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VHP warns of more church attacks, says conspiracy behind nun’s r@pe

There are no christians in that particular village in Haryana as clarified by the locals. Then why have a church?

Abusing culture and hurting sentiments in order to convert, will result in violence. Simple.

Just go to Varanasi and see many preachers roaming around and trying to tell people how Xtianity is the reality and they worship the devil.

I dare Christianity to try that in islamic nations.

The mere fact that after abusing like this that they live, is the proof of tolerance of this nation, whether by Hindus or other sister faiths native to our country.

The difference between terrorists and these guys is that the media doesn't show Christian violence against locals in many parts of India which we know, but will show only this attack to brand the Hindus, Sikhs, shamanists or Buddhists in wrong light. They show only when there is retaliation.

Preachers have approached and tried convert me and stuff many times, mate. These scum abuse our beliefs openly and so do they do it for the Hindus, say that we worship the devil who makes us evil and how only Jesus can save. Once I ended in a serious scuffle with a couple of them who openly abused our scriptures and teachings. I mean who the hell is some religion from Middle East to tell me that I am wrong?

Tell me, what would a muslim do if Xtians dared to abuse their prophet on their face?

Why not have the balls to convert them?


Or is the silence of these church and preachers a cue that all other cultures should also take the same path to defend their own way of living?

- Did we (wether Hindus in this case, or us for that matter generally) ask them? No.

- Why are they abusing our beliefs when we or the Hindus don't go and abuse their beliefs?

- Who the hell are they to tell us what is right or wrong when we already have our faith and cultures for centuries and millennia before christianity existed?

- The Constitution gives people freedom to practise their faith; not to attack, abuse and target the local culture and faiths.

VHP is not a bunch of mindless savages who are doing it unilaterally.

Maybe the north Indians don't know what the Church does because these things don't get reported by the so-called mainstream media. But I and many non-Xtian northeasterners do.

Truth is, Xtianity won't have existed had they not gone, plundered, lies, spread propaganda, pretended victim or threatened the locals using subversive tactics.

Africa, Latin America, Oceania etc are examples in front of everyone.

The 'progressive' west has smartly managed to hide this reality after their own misfortune during the European Middle Ages.

We are practising our faith and we will continue to do the same. We don't want to be a part of the Church.

Either they should respect this and mind their business or retaliations will continue, whether or not media posts positive or negative.

You can twist and turn it as hard as you want to.. but violent means can never be justified in a civilized nation with rule of law.

Things like this are a testimony to the failure of the judiciary and executive elements within the state.
That disease of exclusivity and supremacism is what leads to Christians having a bitter relation with almost all other religious groups. Just like Islam. You can call us Buddhist Hindus or Hindu Buddhists and we will happily embrace it. In fact if it was not for the British, Buddhism would never have been classified as a different religion at all. All Dharmic religions have this sense of brotherhood and belonging and share the same philosophies. The two countries where Buddhism is widely practiced and did not have a British colonial history, makes no distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism, i.e. Nepal and Thailand.

There is no excuse for ignorance something both you and @Prajapati are guilty of. Buddhism has similarities with Hinduism but at the same time Judaism shares many beliefs with Christianity, as an example the Bible has two parts; Old Testament and New Testament, the Jewish Torah is the Old testament. Even the Quran affirms parts of the Old and New Testaments, so by your logic all three religions are the same?

Hindus believe god is everything or everywhere, Buddhists reject this, this alone differentiates the two religion. Buddha founded Buddhism some 500 years after Hinduism and the Buddhists warship the Buddha, the roots are the same but its clear that the two religions are different. There are many more differences that i highlighted in bold.

Buddhism vs. Hinduism | Academic About buddhism and hinduism

Both Buddhism and Hinduism are well known religions. They are two of the most popular polytheistic faiths in the world. Some people believe them to be sects of the same religion, but they are mistaken. Buddhism and Hinduism have some similarities, but many things set them apart from each other as well. They are each their own religion in many aspects.

