRC 4000 Delhi Police personnel and it was only the Supreme Court order petitioned by two progressive lawyers including Prashant Bhushan and carried to Jahangirpuri by Communist leader Brinda Karat that stopped the demolition there. So it is not surprising that the same Hindutvadi agent Delhi Police ( it should be ashamed of being that ! ) arrested Professor Ratan Lal at 10:30 PM on behalf of the BJP. All the progressive students and teachers across Delhi have erupted in protest. The AISA, a student body affiliated with the Communist Party of India ( Marxist-Leninist ) Liberation to which the lovely and brilliant Shehla Rashid was related to during her time in JNU university, has its members carrying banners like "Modi government down !" and "Saibaba, Hany Babu and now Ratan Lal". Professor Saibaba is a wheelchair-bound person alleged by the BJP government he is a Naxalite ( Communist guerrilla movement member ), not that there is anything at all wrong with being a Naxal, and Saibaba must therefore be jailed. He was put in jail in 2017 and is supposed to be in jail for life, and for what ? For being a rational and against-oppression progressive while it should have been the 600 million right-wingers in India especially the 500 million Hindutvadis who should have been sent off to gulags in coldest Siberia, the hottest part of Australia and cold Antarctica and the Arctic but ideally to planet Pluto. So AISA has rightly protested against the jailing of Professor Ratan Lal. One Dalit activist said on NDTV India that the professor is a war prisoner in a war declared by BJP, the RSS and the other Hindutvadis against the Dalits and other oppressed.

From the Twitter page of AISA :

So the world, especially the Western governments have to stop supporting the Ukrainian Nazi criminal Zelensky and look at what has to be done about the lynchings, jailings, bulldozerings so many other political, social and socio-economic oppressions done by the Hindutvadis in India since 2014 especially, 2014 being the year BJP began to rule India with impunity. The United Nations Organization must act !

Jai Bhim, Laal Salaam, Jai insaaniyat.

@Sudarshan @INDIAPOSITIVE @tshering, how do you view the blatant crimes being done by your Hindutvadi buddies ? Do you want to remain within this group of 500 million criminals ? Please think of exiting them.

@pikkuboss @INS_Vikrant

@Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @Mentee @fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Goenitz @Vapnope @Foinikas @Taimur Khurram @Indos @vishwambhar @KedarT @Valiant @Great Janjua @Sainthood 101
Knowing Prof Ratan Lal, he will rain fire on BJP RSS once he gets out.
Letter to Prime Minister to issue license of AK-56:sniper:

To :
1. His Excellency President of India
2. Honorable Home Minister, Government of India
3. Chairman Scheduled Caste Commission, Government of India

Respected Prime Minister,

My name is Ratan Lal. I teach history in Hindu college Delhi university. I come from Dalit community. As a subject of doctoral research I have published many books researching on the contribution of nationalist historian Kashiprasad Jaiswal. In addition to teaching I have also been participating in social concern works that anyone associated with the academic world should do. Along with this, I have been keeping my point on all TV channels, YouTube etc, among which channels like Ambedkarnama are leading. Being connected to the academic world is my job to review, criticize and comment on government and social activities. In the same order, I have criticized your government sometimes. I have been doing this work during the previous UPA government, I have also criticized many policies of that government. But there's a difference between then and now - many antisocial elements start threatening me for criticizing your government and commenting on various contemporary socio-religious topics. Many times this series reaches my murder threats.

Once upon a time I had to lodge a complaint in Maurice city police station in a similar case. Initially I didn't take these things so seriously, but recently this letter after the attack by members of Prof Ravi Kant Chandan of Lucknow University, who comes from Dalit community just like me, and members of anti-social organizations and alleged student organizations It has become necessary to write down. I remember that you once said "If you want to shoot, kill me, don't attack my Dalit brothers". It seems that even your political supporters don't take your words seriously. They continue attacking Dalits even after you give such a serious statement.

I also want to see India on the path of Buddha like you, not war. Honorable you will also accept that the right to self defense is natural and the law of our country also gives me this right. If the attackers come in some numbers, they can be self-defended with the help of sticks, but they come in herds. So without proper weapons they find it difficult to protect themselves. This is why it is important that proper management should be made.

I urge you to provide me with two bodyguards with AK 56 rifle holders. If this is not possible then directing the appropriate authority and issuing a license for me to protect myself and my family's lives from these antisocial elements that come in the herd if necessary. This weapon will be expensive, which will not be possible to buy with the income of a teacher like me. Hence, you are requested to start the process of issuing the license soon, so that I can take the help of one or two rupees from the people of my oppressed society and arrange the necessary amount. Along with this you are requested to arrange commando training for me to operate weapons so that I can not disappoint you when the chance comes. I hope not only but also complete confidence that you will understand the seriousness of this letter.

Thank you
Dr. Ratan Lal, Associate Professor
Hindu College, Delhi University
17 May 2022
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@Surya 1 @Suriya, didn't tag you for the OP.

@RescueRanger, please have a read of the OP.


