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VHP warns of more church attacks, says conspiracy behind nun’s r@pe

Ghar wapsi??? VHP morons couldn't convert 100 people but shouts as if they converted millions....VHP/BD have big mouth and can only bark and threat and beat couples on valentine day... good for nothing fellows....... they should be sent to Churches for a crash course on conversion by stealth... even RamKrishna mission and Bharat sevashram is doing better job....you will never hear a word against ISKON or bharat sevashram....:lol::lol::lol:

I agree. Basically VHP IS TAKEN OVER BY idiots of big mouth speak so much and do less. They should learn from Shree shree Shankar and many other Hindu priests who does this noble work very peacefully.
Europeans colonized places like North and South America, Australia, ect. Not all of the Europeans that came to colonize were Christians either, nor did they hold a knife to anyone's throat forcing them to convert.

I think your knowledge of history is very weak. Spanish conquistadors killed pretty much everone on a continent and half and only spared few who have converted to Christianity.

You would be correct in part as conversion of Americas to Christianity should not be called conversion, ethically. It was an outright massacre.

No i jumped in to mock people like you. Watch out for those Christians they might just murder everyone if you don't convert.

Joke is on you.

Even now in India, There are three Christian terrorist groups operating with express aim of bringing light of Jesus to heathen Pagan at gunpoint (They belong to Baptist church, if you are intrested in their sectarian loyalties). Last month only they killed 44 pagans for not seeing the light of Jesus.

Barring Muslims, no one could compete with Christians when it comes to terrorism.It may not get publicity because of control of Christians over media, but if we subtract muslim on muslim deaths, number of victim of Christian terrorism would be more than number of victims of Islamic terrorism.
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I think your knowledge of history is very weak. Spanish conquistadors killed pretty much everone on a continent and half and only spared few who have converted to Christianity.

You would be correct in part as conversion of Americas to Christianity should not be called conversion, ethically. It was an outright massacre.

If i use your standards i might as well start calling hindus as buddhists. Close enough right? One of the most misused and misunderstood things people confuse Christianity for is that they foolishly clump Christians which are usually some protestant denomination with Catholicism which is entirely different. Most protestants will be insulted if they are referred to as catholics and vis versa. The only reason some people refer to catholics as christians is the believe in christ. The catholic bible is not the same as the protestant bible (King James). Martin luther is the founder of protestantism, he protested against the catholics and their practices which he did not see as Christian.

Get the facts strait, when you speak of Crusades those are a Catholic ideal, when you speak of the pope refer to him as a catholic, when you speak of nuns refer to them as Catholic. At least get the important details right.

People like you confuse jews reading the Torah as Christians because the Torah is the Old Testament. Of course the answer i will get is, 'who cares they are both christians, don't try to deflect the blame'. Like i said earlier if i use the same standards as people like yourself i might as well call buddhists Hindus :lol:

Joke is on you.

Even now in India, There are three Christian terrorist groups operating with express aim of bringing light of Jesus to heathen Pagan at gunpoint (They belong to Baptist church, if you are intrested in their sectarian loyalties). Last month only they killed 44 pagans for not seeing the light of Jesus.

Barring Muslims, no one could compete with Christians when it comes to terrorism.It may not get publicity because of control of Christians over media, but if we subtract muslim on muslim deaths, number of victim of Christian terrorism would be more than number of victims of Islamic terrorism.

I do not doubt that there are "Christian" terrorists but there are also Hindus that are terrorists and Muslims and Jews and Atheists. The question is do most of these religions call for murder or do leaders in those religions take advantage of vulnerable people and brain wash them to commit violence?
I do not doubt that there are "Christian" terrorists but there are also Hindus that are terrorists and Muslims and Jews and Atheists. The question is do most of these religions call for murder or do leaders in those religions take advantage of vulnerable people and brain wash them to commit violence?

While being an orthodox Christian in all probability, you may not be responsibe for it ,but it won't change the fact that at least a faction of Christianity has taken up arms to convert heathens in India.

This is not an example of Christians being terrorists. Even LTTE's whole leadership was Christian ,but LTTE was a Tamil terrorist group, not Christian since they did not had Christian aims and objectives as their cause of violence. I am giving examples of "Christian Terrorist" groups operating with explicit aim of saving souls for Jesus, with full funding and arms support of Baptist Church (a protestant denomination).