Buddhism and Hinduism come from the same region, India. Both of them are very focused on nature, the things around them, though they both believe in several hells and heavens, or higher and lower worlds. They both believe in karma which is the affect a person’s actions in this life will change his next life. Another point is that both religions focus on peace, and non violence towards all living things. They are compassionate, which ties into their focus on nature. Buddhism and Hinduism also believe in various spiritual practices such as meditation, concentration, and states of mind. Desire is the largest cause of suffering in both of the faiths. Another likeness is they both believe in reincarnation, and salvation. They believe the good deeds of a person are their work for salvation and their salvation will decide their next life, when they are reincarnated. Also, they both believe that there are many paths to enlightenment, such as overcoming your feelings and controlling over the six senses. Both religions are more philosophical then religious. Buddhists and Hindus both practice many forms of yoga and meditation and other ways to calm ones mind and focus the mind, such as Buddha did. They have many likenesses.

Hinduism and Buddhism are both their own religions and cultures. They are different in many ways that define who they are and what their faith is. Hinduism was not founded by any sort of prophet, whereas Buddhism was founded by Buddha. Hindus believe in the Vedas, but the Buddhists do not believe in the Vedas or any other Hindu holy book. Buddhists do not believe in the existence of souls, or the Christian God. Hindus believe in Atman, who is the individual soul, and Brahman, the creator of all. The people of the Hindu religion believe the Buddha to be a reincarnation of one of their gods of the Hindu Trinity but the Buddhists do not believe in any Hindu god as equivalent better than Buddha. Hindus believe in the four stages of life, but the Buddha do not share that believe. Whereas the Buddhists believe in the concept of Bodhisattvas, or the enlightened existence, but the Hindus do not. Buddhists must believe that the Buddha, Sangha, and Dhamma are the three most important requirements on the eightfold path, or the principal teachings of the Buddha. Hinduism has many different paths of self realization. Both religions believe in karma and reincarnation, but their terms and conditions vary, different in as many ways as they are similar. Buddhists have no priests or rituals like the Hindus do. Also, in the Buddhist religion, any follower than achieve Nirvana, but in the Hindu religion, only the Brahmins, or priests, could achieve moksha, the Hindu equivalent of Nirvana. Another large difference is that Buddhists do not believe in the Caste System, a main factor in Hinduism. This is one of their largest differences. Hinduism does not know their original creator, unlike most other religions; they’ve lost any information about their founder over the many years, whereas the Buddhists know their creator, Buddha. Buddhism is a much younger religion than Hinduism. The two religions are very much different.

Both religions came from the same soil, in what is now known as India. They share a rather odd and uncomfortable relationship, being in the same area and having some strong differences, but strong similarities as well. Many people believe that Buddhism became popular in India because it freed people from the oppression of tradition. Buddha’s teachings gave the Indians hope and aspiration which Hinduism did not offer them at the time. Even people today claim Buddhism was a sect of Hinduism. This belief is not acceptable by the Buddhists who said Buddha was the first to experience Nirvana and shared the experience with others and taught them the eight fold path, showing them a way to experience it was well, firing up the religion and causing its growth and popularity. As in most religious disagreements there were times of executions of Buddhists by Hindu rulers. Although despite their many disagreements and battles, the two religions did indeed influence each other in many ways. After all, the founder of Buddhism, Buddha, was born and raised a Hindu himself. It would be rare for the two religions not to share any likenesses.

Buddhists and Hindus share many similarities. They also have a fair share of differences. There have been times of persecution and execution, and time of peace and understanding between the two cultures. They share a history with each other, which is to be expected since they blossomed from the same region of Asia. The two religions are definitely two separate beliefs.

If that is not enough here is a comparison between Buddhism and Hinduism:

Buddhism vs Hinduism - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

To the non Abrahamic groups a follower of Christ is a Christian regardless of your internal feuds. Jews not being followers of Christ do not fall in that bracket.

Yet jews and Christians both have the same holy book. Something you were clearly ignorant of; furthermore, you debunked your own argument, do Hindus follow Buddha? No, so how can it be the same religion? How can it be the same religion if there are major differences throughout both religions? Having common roots does not mean the two religions are the same, remember Judaism, Christianity and to an extent Islam all have common roots, it would be naive to argue that they are the same.

There are no Hindu terrorist groups. Not a single one. Not a single terrorist organization with a goal of converting the whole population of India into Hindus. RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal are not terrorist organizations and have never been implicated in any terrorist violence despite attempts by the Christian groups to falsely implicate them many times.

Category:Hindu terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yea right :lol:

Hindu attacking Christians (a lie) never happened. There is one single case of one guy burning up an Australian missionary and his two sons a couple of decades ago and that had to do with the abuse the missionary was perpetrating on the tribals in that area.

