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VHP warns of more church attacks, says conspiracy behind nun’s r@pe

Yeah....your source is this piece of crap:

Christians Sing Christmas Carols, Hindus Attack Them And Brutally Beat Them - Walid Shoebat

dated 15 December 2014

This is the original article:

Barbaric: This is what happens when lovers refuse to separate in Madhya Pradesh - daily.bhaskar.com

dated 29 May 2014

Funny how this "Christians" were singing Christmas Carols in the middle of May........:lol:

Maybe now you understand some of the propaganda that goes around.......

Buddy, do a Google search for Hindu attacks on Christians, you will get endless pages from endless sources. Or you can foolishly keep denying against overwhelming evidence. Or perhaps you are correct, It must be a big conspiracy, everyone must be out to get those Hindus. :lol: Dozens of news agencies around the world are in on the Hindu conspiracy. The Christians are burning down their own churches and punching themselves in the face just so they can make the Hindus look bad, the more radical Christians kill themselves to blame it on the Hindus. No Hindu in history has ever attacked a Christian for their religion...never.

As for the christmas carols, they are not exclusive to being sang on christmas. Church choirs sing christmas carols year round.
Buddy, do a Google search for Hindu attacks on Christians, you will get endless pages from endless sources. Or you can foolishly keep denying against overwhelming evidence. Or perhaps you are correct, It must be a big conspiracy, everyone must be out to get those Hindus. :lol: Dozens of news agencies around the world are in on the Hindu conspiracy. The Christians are burning down their own churches and punching themselves in the face just so they can make the Hindus look bad, the more radical Christians kill themselves to blame it on the Hindus. No Hindu in history has ever attacked a Christian for their religion...never.

As for the christmas carols, they are not exclusive to being sang on christmas. Church choirs sing christmas carols year round.

In India choirs are sung only in churches and not outside of it. Carolers go around towns and villages singing their carols not year around but only leading up to Christmas. Yes since you are such a great believer in everything you read on the internet, it must also be true that Russia is resurrecting the Soviet Empire and bring back communism. Putin initiated the war in Ukraine and is trying to gobble up Europe.

Hindus moving out of India to settle in other countries (not invade) is post British phenomenon. But history recounts Christians invading all the civilizations of the world and grounding them to dust. So goes your defense of Christians and their benign nature.

By the way this is how your Russian bishops call Hindu god.

Индуисты возмущены тем, что Православный Епископ назвал Кришну Сатаной
Наткнулся на интересную статью про нас родимых - вот к чему приводит отсутствие у христиан толеркнтности - я сам возмущен до глубины души. Статья с сайта http://www.hindunet.org/ :

Plus not allowing a single Hindu temple to be built in Moscow despite promises time and again. Persecution of Hindus is rife in Russia. While there are more than half a million churches in India and here you come teaching us Hindus about your great Christianity and minority persecution.

Индуисты возмущены тем, что Православный Епископ назвал Кришну Сатаной
In India choirs are sung only in churches and not outside of it. Carolers go around towns and villages singing their carols not year around but only leading up to Christmas. Yes since you are such a great believer in everything you read on the internet, it must also be true that Russia is resurrecting the Soviet Empire and bring back communism. Putin initiated the war in Ukraine and is trying to gobble up Europe.

Do you monitor every Christian in India to make such a claim? Majority of church choirs are sung indoors at the church but i have seen church choirs outside of church. The difference between me and you is that i am a realist, Christianity teaches peace but unfortunately very few Christians follow the teachings of the Bible, there has been many people that call themselves Christians that have done things that were not Christian like. Hinduism also teaches peace, but does that mean that no Hindu has ever committed violent acts such as murder? Does this mean that not Hindu has ever done things that were against his/her religion? For course not, there are thousands of crimes in india that include murder, rape, robbery, assault, drugs, ect. None of these crimes are taught in Hinduism yet why do Hindus commit these crimes?

So now do you still believe that no Hindu has ever attacked a Christian specifically for their belief?

