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Veteran submariners suspect sabotage angle

That's precisely how Pakistanis have been misled for last 67 years.

Title fixed, i just stopped the 'misleading spree' - 1 discount from our 'falsehood' please. :coffee:

Back on August 10, 1999 when India was ruled by a racist Hindu Extremist government of BJP, Pakistan Navy's unarmed Atlantique aircraft was shot right out of the sky martyring all 16 Muslim sailors on board.

Exactly, fourteen-years-and-four-days later, right on Pakistan's Independence Day, the meetha meetha badla is finally taken.

Our Shuhada for your dead.

The pilot who shot that unarmed plane down, died a pathetic death from the same cockpit - after ejection.

Please don't jump the gun here, if it was a sabotage, it can be likely done by some folks trying to hide their corruption.
Maybe indians should come and learn from us how to operate submarines. They need a lesson or two.


Sindhu ? its in Pakistan , probably the Indian saboteurs mistook it for a Pakistan sub
Height of indian bull crap, it was preparing for war petrols while under repair in dock? Thank GOd that rust bucket sank in 20 feet of water right in the dock, had it sunk in the sea, indian cunts would have cried that PN sank it.

These ******* indian pussies never let any event go by without some how involving Pakistan in it.

possibility of sabotage in the sinking of INS Sindhurakshak, even as indications are emerging that the vessel was preparing for "a war patrol" with armed torpedoes and cruise missiles close to Pakistani shores.

Mayanmar would be happy to choose Pakistan for Sub training

Maybe indians should come and learn from us how to operate submarines. They need a lesson or two.


NEW DELHI: Veteran submariners are suggesting that the Navy should not rule out the possibility of sabotage in the sinking of INS Sindhurakshak, even as indications are emerging that the vessel was preparing for "a war patrol" with armed torpedoes and cruise missiles close to Pakistani shores.

Their suggestion that the just-ordered naval board of inquiry (BoI) — chaired by a senior officer from the submarine wing — should thoroughly probe the sabotage angle stems from the fact that warheads of the torpedoes and missiles have several layers of security featuresbuilt in to avoid inadvertent blasts aboard the vessel.

"The warheads, whether heavy torpedo warheads or relatively smaller missile warheads, are designed with highest levels of inbuilt safety. These multi-layered measures added together ensure almost foolproof levels of safety," said Dean Mathew, [COLOR=#0000FF !important]a former Navy Commander and research fellow at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), who was a guided weapons specialist.

Mathew and several other submarine veterans said the possibility of a "cook off", where warheads start exploding under high temperature, too, is almost impossible. Submarines like INS Sindhurakshak have mechanisms such as sprinklers that get activated in case temperature in the torpedo bay shoots up.

"So this should have worked if there was a fire in the battery compartment beneath and the temperature was shooting up in the torpedo bay above," a veteran said. For TNT, which is the main explosive filling in a torpedo, just high temperature is not enough to cause an explosion under normal circumstances. The exception could be if TNT is expired, and its chemical structure has become unstable.

Based on their own personal experiences, these veterans are arguing that explanations for the tragedy have to be more than simple answers of material failure or standard operating procedures (SOPs) not being followed.

Given the history of INS Sindhurakshak, the first explosion could be fuelled by hydrogen gas fuelled from the battery compartment. However, they suspect that the subsequent explosions — given the enormity and scale — are almost certainly some warheads — either of the combat torpedoes or missiles stored onboard. "The fact that these explosions ruptured the hulls of the submarine and sank it strongly points to the warheads exploding as they are meant to do exactly the same when used against an enemy submarine or ship," one former officer said.

Even when a submarine is out on a war patrol, the exploder unit, which triggers the warhead explosion in a torpedo, is stored separately from the warhead and assembled into it only on explicit orders from the commanding officer to "arm" the torpedo in preparation for an imminent war situation. The exploder unit is never mated with the torpedo in the harbour, while it is preparing for patrol.

The next level of safeties are that even with the exploder unit assembled, the unit gets active only once the torpedo is launched from the submarine and travelled out a safe distance away from the submarine. There are many more levels of inbuilt safety nets that make sure that the warhead doesn't go off just like that, veterans argue.

In case of missiles on board, their safety and arming unit (SAU) ensures that the warhead is not ready for explosion unless the missile is powered, launched and travelled a safe distance away. These information are fed to the missile by the submarine's combat information console, it can even be mimicked to make the missile feel that it is ready. If a missile has exploded, the question is, "did anyone get any of the missiles onboard 'ready' inadvertently or otherwise?" asks a submariner.

Another officer asked why was that the first explosion and fire couldn't be brought under control? "Clearly there is a human element that was involved directly or indirectly," he said. Another former submariner pointed out that the recent explosions onboard Indian submarines — on the same submarine and on INS Sindhuvijay — were both limited. On Sindhurakshak one sailor had lost his life in 2010 and in the case of Sindhuvijay an officer was injured. "The warheads doesn't go off like that," he argued

INS Sindhurakshak tragedy: Veteran submariners suspect sabotage angle - The Times of India

Indian Veterans and indians r exactly alike.:omghaha:
The title bears no resemblance to the content of the article!!

These men are simply saying dont take anything off the table which is absolutely the correct way to approach any sort of investigation like this. These men aren't privy to many details so everything else is just typical fluff from the ToI.
If true

very well done ISI..but we need a couple of more with the same fate.especially the SSBN arihant

The only place ISI has ever succeded is in Pakistan. Indians generally think it is incompetent. Despite these theories being floated, I can assure you ISI came nowhere close to doing anything of this sort at all. It just doesn't have it.
Sindhu means sea or ocean. rakshak means defender.

You are partially correct but Sindhu in the Rig veda is the name of the Indus river which is in Pakistan. These Hindu fascist have the habit of naming the war arsenals under their vedic gods believing such names gives them power e.g Agni, Pradyumna etc .

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