All you have to do is use a Google search and you get pages upon pages of Hindus attacking Christians. There are hundreds of reported incidence of Christians being attacks, murdered as well as churches churches being set on fire. Or you can live in denial, and pretend it's a big conspiracy. Christians/Catholics are burning down their own churches, beating themselves up, rapping themselves, and killing themselves for no other reason other then they want to. Funny how i also know a former Hindu, he must be a liar too.

Here is general information on Hindu attacks on Christians:

Anti-Christian violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here is a specific cases in which around 100 Hindus attacked Christians, broke into people's homes, beat them, burned down churches and tried to force Christians to convert to Hinduism.

Hindu Extremists Resolve to Kill Christians They Beat in Bihar, India

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Among a wave of attacks against non-Hindus since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took power in India on May 26, a Christian couple in Bihar state required hospital treatment after Hindu extremists beat and publicly resolved to kill them.

A small band of men forcefully entered the home of Shri Lal Khatiyan in Balwanazir, Kaliyanganj, the morning of Aug. 30, asking who had visited and calling him and his wife pagans as they beat him, according to the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI). When Khatiyan’s wife, Asha Devi, tried to intervene, they called her a slut and hit her on the head with the handle of a sickle, EFI reported.

“Asha sustained a deep cut on her head, and Lal has pain in his chest,” said a local pastor who goes by the single name of Ajayan, adding that they their injuries required hospital treatment.

Later that day, about 100 Hindu extremists with clubs stood in each corner of the village and threatened to cut into pieces any Christian who tried to leave the area to file a police complaint, area pastor Laxmi Prasad told Morning Star News.

“The Hindu extremists warned the Christians that they should not go to anyone’s house, and neither should they entertain anyone in their house,” Prasad said. “The believers somehow contacted me by telephone, and I immediately informed the area superintendent of police.”

Authorities that evening sent two policemen to provide protection to Christians.

On Sept. 2, after police had left the village, the extremists held a public meeting at which they resolved to kill the couple, Prasad said, adding, “The Christians are living in constant fear.”

Tied Up, Told to Renounce

In the same area, on the day the BJP government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi took power, May 26, Hindu extremists tied the hands of nine Christians, including two girls and one widow, dragged them from their homes and beat them when they refused to renounce Christ, the EFI reported.

“Like criminals, they tied their hands with a rope, marched them to the courtyard and told them to renounce Christ,” Prasad told Morning Star News.

The extremists verbally abused the Christians, kicked them, punched them and beat them with clubs when they refused to deny Christ. Badly bruised was widow Rajo Devi, 12-year-old Nutan Kumari, Janardan Singh, Sadanandan Singh, Upendra Kumar Singh, Ravender Kumar Singh, 14-year-old Heera Devi, Vipin Kumar Singh and Jitendra Kumar Singh.

The extremists also pulled off the gold earrings of Rajo Devi, Prasad said.

They continued to harass and beat the Christians for more than a week, pressuring them to leave their faith, finally locking the church doors shut on June 6.

“The extremists threatened to kill anyone who opened up the church and bury them in the church itself, and further told them there is no place for Christians in the village and threatened to kill anyone who did not leave Jesus,” Prasad said.

On July 22, the Hindu extremists beat members of the fellowship again. Seemingly exasperated, a local police official, Sajat Hussain, told the Christians to resolve the matter by themselves, saying, “We cannot always give you protection,” Prasad said.

When attorney Loreing Ovung of religious rights group Alliance Defending Freedom-India called Hussain, however, the officer said a bail bond of 20,000 rupees (US$330) had been imposed on the alleged assailants, and that he had advised the Christians to submit a written complaint about the latest assault.

The Rev. Richard Howell, EFI general secretary, deplored the attack on the Christians in Kaliyanganj.

The manner in which they were dragged on the road, and even minor girls beaten up, is a sign that the fundamental freedoms enshrined in our constitution are increasingly under threat,” he said. “Freedom of conscience is guaranteed by the constitution of India, and we urge the state government of Bihar to protect this freedom.”

Violence against small Christian groups in the village has become commonplace. They are not allowed to walk on the main road or fetch drinking water from the public well; stones or wood planks block their passage; and derogatory remarks about their faith are uttered at the smallest opportunity.

“Because of these constants attacks, some Christians have also stopped coming to the church and have been backsliding
,” Ajayan added.

