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Very Sad to see Pervez Musharraf


Mar 8, 2019
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Very sad :( to see Pervez Musharraf like this.
He buried his mother in Dubai.
Because he is not allowed to come back to Pakistan?



Resting place Zuhra Musharraf
Genesis: March 31, 1919
Death: January 15, 2021
Where did everyone get featured in Lala and Gul
What will be the faces of the dust that they grew up
Qusais Graveyard
Pakistanis behaving wrongly with the one sensible ruler they had in decades.

Other than his four-point-formula for Kashmir I wish India had a leader like him to handle the right-wingers in India.
A military leader who did a coup on civilian govt.
In India, such a leader would have been prosecuted and put behind bars. Pakistan has treated him much more leniently.
It is ok. in fact I am ok to be buried in Arabian peninsula.
rest, i don't feel sorry for him, nor NS, nor AZ, nor Shukat Tareen, nor Kiyani nor Iftikhar Chaudry..
If they can payback the damages they have caused to Pakistan, then ok. If some actions are beyond their control, then ok.

But if they mismanaged bcz of anger/lust/desires or any other irrational emotion, and they don't payback, then I pray May they not even smell paradise.
Pakistanis behaving wrongly with the one sensible ruler they had in decades.

Other than his four-point-formula for Kashmir I wish India had a leader like him to handle the right-wingers in India.
How is it that you admire him? He subverted the Pakistani constitution, removed the leader that their people chose. Essentially he chose to disregard the collective will of Pakistani people.

Anyone who removes the elected head of the country is a traitor.
Pakistanis behaving wrongly with the one sensible ruler they had in decades.

Other than his four-point-formula for Kashmir I wish India had a leader like him to handle the right-wingers in India.

Best military leader Pakistan ever had..at least in my lifetime

Ye Kya bat kari ,

The guy is a a master of tactical victory and strategic defeat.(His pet quote)
Meaning the guy is a shortsighted goon. He openly killed a popular leader and though himself above the law, while succumbing to western threats.

Check again if you have the right guy.
A military leader who did a coup on civilian govt.
In India, such a leader would have been prosecuted and put behind bars. Pakistan has treated him much more leniently.

Let us recall the "Rawalpindi Conspiracy" event of 1951 which was initiated by some leftists in Pakistan including the poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and sought to bring a revolutionary leftist movement to governance.

I am disappointed that there has been no such attempt in India. So many problems in India would have been removed.

He subverted the Pakistani constitution, removed the leader that their people chose.

Wasn't it Zia ul Haq who called the Pakistani Constitution a piece of paper which he can tear up at will ? Yet he is not demonized, which should be done so, to the extent that Musharraf is. At least among many civilians. Zia should have been removed.

How is it that you admire him?

Musharraf took the brave step and raided the Lal Masjid den of some of the mullahs and mullans. I don't see others doing it since his leadership ended.

Essentially he chose to disregard the collective will of Pakistani people.

Anyone who removes the elected head of the country is a traitor.

The "collective will of the people" can be wrong at times. Many times. India for instance, in most of its provinces, is being governed not by wisdom and rational thought but by pandering to the collective foolishness of the people. There is a word for this which I fail to recollect now.

He openly killed a popular leader

Who did he kill ?
Very sad :( to see Pervez Musharraf like this.
He buried his mother in Dubai.
Because he is not allowed to come back to Pakistan?

View attachment 727634

View attachment 727635
Resting place Zuhra Musharraf
Genesis: March 31, 1919
Death: January 15, 2021
Where did everyone get featured in Lala and Gul
What will be the faces of the dust that they grew up
Qusais Graveyard
A leader who saved Pakistan from a certain invasion. USA couldn't do much.
So geo Mery musharraf.

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