The National Liberation Front of Tripura (or NLFT) is a Tripuri nationalist Christian Terrorist organization based in Tripura, India. The NLFT seeks to secede from India and establish an independent Tripuri state, and has actively participated in the Tripura Rebellion. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ in Tripura

The NLFT has been described as engaging in terrorist violence motivated by their Christian beliefs.The NLFT is listed as a terrorist organization in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002. The state government contends that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the NLFT. In April 2000, according to the state government, the secretary of the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura, Nagmanlal Halam, was arrested In April 2000 with explosives and confessed that for two years he had been buying explosives for the NLFT

Details here:

National Liberation Front of Tripura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The outfit aims to establish a ‘Greater Nagaland’ (‘Nagalim’ or the People’s Republic of Nagaland) based on Mao Tse Tung’s ideology. Its manifesto is based on the principle of Socialism for economic development and a spiritual outlook – ‘Nagaland for Christ’

National Socialist Council of Nagaland - Isak-Muivah

The Nagaland Rebels is a coalition of rebel groups operating in Nagaland, northeastern India. The largest of these is the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM), which is fighting for the establishment of a “Nagaland for Christ”.

Nagaland for Christ: Christian terrorism at work in Nagaland | Christian Terror and Aggression in India

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Point is that ,contrary to what you have stated, Christians do murder if you do not convert ,if they are powerful enough to do it in their area of dominance.

And this is not counting active subversion of government of the day by Christians by spreading canard and playing victim apart from trying to incite a civil war using Aryan-Dravidian theories and igniting feeling of racism by branding large groups of people as invaders, poeple whose whole history of 3500 years is from India.
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If i use your standards i might as well start calling hindus as buddhists. Close enough right? One of the most misused and misunderstood things people confuse Christianity for is that they foolishly clump Christians which are usually some protestant denomination with Catholicism which is entirely different. Most protestants will be insulted if they are referred to as catholics and vis versa. The only reason some people refer to catholics as christians is the believe in christ. The catholic bible is not the same as the protestant bible (King James). Martin luther is the founder of protestantism, he protested against the catholics and their practices which he did not see as Christian.

Buddhists are Hindus you moron. :lol: ...... protestant are christians.

Your internal religious politics does not take away fundamental facts

Get the facts strait, when you speak of Crusades those are a Catholic ideal, when you speak of the pope refer to him as a catholic, when you speak of nuns refer to them as Catholic. At least get the important details right.

Who care's if they are an catholic ideal or not. It is a CHRISTIAN REALITY. And that is good enough in the real world.

People like you confuse jews reading the Torah as Christians because the Torah is the Old Testament. Of course the answer i will get is, 'who cares they are both christians, don't try to deflect the blame'. Like i said earlier if i use the same standards as people like yourself i might as well call buddhists Hindus :lol:

Again let me repeat, Buddhists are Hindus. LOL. Just because you are an ignoramous, it does not mean other are.

I do not doubt that there are "Christian" terrorists but there are also Hindus that are terrorists and Muslims and Jews and Atheists. The question is do most of these religions call for murder or do leaders in those religions take advantage of vulnerable people and brain wash them to commit violence?

So far there has been ZERO Hindu terrorists. :coffee:

Christianity DO use murder and any other unethical means to take advantage of vulnerable people and brain wash them into committing violence. This is an historical reality :lol: ....... how long will you deny history ?

@Prajapati please do not post gruesome pictures.... its against forum rules...

Are you the mod ? if not, mind you own business
Buddhists are Hindus you moron. :lol: ...... protestant are christians.

Again let me repeat, Buddhists are Hindus. LOL. Just because you are an ignoramous, it does not mean other are.
I have lots of Chinese, Thai, Cambodian, and Sri Lankan friends here. They are all Budhists and you are the first to claim the Budhists are Hindus. Budhists are as much Hindus as Christians are Jews. i.e. they may have originated from Hinduism but have adopted a distinct path.