As for bringing Russia into the debate, there is very few Hindus in Russia. If Hindus want they should be able to built temples anywhere as long as it doesn't violate city ordinance.
Buddy...i live in India. Are there no attacks? They most certainly are, alongside with attacks against every religion & castes. Happens. The fact that someone is putting up fake pics & fooling the likes of you does however suggest a certain amount of interest in pushing the issue. You surely didn't fail to notice that this fake piece was carried in christian sites outside India, that is the audience targetted. There is a problem with crying wolf, get caught a few times & no one will bother when a genuine attack happens. Yet you see people deliberately pushing such stuff. What my argument was is this - everybody plays their own games, Christians in India are no different.

There is some tension in areas where conversions are rampant but most Christians simply face no issues in their daily life because of their faith. In a country of 1.2-1.3 billion, the number of attacks by nut cases cannot be deemed as being representative of what the larger populace feels.
Do you monitor every Christian in India to make such a claim? Majority of church choirs are sung indoors at the church but i have seen church choirs outside of church. The difference between me and you is that i am a realist, Christianity teaches peace but unfortunately very few Christians follow the teachings of the Bible, there has been many people that call themselves Christians that have done things that were not Christian like. Hinduism also teaches peace, but does that mean that no Hindu has ever committed violent acts such as murder? Does this mean that not Hindu has ever done things that were against his/her religion? For course not, there are thousands of crimes in india that include murder, rape, robbery, assault, drugs, ect. None of these crimes are taught in Hinduism yet why do Hindus commit these crimes?

So now do you still believe that no Hindu has ever attacked a Christian specifically for their belief?

As for bringing Russia into the debate, there is very few Hindus in Russia. If Hindus want they should be able to built temples anywhere as long as it doesn't violate city ordinance.

Nope, I know about Indian Christians because I grew up around them. They are not an invisible minority. Choirs are sung only in churches and perhaps in wedding halls or in auditoriums if it is being sung by a professional choir group for a singing event. Otherwise it is strictly a church event. Carols on the other hand happen in the month of December only, having been woken up from sleep by merry carolers many times I know this quite well. So please do not teach me about my own country's traditions.

You are right very few Christians follow peace if ever that was taught in Christianity at all. Because literally all churches I have seen here drip with contempt for the majority faith. Except in Goa where to a large extent Christians are more easy going. So you will be judged by your actions, not by what you say you were meant to be.

There are hardly any Hindus who attack or rob or murder in the name of their religion like the Christians and Muslims do. Not one. You cannot go to a single temple in India or anywhere else where they speak badly about Christians or Muslims or other minorities. In fact a temple is not a place of politics at all. No Hindu priest or religious figure belonging to a religious institution has been ever involved in politics ever in India. Any Hindu rabble rousing you hear are from the sociopolitical institutions or socioreligious. Never religious.

I would not say all murders, robbing, debauchery Christians and Muslims do are because of religion. But they do an awful lot of that too in the name of their religion because of their indoctrination. This element, this evil indoctrination is missing with the Hindus. All Hindu view points against Christians are due to the gross abuse of the Hindu hospitality that the Christians have done in India. It is not just your Russian bishop who claimed Hindu gods are Satan or Devil, it is Indian Christians too who hold such belief and continuously aim at freeing up Hindus from the grip of Satan. What you are seeing now from the Hindus is a very mild backlash at this absolutely contemptible behavior of the Christians.

About Russia you mean to say that the the Hare Krishnas could not build a single temple in Moscow because they did not know the city ordinance? Also consider this, most of these Hare Krishnas in Moscow are ethnic Russians in case you are tempted to argue that it is the inferior Hindus from India who want to build temples in Russia without knowing the city ordinance.