Beating Christians (check). Forcing them to convert or face death (check). Killing Christians (check). Everything you claim Hindus have not done has been proven to be false you can deny all you want but a simple Google search will reveal page after page Hindu attacks on Christians.
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Buddha founded Buddhism some 500 years after Hinduism and the Buddhists warship the Buddha, the roots are the same but its clear that the two religions are different. There are many more differences that i highlighted in bold.

The thing about Buddhism and other Dharmic religions is that they are not exclusionary against other faiths.

You can be a Buddhist and worship Gods from other religions (Chinese Buddhists worship Taoist deities for example). You can be a Buddhist Atheist too, in fact that is a common thing.

Whereas the Christian God said: "There is no other God but me".

So if the Christian God is real, then all the other thousands of Gods in other religions must be fake. Since there can only be one God.

Whereas Buddhists do not discount the possibility that other Gods are real too.
tell me, does buddhism not speak against wastefulness and injustices of idolatry??

Worshipping idols is a big part of Buddhism.

This is a statue of Guanyin:


She was originally a Taoist Goddess, but is worshipped by most East Asian Buddhists as a Bodhisattva as well.
There is no excuse for ignorance something both you and @Prajapati are guilty of. Buddhism has similarities with Hinduism but at the same time Judaism shares many beliefs with Christianity, as an example the Bible has two parts; Old Testament and New Testament, the Jewish Torah is the Old testament. Even the Quran affirms parts of the Old and New Testaments, so by your logic all three religions are the same?

Hindus believe god is everything or everywhere, Buddhists reject this, this alone differentiates the two religion. Buddha founded Buddhism some 500 years after Hinduism and the Buddhists warship the Buddha, the roots are the same but its clear that the two religions are different. There are many more differences that i highlighted in bold.

If that is not enough here is a comparison between Buddhism and Hinduism:

That is your ignorance speaking out and merely an attempt at creating academic distinction between Buddhism and Hinduism by re-interpreting their religions in different words, often wrongly. That is the problem when the world is seen through the Abrahamic lens. It tries to create cleavages where none exists. Hinduism has 6 schools of thoughts including atheism. So Just because Buddhism rejects the need of God does not mean it differs with Hinduism. The concept of Advaita Hinduism makes the universe itself God and independent of any dualistic need for a creator/creation separation. This rejects the need for a separate identity of God. Likewise, there is Carvaka school of thought in Hinduism which rejects need for God.

So stop this Abrahamic centric interpretation of non-Abrahamic religions.

So Buddhism can be considered as one more school of thought in Hinduism and vice versa. You will see this in practice in real life where all Hindus worship the Buddha alongside the Buddhists and the Buddhists do the same with the Hindu gods.


Thais worshiping Brhama, the Hindu god of creation.


Hindu God Ganesha worshiped all over Thailand.

There is no concept of salvation in Hinduism either unlike the false dichotomy trying to be created by the link you give. Hindus attain Moksha and not salvation. Moksha is similar in principal to Nirvana or enlightenment. Neither is Moksha confined only to the priestly order or Brahmins. Moksha is the goal of all souls.

Also there are many many gurus in Hinduism. The follower of a Guru does not fall out of Hinduism fold, nor do they call themselves creator of another religion. Likewise, Buddha is a Guru from Hinduism and his followers do not automatically become un-Hindu.
Yet jews and Christians both have the same holy book. Something you were clearly ignorant of; furthermore, you debunked your own argument, do Hindus follow Buddha? No, so you just debunked your original claim. I'm aware that in the Hindu culture anything can be worshiped but i'm not talking warship.

Hello, who said Hindus do not follow Buddha? If Hindus worship Buddha do, does it not make them the followers of Buddha? This parsing of words and hair splitting is so Abrahamic. Neither do the Buddhists have a single book nor do the Hindus. Stop trying to make us people of the Book. We are followers of philosophy and not a book and our philosophical concepts are identical with some very minor variations.

Until recently it is the Brahmins in India who were the priests at all Buddhist shrines in India. Likewise in Thailand where Hindu Brahmins are a necessity for all Royal functions of the Buddhist King.

The national epic of most of the Buddhist nations in SE Asia also happens to be the revered epic of Hindu God Rama called Ramayana.

Yep, that is all you got to go on. A wikipedia link created by some butthurt Jihadi. No Indian govt designation of terrorist groups.

Saffron terror was concept floated by Congress party for its vote bank politics and to appease the Muslim groups who felt they were singly being targeted on terrorism charges.