What a depraved shithole of a society, and here I thought Pakistan was f*cked. This is the result of basing your society purely off of identity politics and hate, how do you manage to live in such a toxic and miserable society jamahir?

You are correct and to live here with everyday bringing a new craziness, a new atrocity, it is perhaps like living as a open-eyed person in a city of the brainwhacked.

Knowing Prof Ratan Lal, he will rain fire on BJP RSS once he gets out.

That's lovely ! :D And sorry to not tag you for the OP.
You are correct and to live here with everyday bringing a new craziness, a new atrocity, it is perhaps like living as a open-eyed person in a city of the brainwhacked.
Its even worse considering that the vast majority of people in that society justify such atrocities and are bigoted extremists. And most of these people are "educated", at least in Pakistan most of us are bigoted and extremist-minded as a result of poor education and backwardness so its to be expected.
Oppressions happen in many places in the world like USA and Ukraine and India happens to be just closest to you and the oppressors happen to be in the hundreds of millions. :)
And oppressors get killed very often, and that is also very normal.
Knowing Prof Ratan Lal, he will rain fire on BJP RSS once he gets out.
Letter to Prime Minister to issue license of AK-56:sniper:

To :
1. His Excellency President of India
2. Honorable Home Minister, Government of India
3. Chairman Scheduled Caste Commission, Government of India

Respected Prime Minister,

My name is Ratan Lal. I teach history in Hindu college Delhi university. I come from Dalit community. As a subject of doctoral research I have published many books researching on the contribution of nationalist historian Kashiprasad Jaiswal. In addition to teaching I have also been participating in social concern works that anyone associated with the academic world should do. Along with this, I have been keeping my point on all TV channels, YouTube etc, among which channels like Ambedkarnama are leading. Being connected to the academic world is my job to review, criticize and comment on government and social activities. In the same order, I have criticized your government sometimes. I have been doing this work during the previous UPA government, I have also criticized many policies of that government. But there's a difference between then and now - many antisocial elements start threatening me for criticizing your government and commenting on various contemporary socio-religious topics. Many times this series reaches my murder threats.

Once upon a time I had to lodge a complaint in Maurice city police station in a similar case. Initially I didn't take these things so seriously, but recently this letter after the attack by members of Prof Ravi Kant Chandan of Lucknow University, who comes from Dalit community just like me, and members of anti-social organizations and alleged student organizations It has become necessary to write down. I remember that you once said "If you want to shoot, kill me, don't attack my Dalit brothers". It seems that even your political supporters don't take your words seriously. They continue attacking Dalits even after you give such a serious statement.

I also want to see India on the path of Buddha like you, not war. Honorable you will also accept that the right to self defense is natural and the law of our country also gives me this right. If the attackers come in some numbers, they can be self-defended with the help of sticks, but they come in herds. So without proper weapons they find it difficult to protect themselves. This is why it is important that proper management should be made.

I urge you to provide me with two bodyguards with AK 56 rifle holders. If this is not possible then directing the appropriate authority and issuing a license for me to protect myself and my family's lives from these antisocial elements that come in the herd if necessary. This weapon will be expensive, which will not be possible to buy with the income of a teacher like me. Hence, you are requested to start the process of issuing the license soon, so that I can take the help of one or two rupees from the people of my oppressed society and arrange the necessary amount. Along with this you are requested to arrange commando training for me to operate weapons so that I can not disappoint you when the chance comes. I hope not only but also complete confidence that you will understand the seriousness of this letter.

Thank you
Dr. Ratan Lal, Associate Professor
Hindu College, Delhi University
17 May 2022

Ha ha, the professor trolling Modi, the BJP and the Hindutvadis generally in a grand way. And he should be allowed to have his debate with his opponents.
First a murder somewhere, happens all over the country, did you forget the lynching of Sadhus? Second incident more so common, done by so-called insecure hate-filled 'progressive' people, abuse somebody caste, region, religion and when law takes its course cry victim

That very one, thanks for finding. Updated the OP with it. Humanity held its head in shame yesterday but Modi, Amit, Yogi, Kangana and all the assorted Viraat Hindu heroes and heroines didn't.

@Surya 1 @Suriya @Sudarshan @Sharma Ji @INDIAPOSITIVE

@Foinikas, the vid. The daily horrifying and totally crazy things that happen in India. :hitwall:

First a murder somewhere, happens all over the country, did you forget the lynching of Sadhus?

Ah, how callously you dismiss the lynching of this elderly man which was done by Hindutvadi terrorists while making concern for the lynching of the sadhus and their driver in Palghar just because you think the second one was done by non-Hindus or "anti-Hindus". The stubbornly irrational and facts-denying Hindutvadis first said that the lynching was done by Muslims, that was found untrue, then the Hindutvadis said it was arranged by Christian missionaries, that was found untrue again, then the Hindutvadis said it was done by the Communist Naxal guerrillas, that was again found untrue. In reality the locals, who were Hindus like the two sadhus, suspected the sadhus and their driver to be a kidnapper gang who had come to the village to kidnap children and sell their kidneys. Read this article from one year after the lynching :
It is one year since the ghastly mob lynching incident of Palghar district of Maharashtra.