So far there has been ZERO Hindu terrorists. :coffee:
Indeed. Gujarat massacre was done by Christians. The Christian Nun was raped by Muslim; Thousands of Sikhs were killed and raped by Zorostrians.
okkk....:mad: you will get banned....so i said.... your wish:enjoy:


I have lots of Chinese, Thai, Cambodian, and Sri Lankan friends here. They are all Budhists and you are the first to claim the Budhists are Hindus. Budhists are as much Hindus as Christians are Jews. i.e. they may have originated from Hinduism but have adopted a distinct path.

What is their "distinct Path" ? :coffee:

Indeed. Gujarat massacre was done by Christians. The Christian Nun was raped by Muslim; Thousands of Sikhs were killed and raped by Zorostrians.

No clue what you are talking about. But how many bomb blasts in pakistan today ? How many air strikes by drones operated by Christians ? How many muslims killed ?
With violent means? How does it make them different from other terrorist organizations run by religious fanatics?

There are no christians in that particular village in Haryana as clarified by the locals. Then why have a church?

Abusing culture and hurting sentiments in order to convert, will result in violence. Simple.

Just go to Varanasi and see many preachers roaming around and trying to tell people how Xtianity is the reality and they worship the devil.

I dare Christianity to try that in islamic nations.

The mere fact that after abusing like this that they live, is the proof of tolerance of this nation, whether by Hindus or other sister faiths native to our country.

The difference between terrorists and these guys is that the media doesn't show Christian violence against locals in many parts of India which we know, but will show only this attack to brand the Hindus, Sikhs, shamanists or Buddhists in wrong light. They show only when there is retaliation.

Preachers have approached and tried convert me and stuff many times, mate. These scum abuse our beliefs openly and so do they do it for the Hindus, say that we worship the devil who makes us evil and how only Jesus can save. Once I ended in a serious scuffle with a couple of them who openly abused our scriptures and teachings. I mean who the hell is some religion from Middle East to tell me that I am wrong?

Tell me, what would a muslim do if Xtians dared to abuse their prophet on their face?

Why not have the balls to convert them?


Or is the silence of these church and preachers a cue that all other cultures should also take the same path to defend their own way of living?

- Did we (wether Hindus in this case, or us for that matter generally) ask them? No.

- Why are they abusing our beliefs when we or the Hindus don't go and abuse their beliefs?

- Who the hell are they to tell us what is right or wrong when we already have our faith and cultures for centuries and millennia before christianity existed?

- The Constitution gives people freedom to practise their faith; not to attack, abuse and target the local culture and faiths.

VHP is not a bunch of mindless savages who are doing it unilaterally.

Maybe the north Indians don't know what the Church does because these things don't get reported by the so-called mainstream media. But I and many non-Xtian northeasterners do.

Truth is, Xtianity won't have existed had they not gone, plundered, lies, spread propaganda, pretended victim or threatened the locals using subversive tactics.

Africa, Latin America, Oceania etc are examples in front of everyone.

The 'progressive' west has smartly managed to hide this reality after their own misfortune during the European Middle Ages.

We are practising our faith and we will continue to do the same. We don't want to be a part of the Church.

Either they should respect this and mind their business or retaliations will continue, whether or not media posts positive or negative.
Buddhists are Hindus you moron. :lol: ...... protestant are christians.

There is no point in talking to people like. You have not presented one compelling argument, all you do is make a fool out of yourself.

So far there has been ZERO Hindu terrorists. :coffee:

Christian attacks on Hindus is considered terrorism by you yet all Hindu attacks or Christians are what? :lol:
There is no point in talking to people like. You have not presented one compelling argument, all you do is make a fool out of yourself.

LOL. So far I am the ONLY person providing any Argument and evidence. :lol: ...... your hot air has been deflated.

Christian attacks on Hindus is considered terrorism by you yet all Hindu attacks or Christians are what? :lol:

What attacks on Christians by Hindus ? Like this ?


If i use your standards i might as well start calling hindus as buddhists. Close enough right? One of the most misused and misunderstood things people confuse Christianity for is that they foolishly clump Christians which are usually some protestant denomination with Catholicism which is entirely different. Most protestants will be insulted if they are referred to as catholics and vis versa. The only reason some people refer to catholics as christians is the believe in christ. The catholic bible is not the same as the protestant bible (King James). Martin luther is the founder of protestantism, he protested against the catholics and their practices which he did not see as Christian.

Get the facts strait, when you speak of Crusades those are a Catholic ideal, when you speak of the pope refer to him as a catholic, when you speak of nuns refer to them as Catholic. At least get the important details right.