Not a single formal charge has been filed by the same govt for the last 1 decade on any of the Hindus it said were involved in malegaon blasts or samjautha express blast.
Hello, who said Hindus do not follow Buddha? If Hindus worship Buddha do, does it not make them the followers of Buddha? This parsing of words and hair splitting is so Abrahamic. Neither do the Buddhists have a single book nor do the Hindus. Stop trying to make us people of the Book. We are followers of philosophy and not a book and our philosophical concepts are identical with some very minor variations.

Until recently it is the Brahmins in India who were the priests at all Buddhist shrines in India. Likewise in Thailand where Hindu Brahmins are a necessity for all Royal functions of the Buddhist King.

The national epic of most of the Buddhist nations in SE Asia also happens to be the revered epic of Hindu God Rama called Ramayana.

For every claim that you make there is a counter claim that can be made. I have quoted several sources that claim that Buddhism and Hinduism are not the same, and i can continue posting more sources, it is your word against someone else's word. Buddha came long after the Hindu religion, if a Hindu warships the Buddha he must be a Buddhist so what happens if a Hindu warships Jesus? After all, everything is a god in Hinduism.

Your argument reminds me of Christians praising jews and calling them brothers, thinking that they are "basically the same".
All you have to do is use a Google search and you get pages upon pages of Hindus attacking Christians. There are hundreds of reported incidence of Christians being attacks, murdered as well as churches churches being set on fire. Or you can live in denial, and pretend it's a big conspiracy. Christians/Catholics are burning down their own churches, beating themselves up, rapping themselves, and killing themselves for no other reason other then they want to. Funny how i also know a former Hindu, he must be a liar too.

Here is general information on Hindu attacks on Christians:

LOL. Those hundreds of attacks were traced to Muslim jihadi groups. Rest of it is goes in the category of atrocity literature where it has no substance. If there is any, why do you not post any relevant information about the culprits caught and a formal charge applied. Where are the court cases for the sound and fury generated?
Yep, that is all you got to go on. A wikipedia link created by some butthurt Jihadi. No Indian govt designation of terrorist groups.

Saffron terror was concept floated by Congress party for its vote bank politics and to appease the Muslim groups who felt they were singly being targeted on terrorism charges.

Not a single formal charge has been filed by the same govt for the last 1 decade on any of the Hindus it said were involved in malegaon blasts or samjautha express blast.

You are in denial mode, like i said before i can Google Hindu attacks on Christians and get page after page of hits even videos and photos. Yep, it's all a conspiracy theory, you are like some Muslims who deny that the Holocaust never happened. :lol:
For every claim that you make there is a counter claim that can be made. I have quoted several sources that claim that Buddhism and Hinduism are not the same, and i can continue posting more sources, it is your word against someone else's word. Buddha came long after the Hindu religion, if a Hindu warships the Buddha he must be a Buddhist so what happens if a Hindu warships Jesus? After all, everything is a god in Hinduism.

Your argument reminds me of Christians praising jews and calling them brothers, thinking that they are "basically the same".

That is what you have claims and counter claims and some silly academic quibblings by some Western authors who have no understanding of Eastern religions or the soul of the matter.

Whereas I have living proof where Hindus and Buddhists perform same worship to the same Gods. This after the Western academics claim Buddhism has no gods while in reality Buddhists worship scores of Gods just like Hindus do.

You are seeking a founder of Hindu religion when you debate that Buddha came long after Hindu religion. There is no long after, Hinduism is constantly evolving and followers of gurus and new sect forming happens even to this day. The Swaminayaran sect of Hinduism being one example of that.

Hindus and Buddhists go beyond just calling each other brothers. There is no history of Buddhist or Hindu genocide unlike what brotherly Christians did to the Jews. Rather it is the other way round in India where Buddhism flourished under state patronage by the Hindu kings.

You are in denial mode, like i said before i can Google Hindu attacks on Christians and get page after page of hits even videos and photos. Yep, it's all a conspiracy theory, you are like some Muslims who deny that the Holocaust never happened. :lol:

All you have to do to prove your stance in these days of enormous amount of misinfomation is produce a formal charge on some Hindu terrorist organization by the then secular govt of India, the Congress. After all until last year a secular minority dominated Congress was at the helm of affairs in India.
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All you have to do to prove your stance in these days of enormous amount of misinfomation is produce a formal charge on some Hindu terrorist organization by the then secular govt of India, the Congress. After until last year a secular minority dominated Congress was at the helm of affairs in India.