Two sadhus, Kalpavriksha Giri Maharaj (70), Sushil Giri Maharaj (35) and their driver Nilesh Telgade (30), were brutally lynched to death on 16 April, 2020 in the Gadchinchale village in Dahanu tehsil of Palghar district, nearly 120 kms from downtown Mumbai.

The two Nashik-based sadhus belonged to the Varanasi-headquartered Shri Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara, the biggest order of sadhus in India.

Few days before the incident, there were rumours that robbers had come to the village to steal kidneys particularly of children and sell them in the black market. This led to the villagers mounting a round-the-clock vigil. The sadhus and their driver were attacked by a group of nearly 500 villagers suspected them to be kidnappers.

The Gadchinchale village comes under the Kasa police station of Palghar district police.

The incident shook Maharashtra chief minister and Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray as the tri-party Maha Vikas Aghadi came under fierce attack of the opposition BJP.

Also read: FACT-CHECK | Palghar lynching incident falsely communalised on social media

Just little over four months in office after breaking three-decade-old ties with BJP and joining hands with the ideologically diametrically-opposite Congress-NCP, Thackeray’s Hindu credentials were questioned by opposition parties – and the matter raged on social media platforms.

Besides, the Covid-19 pandemic had just broken out and the lockdown was in force – and with great difficulty the government could sail out of the crisis.

As per the 2011 Census, the village has a population of 1,298 residents of which 93 per cent are from the Scheduled Tribes or Adivasis. The village lies on the border that Maharashtra shares with the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The sadhus were on their way to Surat in Gujarat for the funeral of their guru Mahant Shri Ram Giri when the incident took place past midnight.

The case was handed over to the state-CID, which carried out the investigations.

A total of 251 accused were arrested – by the Palghar police and then the state-CID. The accused include 13 juveniles.

More than 70 of the accused are still in custody.

Three chargesheets have been filed and the case - and the trial have started.

Veteran lawyer Satish Maneshinde is the special public prosecutor while Amrut Adhikar and Atul Patil are representing the accused.

The then home minister Anil Deshmukh had sent then Superintendent of Police Gaurav Singh on forced leave while 35 officers, other ranks and staff of Kasa police station were transferred.

Three policemen -- assistant police inspector Anandrao Kale was dismissed, while assistant sub inspector Ravi Salunkhe and constable Naresh Dhodi – were compulsorily retired.
You should stop listening to terrorist media like OpIndia, Zee News, Aaj Tak, Republic Bharat, Sudarshan News etc.

Please watch the vid posted by StraightEdge.

Second incident more so common, done by so-called insecure hate-filled 'progressive' people, abuse somebody caste, region, religion and when law takes its course cry victim

Yes, "law" took its own course when it denied unjustly jailed Father Stan Swamy a steel glass having a sipper even though he was afflicted with Parkinsons and couldn't drink the jail tea or water properly and would drop the glasses. He died when jailed. And "law" took it's own course in the long list of Hindutvadi crimes in the OP. "Law" will take the usual course in the lynching of this elderly man in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh while sits in BJP-ruled India. :)
Ah, how callously you dismiss the lynching of this elderly man which was done by Hindutvadi terrorists while making concern for the lynching of the sadhus and their driver in Palghar just because you think the second one was done by non-Hindus or "anti-Hindus". The stubbornly irrational and facts-denying Hindutvadis first said that the lynching was done by Muslims, that was found untrue, then the Hindutvadis said it was arranged by Christian missionaries, that was found untrue again, then the Hindutvadis said it was done by the Communist Naxal guerrillas, that was again found untrue. In reality the locals, who were Hindus like the two sadhus, suspected the sadhus and their driver to be a kidnapper gang who had come to the village to kidnap children and sell their kidneys. Read this article from one year after the lynching :

You should stop listening to terrorist media like OpIndia, Zee News, Aaj Tak, Republic Bharat, Sudarshan News etc.

Please watch the vid posted by StraightEdge.

80 - 100 murders are reported in India every single day God knows how many go unreported. Each one of them is gruesome and reprehensible, why be selective? Muslims are more prone to crime and have unproportionate numbers in jails, Why not a thread victims of muslim crimes and inhuman behavior yadla yadla?

Yes, "law" took its own course when it denied unjustly jailed Father Stan Swamy a steel glass having a sipper even though he was afflicted with Parkinsons and couldn't drink the jail tea or water properly and would drop the glasses. He died when jailed. And "law" took it's own course in the long list of Hindutvadi crimes in the OP. "Law" will take the usual course in the lynching of this elderly man in BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh while sits in BJP-ruled India. :)

All these good for nothing Ambedkarite do is spew hate against Hindus, Hindu Gods/customs/festival, Modi, Brahmins, RSS, US, Israel, North India, South India, Martians and whosoever they can. Even after getting reservations they still believe all ills in their lives is because of others. They are just hate-filled, brain-washed, frustrated bunch of morons with bad, real-bad victim mentality.
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