People like you confuse jews reading the Torah as Christians because the Torah is the Old Testament. Of course the answer i will get is, 'who cares they are both christians, don't try to deflect the blame'. Like i said earlier if i use the same standards as people like yourself i might as well call buddhists Hindus :lol:

That disease of exclusivity and supremacism is what leads to Christians having a bitter relation with almost all other religious groups. Just like Islam. You can call us Buddhist Hindus or Hindu Buddhists and we will happily embrace it. In fact if it was not for the British, Buddhism would never have been classified as a different religion at all. All Dharmic religions have this sense of brotherhood and belonging and share the same philosophies. The two countries where Buddhism is widely practiced and did not have a British colonial history, makes no distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism, i.e. Nepal and Thailand.

To the non Abrahamic groups a follower of Christ is a Christian regardless of your internal feuds. Jews not being followers of Christ do not fall in that bracket.

I do not doubt that there are "Christian" terrorists but there are also Hindus that are terrorists and Muslims and Jews and Atheists. The question is do most of these religions call for murder or do leaders in those religions take advantage of vulnerable people and brain wash them to commit violence?

There are no Hindu terrorist groups. Not a single one. Not a single terrorist organization with a goal of converting the whole population of India into Hindus. RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal are not terrorist organizations and have never been implicated in any terrorist violence despite attempts by the Christian groups to falsely implicate them many times.

Christian attacks on Hindus is considered terrorism by you yet all Hindu attacks or Christians are what?

Do you consider all violence terrorism? In that case Russia is a terrorist country for unleashing violence on Muslims in Dagestan and Chechnya. See logic here?

Hindu attacking Christians (a lie) never happened. There is one single case of one guy burning up an Australian missionary and his two sons a couple of decades ago and that had to do with the abuse the missionary was perpetrating on the tribals in that area.

Rest all noises you hear from Christian groups are false crying wolf strategies because their funding is being squeezed. Most attacks on churches have been traced to the very same church groups or disgruntled employees of the very churches to falsely implicate Hindus.
There is no point in talking to people like. You have not presented one compelling argument, all you do is make a fool out of yourself.

Christian attacks on Hindus is considered terrorism by you yet all Hindu attacks or Christians are what? :lol:

I think the whole point of confusion is you feeling that we blame your people also.

No we aren't. We aren't telling about Russians.

The problem is specifically with Catholics, Baptists and Protestants if you want to know sectarian issues.

But all attack us in the name of Christ. So how do we differentiate? You tell us.

Please be patient and read the following case scenario:

If you were minding your own business and I come to your home to teach you my style of living in your country, what would you do?

First time, you will see what I am saying and if you are happy with your own belief and culture, you will reject it politely saying you are happy with what you do.

Second time, when I come to your home and start abusing your country, your land's culture, your customs and traditions, you will push me out of the house.

Third time, when I pay some goons or wanted terrorist in your country to come to your home, plunder your house, kill your people and then press you to convert while telling the media to show that you are attacking me, what will you feel?

You will fight back with force and attack me right?

This is what is happening in India.

Most of these media groups get money to hide one part of the story when the Xtian groups abuse, curse and hurl foul words and actions against our country's host cultures. Tovarish, this is why I said, go and see in the city of Varanasi on the banks of Ganga. These preachers hate preach and curse Hindu culture openly.

When the Step 3 above takes place, these people show the world (because they are paid for by various 'foundations'; yes the same 'rights groups', 'associations' and 'foundations' who always show your country Russia as the villain and themselves as heroes) that Hindus and Buddhists are vicious, violent people.

Do you think this would be accepted in Vatican if Christ was abused there publicly? The whole state would come down on the abusers.

But in Hindu or Buddhist holy places, these guys have a free run taking advantage of our tolerance.


If the Hindus were intolerant killers, they would have never let anyone live in this country since partition other than themselves in 1947 itself. Instead they and we welcomed refugees such as Syrian Orthodox Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Bons for many centuries when other religions were plundering, pillaging and looting their own ancient countries for so many years.

You tell me, is it wrong to defend oneself?

Your own country is being targeted these days, tovarish; I thought you would understand the pains of people who are in the same situation culturally, that you are suffering politically.

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