Notice your tactic, i provide source after source after source, you deny and deny and deny. In an academic debate you would be escorted out of the building or the audience would laugh and walk out on you. Most of these sources for the attacks are coming from India and there are hundreds, like i said earlier surely Christians don't burn down their own churches, beat themselves up and kill each other just so they can blame Hindus. :lol:The post topic is even about Hindus attacking Christians or their place of warship and the Hindu attackers openly state what they have done, in other words even Hindu attackers do not hide what they have done. Like i said you remind me of Muslims that deny the Holocaust despite overwhelming evidence.
Notice your tactic, i provide source after source after source, you deny and deny and deny. In an academic debate you would be escorted out of the building or the audience would laugh and walk out on you. Most of these sources for the attacks are coming from India and there are hundred. The post topic is even about Hindus attacking Christians or their place of warship and the Hindu attacks openly state what they have done. Like i said you remind me of Muslims that deny the Holocaust despite overwhelming evidence.

I cannot paste links here since I am new. As investigation after investigation have led to the conclusion of cases in both BJP ruled states or AAP ruled state or any other secular party ruled state, not a single Hindu group or organization has been found to be involved. Yes the Church is crying wolf because a Hindu nationalist govt is ruling Delhi and the church being a political animal it has always been is trying to dislodge the govt or spoil its name by false fearmongering. Unless you say that all the rapes in your country happen to be religiously motivated or that no rapes happen in your country because it is a Christian country, your arguments have no leg to stand on.
I cannot paste links here since I am new. As investigation after investigation have led to the conclusion of cases in both BJP ruled states or AAP ruled state or any other secular party ruled state, not a single Hindu group or organization has been found to be involved. Yes the Church is crying wolf because a Hindu nationalist govt is ruling Delhi and the church being a political animal it has always been is trying to dislodge the govt or spoil its name by false fearmongering. Unless you say that all the rapes in your country happen to be religiously motivated or that no rapes happen in your country because it is a Christian country, your arguments have no leg to stand on.

Debating with you is like debating with a doorknob. Most attacks on Christians never get investigated and if they do authorities look the other way. There are hundreds of attacks on Christians and churches in India, many of the attacks happen in the open, what are you trying to claim? That every single attack is a lie? Clean the earwax from your ears, the Hindu attackers themselves take responsibility for many attacks.

"escorted" by police, radical Hindus attack Christians ... - Asia News

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Under police escort, radical Hindus of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dalbarged into the house of a Pentecostal Christian yesterday in Rajasthan, accusing those present of practicing forced conversions and confiscating all Bibles.

Under pressure from the extremists the police arrested the Rev. Lal Singh - who was leading the prayer service - and the home owner Indram Chauhan. After several hours of interrogation, the two were released without charges against them.AsiaNews learned of this latest episode from the Global Council of Indian Christians(GCIC).

The incident occurred at Haldad, in the district of Barwani. Sajan George, GCIC president, told AsiaNews: "We are concerned about the continuing abuses and repeated false allegations of conversions made against the Pentecostal pastors in Rajashtan. It is indeed ironic that the police, which by law has the duty to protect citizens, accompanied the fundamentalists".

Moreover, adds the Christian leader, "the prayer service was taking place in the privacy of the home of a private citizen. The pastor was not doing anything illegal, freedom of religion is a constitutional guarantee. Yet the forces of Hindu right continue their reign of terror, violating the law and attacking the vulnerable Christian minority".

Rajasthan is one of the Indian states where the religious freedom of Christians is most threatened by Hindu radicals. Since 2008 the final ratification of an anti-conversion law has been pending, which if approved would ban conversions that take place "through force, fraud or coercion" and condemns those who practice them to five years in prison and 50 thousand rupees (about 750 euro) fine.

However, these measures (in force in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Himanachal Pradesh) are used as a political tool against minorities, in particular to curb conversions from Hinduism to Christianity.

Notice, news outlets around the world are reporting on Hindu attacks, Hindus themselves admit to attacks, hundred of Christians are reporting attacks and hundreds of churches have been attacked, yet you claim no Hindus have been found to be involved. :lol:

Even Hindu police aid in illegal attacks, home invasions and arrests of Christians. Just recently several hundred Christians were arrested for protesting that their churches have come under Hindu attacks. Your investigations are good as toilet paper, Hindu authorities are aiding in the attacks and arresting anyone that dare protest being victims of Hindu extremists.

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