Given the extreme intolerance you Christians repeatedly demonstrate everywhere in the world for faiths that are not your own, you should be the last person to speak about tolerance and that too preach to a people who have invented tolerance as a matter of fact.
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Nope, I know about Indian Christians because I grew up around them. They are not an invisible minority. Choirs are sung only in churches and perhaps in wedding halls or in auditoriums if it is being sung by a professional choir group for a singing event. Otherwise it is strictly a church event. Carols on the other hand happen in the month of December only, having been woken up from sleep by merry carolers many times I know this quite well. So please do not teach me about my own country's traditions.

Again have you monitored every Christian in India to make such a claim? You have the ability to be in thousands of places in India at all times to know what every Christian is doing at all times? You must be god :lol:

You are right very few Christians follow peace if ever that was taught in Christianity at all. Because literally all churches I have seen here drip with contempt for the majority faith. Except in Goa where to a large extent Christians are more easy going. So you will be judged by your actions, not by what you say you were meant to be.

Don't put words in my mouth, I said very few Christians follow the teachings of the Bible. I never said that most Christians do not follow peace. The overwhelming majority of Christians (real practicing Christians) never commit serious crimes.

There are hardly any Hindus who attack or rob or murder in the name of their religion like the Christians and Muslims do. Not one. You cannot go to a single temple in India or anywhere else where they speak badly about Christians or Muslims or other minorities. In fact a temple is not a place of politics at all. No Hindu priest or religious figure belonging to a religious institution has been ever involved in politics ever in India. Any Hindu rabble rousing you hear are from the sociopolitical institutions or socioreligious. Never religious.

Stop. Your argument is getting more stale. There has been Hindus that have attacked Christians in the name of their religion. Again denying that fact does not make it any less true. If a group "christian" attacks a Hindu temple you would say that Christians attacked Hindus in the name of their religion, yet there has been countless attacks against Christians by Hindu mobs and you claim it never happened period.

I would not say all murders, robbing, debauchery Christians and Muslims do are because of religion. But they do an awful lot of that too in the name of their religion because of their indoctrination. This element, this evil indoctrination is missing with the Hindus. All Hindu view points against Christians are due to the gross abuse of the Hindu hospitality that the Christians have done in India. It is not just your Russian bishop who claimed Hindu gods are Satan or Devil, it is Indian Christians too who hold such belief and continuously aim at freeing up Hindus from the grip of Satan. What you are seeing now from the Hindus is a very mild lash back at this absolutely contemptible behavior of the Christians.

India is one of the most violent countries in the world. India is near the top of the list or is ranked first in violent crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, ect, India is majority Hindu. So in India violent crimes are not in the name of their religion but violent crimes in traditionally Christians countries are sometimes in the name of Christianity?

In Christianity people are commanded to not murder and turn the other cheek and help the poor. Yet those bloodthirsty Christians are indoctrinated to go around and commit crimes that the Bible forbids.
Again have you monitored every Christian in India to make such a claim? You have the ability to be in thousands of places in India at all times to know what every Christian is doing at all times? You must be god :lol:

Obviously you seem to know more about Christians in India than I do. Maybe you are personally leading some carol parties in India too to have such authority on the subject.

Don't put words in my mouth, I said very few Christians follow the teachings of the Bible. I never said that most Christians do not follow peace. The overwhelming majority of Christians (real practicing Christians) never commit serious crimes.

Oh the no true Scottsmen falacy. Just like the Muslims say whoever is a terrorist is not a Muslim. They are all non-Muslims. If you say "few Christians follow the teachings of the Bibles" then you hold that vast majority of so called Christians in the world are not Christians. Then on what basis are you arguing here for Christians? Are you sure the Indian Christians are following the teachings of the Bible? On what basis do you claim them to be Christians? Or are you saying that when you want numbers you will claim the whole 2.2 billion Christian population of the world as Christians and when you want to escape blame for their wrongdoings you will claim majority of them to be non-Christians. Hypocrisy, much?

Stop. Your argument is getting more stale. There has been Hindus that have attacked Christians in the name of their religion. Again denying that fact does not make it any less true. If a group "christian" attacks a Hindu temple you would say that Christians attacked Hindus in the name of their religion, yet there has been countless attacks against Christians by Hindu mobs and you claim it never happened period.

Obviously you are more interested in peddling your lies than know the truth. Continue crying wolf. As expected from the follower of the Bible.

India is one of the most violent countries in the world. India is near the top of the list or is ranked first in violent crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, ect, India is majority Hindu. So in India violent crimes are not in the name of their religion but violent crimes in traditionally Christians countries are sometimes in the name of Christianity?

In Christianity people are commanded to not murder and turn the other cheek and help the poor. Yet those bloodthirsty Christians are indoctrinated to go around and commit crimes that the Bible forbids.

India is one of the least violent country in the world given our population on per capita basis. Perhaps you never heard of per capita. India has most religious freedom of any country in the world as demonstrated by its millions of minority places of worship as compared to intolerant West where minorities dare not speak up including your Russia.


Intentional homicide per capita global ranking.


This should tell you who and which religion and which country is violent.


Countries Compared by Crime > Total crimes per 1000. International Statistics at NationMaster.com


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A wonderful piece

No, Christians are not persecuted in India - Rediff.com India News

Did you know that the Sonar people of Maharashtra, India, are the primary crafters of gold and silver Hindu idols? These idols are the most powerful stronghold that Satan has upon the Hindu worshipers in India and around the world. When the Sonar people embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, the subsequent change in their livelihood could have a huge ripple effect in the world of Hinduism. As one international Christian worker said, "When we reach the Sonar with the gospel, we will see the collapse of Hinduism." Pray that the gospel would flow through and permeate the Sonar culture like molten silver fills a mold.'
Obviously you seem to know more about Christians in India than I do. Maybe you are personally leading some carol parties in India too to have such authority on the subject.

You are talking absolute none sense. Again how can you see what millions of Christians in India are doing at all times? :lol: I do not care if you live in India, that means nothings. Obviously you hate Christians, you will say anything as long as it fit your narrative. If Christians from around the world have been known to hold outdoor coirs, what makes you think that the Christians in india would be any different?

Oh the no true Scottsmen falacy. Just like the Muslims say whoever is a terrorist is not a Muslim. They are all non-Muslims. If you say "few Christians follow the teachings of the Bibles" then you hold that vast majority of so called Christians in the world are not Christians. Then on what basis are you arguing here for Christians? Are you sure the Indian Christians are following the teachings of the Bible? On what basis do you claim them to be Christians? Or are you saying that when you want numbers you will claim the whole 2.2 billion Christian population of the world as Christians and when you want to escape blame for their wrongdoings you will claim majority of them to be non-Christians. Hypocrisy, much?

This describes you perfectly except you are even worse. :lol: At least some people admit that their are bad apples in their religion you on the other hand deny, and deny and deny. You remind me of the people that deny the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide.

India is one of the least violent country in the world given our population on per capita basis. Perhaps you never heard of per capita. India has most religious freedom of any country in the world as demonstrated by its millions of minority places of worship as compared to intolerant West where minorities dare not speak up including your Russia.


Intentional homicide per capita global ranking.


This should tell you who and which religion and which country is violent.


Countries Compared by Crime > Total crimes per 1000. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Your graph is not accurate. Every country has different standards and classifications for crimes and simply more crimes that are enforced. Police force size and bribes also are a factor.

Bribery and police incompetence in India is high, meaning that many crimes will never be reported. Also while in India people can liter anywhere with little to no consequence people in other countries can go to jail for spitting their gum out. Crossing a busy intersection without yielding to traffic can get people arrested in many parts of the world while in India pedestrians and traffic go almost unregulated. In most countries no helmet, no seat belt, driving without insurance, standing in the back of a truck, jay walking, urinating in public ect can get people arrested, in India people can get away with anything.

If the same laws that the US or Canada or Germany or France have would be applied and enforced in India those statistics would be very different.
You are talking absolute none sense. Again how can you see what millions of Christians in India are doing at all times? :lol: I do not care if you live in India, that means nothings. Obviously you hate Christians, you will say anything as long as it fit your narrative. If Christians from around the world have been known to hold outdoor coirs, what makes you think that the Christians in india would be any different?

Because I happen to live here and am acquainted with the traditions of this society. Outdoor choirs is not one that anyone has come across here. Obviously, you being a Bible following Christian will assume the worst of everyone else. After all us infidels are Satan followers as per your Archbishop.

This describes you perfectly except you are even worse. :lol: At least some people admit that their are bad apples in their religion you on the other hand deny, and deny and deny. You remind me of the people that deny the Holocaust and the Armenian genocide.

Perhaps you have never heard of stuff called Data and Maps, stuff I showed you. Poor illiterate you, could not read either of them, right? It is only in the Biblical world that Hindus have turned terrorists and are blowing up Churches and Christians.

Your graph is not accurate. Every country has different standards and classifications for crimes and simply more crimes that are enforced. Police force size and bribes also are a factor.

Bribery and police incompetence in India is high, meaning that many crimes will never be reported. Also while in India people can liter anywhere with little to no consequence people in other countries can go to jail for spitting their gum out. Crossing a busy intersection without yielding to traffic can get people arrested in many parts of the world while in India pedestrians and traffic go almost unregulated. In most countries no helmet, no seat belt, driving without insurance, standing in the back of a truck, jay walking, urinating in public ect can get people arrested, in India people can get away with anything.

If the same laws that the US or Canada or Germany or France have would be applied and enforced in India those statistics would be very different.

Right. Bribes do not happen in Russia at all. It is the most corruption free country in the world. Neither do they happen in Africa or Latin America. It is only in India where law is not enforced and homicide not recognized even when bodies are recovered. Sure all criminals in jail in US and Russia are for spitting out gums.
Because I happen to live here and am acquainted with the traditions of this society. Outdoor choirs is not one that anyone has come across here. Obviously, you being a Bible following Christian will assume the worst of everyone else. After all us infidels are Satan followers as per your Archbishop.

Like i said i don't care where you live, that has no credibility. Again you can not know what millions of Christians do on a daily basis. As for your other silly statements i am not Catholic so i do not follow or believe in archbishops, as for the term "infidel" that is associated with Islam. :lol:

Perhaps you have never heard of stuff called Data and Maps, stuff I showed you. Poor illiterate you, could not read either of them, right? It is only in the Biblical world that Hindus have turned terrorists and are blowing up Churches and Christians.

Or perhaps you have not heard of critical thinking. Crime rates in western countries are higher then many other places because they are very strict and enforce the laws while in India there is little laws and even less that are enforced that is if the police do not let the offenders go because of bribe.

For instance in India there is virtually no traffic laws or at least ones that are regulated. In India people hang off of vehicle, babies are not restrained in child seats, people don't wear seat belts or helmets, people drive all over the road, don't signal, ect. If India adapted the same laws as many other countries everyone in India would be guilty of committing a crime and many would be arrested.
India nun rape: 'No religious angle to it'

The gang rape of an elderly Indian nun in eastern India has raised the question: was it a law-and-order incident, a result of communal tension, or simply gender violence? DW speaks to rights activist Saswati Ghosh.

The 71-year-old Sister Superior of the Convent of Jesus and Mary
in the Indian town of Ranaghat was discharged from hospital in the early hours of Friday, March 20, after the medical board had examined her and found her to be physically and mentally fit.

On March 14, six men allegedly broke into the convent, ransacked the premises, tied up a security guard and gang-raped the nun, before escaping with cash, a laptop and a mobile phone, police maintain.

The West Bengal state government has entrusted the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) with the investigation. No persons have been arrested so far, albeit 15 persons have been detained in connection with the incident, police have said.

The incident has prompted Hindu nationalist Prime Minster Narendra Modi to crackdown on religious violence after a spate of attacks on churches.

In a DW interview, women's rights activist Saswati Ghosh says that in the heavily politicized and polarized climate of the state, the conspirators – not the perpetrators – behind the crime possibly had "political protection."Ghosh: 'I don't think rapes are crimes of passion or crimes of sex; it is a way to show your power'

DW: How do you evaluate the incident?

Saswati Ghosh: What has happened in Ranaghat is primarily an armed robbery. As the local people are saying – political activists and people from the school itself – since November 13, 2014 there had been warnings that (certain miscreants) wanted a share of the donations that have reached the school. And they (the school authorities) asked for protection in writing from the police. Even after that, they were not given adequate protection.

Secondly, just seven days prior to the incident, some notorious local miscreant called up the Convent of Jesus and Mary, threatened the administration and asked for money. Maybe the people who were actually involved (in the robbery and the attack on the Sister Superior) were hired goons from other states, but those who designed the whole operation are likely in West Bengal. I don't think, in this particular incident, that there is any religious angle to it.

Why did it have to end in the brutal attack on an aged nun?

I don't think rapes are crimes of passion or crimes of sex; it is a way to show your power - "Look who I am" - that kind of thing. Assaulting an aged woman like her, it was just to give her a lesson that "we won't spare even you, if you dare to protest or if you do not comply." On the other hand, violating a nun may be perceived as being more severe than violating any other woman. As a women's rights activist, I believe that this has definitely a (male) power angle (to it)... asserting the power asymmetry.

Will the Ranaghat incident tarnish the image of West Bengal which was – and perhaps still is – considered to be a state where Christians as a minority are not just safe but also liked and admired, for instance for the way they run the so-called "missionary," English medium schools?

Due to media coverage as well as the rise in incidents of violence against women, the perception of West Bengal has been quite badly tarnished in the past two to three years. But I still think Christians as a community are safer here.

Saswati Ghosh is a well-known women's rights activist based in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal. She is also the Head of the Department of Economics of City College, Kolkata.

India nun rape: ′No religious angle to it′ | Asia | DW.DE | 20.03.2015
Like i said i don't care where you live, that has no credibility. Again you can not know what millions of Christians do on a daily basis. As for your other silly statements i am not Catholic so i do not follow or believe in archbishops, as for the term "infidel" that is associated with Islam. :lol:

Of course your claim that carolers go around singing carol in India in and out of season is very very credible. :crazy:

Or perhaps you have not heard of critical thinking. Crime rates in western countries are higher then many other places because they are very strict and enforce the laws while in India there is little laws and even less that are enforced that is if the police do not let the offenders go because of bribe.

For instance in India there is virtually no traffic laws or at least ones that are regulated. In India people hang off of vehicle, babies are not restrained in child seats, people don't wear seat belts or helmets, people drive all over the road, don't signal, ect. If India adapted the same laws as many other countries everyone in India would be guilty of committing a crime and many would be arrested.

Right. Since in India people violate traffic rules, India continues to count homicide as equivalent of spitting gums and does not report them. Great critical thinking on your part.:tup:
As for your other silly statements i am not Catholic so i do not follow or believe in archbishops, as for the term "infidel" that is associated with Islam

The term kafir is what Muslims use. Infidels is a Christian term.

Infidel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The archbishop was from the Russian Orthodox Church, assuming you are an orthodox Christian. Of course if you are an evangelist, hey then practically every evangelist believes that we are Devil worshipers anyway.

Right. Since in India people violate traffic rules, India continues to count homicide as equivalent of spitting gums and does not report them. Great critical thinking on your part.:tup:

I am talking crime in general. If a country has 500 laws that are strictly regulated and it has 1 police officer per thousand people you can imagine that a country with 75 laws that are loosely regulated with a 1:5000 police officer to resident ratio will have a lot less crimes per capita.

In most western/european countries its almost impossible to get away with homicide due to the fact that many suspicious deaths will be examined by a coroner, forensic experts, detectives and other specialist. In countries like India i doubt that they go through the trouble. As en example people try to stage deaths as accidents or suicides all of the time and they almost always get caught.

Case in point even if those statistics are official those statistics are flawed for the reasons i gave.
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